My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4127: The hero comes to an end, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Taishang Daozu then said to Xuan Zhenghao: "Xuanhuang, we want to hear your opinion."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Actually, I understand the thoughts of Daozu you and the emperor, and I don't want to kill Yuan Yunzhong. But we don't want to, which doesn't mean Chen Yang doesn't want to either. Yuan Yunzhong and Li Changye worked together to kill Mo Yu. , can we let Yuan Yunzhong go because we are soft-hearted? This is unfair to Chen Yang! Secondly, Chen Yang, the key question is, do we dare to keep Yuan Yunzhong alive in the world? "

Emperor Fuxi said: "If you want to keep him, you cannot extract the power of his Undead Star Stone. Once extracted, he will die! And if you keep Yuan Yunzhong like this, even if he is still weak now, he can be the same in time. He will become stronger. Yuan Yunzhong has always been like this. As long as he is weak, he will look kind. As long as he has the upper hand, he will never let us go!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's the truth!"

Taishang Daozu said: "In this case, we must now inform the saints about this matter and discuss it at the meeting."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I would like to suggest that Li Changye also participate."

Taishang Daozu smiled slightly and said: "Just in time, let's give him some shock. We must have the heart of a Bodhisattva and have thunderous methods!"

The matter was settled like this.

Taishang Daozu quickly convened a meeting of all the saints, but Ye Qingming still did not come to attend the meeting on the grounds of seclusion.

Li Changye also came to the Bajing Palace.

All the saints sat down, and Taishang Taozu sat at the top.

He first said: "There is something that Pindao has never been sure about, so he didn't tell everyone. The only ones who know about this matter are Taoist fellow Fuxi and Emperor Xuan. Even Pindao's junior brother, Pindao, didn't tell anyone about it."

In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun knew this. But Taishang Daozu wanted to make Saint Jieyin and Saint Zhunti feel more comfortable, so we couldn't just tell them and hide it from them.

Sage Yingyin and Sage Zhunti also know in their hearts that there is always a difference between closeness and distance.

So the saint said with a smile: "Today I see you, Taoist Patriarch, are glowing red in the face. The poor monk guessed that this must be a good thing!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also joked: "Senior brother, you are going too far. You didn't even talk to me beforehand!"

While joking, Taishang Daozu then talked about the green grass. He didn't say that ancestor Hongjun was in a dream, he just said that Emperor Xuan made a guess, and then the three of them worked together to calculate, and finally found something to restrain the power of the undead star stone.

After hearing this, Li Changye's face condensed.

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Li Changye and said with a smile: "Brother Changye, don't be nervous. You are our good friend, and we will definitely not use this against you. We have already tried it. As long as Yuan Yunzhong's demon particles are suppressed, , this green grass can drain Yuan Yunzhong's star stone energy and demon energy. Therefore, Yuan Yunzhong's death has come. Brother Changye, you no longer have to sleep and eat uneasily because of Yuan Yunzhong."

Li Changye forced a smile and said, "This is indeed a great thing!"

The sage asked: "What kind of green grass is this that has such miraculous effects?"

Xuan Zhenghao took out some grass seeds and distributed them to everyone in the field, including Li Changye.

When Li Changye got the grass seeds, he knew in his heart that they were found from the place where the Undead Star Stone was born. He knew this secret back then, and later he went back specifically to remove and destroy all the grass seeds and green grass.

He didn't expect that the vitality of these grass seeds was so tenacious...

When Yuan Sheng forced him to flee, he also thought about grass seeds, but subconsciously he thought that all grass seeds had been exterminated by himself. So he never tried to find it.

After Nuwa played with the grass seeds for a while, she said, "This grass seed looks ordinary, but is it really effective?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "We have tried it, and it is indeed effective."

Empress Nuwa said: "Okay!"

Taishang Daozu said: "It is now a simple matter to kill Yuan Yunzhong, but Pindao feels that there are some things that we cannot avoid and still need to be discussed."

Everyone listened.

Taishang Daozu continued: "That is, should Yuan Yunzhong be completely killed? Our human race and Yuan Yunzhong have been entangled in grievances for so many years, and both sides have suffered heavy casualties. Next, how should we treat Kai Pu? What about the Le tribe? This matter is of great importance and Pindao cannot make the decision alone, so I hope we can work together with everyone!"

The saints began to discuss, and for a while, there was a lot of discussion!

After a while, the saint said first: "The theory of cause and effect is never false! We planted the cause back then, but today the bitter fruit is really hard to swallow."

Saint Zhunti said: "No matter what, Yuan Yunzhong cannot be kept. He is a seed of revenge. As long as he is around, our grudges with Kepler will never be subsided!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Pindao agrees with fellow Taoist Zhunti that there must be mercy, but he cannot be kind to Yuan Yunzhong! He has enough blood debts on his hands. If you kill him now, it will be his consequence!" "

Empress Nuwa said: "That's right! The remaining Kepler tribe can be forgiven, but Yuan Yunzhong must die! This man is like a weed, which grows wildly when the spring breeze blows! To be kind to him is to commit a crime against the human race!"

The opinions of all the saints are basically unified.

Although Sage Jieying talked about cause and effect, he didn't really object.

Taishang Daozu made the final decision and said: "If that's the case, then let's kill! When we came to this fairyland, it was Pindao who decided to absolutely carry out **** killings of those staunch members of Kepler. Today, it is still Pindao who makes the decision. Pindao is willing to bear all the rights and wrongs, and all the causes and effects will be fulfilled only on Pindao!"

All the saints were immediately in awe!

The saints in this immortal world have always been harmonious and friendly. In the final analysis, it is all because of the existence of leaders like Daozu!

After this, the saints began to kill Yuan Sheng's remaining demon particles.

Soon, the last part of Li Changye was killed.

Li Changye also took it out.

In front of everyone, Yuan Sheng condensed and took shape again. He naturally knew his situation and also knew that this was the last clone. If this clone is refined and killed again, he will completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

And if this clone can survive, given time, he can still become as powerful as before.

But these people won't give him a chance!

Yuan Sheng stood in the center of the palace and slowly glanced at the saints. For a moment, he was speechless. But all the saints can feel the desolation from him!

Xuan Zhenghao didn't like this atmosphere very much and said directly: "Let's start!"

Yuan Sheng suddenly turned to look at Li Changye and said, "Have you ever thought that my today is your tomorrow?"

Li Changye was stunned for a moment, and an inexplicable panic welled up deep in his heart.

If he didn't have Gu Yue in his heart, he would be even more frightened.

But now, because he has Gu Yue in his heart, he has become much calmer.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Brother Yuan, at this moment, why should we still stir up trouble and plant the seeds of fear in Brother Changye's heart? If we really want to deal with Brother Changye, why do we need to seduce him quietly in such a place? Wouldn't it be better to come here and work together to capture and kill him? We let him witness your death, which just shows that we have no intention of dealing with him. Let him come, firstly, to treat him as one of our own, and secondly, to intimidate him. We have the means to deal with him. I hope he doesn’t make a mistake!”

When Li Changye heard what Xuan Zhenghao said, he immediately felt that it made sense, and he breathed a sigh of relief!

Yuan Sheng looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "Your sharp tongue rivals that of Chen Yang!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled lightly and said: "When it comes to eloquence, Chen Yang can only be regarded as my younger brother in front of me!"

Yuan Sheng said: "I originally valued you very much, but now you have become hateful. You can't really kill me. When I come back one day, you will be the first to find you, Xuan Zhenghao!"

When everyone heard what he said, they suddenly took a breath of cold air.

They couldn't help but wonder, does he have any other tricks up his sleeve?

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said: "Brother Yuan, you will not forget the disgusting people even before you die! Do you think that saying these nonsense will make me fearful and panic all day long? You underestimate me. This No one in the world can scare me, Mr. Xuan... I told you Tian Wudi’s lesson after talking too much. If you really had a back-up plan, you wouldn’t say it now. And if you say it, it just shows You have no backup plan!"

Yuan Sheng sneered and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will do the opposite? Are you the only smart person in the world?"

"You don't dare!" Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you really had a back-up plan, I bet you wouldn't dare to take the risk and do the opposite now! You won't be lonely after you die. We will also deal with the black corpse. "

Yuan Sheng fell silent.

He had nothing left to say.

The saints continue to take action...

This last Yuan Sheng was quickly refined completely.

Only those purple-gold energy fragments were left.

Then, the saints formed a cauldron and used the true fire of samadhi to refine the energy fragments.

This time it is not to refine these energy fragments into elixirs, but to completely turn them into ashes.

It took less than an hour to completely smelt these fragments into ashes...

Yuan Sheng was truly wiped out at this moment...

A generation of heroes has just... come to an end!

After Yuan Sheng died, Yuan Shi Tianzun was worried whether he would enter the world of death and come out again...

Xuan Zhenghao said: "No! The Black Corpse was able to come out because he mastered the Holy Realm of Death and made a lot of preparations before his death. When he blew himself up, he was preparing to enter the world of death. Although Yuan Yunzhong He has the holy realm of life, but his control over the world of death is still very weak. If he has the heavenly way of life, he has a high chance of getting out. Now, this is no longer possible. His soul has been completely broken. After entering the world of death, he will directly It will be digested and eaten!”

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