My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4156: D, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The purple robe flew in front, followed closely by Chen Yang and Ye Qingming.

The direction Zipao went to was not the earth, but flew in the opposite direction.

After flying for about an hour, we arrived at a Death Star.

There was silence on the Death Star, it was surrounded by darkness, and there was no life on it.

Zipao always had a gloomy face.

Chen Yang wondered: "Is Senior God Emperor here? What is he doing here?"

Zipao said: "I don't know what he is doing here, I just know that he has been here for many years. I guess he wants to see something happen and deliberately doesn't stop it. This It’s what he thinks is the development path of heaven!”

Chen Yang was startled and couldn't help but said: "Could it be that my coming here is also a link in the development route of Tiandao?"

Zipao said: "Who knows? But we don't need to speculate too much. If you see him, just ask him!"

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Ye Qingming looked around and said: "There is no trace of the God Emperor on the surface of this planet. Could it be that he is hidden in the core of the planet?"

Zipao said: "Not bad!" After saying that, he flew towards the core of the planet. Chen Yang and Ye Qingming immediately followed behind.

When we arrived at a place 10,000 meters away from the inner core, we saw a palace in front of us.

There is no plaque at the gate of the palace…

This is in line with the style of the God Emperor.

Arriving in front of the gate, Zipao took a deep breath, clasped his fists and said, "Junior Chen Yang, I have something important to do, come and see my senior!"

He shouted three times in a row, and after three times, the voice of the God Emperor came from the palace.

"come in!"

The door opened automatically.

Inside the palace, it’s deep and dark!

Zipao walked in front, followed closely by Chen Yang and Ye Qingming.

After they entered the palace, the palace door closed automatically.

Although the palace was dark and boundless, Chen Yang could clearly see the God Emperor sitting cross-legged at the top.

He was still the same, indifferent and indifferent, as if the world was falling apart and it had nothing to do with him.

"Senior!" Zipao clasped his fists and said with great sadness: "You must know everything about the earth?"

The God Emperor opened his eyes and glanced at the three of them. Even if two Chen Yang appeared in front of him, there was no surprise in his eyes!

"Sit down!" After a while, the God Emperor said calmly.

However, Zipao did not sit down, gritted his teeth and said, "Ling'er is your direct disciple. Now that she has been harmed by an adulterer, are you really indifferent?"

The God Emperor glanced at Zipao coldly and said: "Everyone has his own destiny, don't force it! If you come to me just to blame me, then there is no need."

"I..." Zipao was suddenly speechless.

He was full of anger and helplessness, but didn't know how to vent it.

And the God Emperor was obviously not someone he could vent his anger on.

In desperation, he had to take a seat first.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming also took their seats.

The God Emperor glanced at the purple robe, and finally his eyes fell on Chen Yang. After staring at Chen Yang for a long time, a strange color flashed in his eyes and he said, "Are you not from this universe?"

Chen Yang immediately clasped his fists and said: "Senior is really powerful, he can see the key at a glance!"

The God Emperor said: "I have recently felt that there is a change in the heart of the sky, and the number of days is also in chaos. It seems that the original trajectory has changed. I couldn't figure it out at first, but now that I see you, everything suddenly becomes clear."

Chen Yang said: "This junior is here by accident. The current situation is what this junior does not want to see. I came here today just to ask senior to help us find the murderer who killed Ling'er and others."

The God Emperor nodded and said: "That man came in and out of the earth as if he were in an uninhabited land. He is indeed too arrogant! Ling'er is my disciple, no matter what, it will not be his turn to kill him! I will kill him Find it out, but it will take some time.”

"How long will it take?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

The God Emperor said: "It takes two sticks of incense!"

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were immediately overjoyed and said, "We can just wait!"

The God Emperor said: "Okay!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and began to form seals with his hands.

The connection between the God Emperor and the earth is extremely close, and he controls all the magnetic fields of the earth.

Therefore, even if he is far away from the earth, he can still detect many things happening on the earth through the magnetic field of the world.

Chen Yang, Ye Qingming and Zipao have been waiting patiently!

The time for two sticks of incense passed quickly...

At this time, the God Emperor finally opened his eyes.

Chen Yang and others looked at the God Emperor expectantly.

The purple-robed man's eyes were bloodshot and he asked eagerly: "Senior, who killed my family? Is it the man in white they call him? If so, where is the man in white now?"

The God Emperor's eyes were extremely complicated. Faced with Zipao's eagerness, he remained silent for a long time.

"Senior?" Zipao shouted hurriedly.

The God Emperor's eyes glanced over and finally landed on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang suddenly felt a little baffled.

The God Emperor suddenly spoke and said: "You are so brave, you killed someone, and you dare to come here to me? Do you really think that your confusing tricks can be hidden from me?"

"What?" Chen Yang and Ye Qingming suddenly turned pale.

Ye Qingming was the first to jump out, pointed at the God Emperor, and said: "You are not the God Emperor at all. Who are you? Chen Yang has always been with me. He can never be the murderer."

"Is there anyone in the world who can pretend to be me?" The God Emperor said coldly: "You should stop talking nonsense and trying to get away with it!"

Zipao jumped up and said to Chen Yang with great anger: "You thief, you are so vicious! You killed my family, and now you want to trick me. I will cut you into pieces today!"

After saying that, he punched Chen Yang to death.

The purple robe punched out in anger, extremely ferocious!

The black hole crystal instantly entangled in his fist seal, and the power of chaos appeared behind him...

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming moved together, and Ye Qingming pointed out the finger of death.

Chen Yang sent out a big chaotic thunder fist!


One finger and one punch to kill him, but he was directly torn apart by the Black Hole Divine Fist.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming retreated quickly, their faces turned pale, and they spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Yang turned pale with horror, pointed at the purple robe, and said: "It's poisonous. You have poisoned this hall. Just now I asked this so-called God Emperor to calculate the time for two sticks of incense, just to let us quietly and unknowingly Poisoned, you are so cruel!"

"Hahaha..." The purple robe suddenly laughed.

Then, he transformed into the mysterious man in white he had seen before.

He wears a holy white robe, bare feet, a black bamboo hat, and a mask as black as ink on his face, with only one eye exposed.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming immediately sat cross-legged and used their skills to protect their heart veins.

At the same time, Chen Yang looked at the man in white and said with difficulty: "Today I, Chen Yang, admit defeat, but before I die, can you make me understand."

The man in white smiled coldly and said: "I have suffered a lot of losses in my life, and I have also caused a lot of losses to the enemy. From such rich combat experience, I have summarized a very useful article. That is, Don't talk nonsense. Right now, you don't have to ask anything, because I won't say anything. You...suffer death first!" After saying that, he slapped Chen Yang on the head!

He was really ruthless and wanted to beat Chen Yang to death!

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, he suddenly jumped up and struck out with a palm.


The two palms collided fiercely, and they were evenly matched.

Ye Qingming also stood up.

At this time, all the black toxins on the faces of Chen Yang and Ye Qingming faded away.

The man in white was taken aback and said, "Are you not poisoned?"

Chen Yang sneered and said: "You think your acting skills are very good, but in fact it's just me cooperating with your performance. I just want to see where you come from and what your purpose is. I didn't expect that you, this guy, said just one sentence You won’t even tell me!” After a pause, he pointed at the fake God Emperor and said, “Who is he?”

"When did you discover the flaw?" The man in white felt incredible and asked.

Chen Yang said: "You refuse to reveal anything, why should I tell you? Just take your time and guess!"

The man in white's eyes flashed with anger and said: "Damn it!"

Chen Yang said angrily: "Damn you, I don't even know you. You framed someone for murder, and you deliberately pretended to be poisoned. Could it be that I dug up your ancestral graves in your previous life? I won't let you do anything you say today." You run away!”

After saying that, he took action!

This time, Chen Yang took action with anger.

The golden chaotic vortex behind appears...

The Great Chaos Thunder Fist quickly kills the man in white.

Not to be outdone, the man in white quickly formed a chaotic vortex, and still came to kill with the Black Hole Divine Fist.

At the same time, the false **** emperor also took action, but he attacked Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming immediately fought with the fake **** emperor, but the fake **** emperor's cultivation was not weak, and he actually suppressed Ye Qingming as soon as he made a move.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the mountains and rivers shattered...

In the aftermath of the shock, the Death Star was completely torn into pieces in an instant.

Planet fragments rumbled and flew, and Chen Yang and the man in white fought more fiercely.

The last time, Chen Yang had a very unpleasant fight with the man in white because he had not recovered his strength at that time.

Things are different now.

He fought with the man in white for more than a hundred moves in a row, and found that the man in white's technique was very similar to his own. At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly had some enlightenment in his heart and already understood something.

But at the same time, there are still many things he doesn't understand.

Ye Qingming was fighting with the fake God Emperor. The fake God Emperor's punches were fierce and he had a series of killing moves. Ye Qingming never recovered from her injuries, so she was forced to retreat by the false God Emperor. She used the Finger of Death several times in succession, but it had no effect on the false God Emperor.

Seeing this going on, Ye Qingming is very likely to lose!

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