My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4130: Return of the Saint, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Chen Yang slowly absorbed and comprehended those holy powers! In the past, when he fought against the Holy Power, he felt that the Holy Power was insurmountable and extremely powerful! But now, the Holy Power has become extremely docile, and he can directly feel the grand and terrifying rules inside.

This time, his understanding was extremely profound.

First, the broken arm grows into a physical body. He needs to use the will of the stars and the sea to slowly grow the broken arm. Especially the part where the head is grown from the severed arm, which is very difficult. But even though it was difficult, he finally did it. What Xuan Zhenghao did back then, he also did.

The rebirth of a broken arm is like a true rebirth. The cells slowly grow out, the nerves in the brain begin to grow, etc... all of which reveal to him the mysteries of the universe!

The human body, the planet, and the universe are closely connected!

Including breathing, it must be consistent with the heaven, earth, sun and moon!

Every movement is within the magnetic field of the universe. Once you understand the connection between yourself and the universe, you can better utilize the rules and power of the universe. Just like people and water, expert swimmers can use water to achieve ease and ease. Those who don't know how to swim will only be left with endless fear if they fall into the water!

Why can some creatures breathe water?

Humans can't?

These are all for a reason.

Evolution is also part of the laws of the universe. It has miraculous effects on the human body's immune function and so on. A person without immune function will be invaded by all kinds of diseases! But a person’s immune function cannot be fully activated. Once the immune function is too strong, it will kill some bacteria that are beneficial to people, causing big problems for the body!

In the human body, there are those that control blood sugar and fat.

If there is a problem with the function, blood sugar and blood lipids will be too high. This is not because of eating too much sugar or fat, but because there is something wrong with your own body!

The bodies of ordinary people are still so magical. When a master masters magic and understands the relationship between himself and the universe, it is even more terrifying!

At this moment, the power of heaven represented by the nine snow mountains in Chen Yang's body has been completely integrated into his body. The energy of chaos can blend with all things, so it also blends with the power of heaven!

The Xuanhuang Shengu seeds are also completely integrated into it!

The power in Chen Yang's body is now powerful and mysterious. The holy power was absorbed into the divine power of chaos and merged with it. In the process of integration, Chen Yang gained a clearer understanding of Shengli.

Holy power is a power that surpasses the magic power of the heavens. Holy power combines the laws of the universe and then condenses its rules into a kind of sacred power! This holy power is similar to a highly effective anti-inflammatory drug among human medicines, destroying all germs!

Therefore, holy power has been divided into three realms, namely semi-saint, quasi-saint, and saint!

Reaching the Half Saint is to touch the sacred power.

The holy power of a quasi-sage is purer, and a saint is supremely powerful.

As for the power of heaven, it condenses the stronger power of heaven in the universe, which is equivalent to joining a bank behind you. Different ways of heaven are different banks. It is somewhat similar to the Hunyuan World and the Secret Art World in the Eternal Star Domain, but the Hunyuan World and the Secret Art World need to add more masters to provide power for them, similar to absorbing reserves.

But the power of heaven exists in itself, which is equivalent to natural gold mines, diamond mines, etc.!

So the power of heaven is a stronger force!

The holy power of the saint is more concentrated and powerful than all methods. It does not belong to the power of the Hunyuan world, nor does it belong to the power of heaven. Therefore, although this kind of sacred power is strong, it is not as good as the power of the Hunyuan world and the secret world, nor is it as good as the power of heaven.

The advantage of divine power is that it belongs to one's own understanding and cannot be taken away by outsiders.

The power of heaven, the Hunyuan world, and the power of the secret world can be weakened.

After Chen Yang integrated all the power in his body, he fully understood the sacred power. So all his energy, energy and spirit were condensed into one body, and the energy, energy and spirit were integrated into the divine power of chaos.

"Now I understand the chaotic world through the divine power of chaos. In a blink of an eye, I can absorb the power of the chaotic world! This chaotic world is a place of treasures. The divine power inside is the original divine power from the beginning of creation. A planet wants to To be suitable for human beings and for the survival of living beings, the energy of chaos must first be nurtured. The energy of chaos envelopes the planet, just like a baby in a cocoon, and is nurtured until the planet's various ecological environments are suitable for growth. At this time, chaos is born The spiritual creature splits the energy of chaos, so that the planet begins to breed humans and civilization. Of course, it does not necessarily breed humans, it may also be other creatures!"

"But the divine power of this chaotic world is not like the power of the Hunyuan world. I controlled the power of the Hunyuan world and could consume the power at will. But now, I can only absorb part of the power into my body. Just like Ye Qingming and the black corpse absorb the power of the world of death. Although it can be absorbed, the absorption is limited. This feeling is like money in a bank, you can withdraw money, but you can only withdraw a certain share each time. And when I controlled the Hunyuan world, It can consume all the money of power. But no matter what, with the power of the Chaos World as a backing, my strength can still be greatly increased. Throughout the ages, I should be the first person who can have such a close connection with the Chaos World. Human, right? Well, probably not! Didn’t Tian Wudi also control it? The chaotic world is the chaotic world of the entire universe. I don’t know if there are people in other places who can absorb it. The little chaotic divine power I absorbed will have a negative impact on the entire chaos. To the world, it’s just a drop in the bucket!”

"The power of Hunyuan is the integration of all laws! It requires human cultivation, while the divine power of Chaos is the divine power of the creation of the world and is a natural force. This is the difference between Hunyuan and Chaos!"

Chen Yang continued to gain insights.

The divine power, the power of Hunyuan, the power of chaos, the power of heaven, the power of the Five Grains and Sheji Divine Tree...all began to merge into one!

This is a long process.

During this long process, Chen Yang has naturally mastered the divine power. Gather all the laws into one, and then this power is the holy power, and the holy power begins to flow in his body. Everyone's holy power is different. Holy power is equivalent to a status in academia. If you integrate your own system and reach that level, you can call it holy power, that is, holy power. Holy power is extraordinary and holy. When this holy power flows in the body, the temperament it expresses is different.

Just like among mortals, some people have studied since childhood, are well-informed, have great ambitions, and have powerful abilities. Even though he is dressed in rags, even a child will feel that he is different when he takes one look at him.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally... became a saint!

The realm of semi-saints!

From the realm of a semi-saint to a quasi-sage, and then to a saint, this still requires a long period of accumulation and cannot be achieved overnight!

Especially Chen Yang, after practicing the Great Origin Surgery, his brain capacity is two or three times higher than that of masters of the same level! So even though he is a semi-saint, he can still be as accurate as a quasi-saint.

At this moment, the holy power is achieved!

Originally it only had a lifespan of 100,000 years, but now, its lifespan has skyrocketed to 5 million years!

There is no more destiny talisman in my mind!

If you want to cast the Great Fate Technique again, you have to recall it again.

Chen Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes and sat up quickly.

After sitting up, he found that he was in the main hall of the Eight Views Palace, and in front of him, all the saints gathered.

With a quick glance, he saw Empress Nuwa, Supreme Taoist Ancestor, Original Heavenly Lord, Emperor Fuxi, Sage Yingyin, Sage Zhunti, Ye Qingming, and Xuan Zhenghao!

He already knew about Ye Qingming's resurrection, and he even knew that Ye Qingming had also dealt with Tian Wudi.

Everything in front of him also confirmed to him that all the memories were correct.

He quickly cleared his thoughts.

When the saints saw Chen Yang waking up and surrounded by holy power, they knew that he had made a breakthrough.

Everyone is happy...Nuwa Empress is even more happy.

Taishang Daozu first congratulated: "Congratulations, little friend, on your successful return, your realm has been greatly improved!"

Congratulations to all the saints.

After Chen Yang glanced at everyone, his eyes quickly locked on Xuan Zhenghao: "Brother Xuan, where is Susu?"

He knew that Susu had been poisoned by Taiyin poison in order to save himself.

Xuan Zhenghao was startled. He didn't expect that Chen Yang's first question when he woke up was to ask Susu.

Without waiting for Xuan Zhenghao's answer, Empress Nuwa said: "Susu's taiyin poison is very serious, and it can only be relieved by the sun poison fire. Now we have sealed her poison together, and she has also fallen into a deep sleep."

Chen Yang stood up, saluted to the circle of saints, and then said: "Thank you seniors for your concern for the juniors, but I am too distracted now and have no time to chat with you." After a pause, he said to Nuwa: " I want to see Susu."

Empress Nuwa nodded.

Chen Yang first entered the Xiaoyao Palace with Nuwa Empress, and saw Su Su unconscious on the ten thousand-year-old ice bed.

Empress Nuwa then withdrew from Xiaoyao Hall, leaving Chen Yang and Hei Yi Suzhen alone.

Chen Yang saw Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes closed tightly and her whole body frozen in the ice. At this moment, his heart felt like a knife.

He knew that she had paid too much for herself...

Then, he stretched out a finger and pointed it on the ice. The magic power formed a golden thread and penetrated into Heiyi Suzhen's body. Soon, he felt Hei Yi Suzhen's physical condition. The whole body fell into a state of paralysis, thunder and lightning dissipated... In the heart, the toxins were tightly sealed by the holy power!

The situation is very serious.

However, as long as you find the Sun Poison Fire, you can remove it!

From this point of view, Hei Yi Suzhen's life is not in danger for the time being. So now, I must be desperate to find the Sun Poison Fire.

After taking a deep breath, he left Xiaoyao Hall first.

All the saints are still waiting outside.

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