My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4129: The night before waking up, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Xuan Zhenghao and the others stayed in the Demonic Barrier for about half an hour in total, and then left in a hurry. The three of them appearing together in Demonic Confusion will indeed make Demonic Confusion's resistance even more intense!

After returning to the secret place of the human race, Xuan Zhenghao began to conduct research again.

He himself is a research-oriented character and has a strong research interest in all mysterious and novel things.

So after coming to the fairy world, he really felt like a fish in water, and he fully displayed his talents!

After three days of research, Xuan Zhenghao came to a conclusion.

He came to Bajing Palace and had an in-depth talk with Taishang Taozu. Xuan Zhenghao said: "The Heavenly Demon's Confusion Barrier is a protective mechanism for the Heavenly Demon's Qi. It is necessary to ensure that the Heavenly Demon's Qi does not spread outside the planet. Because the Heavenly Demon's Qi is too diffuse, it will be detrimental to its development. They are like this If it continues to develop, the entire planet will turn into a magic ball. At that time, the energy of the devil will be able to hijack the planet and go to other places."

Taishang Daozu was shocked and said: "In other words, they will continue to infect other planets? And then gradually become more powerful. In the end, won't they assemble a terrifying planet army?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The theory is indeed true!"

Taishang Daozu said: "If this is really the case, we really can't just leave like this."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Now it seems that we have to use stupid methods to slowly heal this planet. But there are two problems... The first is that the area is too huge, and it will be very slow for grass seeds to absorb it. . Fortunately, we also have a lot of time... The second problem is the most difficult problem! "

Taishang Taoist Patriarch said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It is the root of the disease. There is a reason why the devil's energy suddenly became so powerful. It was the mixture of tears of death and the undead energy that triggered the qualitative change of the devil's energy. The devil's energy was originally The inner demons and resentment of hundreds of millions of creatures... Nowadays, in this fairy world, resentment has become more prevalent. Everyone has inner demons in their hearts. Those immortal armies are also the energy source of the demon's energy. Therefore, while we are eliminating some of the demon's energy, It is very likely that more demonic energy will continue to be born. This is the most difficult thing... If this is confirmed, then it will be impossible for us to eliminate the demonic energy."

Taishang Daozu said: "In order to break through the heavenly demon's confusion, we must first break through the heavenly demon's aura. If the heavenly demon's aura cannot be broken, then we will have to be trapped here forever."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are more terrifying things behind. There is a saying called Dao eliminates the devil! As time goes by, the devilish energy in the planet is getting heavier and heavier. Many human races here will gradually be affected by it." Influence. Including us, if the years go too long, maybe one day we will all be demonized!"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "It is indeed possible." A look of great worry flashed in his eyes, and he said: "Continuing like this is not a solution! Is it really impossible to crack it?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry too much. There must be a reason why things have progressed to this point. Didn't the ancestor also say it? The immortal world can be destroyed, the human race can be destroyed, and the universe can also be destroyed! We will try our best Figure it out and let nature take its course!”

Taishang Daozu was startled, and then said: "That's true!"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed...

On this day, in a hidden cave, a figure flashed past in the void, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived inside the cave.

That figure was Ye Qingming. After Ye Qingming came to the cave, she quickly saw the person she was looking for.

The man was wearing a black gown, sitting cross-legged, with a handsome face...

It's... black corpse!

Ye Qingming came to the black corpse. When the black corpse raised his head and saw Ye Qingming clearly, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "Is it you?"

Ye Qingming said lightly: "Are you surprised?"

Black Corpse said: "I should be able to feel the death energy of you and my fellow practitioners when you approach me. Why can you come quietly?"

Ye Qingming said: "I don't need to explain anything to you. The only thing you need to know is that today is your death day!" After saying that, he stopped talking nonsense and started to take action.

Ye Qingming's technique is very simple, just one punch!


The power of the fist surges like a shocking wave!

Black Corpse suddenly felt that all the death energy of the death world broke through the wall and condensed into Ye Qingming's punch.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?" Black Corpse was horrified, but he couldn't care about anything else. He could only use all his holy power and punch out!


The two fists blasted together, and the earth suddenly shook. The entire mountain began to shatter, and the earthquake cracked...

The black corpse retreated, then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Qingming took another step forward and punched again.

Still so fierce!

The blood of the black corpse has been slightly depleted, and he can no longer care about anything else, so he burns the original divine power of death at all costs and explodes!


The two fists struck together again.

This time, Ye Qingming did not take advantage.

But Ye Qingming didn't suffer any loss and quickly punched again.

The black corpse can only keep burning the original divine power of death...

The two sides fought fiercely at one point, the ground vortexed and cracked, and everything collapsed.

They are in the void and will not give in to each other.

After ten more punches, Ye Qingming suddenly stopped.

Black Corpse felt that his body was exhausted, and his power of death had been exhausted.

The whole person grew old quickly.

"I don't understand...why..." Black Corpse looked at Ye Qingming with confusion in his eyes. But soon, his pupils suddenly became if he understood something. "I know, I know, you..."

Ye Qingming didn't give him a chance to continue, and waved his sleeves gently.

The black corpse's body was hit by the magical power of the sleeve robe and immediately turned into countless fragments.

Ye Qingming took all the fragments in his hands.

The black corpse was declared dead at this moment! He exhausted all his energy, and even in the world of death, he was nothing but useless and decaying dust.

It is impossible to be resurrected again, let alone come out of the world of death.

Let's talk about Xuan Zhenghao's Jie Xumi, Chen Yang finally began to gain consciousness in the chaos.

He didn't know how long he slept. He only vaguely remembered that the calamity fire was fierce, burning him, unable to avoid, unable to escape... and then lost all consciousness.

"Am I not already dead?"

Soon, many memories began to fill his mind!

It's like someone quickly wrote countless messages on a blank piece of paper.

Countless pieces of extremely complicated information poured into his mind, and his lovers and enemies all flashed in his mind.

The Great Emperor of China, the God Emperor, father, younger brother, Su Su, Ling'er and so on!

Countless escapes from death, entangled fates, destined kings, etc.!

Until the battle in the Holy City, when he was burned by calamity fire... and then he saw Tian Wudi relying on the sacred tree of grains and grains and the divine power of heaven to protect his essence. After the calamity fire burns out, it slowly resurrects from the calamity fire. He saw the flesh and blood on Tian Wudi's body slowly growing...

The ancient demon mosquito was completely burned to death in the calamity fire!

I also saw Tian Wudi going to the secret place of the human race and so on!

"Bai Qing is Xiaoyu? Xiaoyu was killed by the ancestor of the undead and Yuan Yunzhong?" Chen Yang couldn't help but froze when he saw this memory.

At that moment, my mind went blank.

He thought of the six-year-old girl, looking at him trustingly and calling her godfather...

He could not forget that Old Man Hongchen was forced to come here, and she bravely replaced Ruoran and went to the fairy world with Old Man Hongchen.

"Xiaoyu..." Chen Yang's heart was bleeding. "Is that farewell actually an eternal farewell?"

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

He wanted to scream, shout, and find Xiaoyu, but how could he find it?

Endless regret and hatred surged in his heart.

All the memories appeared in his mind...including Tian Wudi's final death by Xuan Zhenghao.

When Tian Wudi died, his memory was completely gone.

Chen Yang was immersed in sadness and couldn't extricate himself.

I always feel that I owe Xiaoyu too much in this life...

"I have never discovered that Bai Qing is Xiaoyu. She has such inner demons. What has she experienced in these years? I thought she was happy growing up under my protection. Now it seems that she She is in pain all the time. Otherwise, how could she have cultivated to such a holy state? She went to find the ancestors of the undead and these people to avenge me, but in the end she lost her life! She has been working for I harmed Chen Yang, Chen Yang, you are the biggest sinner!"

He was immersed in such decadence and sadness for three full months.

Finally, he felt that he couldn't go on like this anymore.

"Xiaoyu is not necessarily really dead? She is such a smart child, and she might have some tricks up her sleeve. I'm going to find out all this, and at the same time, I can't let go of any of my enemies!"

Thinking of this, the flame of hope ignited in Chen Yang's chest!

Only then did he feel that his whole body was warm and there was power everywhere, but these powers had not been completely absorbed by him. Start absorbing those powers now.

Pure chaotic divine power poured into his brain, blood orifices, and meridians.

At the same time, he could also feel that the Five Grain Sheji Sacred Tree and the nine snow-capped mountains in Tiandaobi were all integrated into his blood.

Including the power of Chaos Spirit Vine!

Everything has been integrated into one, penetrating deeply into his flesh, flesh and mana.

This made him feel that the divine power in his body was surging, as if he had endless power, and he could absorb the chaotic divine power of the chaotic world with just a few breaths.

The divine power of Heaven also operates at will...and there is no longer any restriction from the Heavenly Pen.

"It seems that I got a blessing in disguise!" Chen Yang thought to himself.

Then, he also felt a very powerful and pure holy power flowing through his body...

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