My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4151: sun, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang immediately told Chen Tianya how Chen Yihan died to save Ling'er... After he finished speaking, Chen Tianya was speechless for a long time.

Chen Yang was also sentimental and said: "In my life, I have rarely had good words with my father or Yihan. Now that I think about it, it's all regrets! There are too many regrets in this life."

Chen Tianya looked at Chen Yang and said with complicated eyes: "Sometimes, it's not that I can't accept that Yihan is no longer alive, but what I can't accept is that the person who killed him was the traitor."

Bitterness flashed in Chen Yang's eyes and he said: "Then, do you think, as a son of a human being, can he accept his father killing his mother? It is understandable that he killed Yihan. But his mother did something wrong again What? And even now, you are unwilling to admit your mistake. Sometimes I don’t understand why a person can change so much. When you were senior Chen Ling, you were also a passionate young man who advocated justice. Now, But what happened?"

Chen Tianya was immediately speechless.

Chen Yang emphasized his tone and said, "After all these years, have you really never regretted it when you dreamed about it at midnight?"

After Chen Tianya was silent for a while, he said: "When I dreamed back at midnight, I was filled with pain! Tell me, how can I regret it?"

Chen Yang said without mercy: "So I say, you are a coward! No matter how high your cultivation level is, you are still a coward. And I also want to tell you that my father has turned around."

Chen Tianya thought of something and immediately asked: "Then how did he die?"

Chen Yang immediately told how he was trapped in the imperial sky boat to save his son Nian Ci. After that, his father went to rescue him and finally blew up his soul and died.

When he said this, Chen Yang's eyes were already red, and he said: "Later I found out that he also left me a letter, in which he confessed to me. Only then did I realize that he had already left me silently. My mother kowtowed before her grave and repented. No matter what, I think you and your son still have a chance to reconcile. You are happier than me. Because I no longer have this chance. What I want to say is that from the beginning, it was wrong It was you. It was extreme for him to kill Yihan, but it was all caused by you."

Chen Tianya said in a deep voice: "What you said makes sense, but you and him are also very different. I don't think he and I have a chance to reconcile. In fact, I don't want to reconcile. He can't forget his mother's hatred. I also can't let go that he killed my son."

Chen Yang said: "That's up to you. Everything here has nothing to do with me anyway. I will find a way to leave this place as soon as possible."

Chen Tianya would not try to retain Chen Yang, but suddenly said: "In fact, in this world, he was once captured by the Imperial Tianzhou."

Chen Yang was startled and said, "Really? Then how did he escape from danger in the end?"

Chen Tianya said: "The person who saved him was Chen Ling. In the end, Chen Ling blew himself up and died in order to save him!"

"What? It's actually Senior Chen Ling?" Chen Yang turned pale.

Soon, he vaguely understood something.

Although the details of what happened on the timelines of the two universes are very different, they seem to be heading in the same direction.

Senior Chen Ling and Chen Tianya are two people who split from one person, so one of them will definitely sacrifice.

So... what about Mingyue Immortal Lord?

Is it because Mingyue Immortal Lord's survival will not affect the subsequent timeline, so he is alive?

Chen Yang still had some things he couldn't figure out, and said: "Senior Chen Ling, even if he self-destructs his soul, I'm afraid he won't be able to solve the crisis of the Imperial Tianzhou."

Chen Tianya said: "He has the original thunder and fire, which is very powerful!"

"This..." Chen Yang said.

Chen Tianya said: "What?"

Chen Yang said: "In my world, it was my father who went to the Phoenix Realm with the God Emperor. My father obtained the thunder and fire seeds, and the God Emperor obtained the power of the Phoenix."

Chen Tianya said: "In our world, Chen Ling and the God Emperor went there, and I didn't go."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, and then he thought of something again, and asked: "After the Star Master issued the mission, the punishment rules were extremely strict. He violated the order and killed Chen Yihan. How did he escape the Star Master's punishment later?"

Chen Tianya said: "He is very smart and knows that the Star Master will not kill him. Later, the Star Master just gave him a small punishment and a big warning."

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that he seemed to be more free and bold here.

Chen Yang felt that he knew almost everything about this world. Nothing here belongs to me, so there is nothing to miss. After saying goodbye to Chen Tianya, he quickly left the Central World and returned to Tianzhou.

After arriving at Tianzhou, Chen Yang directly contacted Ye Qingming.

After receiving Chen Yang's signal, Ye Qingming quickly came to Chen Yang's side.

"Have you settled the family affairs so quickly?" Ye Qingming asked in surprise. Chen Yang said: "You don't believe it, this is not the earth at all."

Ye Qingming was taken aback and said: "How is this possible? This is obviously the earth! How could you say it's not the earth?" Chen Yang immediately told what he had seen and heard that day, even and The relationship between Shen Mo Nong here was also revealed.

After hearing this, Ye Qingming felt incredible and unbelievable.

Chen Yang said: "My current plan is to find the Sun Poison Fire first, and then find a way to return to our universe."

Ye Qingming said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Chen Yang said: "No matter how difficult it is, you have to give it a try. Let's go!"

Ye Qingming nodded.

At that moment, Chen Yang took Ye Qingming into the blue ocean of magnetism, and then went to the vast world from the ocean of magnetism.

Although the teleportation array in Tianchi Pavilion is ready-made, it is easier to get there. But Chen Yang didn't want to deal with Su Yanran anymore, so he had to go his own way.

After arriving in the Great Thousand World, Chen Yang couldn't help but glance at Mount Tai again and found that the God Emperor was still missing. At that moment, he stopped thinking about it and rushed out of the earth with Ye Qingming.

After leaving the earth, Chen Yang and Ye Qingming flew towards the sun.

The average distance between the earth and the sun is only 15,000 kilometers... At the flying speed of Chen Yang and Ye Qingming, they can reach the periphery of the sun in about one minute. But the closer you get to the sun, the less simple it becomes.

The energy released around the sun is extremely terrifying!

There are solar storms, solar winds, magnetic field fission, etc...

So after getting close to the sun, the road ahead becomes very difficult.

Every step you take, you must use your magic to resist.

The overall energy of the sun, a luminous star, cannot be competed by any human power... No matter how strong the magic power is when it enters the core of the sun, it will be instantly melted.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were forced to slow down when they were five thousand kilometers away from the sun.

The sun was extremely bright, turning the front into a dazzling golden color. Chen Yang and Ye Qingming must protect their bodies with magic power before they can continue to move forward.

One day later, Chen Yang and Ye Qingming arrived at a place two thousand kilometers away from the sun...

Chen Yang still remembers the existence of Bing Xuanxin on the Guangyao star... Bingxuanxin's Guangyao star is also very close to the sun...

In those days, although the distance between Guangyao Star and the Earth was very close, because the sun's light was too powerful, and Chen Yang's cultivation was still very weak at that time, it would take some time to get to Guangyao Star. Nowadays, it is much easier to get to Guangyao Star...

But at this time, Chen Yang was not planning to go to Guangyao Star. The most important thing was that Bing Xuanxin on Guangyao Star was not his confidante Bing Xuanxin!

The closer they get to the sun, the slower Chen Yang and Ye Qingming move.

Solar storms, solar quantum winds, and solar tsunamis continue to occur...

This allows Chen Yang and Ye Qingming to travel nearly a hundred kilometers a day. And every second, their mana is being consumed violently.

Chen Yang and Ye Qingming were also looking for the Sun Poison Fire while traveling, but neither of them had any clues.

If he still couldn't find it, Chen Yang wanted to go to the core of the sun to check.

After walking for a while, Ye Qingming said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, my attribute is the power of death. The power of death is cold. The power of the sun is the most masculine divine power in the world. I am really Some of it is unbearable.”

Chen Yang was slightly startled, and then realized that Ye Qingming's expression was very wrong. He immediately said: "I'm really sorry, I neglected this point. Otherwise, you should leave here first and wait for me near the earth. After I find the Sun Poison Fire, I will go to join you immediately."

Ye Qingming was worried about Chen Yang and said: "That's not necessary. Just let me go into Xiaoyao Hall to cultivate for a while. I can still help at the critical moment."

Chen Yang thought about it for a long time and said, "Okay!" Then he let Ye Qingming enter Xiaoyao Hall.

In all directions, there is golden light.

Chen Yang's whole body was bathed in this terrifying golden light...

This golden light is always strong regardless of day or night!

Moreover, in the golden light, solar particle fission and solar quantum storms often occur...

The closer he got to the sun, the more terrifying Chen Yang felt.

I couldn't help but say in my heart: "The creation of the universe, the magic of heaven and earth, how the energy on this sun is generated is so terrifying. And this sun has been burning for nearly five billion years."

"With the energy released by the sun, the amount of fuel required every second is astronomical. This star nourishes all the planets in the solar system... The reason why the earth has life and civilization is because of the sun. If one day, the sun's If the energy is exhausted, the earth will also freeze forever. Human beings will no longer be able to survive..."

Chen Yang was grateful that he had supreme supernatural powers. If one day the sun's energy ran out, he would not be afraid. He can find other planets to survive... In the entire universe, the sun is not the only shining star. There are at least trillions of luminous stars like the sun in the universe!

In the solar system, it seems that the earth is the only human being and civilization!

And there are no neighbors... But if you look at the earth from outside the universe, the earth is just one building among countless high-rise buildings.

The universe is very lively, but everyone doesn't know each other's existence...

Chen Yang was lost in thought for a while, and then continued to move forward.

When he comes this time, he won't give up until he finds the sun's poisonous fire!

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