My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4150: The outcome has been decided, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Great Chaos is the power of Great Chaos! In the past, Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen's power of chaos was not very authentic. It was a form and rule similar to the power of chaos. But now, Chen Yang has mastered the real power of chaos!

What is the Great Chaos...

Great Chaos accommodates all things and can also transform into all things!

Add the power of great chaos to the ice, and the power of the ice will increase exponentially, and it will be the pure power of great chaos ice!

So at this moment, if the power of great chaos is added to the thunder power, the thunder will become more pure, violent and powerful!

At this moment, Chen Yang's Thunder was no longer weaker than Hei Yi Suzhen's Thunder.

The Great Chaos Thunder Palm and Chen Tianya's Dragon Roar killed each other...


The Great Chaos Thunder Palm is no longer afraid of the true fire of the sun. The two divine powers are strangled together, causing another round of destruction to this sea area!

Chen Yang didn't suffer any loss from this palm, but he didn't gain much advantage either, but he couldn't bear to let the lives of other people suffer anymore, so he flew into the sky.

Chen Tianya thought Chen Yang was going to escape, so he immediately shouted: "You traitor, where are you escaping!"

The two quickly rushed into the clouds.

In the clouds, Chen Yang stood still, his eyes flashing with light, and then he pointed a ray of disaster towards Chen Tianya's eyebrows.

Chen Tianya reacted extremely quickly and instantly executed the Taiyi Black Gold Slash!


The two divine powers strangled again and were quickly eliminated!

Chen Yang pointed out ten fingers of life calamity in succession, and his power seemed to be endless.

Chen Tianya did not dare to show weakness and used Taiyi Xuanjin Slash.

The two of them fought ten times in an instant, neither giving in!

Chen Yang laughed loudly, feeling wet with joy, and shouted: "Have fun, have fun!"

He turned around again and quickly fired ten large chaotic thunder fists!

One punch is stronger than the other, one punch is stronger than the other!

Each punch is like gathering all the thunder between heaven and earth into the palm of your hand, causing the sky to collapse and the tsunami to...


Chen Tianya immediately used the Amitabha Seal and the Great Thunder Sound Technique!

Sound Wave, Amitabha Divine Seal kills the generals continuously.

The two sides fought fiercely, but they were still evenly matched!

But at this time, Chen Tianya's strength had begun to weaken.

After all, he has not practiced the Great Origin Technique, and the magic power in his body is still not as durable and powerful as Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is still full of energy. If he uses the Great Devouring Technique, it will be even stronger.

But he disdains...

"Come again!" Chen Yang shouted, followed by another big Chaos Thunder Fist killing general.

Throw out a hundred punches in a row!

Every punch is like thunder, landslides and tsunamis...

After receiving ninety-nine punches from Chen Yang, Chen Tianya was finally exhausted... The hundredth punch came, and Chen Tianya couldn't bear it anymore. His whole body exploded and turned into countless golden particles!

Chen Yang knew that he was immortal, so he was not afraid of killing him.

At this time, he could completely disperse these golden particles, then suppress them individually and cook them slowly. But of course he wouldn't do that...

After a while, the golden particles condensed together, and then slowly recovered, becoming Chen Tianya!

Chen Tianya's recovery has always been very fast, and after turning into golden particles, he still has various attack powers. However, today's battle really depleted his energy, so he was slower.

After Chen Tianya recovered, the expression he looked at Chen Yang had become inexplicably complicated, and there was even a hint of unspeakable fear.

"Why don't you take the opportunity to suppress me?" After a while, Chen Tianya sneered: "If you had this ability just now, you wouldn't be kind and compassionate towards me, would you? Didn't you always want to arrest me? Do you want to kneel down in front of your mother’s grave and admit your mistake?”

Chen Yang smiled faintly and said, "I want to arrest you, and I can do it now. Why should I suppress you while you are weak?"

Chen Tianya was startled, then said: "That's true!" Then, he sneered: "But if you want me to kneel down in front of your mother's grave, that is absolutely impossible."

Chen Yang stared at Chen Tianya... He now clearly realized that there was a difference between the man in front of him and his father. He is not his father...

"What are you looking at?" Chen Tianya was stunned by Chen Yang's look and said angrily.

Chen Yang then said: "Why can't you kneel down and admit your mistake? Are you right about that matter? How can you be a hero if you refuse to admit your mistake?"

"I have never been a hero!" Chen Tianya said scornfully.

Chen Yang said: "I understand your experience very well. But if I were you, although I would be in pain, I would not be like you...what you faced after you came out of the tomb, no matter what you did All reactions are normal. But it also just shows that you are actually just a common person, an ordinary person. And an extraordinary person will cheer up after a period of pain. As for you killing my mother Lin Qian, this is even more of a cowardly act. .So, I look down on you like this!"

"Stop talking!" Chen Tianya became angry and said, "In these years, I have not done anything to your family. This is my greatest kindness to you! Back then, if you had not killed Yihan, maybe we There is still room for change! But, you..."

"What?" Chen Yang was suddenly shocked and said, "What did you say? Who killed Chen Yihan?"

Chen Tianya was startled, then said angrily: "Why are you pretending to be confused!"

Chen Yang said: "You said I killed Chen Yihan?"

Chen Tianya's eyes flashed with pain, and he said: "No matter what, you, me, and Yihan, we all have a very close blood relationship. Although I was not good enough to you, I never thought about killing you. You. But actually killed Yihan. You are so cruel!"

Chen Yang was immediately shocked and thought to himself: "The Chen Yang of this world is really different from me. He actually killed Chen Yihan. Now I finally understand why the Demon Emperor is still alive? Because how could such a Demon Emperor sacrifice his life to go to the empire?" What if Tianzhou saves people and finally blows up?"

"Huh?" At this moment, Chen Tianya also discovered something was wrong with Chen Yang.

"Who are you?" Chen Tianya suddenly looked at Chen Yang with great vigilance and asked.

Chen Yang looked at Chen Tianya, and then said: "You finally see that I am not your son Chen Yang."

Chen Tianya asked: "Who are you? Why are your skills almost exactly the same as those of my treacherous son?"

Chen Yang said: "It's a long story, but I'm interested in having a good talk with you. How about we find a quiet place?"

Chen Tianya was really curious, so he agreed.

The two found another mountain peak and were about to descend.

The moon reaches the zenith, and the surroundings are quiet and peaceful!

Chen Yang said: "I am Chen Yang, but I am not the Chen Yang of this world. I come from another universe, which you can think of as a parallel universe! Because of the divine power of chaos that I have cultivated, when the divine power of chaos reaches its limit, I can open the chaos The Gate. I came here through the Chaos Gate..."

"Why are you here?" Chen Tianya asked immediately. After asking, he couldn't help but asked: "Is there really a parallel universe?"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't believe in parallel universes at first, but when I saw Mingyue Immortal Lord and you, I had to believe it!"

Chen Tianya was immediately puzzled and said, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yang said: "Because in my world, you and Mingyue Immortal Lord are no longer alive."

"What?" Chen Tianya was surprised, then frowned again and fell silent!

Chen Yang did not continue talking, but chose to let him digest the matter slowly.

After a while, Chen Tianya looked up and asked Chen Yang: "Are you really from a parallel universe?"

Chen Yang said: "I don't need to lie to you, do I?"

Chen Tianya thought for a while and said, "That's true!"

Then, he asked: "In your world, how did I die?"

Chen Yang's eyes turned slightly red and he said, "Father died to save me!"

"Save you?" Chen Tianya was even more surprised, and then said: "It seems that you and your father have a good relationship!"

Chen Yang said: "Want to hear the story of me and my father? It should be very different from your version!"

Chen Tianya said: "Say it!"

Chen Yang then talked about his own experiences, from the first time he met his father, to their mutual hatred, etc.! Including Chen Yihan almost insulted Ling'er. At that time, I hated Chen Yihan deeply.

He also talked about how he was forced by his father to have only three months left to live, etc.!

After hearing this, Chen Tianya said: "The experiences you mentioned are exactly the same as those in this world."

Chen Yang asked: "Really?" After thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask Chen Tianya: "When did he kill Yihan?"

Chen Tianya said: "Back then, the Star Master prepared the Hall of Stars and gave him a task to capture Yihan back to the Hall of Stars. As a result, he killed Yihan directly."

"What?" Chen Yang couldn't help but be horrified and said: "Kill? Really kill?"

Chen Tianya's eyes flashed with an extremely painful look, and he said: "Not bad!" Then he asked Chen Yang: "Didn't you perform this mission?"

Chen Yang nodded and said: "I carried out this task, but the rules of the Star Master at that time were very cruel, so naturally I couldn't kill Chen Yihan. I beat Chen Yihan severely and then brought him back to the Hall of Stars. But I didn't What comes to mind is that after beating him that time, not only did he not hate me, but he recognized me as a big brother from the bottom of his heart and made a lot of amends! I also gradually forgave him!"

"So, he's not dead, right?" Chen Tianya suddenly became excited.

Obviously, he loves his youngest son very much. He was also excited to hear that his son in another world might still be alive!

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with sadness and he said: " dead!"

"Why is he still dead?" Chen Tianya was shaken and asked in confusion.

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