My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4157: The wrath of heaven and earth, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang and the man in white were fighting fiercely, with both sides firing more than a hundred punches in an instant. The magic power of both of them was extremely deep... Chen Yang also confirmed that the man in white's magic power was even higher than his own. Fortunately, he now has the Great Devouring Technique and the Chaos Divine Power bonus, so he can directly swallow the ferocious punches of the man in white every time.

Finger of Tribulation, Great Chaos Thunder Sword, Great Chaos Thunder Fist!

The Sword Art of Creation!

Chen Yang used various tricks, but the man in white always used punches to suppress him.

The two sides are fighting inextricably, and no one can defeat the other.

But at this moment, Chen Yang saw that Ye Qingming was retreating steadily. At that moment, he suddenly pointed out ten fingers of tribulation to force the man in white back, and the next second he flashed to Ye Qingming's side. The false **** emperor punched Chen Yang in the chest. His fist was powerful and majestic, with an aura of indomitable fearlessness. Chen Yang shouted deeply, slashed out the Great Chaos Thunder Sword, and chopped the false **** emperor's fist seal into pieces. Then, turn the Great Chaos Thunder Sword into a Great Chaos Thunder Fist, and kill him with a backhand punch!

The false **** emperor also immediately sent out a majestic golden fist seal!


Both fists struck in one place, but the false **** emperor was unable to defeat him. He quickly dodged away with his entire body, and blood was boiling on his face. It was obvious that his body could not withstand Chen Yang's huge divine power.

After forcing the false **** emperor back, the man in white also killed him in time.

The man in white took advantage of Chen Yang's old strength being used up and before his new strength was regenerated, and fiercely pointed out a sword finger!

The sword light cut through the void, shattering the past and future, and quickly struck at the back of Chen Yang's head. If he hit the mark this time, Chen Yang would probably die on the spot!

Chen Yang wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't.

This sword point came too fast...

At this moment, Ye Qingming also took action. She did not lose her fighting power and instantly launched a black death vortex.

The sword pointed into the death vortex and was quickly swallowed by the death vortex.

Ye Qingming said to Chen Yang: "You deal with this false **** emperor, and I will deal with him!"

Chen Yang was worried about Ye Qingming and said, "The man in white is even more powerful!"

Ye Qingming said, "Don't worry, I can handle it!" After saying that, he stepped in front of the man in white.

Chen Yang didn't care about anything else at this time, so he quickly killed the false **** emperor. But seeing his fierce gaze and majestic momentum, the chaotic vortex behind him violently absorbed the divine power of chaos between heaven and earth.

The power of heaven is also flowing violently in his body...

The divine power of the nine snow mountains also completely exploded.

"Great Chaos Thunder Fist!"


Chen Yang burst out three of the most powerful chaotic thunder fists in a row!

Now that his strength has increased dramatically, and he has endless chaos power to absorb, he strikes boldly, without any scruples, using all his strength, and his boxing skills are monstrous!

The fake **** emperor barely managed to receive Chen Yang's two punches. By the third punch, he could no longer bear it and his whole body was directly smashed into countless pieces.

Chen Yang quickly took the energy fragment of the false **** emperor in his hand.

Then, he turned around and prepared to deal with the man in white.

How do you know that after the man in white and Ye Qingming dueled, he directly shot a big fist seal towards Ye Qingming, forcing Ye Qingming to take a step back.

Then, he turned around and ran away.

He moved very quickly and disappeared from the sight of Chen Yang and Ye Qingming in the blink of an eye.

"Chase!" Chen Yang locked onto the aura of the man in white, and immediately and Ye Qingming quickly chased after him.

Suddenly, it was like lightning.

What's hateful is that the man in white is very fast. No matter how fast Chen Yang and Ye Qingming sped up, they could never catch up.

If this continues, the two sides will end up in this awkward tug-of-war. As long as Chen Yang keeps chasing, the man in white will keep running away.

Chen Yang also thought about taking turns chasing after him with Ye Qingming, consuming the man in white physically.

But Ye Qingming's speed was much slower than that of the man in white. If Ye Qingming chased him, they would soon lose the man in white.

After chasing for three days and three nights, Chen Yang had no choice but to give up and continue the pursuit.

He and Ye Qingming stood still in the void.

Chen Yang said with great annoyance: "It's really abominable that I let this guy escape again."

Ye Qingming said: "This man's skills are extremely profound and are not inferior to yours. Moreover, his skills are very similar to yours. What is going on?"

Chen Yang glanced around and said, "Let's find a place to talk properly."

Ye Qingming nodded.

This place is very far away from the earth, trillions of kilometers away...

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming found a Death Star and then landed on it.

After that, Chen Yang sat cross-legged and felt the whereabouts of the man in white again. However, the breath and trace of the man in white had been lost in his consciousness.

As a result, all the clues of the man in white were cut off again!

Ye Qingming couldn't help but ask Chen Yang: "How did you realize that he was not the Chen Yang of this world?"

Chen Yang looked at Ye Qingming and said in a deep voice: "It's a strange feeling... When he first appeared, I almost didn't doubt his identity. Because his skills and temperament have many similarities with mine. And he I also used the Black Hole Crystal… Later, I explained to him my identity and those of the man in white, and he believed me.”

Ye Qingming said: "There's nothing wrong with this, right?"

Chen Yang said: "But everything I said just proves one thing...that is, the man in white was brought here by me. In other words, I was also the murderer who indirectly killed his family. But he could Face me calmly... At this time, I felt that there was something wrong with him. I was thinking, if I were him, all my family members would die tragically. At this time, I would not care what parallel the person opposite is. In the universe, I only know that he is also an indirect murderer. I will kill him at all costs. I will not care whether we join forces or not, whether we are the opponent of the man in white. I just want to kill..."

"When I found out there was something wrong with him, I started to feel that everything was wrong with him! For example, he could still call the God Emperor his senior. If it were me, I would have **** the God Emperor a long time ago. Because the God Emperor is the guardian of heaven. , I failed to guard the gate of the earth, but my family died tragically. I will no longer have any respect for the God Emperor! After suffering such a blow, I will not have the sense to judge right from wrong."

"That's it!" Ye Qingming suddenly realized at this time. It turned out that when the man in white was leading the way, Chen Yang had quietly sent a message to Ye Qingming, saying that there was something wrong with the purple robe. When she goes to where she wants to go later, she must hold back all her breath. In this way, no toxins can invade.

Chen Yang continued: "That palace was prepared by him in advance, and there were exquisite formations inside, so that we could be blinded by the secret of heaven. That's why we didn't feel that it was poisoned! At the same time, it was also because of the secret of heaven. , then the false god-emperor can confuse the real with the fake, so that we can’t judge the real from the fake.”

Ye Qingming couldn't help but admire Chen Yang's wisdom and said: "This man in white is really insidious and cunning. We didn't expect that he would suddenly appear and appear in such a way. If you hadn't discovered the loophole first, we would have really You will fall into his hands!"

Chen Yang said: "If he was pretending to be the Chen Yang of this world in normal times, I would definitely not be able to tell the difference. But he wants to pretend to be the Chen Yang whose family members were all killed. He cannot pretend to be in that kind of heartbroken mood."

Ye Qingming said: "But who is this guy? Why is his technique so similar to yours? And judging from his cultivation level, it seems that he is only a semi-sage, but his magic power is actually higher than yours. Could it be that he has also practiced great skills? Origin technique?"

Chen Yang was slightly surprised and said: "How do you know that I have practiced the Great Origin Technique?"

Ye Qingming's eyes were slightly flustered, and then he said: "This is not a big secret. All the saints in the immortal world know about your skills."

Chen Yang thought about it, and immediately said: "He must have practiced the Great Origin Technique, and it is normal for him to be able to absorb the divine power of chaos. Otherwise, how can he help me open the door to chaos? As for the black hole crystal... why does he have it? Black hole crystal? Was it temporarily created to pretend to be Chen Yang in this world?"

Ye Qingming said: "Your black hole crystal is so vast and profound that you won't be able to create it in a while, right?"

Chen Yang said: "He may have made a lot of preparations in order to deal with me! So it's not surprising that he has a black hole crystal... I can't even guess his identity. This time, I thought we pretended to be poisoned and injured. I tried to trick him into saying something, but I didn’t expect him to be such a **** and didn’t even say a single useful word.”

Ye Qingming said: "Now it can be basically confirmed that all Chen Yang's family members in this world were killed by the men in white."

Chen Yang said: "Not bad!"

Ye Qingming said: "That fake God Emperor, you caught his pieces, right?"

Chen Yang said: "Not bad!"

Ye Qingming said: "This false **** emperor is very strange. He is not a real person..."

Chen Yang was startled and said, "How do you say that?"

Ye Qingming said: "He is a puppet. He has no thoughts and no brainwave fluctuations. I have used the Finger of Death on him! The Finger of Death is similar to the inner demon, which can make people immersed in it and make them extremely frightened! It was the man in white before They were all repelled by my finger of death. But I used it on the false **** emperor several times, but he was not affected at all."

Chen Yang said: "I was surprised before, how could this guy have helpers. Moreover, the man in white today seems to be a little weaker in cultivation. It turns out that he was a puppet. But how could this puppet be so powerful? ? Weird, weird!”

Ye Qingming said: "We might as well study the fragments of the false **** emperor."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay!"

After that, Chen Yang sacrificed the energy fragments of the false **** emperor.

Those energy fragments were golden, brilliant, like countless golden leaves.

Piece by piece, beautiful and dazzling...

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