My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4131: Is it a compromise?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The reason why the saints have been waiting outside is because they know that there is still a thunder in Chen Yang that has not exploded. They knew very well that Hei Yi Suzhen's life was not in danger, and even if his life was in danger, Chen Yang could not vent his anger on others. But Mo Yu's death is different... Mo Yu's death has a lot to do with Li Changye, and they still tolerate Li Changye outside the human race's secret place.

After Chen Yang arrived at the Bajing Palace, he scanned the saints again. After that, his eyes fell on Ye Qingming. Ye Qingming also stared at Chen Yang...

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Miss Ye, let's talk alone?"

Ye Qingming nodded and said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang clasped his fists at the saints and said goodbye before going to Qingming Palace with Ye Qingming.

In Qingming Palace, Ye Qingming invited Chen Yang to take a seat.

After they sat down together, Chen Yang adjusted his mood, and then said softly: "You knew early on that Xiaobai was Xiaoyu, right?"

Ye Qingming was startled, and then said: "She disguised herself as Bai Qing to find you, which I didn't know. But later when she came to Qingming Palace, I recognized her. Since she didn't want you to know There is no need for me to reveal my true identity.”

Chen Yang fell silent.

He was not a fool, and he had actually understood Mo Yu's intention very early on. But after knowing that Bai Qing was Xiaoyu, I became even more sure.

"The Holy Realm of the Inner Demon... Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, you have cultivated the Holy Realm of the Inner Demon at such a young age. I was wondering at the time, how could this be possible... Now it seems that you have gone through what kind of suffering in your heart before you can cultivate. You have such inner demons. And you still have to keep suppressing it in front of me, and keep pretending to be relaxed and relaxed..."

Chen Yang said secretly in his heart.

Scenes from the past were all presented in his mind.

That little girl, who is as beautiful as an elf, is always so quiet, and she always smiles knowingly after seeing him!

He could never forget the scene when Ruoran stood up when the old man Hongchen was about to take her away... She was so strong, yet not afraid of death! Chen Yang finally understood now why Xiaoyu's body was always covered with an aura of sadness greater than death.

She knew in her heart that she couldn't go beyond it!

But people's emotions cannot be controlled just by wanting to.

Ye Qingming stared at the man in front of him and saw that his eyes were red and there were faint tears.

"Xiaoyu is really... dead?" After a long silence, Chen Yang looked up at Ye Qingming and asked.

Ye Qingming nodded and said: "Yes!" After a pause, he said: "But the mastermind Yuan Yunzhong has been killed by us."

Chen Yang's body shook violently.

At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

There were still fantasies in my heart, but they were confirmed again by Ye Qingming.

His fists clenched and his eyes became bloodshot.

Hate, pain, all emotions are accumulated in the heart.

When Ye Qingming saw him like this, he couldn't help but feel worried and said, "Don't be like this. If Xiaoyu has a soul in heaven, I don't want you to be like this!"

"It's all bullshit. What kind of spirit is there?" Chen Yang raised his head and said fiercely with blood-red eyes.

Ye Qingming was immediately speechless.

After a while, Chen Yang thought of something and said, "Yuan Yunzhong is actually dead? Isn't he fused with the Undead Star Stone and unable to be killed?"

Ye Qingming said: "Xuanhuang found a way to restrain him."

Chen Yang said: "So there is only one Li Changye left now?"

Ye Qingming was slightly startled and said, "I don't recommend you to cause trouble for Li Changye."

Chen Yang said: "I know the reason. He controls the undead army. And now the human race is still suffering from internal and external troubles. By working with him, we can solve the trouble together. If there is a conflict, it will be even more unimaginable!"

Ye Qingming nodded and said: "Don't blame the saints, they have nothing to do! Besides, Li Changye has sincerely regretted it."

She continued: "And there is a more important reason why you can't do anything to Li Changye."

Chen Yang was puzzled and said, "What's the reason?"

Ye Qingming said: "You still have to find the Sun Poison Fire. The sun is too far away from here. You may need Li Changye to send you back to the earth first. The earth is very close to the sun."

Chen Yang said: "Is he the only one who has this ability?"

Ye Qingming said: "Back then, you were not a half-life body, and the saints could not send you away. Now that the saints have lost the power of heaven, and you are a half-saint body, they have the ability to send you away."

Chen Yang fell silent again.

Ye Qingming said: "Xiaoyu knows that you have this heart for her, so that's enough. The important thing is the living people...Miss Susu has sacrificed more for you. Your first priority now is to save Miss Susu!"

Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

He felt extremely depressed.

After that, he didn't say anything to Ye Qingming, but left Qingming Palace in despair and went straight back to Lingxiu Palace.

Ye Qingming came back a month before Chen Yang woke up. After she came back, she handed the soul fragments of the black corpse to the saints. After the saints checked it, they were sure it was a black corpse. Taishang Daozu and others were curious about how she killed the black corpse. Ye Qingming replied calmly: "I have my own methods!"

Taishang Daozu and others saw that she was unwilling to say more, so it was not easy to ask any more questions.

After that, Taishang Daozu and others completely turned the soul fragments of the black corpse into ashes, so that everything was over.

At this point, the Yuan Sheng trio representing the Kepler tribe were all declared destroyed!

The Kepler tribe lost three saints. From now on, it will be difficult for them to make a comeback.

Taishang Daozu also decided to send people out to appease the Kepler people. If the Kepler people are willing to come to the secret place of the human race, they are also willing to accept them.

However, there are still many things going on at the moment, and Taishang Daozu decided to postpone taking care of the affairs of the Kepler clan.

After Chen Yang returned to Lingxiu Palace, Xuan Zhenghao came to see him immediately.

In Lingxiu Palace, Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao sat opposite each other and drank together.

After Chen Yang took a big sip of wine, he said: "Brother Xuan, it's all because of you that I can come back to life this time! The relationship between you and me is a life-long friendship. You understand my feelings. So I I won’t say thank you to you anymore.”

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "Of course there is no need to thank you for this word, Shengfen!"

The two drank the wine in one gulp. Then, Chen Yang asked: "Is there any way you can send me to Earth?"

Xuan Zhenghao was startled, then smiled bitterly and said: "I really don't have this ability!"

Chen Yang said: "Then do you think Li Changye has this ability?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "He sent you there smoothly before. At that time, you still had the energy body Susu in your body. Although you are a half-saint now, and his abilities have also improved, it should be possible."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "At present, it is really not suitable to go to war with Li Changye. Of course, if you insist on killing him, I can help you. It is also possible to kill him by surprise. But in that case, you have to go find him The poisonous fire of the sun is much more difficult.”

Chen Yang said: "I understand."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Then what is your plan?"

After Chen Yang was silent for a moment, he said, "I want to think about it carefully."

Xuan Zhenghao stopped urging Chen Yang and said, "Okay!"

After he left Lingxiu Palace, Taishang Daozu also came to visit. Daozu also hopes that Chen Yang should focus on the overall situation at present. After all, the deceased has passed away, and it is difficult to regret it!

The fairy world is currently in chaos again!

After Daozu visited, Empress Nuwa also came to visit.

Empress Nuwa also hopes that Chen Yang can put aside the hatred between him and Li Changye first, and find the Sun Poison Fire first as the first priority.

Chen Yang couldn't ignore Empress Nuwa's opinion, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

Everyone advised him to put the overall situation first!

Chen Yang may not listen to anyone's opinions, but he cannot care less about Su Su's life!

When Li Changye knew that Chen Yang woke up, he had trouble sleeping and eating. He was not afraid of Chen Yang, but he was afraid that Chen Yang would persist in pursuing the case. At that time, he and the human race will have to make a choice.

In the past few days, Chen Yang had not taken any action, so he knew that there was room for change. He and Gu Yue also discussed it and knew that Chen Yang also wanted to go to Earth to find Sun Poison Fire to save Bai Suzhen. Therefore, Chen Yang still has something to ask for from him...

This is a big turnaround!

Three days later, Chen Yang told Taishang Taozu that he would invite all the saints and Li Changye to hold a dinner together. All grievances will be settled during the dinner!

Taishang Daozu was very happy after hearing this, because he felt that Chen Yang was determined to resolve the grudges. Why else would there be a dinner party? It’s long been time to use a knife or a gun!

By this time, everyone was relieved.

It feels like a huge crisis is about to pass like this.

Li Changye also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

The dinner was held soon.

In that Eight Views Palace, there are countless fine wines and delicacies!

All the saints are dressed up to attend...

Ye Qingming has also arrived. She is dressed in a long black dress, like a fairy emerging from the earth, and like an elf in the dark night!

Li Changye came to this dinner with Gu Yue. Gu Yue needs to straighten Li Changye's reputation...

Taishang Taozu sat at the head.

Chen Yang sat next to Taishang Daozu, followed by Ye Qingming, Xuan Zhenghao, and Nuwa Empress.

Opposite them sat Yuanshi Tianzun and Emperor Fuxi, receiving the saints and the saints Zhunti.

Li Changye and Gu Yue were at the bottom...

When Li Changye and Gu Yue came in, Chen Yang didn't say much. He just glanced at them coldly and then looked away.

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