My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4128: Demonic confusion, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The world of death is an extremely complex and dangerous world. It does not mean that everyone who enters can come out! The only ones who came out were Hei Zhi and Ye Qingming. However, because these two people have been cultivating the aura of death, after entering the world of death, they were able to rely on the aura of death to nourish themselves! But others don't have this ability.

And even Black Corpse and Ye Qingming cannot come out of the world of death indefinitely! Successful shaping requires great opportunity and luck...the second shaping will be even more difficult.

Yuan Sheng has been fighting against the human race all his life, and he has been an admirable fighter throughout his life! He pushed many saints of the human race to the edge of life and death several times, but every time he was unlucky and failed in the end!

It's fate, helpless, helpless!

After Yuan Sheng died, all the saints breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, there are still things to deal with.

The saints were still sitting together to discuss what would happen next. In order to reassure Li Changye, Taishang Daozu asked Li Changye to attend.

Ye Qingming has been in retreat and has not participated.

At the meeting, first of all, all the saints agreed that the top priority now was to deal with the black corpse.

The black corpse is no longer a big threat. The saints just feel that solving this person will reduce a lot of variables.

Then, the saints have to face the next step after solving the black corpse.

Taishang Daozu then proposed to leave the fairy world...

This is also what Xuan Zhenghao meant.

After solving the black corpse, he started to eliminate the demon's confusion. After the confusion is removed, he leaves this fairyland and rebuilds a beautiful homeland belonging to the human race.

After those human races have thrived for hundreds of years, the human race will return to its previous glorious state!

This will be the best result.

As for Li Changye, Taishang Daozu said that they would respect any decision he made.

Li Changye breathed a sigh of relief after hearing their plan. I also feel that at this point, if the human race really wants to deal with them, they can do it quietly, so as not to reveal their cards. Moreover, there is indeed no need to attack him. Because there is no profit to be gained!

To find the black corpse, Ye Qingming's help is still needed.

Taishang Daozu told Xuan Zhenghao that Ye Qingming had been in seclusion. Xuan Zhenghao said: "No matter what, we need her help!"

Taishang Daozu didn't dare to disturb Ye Qingming, so he asked Xuan Zhenghao to find it. Xuan Zhenghao had no scruples...he went directly to Qingming Palace to ask for a meeting...

Ye Qingming did not see Xuan Zhenghao directly, but sent a message through the air: "I am in retreat. Is there anything wrong with Emperor Xuan?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is indeed something important, and I hope Ye Sheng can allow me to see it."

After Ye Qingming was silent for a while, he said: "Okay!"

Xuan Zhenghao entered the Qingming Palace and saw Ye Qingming in a black dress.

Ye Qingming looked calm and asked Xuan Zhenghao to take a seat.

After both of them sat down, Ye Qingming said, "If Emperor Xuan has something to say, you can just tell him."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "A lot of things have happened in recent days." Immediately, Tian Wudi was beaten to death by him again, Chen Yang devoured the Chaos Golden Pill...including the death of Yuan Sheng and so on!

Ye Qingming's expression didn't change much after hearing this. He just smiled faintly and said, "This is all a good thing. Emperor Xuan is really powerful. The problems that we can't solve will be solved after you come!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled, not arrogant, but went on to talk about the door to chaos being opened and a more powerful person arriving.

Ye Qingming disagreed and said: "With you here, Emperor Xuan, and Dao Ancestor here, there is no more powerful person to give us a headache."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly and said: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

Ye Qingming did not continue to answer the conversation, but changed the subject and asked: "What is the main thing that Emperor Xuan is here for today?"

Xuan Zhenghao returned to the topic and said: "We want to deal with the black corpse now, but we can't find the whereabouts of the black corpse."

Ye Qingming said: "You don't have to worry about the black corpse. I will take care of him myself."

Xuan Zhenghao was startled, and then said: "Speaking of which, it was me who had the idea to let you go to the world of death. In the end, you almost died in the world of death. Today I am here to apologize to you."

Ye Qingming smiled lightly and said: "Although the idea came from you, Emperor Xuan, the decision was made by myself, so Emperor Xuan does not need to apologize to me!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "Ye Sheng has a broad mind, I admire you!" After a pause, he continued: "It's just that Black Corpse's ability is not small. In order to retaliate, it will be foolproof. It would be better for us to take action together!"

Ye Qingming said: "This is a matter between me and Black Corpse. If I can't handle it, how about asking you to take action?"

Seeing that she was determined, Xuan Zhenghao had no choice but to say: "Okay, I respect your decision. If you need help, please feel free to ask!"

Ye Qingming said: "Of course!"

Xuan Zhenghao said again: "But Ye Sheng, when do you plan to take action?"

Ye Qingming said: "We will set off tomorrow."

Xuan Zhenghao was slightly startled and said: "So fast?" He couldn't help but think, if I don't come to you today, will you secretly go to find the black corpse tomorrow?

Ye Qingming saw what Xuan Zhenghao was thinking and said, "I was planning to go and talk to Dao Ancestor tonight."

Xuan Zhenghao pondered for a long time and said: "Ye Sheng, I speak more straightforwardly, I hope you won't take offense. Now the situation in the entire fairy world seems to be improving, but there are still many potential dangers. We try to act in groups and not alone. This way, Everyone is fine! After all, I am a little worried about you going out alone. If something unexpected happens and you can't bear it, we will also feel very sorry and regret it!"

Ye Qingming said: "Thank you Emperor Xuan for your concern, but I have a way to protect myself."

Xuan Zhenghao had no choice but to say: "Okay! Now let's go and report to Daozu, how about it?"

Ye Qingming said: "No problem!"

The two of them went to the Bajing Palace together, and Ye Qingming said that he would set off tomorrow to look for the black corpse.

After hearing this, Taishang Daozu also felt that something was wrong and said: "Now that we have Li Changye, his Void Gate can help us get there in an instant. Well, Ye Sheng, since you have found the location of the black corpse, then we Let’s go together. When we get to that place, we’ll set up a barrier and you’ll give it your best, how about that?”

Ye Qingming shook his head and said: "The black corpse is very cunning now. I have to make other preparations before I go to find him. It is very likely that he will hide in the world of death again. This is something I must guard against, so for To be sure, I’ll go by myself. I’ll be out for as little as one year or as much as three years. When the time comes, I will bring back the soul fragments of the black corpse.”

Taishang Taozu said: "This..."

Ye Qingming stood up and said: "Taozu, I'm going to prepare first. I will leave early tomorrow and won't come to say goodbye to you all." After saying that, he left.

After she left, Xuan Zhenghao said: "Why do you think Ye Sheng is a little weird?"

Taishang Daozu smiled bitterly and said: "After Ye Sheng entered the world of death, he narrowly escaped death. After he came out, his temperament did become weird and cold."

Xuan Zhenghao also smiled bitterly and said, "This is all our fault!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Fortunately, she still came out. Otherwise, it would be even more regrettable!"

The next day, Ye Qingming really left the secret place of the human race as early as possible.

When he left, he didn't say hello to anyone.

After Ye Qingming left, the black corpse matter could be put aside for the time being. The saints are not too worried about the black corpse. After all, a black corpse cannot turn the world upside down.

Next, it’s time to see how to eliminate the demon’s confusion.

Xuan Zhenghao, Taishang Daozu and Li Changye went to visit the devil's barrier.

With Li Changye's help, they traveled through the void into the devil's barrier.

Inside the Heavenly Demon Obstacle, there are Heavenly Demon Particles all around... The Heavenly Demon Particles are so densely packed that they cover the sky and the sun, making one's scalp numb just by looking at it!

When they didn't come in, the demon particles were in a calm state, slowly dissociating. But after these three people arrived, they quickly destroyed the balance in the confusion.

In an instant, the demonic particles went crazy, quickly condensed, and formed various weird weapons and strange beasts to kill them!


The offensive is crazy...

Taishang Daozu, Xuan Zhenghao and Li Changye did not dare to fight back. The three of them used a golden protective shield to resist the bombardment of the demon particles.

Crackling, bombarding, never tired, attacking more and more fiercely!

Along with the offensive, many strange scenes occurred, accompanied by all kinds of eerie cries, strange laughter, etc. Even those with a level of cultivation like Taishang Dao Ancestor would feel horrified by that voice.

That voice makes people feel discouraged, desperate, and world-weary for no reason...

"The demons in the sky and the demons in the heart are all at work!" Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice: "This demon barrier is so terrifying, it is much more powerful than the Hongmeng barrier!"

Li Changye also said: "We are only resisting. If we counterattack, these demons will become even more ferocious."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Grass seeds entering the Demonic Barrier will have no chance to grow and will be directly smashed into pieces. These Demonic Barriers seem to be spiritual and are very averse to the intrusion of foreign objects. The grass seeds are here to absorb them, so they will Even crazier!”

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "It seems that it is not that easy to eliminate the obstacles of the devil!"

Li Changye said: "The Demonic Obscuration is closely related to the Demonic Aura. If we allow the Demonic Aura to be slowly absorbed by the grass seeds, the Demonic Obscuration will gradually weaken."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That is a stupid method. I don't know how many years and months it will take to complete it. If you are not forced to do it, don't choose that move!"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "The longer we stay here, the more fierce the devil will be. Emperor Xuan, please check again. After one stick of incense, we will leave!"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded, then stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of demonic obscuring particles and entered them into the secret map of creation!

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