My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4132: break out, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The banquet officially started soon. First, Taishang Daozu toasted to celebrate Chen Yang's return!

Taishang Taozu told how Chen Yang, for the sake of the human race, did not hesitate to blow himself up and sacrifice his own self in the battle of the holy city to fulfill his fearless spirit. At the same time, he also mentioned Ye Qingming... He also mentioned the dead Junior Brother Tongtian, Zhenxin Zhenren, Donghuang Taiyi, etc.!

Also talked about other human elites who died in the war, etc.!

Taishang Daozu originally planned to talk about it casually, but who knew that in the end, he became more and more emotional as he talked about it.

"Our human race will never lack the spirit of fighting for success and not fearing death! This is the fundamental reason why our human race can always stand firm! Our human race will be the most united race in times of crisis! Come on, Everyone, raise your glasses and let’s pay tribute to our hero Chen Yang, and also to Ye Qingming and Ye Sheng!”

Ye Qingming also stood up and raised his glass.

Everyone stood up and drank it all.

After Taishang Taozu finished speaking, Chen Yang stood up and spoke.

Chen Yang was wearing a black gown today. He looked delicate and resolute, with sadness and melancholy hidden in his eyes.

Everyone present also looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at everyone and said: "Everyone present here is an expert, and I, a junior, should not have had the opportunity to speak. Thanks to the Taoist ancestors and all the saints, I, Chen Yang, can be here today, and I feel very grateful. pleasure!"

As he spoke, he left his seat and walked slowly around the table, always holding a wine glass in his hand!

All the saints also enjoyed listening to him!

Chen Yang continued: "When I was young, Empress Nuwa, Taozu, Emperor Fuxi, Tianzun, you seniors were all myths and legends in the books I read. I never dreamed that one day I could It is my great honor to sit here with you and fight against the enemy together. Over the years, whether it is a great responsibility given to you by heaven or because of my miserable life, it is Chen Yang who deserves it. I never give up. I died once in the battle between the Spirit Lords. I died again in the battle between the Immortal Realm and the Holy City. For the sake of the earth and the human race, it doesn’t matter what my life is, Chen Yang.”

He seemed to be showing off his merits when he said this, but no one thought it was inappropriate, and no one thought he was showing off.

Chen Yang ignored everyone's reaction and continued: "What do I want to say today? I want to tell all the saints and seniors that although I, Chen Yang, have no great abilities and I am a man of few words, I am worthy of the human race, worthy of the earth, and worthy of the fairy world. !”

At this time, he changed the topic again and said: "Mo Yu is my goddaughter. When she was six years old, I was at the end of my rope and met her mother, the Spirit of the Universe. The Spirit of the Universe gave me a lot of help, but Please ask me to save Xiaoyu. Because Xiaoyu was caught by someone and his life was hanging by a thread. In order to save Xiaoyu, I was willing to go to war with a planet by myself. No matter how difficult it was, I finally rescued Xiaoyu. From then on , she calls me godfather. Over the years, I have treated her as my own child! She has been extremely talented and intelligent since she was a child!"

"Now that she is gone, I have nothing to worry about. Yes, she is my goddaughter, and she also likes me as her godfather! But there is nothing unpleasant between me and her . There has never been any transgression between me and her. She has always kept this intention deep in her heart, so much so that she has cultivated the inner demon holy realm in such pain. What kind of suffering must it be? , can you cultivate to the Holy Realm of the Inner Demon? Everyone, can you imagine?"

All the saints fell silent.

Ye Qingming looked particularly solemn, and inadvertently, his eyes turned red!

"We did not come to the fairy world voluntarily." Chen Yang continued: "The old man Hongchen went to the earth in a robber's way and oppressed me with the supreme power of heaven. He wanted to **** away my other daughter Chen Ruoran. Xiaoyu took the initiative to stand up and came to the fairy world instead of Ruoran! Maybe you will think at this time that I treat Xiaoyu and my daughter in general, but at the critical moment, I still let Xiaoyu come out and make a sacrifice. After Xiaoyu left, I was indeed trapped in this problem for a long time. I couldn't figure out why I agreed to Xiaoyu going to the fairy world to suffer? It took me a long time to understand. It was not because Xiaoyu was not my biological child, but because Compared with Ruoran, Xiaoyu is stronger. The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh, what can I do? But no matter what, I am sorry for Xiaoyu! My daughters are very good! When Ruoran was about to be taken away, she asked Her mother and I knelt down and prayed, hoping that we would not blame ourselves in the future and hope that we would be well, otherwise she would die with her eyes open! When Xiaoyu left, I will never forget every word she said. She told me..."

At this time, Chen Yang's eyes were red and swollen, and the corners of his eyes were moist!

"Goddad, you don't need to say anything at this moment. I know that in your heart, there is no difference between Xiaoran and I. Whoever takes this path between Xiaoran and I is the same in your heart. It's just as uncomfortable. I can say that the saddest and most heartbroken person here is you. Have you ever been afraid of death in your life? It's just that right now, even if you die, nothing can be changed. That's why you It will be so painful...but really, you don’t have to suffer for me, this is my best choice. Besides, I already want to leave the earth. What’s the big deal with my body and skin!”

"She told me that a human body is nothing to care about!" Chen Yang's eyes flashed with great pain, and he continued: "When she dressed up as Bai Qing and followed me, I felt that she was young and seemed to be single-minded. Begging to die. How much pain must she have to suffer to not want to live? If it weren't for her, I would have died long ago after I was struck by Lu Ya's flying knife. She was still my savior... She was taken to the fairy world When we were together, I promised her, I said, Xiaoyu, from now on, there is only one thing I have to do, I will go to the fairy world, and I will bring you back with my own hands. I will not stop until I die!"

"But what now? She is dead...there is nothing left. After all, I have not fulfilled my promise...I can't bring her back to Earth after all. In these days, you have all been urging me to put the overall situation first. You said it A lot, and I have listened to a lot. Really, I have thought a lot. I am worthy of heaven, and worthy of earth, but how can I be worthy of my Xiao Yu? She is already dead, what is death? It will never come back, She no longer knows what I do. It’s meaningless to do anything? But am I going to do nothing? I’m sorry... everyone, I can’t do it!”

At this time, the saints finally felt something was wrong!

They saw that Chen Yang's eyes were blood red and filled with murderous intent!

"I'm sorry, everyone, I don't want to think about any consequences today, whether it's the life or death of the human race, just go to hell! Today, I just want to do something for my Xiaoyu!"

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he flashed and came to Li Changye.

Then, he punched Li Changye in the head.

Li Changye had already felt it in advance, and he reacted quickly at this time. He suddenly retreated and took Gu Yue back three meters away. He turned pale with horror and said to Chen Yang: "Do you really want to go to war at all costs? Have you thought about the consequences?"

Chen Yang has lost his mind, and an aura of madness is blooming all over his body.

He ignored Li Changye, gathered all his divine power, and a chaotic vortex appeared behind him, and suddenly struck Li Changye with another terrifying big fist seal!

This dinner party was originally very peaceful and enjoyable, but it suddenly changed at this moment, and evolved to this point, which was really unexpected!

Empress Nuwa was helpless. At this time, she was not particularly angry at Chen Yang's recklessness. Instead, after hearing what Chen Yang said about Xiaoyu, she somewhat understood why her daughter was so passionately devoted to him.

Besides, Gu Yue, who was accompanying Li Changye, had also heard some things about Mo Yu, but now she understood the feelings between Chen Yang and Mo Yu after hearing Chen Yang tell them one by one. When she saw Chen Yang being so angry and desperate, she felt that this was the way it should be. She felt that only in this way could she be worthy of the dead girl Xiaoyu. She felt that the girl Xiaoyu was so affectionate that she finally paid him the right amount.

However, she also cares about Li Changye's life and death.

The situation at the scene is extremely complicated. Once it gets out of control, there will be a huge battle between the human race and the undead army.

Empress Nuwa, Xuan Zhenghao, Ye Qingming and others will not fail to help Chen Yang. It is impossible for Taishang Daozu to help Li Changye...

If they insist on wanting Li Changye to die, then Li Changye can only resist desperately at all costs.

Before Li Changye could stand still, he felt that Chen Yang's fist was already attacking him. The fist contains terrifying and majestic divine power. This power seems to be able to tear the sky apart!

Li Changye did not dare to underestimate Chen Yang. He immediately gathered all the divine power of the demon in his body, and relied on the divine power of the demon in his body to drive the power of the demon in the outside world, instantly forming a demon shield!


The devil's shield was instantly shattered by Chen Yang's big fist seal...

But Li Changye also took this opportunity to exit the Bajing Palace and came to the sky above the Bajing Palace.

Chen Yang followed closely and left the Bajing Palace.

All the saints also ran out immediately.

The Eight Views Palace is not a suitable place for fighting.

Li Changye doesn't want to have a deadly feud with Chen Yang, and he also knows that he is in the wrong, so he will not launch the undead army at the moment, and will try to avoid Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang stood still in the air, he gathered the power of chaos and sent out the golden fist seal again...

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