My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4152: poisonous fire, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

There are still 1,900 kilometers to reach the sun! Chen Yang's speed slowed down again, and he could only travel fifty kilometers a day. Every second, the violent solar particles formed a solar storm and violently attacked him.

When masters below the Creation Realm come to this place, they will die as many as they come! Don't look at those masters, they all seem to be able to destroy the stars at will, but in front of the sun, they are all ants!

As Chen Yang moved forward, sometimes he needed to absorb solar particles and turn them into pure energy. Only by replenishing and consuming in this way can we continue to support ourselves. Even a saint will have a huge headache when he reaches this place. Because the mana will continue to be consumed. When it goes too far, the mana will be almost consumed, and it will be a dead end!

This is also the reason why the sun is very close to the earth, but no one has ever entered the sun to find out!

Three days later, Chen Yang's speed slowed down again, and he could only travel ten kilometers a day. Walking slower than ordinary people... This is no longer a simple boating against the current. This is completely walking into the volcano from the caldera...

What's even more frightening is that he suddenly stepped on the air, and then was pulled in by a strange suction force.

At that moment, Chen Yang seemed to be swallowed up by the abyss beast, but the abyss beast was strangled towards him with endless golden particles. These golden particles are no different than the particle storm outside, but have undergone fission again and become more ferocious!

"Quantum fission!" Chen Yang understood immediately.

He quickly reinforced the protective golden light and allowed those particles to attack him.

At the same time, he used the Great Devouring Technique, opening a hole in the protective golden light, which quickly absorbed the fissioned solar particles.

After these solar particles entered the Great Devouring Technique, Chen Yang immediately refined them. While refining, Chen Yang felt the fission process of these solar particles!

This solar particle is not one type, but divided into two types. One represents hydrogen, and the other is filled with helium. The two energy substances strangle, and then start nuclear fusion, exerting extraordinary divine power.

Regarding nuclear fusion, Chen Yang has known the theory for a long time, but today is the first time he has truly experienced it!

"After the nuclear fusion of matter, the power will be extraordinary, but not all materials can undergo nuclear fusion!"

After Chen Yang absorbed enough energy, his entire body suddenly flew upwards.

His energy completely exploded, breaking through the quantum fission storm and returning to the normal range.

Just keep moving forward...

Ten days later, Chen Yang was still three hundred kilometers away from the sun!

This is because after being familiar with and devouring a lot of solar energy, his body is already familiar with the solar energy and can withstand it. So the speed has been greatly accelerated...

Taking out the sun's poisonous fire seems to be an easy task!

But after reaching this point, Chen Yang began to understand that in the world, he was the only one who could come to this place.

This is a place where even saints cannot come!

Because although the saint is tyrannical, he cannot withstand such a long and fierce attack.

Chen Yang knew that the reason why he had been able to survive was not just because he could absorb the energy of the sun. More importantly, he possesses the power of chaos.

Without the divine power of chaos to contain this energy, Chen Yang would have died a long time ago.

In fact, solar energy is essentially very pure energy, which can be absorbed with a little conversion. However, the pure Yang fire in the sun's energy is quite terrifying, and if it is absorbed a little, it can be tolerated. After absorbing too much, the entire body will be unable to bear this pure Yang fire.

When the pure Yang fire reaches its extreme, it will make the ascetics go crazy!

Ordinary people will bleed from the mouth and nose if they take a lot of pure yang substances, and the deficiency will not be replenished!

After the monks took a lot of supplements of this pure Yang fire, the consequences became even more serious.

The reason why Chen Yang is fine until now is because the divine power of chaos is also the source of all things, and it can convert solar energy into truly pure energy.

Therefore, Chen Yang was not disturbed by the pure Yang fire.

At this time, Chen Yang also understood what Sun Poison Fire was!

In the core area of ​​​​the sun, the pure Yang fire condensed to the extreme will become a deadly poison. This kind of fire is pure yang poisonous fire!

A few days later, Chen Yang finally came to the front of the sun!

In front of him was an endless sea of ​​fire!

In the sea of ​​​​fire, there is not a trace of smoke!

The raging sea of ​​​​fire, burning crazily...

Chen Yang estimated based on this burning degree and its volume, the fuel required per second would be about 600 million tons!

If all the resources on the earth were burned, it would probably only last a few minutes!

Chen Yang didn't hesitate. After taking a deep breath, he jumped into the sun.

He flew over the surface of the crazy burning sun fire!

The entire surface of the sun seems to have no physical existence, it is all fire...

Chen Yang rushed into it, protecting his body with body-protecting golden light, and at the same time absorbing the energy of the sun to strengthen himself.

Flying all the way in, I finally saw something similar to meteorite material deep in the flames.

Meteor iron material forms a huge ball...

On the outside of the meteorite material, hydrogen energy and helium energy are entangled with each other, and then nuclear fusion occurs. This kind of fusion forms the terrifying solar fire...The solar fire illuminates the entire solar system!

Chen Yang can imagine that this hydrogen energy and helium energy are always being consumed... When these two energy sources are completely consumed, that is when the sun goes out.

Once the sun goes out, the entire solar system will plunge into endless darkness!

Fortunately, Chen Yang made some estimates and found that the sun could burn for at least billions of years, so he didn't need to worry about what would happen billions of years later.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally found the Sun Poison Fire in the process of nuclear fusion of hydrogen energy and helium energy!

The sun's poisonous fire was instantly generated, and then turned into countless sun particle fires.

Sun poison fire is constantly being generated all around, but after it is generated, it will soon turn into sun particle fire.

Chen Yang waited carefully for the right moment, and as soon as the poisonous sun fire was generated, he quickly reached out with the golden hand seal to catch it!

The process went very smoothly. Chen Yang caught a dozen rays of Sun Poison Fire and quickly absorbed them into the palm of his hand without giving them a chance to continue fission.

After getting the Sun Poison Fire, Chen Yang quickly sealed the Sun Poison Fire and then withdrew outside.

This place is really not suitable for staying long.

The figure flashed and flew outward!

It was extremely difficult to get in, but it was much easier to get out.

Five minutes later, Chen Yang was already far away from the sun and five thousand kilometers away.

Then, his figure flashed again, and in a few breaths, he flew another five thousand kilometers.

At this time, the sun's rays could no longer cause any harm to Chen Yang.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Qingming also came out of Xiaoyao Palace and asked Chen Yang with concern: "Have you found the poisonous fire?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I've found it."

Ye Qingming's eyes flashed with joy and said: "That's great!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then said: "I have been mentally exhausted a lot these days, and I need to calm down and recuperate for a month."

Ye Qingming said: "That's just right. You come to practice and I'll take you flying. But where should we go now?"

Chen Yang no longer wanted to go to Earth, so he said: "Just find a Death Star!"

Ye Qingming said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang entered Xiaoyao Hall.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to use the Sun Poison Fire to save Heiyi Suzhen, because the Sun Poison Fire was extremely powerful and he would be needed to protect the law with all his strength.

In Xiaoyao Hall, Chen Yang went to check the situation of Heiyi Suzhen first, and found that Heiyi Suzhen was intact and still covered by ice!

After he breathed a sigh of relief, he began to rest cross-legged.

After this relaxation, Chen Yang felt endless fatigue rushing up in his internal organs and limbs. At that moment, he couldn't even open his eyelids.

Anyway, it was safe, so Chen Yang stopped holding on and fell asleep!

This night, Chen Yang slept extremely soundly.

It was as if he had just fallen asleep one second and woke up the next.

After waking up, I feel full of energy!

He felt the passage of time for a moment and knew that he had slept for twenty days.

At this time, the mental power has been completely restored!

Sitting cross-legged and meditating, absorbing the divine power of chaos... One day later, Chen Yang's power returned to its peak state again, and he had endless energy.

After doing this, Chen Yang came to Hei Yi Suzhen's side. He took out a sealed Sun Fire and put it into Heiyi Suzhen's mouth.

Heiyi Suzhen's body is also covered with ice...

Chen Yang's palms moved on her body, accurately transporting the sun's poisonous fire to her Dantian...

Then, Chen Yang removed the seal of Sun Poison Fire!

In an instant, the inside of Hei Yi Suzhen's body was as bright as day, and all the organs were revealed...

Chen Yang didn't dare to express his anger, for fear that something unexpected would happen.

But soon, Heiyi Suzhen's body absorbed all the poisonous sun fire.

After a while, Hei Yi Suzhen's body returned to the frozen state.

Apparently, one Sun Poison Fire is not enough!

Chen Yang was secretly glad that he had taken a few more Sun Poison Fires, and immediately took out another Sun Poison Fire and put it into Heiyi Suzhen's belly.

After sending ten pieces of Sun Poison Fire in succession, Heiyi Suzhen's body began to slowly recover.

First, the ice inside gradually recedes...

Then the external ice dissipated.

Chen Yang used magic power to check her situation, and he felt that the poison of Taiyin had been forced into a ball.

Apparently, the Sun Poison Fire is working!

Chen Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this...

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