My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4075: undead golem, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Three days later, Taishang Taozu and Emperor Fuxi sent the sleeping Nuwa to Lingxiu Palace.

In another bedroom, Heiyi Suzhen carefully placed Nuwa Empress on the bed. At this time, Nuwa Empress still closed her eyes tightly, but her breathing was very steady.

Heiyi Suzhen probed her hand veins again, and the magic power penetrated into her brain. When she probed, she lost her luster again. Because Empress Nuwa's brain is already full of ice blue particles, the ice blue particles are like cancer and have completely taken over her brain.

Chen Yang also stretched out his hand to check on Empress Nuwa, and at the same time found that Empress Nuwa's face was light blue.

This situation is obviously very bad.

"Mother, she..." Heiyi Suzhen was frantic with anxiety and looked at Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi.

She also knew in her heart that there was nothing they could do. But she hoped for a miracle.

Taishang Daozu said: "Your Majesty is not in danger for the time being, but there are some things that we need to solve as soon as possible. The ins and outs of the matter are all figured out. Moreover, we have also communicated with the ancestor of the undead."

"What's going on?" Heiyi Suzhen asked immediately.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Susu, don't be too excited."

Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice: "It turns out that before the ancestor of the undead came to us, Yuan Yunzhong left a spiritual mark in his body. Of course, that was just Yuan Yunzhong's statement. In fact, it was not a spiritual mark, but A seed of life. This seed of life looks like a mark. When the ancestor decided to advance and retreat with us, the ancestor smashed the mark. After being crushed, it seemed to have been eliminated. But the seed was quietly in the body of the ancestor. Taking root and sprouting, originally, it was impossible for this kind of seed to be hidden from the ancestor. However, when the ancestor was refined with the help of Yuan Yunzhong's Hongmeng Divine Fire, his body had the attributes of Hongmeng Purple Qi. Therefore, it was natural in his body, without any Abnormal. After we crushed the ancestor, this seed began to formally condense. Yuan Yunzhong also made contact with the ancestor of the undead through this seed."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "The seeds were all over the body, and then they exploded. They should have been fully distributed. How could they all explode here?"

Taishang Daozu said: "When the ancestor's body exploded, all the seeds had shrunk and were hidden in one of the ice blue particles."

"It's such a coincidence that it's here with my mother? What if it's in the hands of a saint with the power of heaven?" Heiyi Suzhen couldn't help but ask.

Taishang Daozu said: "If it breaks out in the hands of Ping Dao, it will be fine. If it is in the hands of other heavenly saints, as long as the seeds find the right time to attack, there will still be great danger. But in the hands of the empress, there is no power of heaven. It’s an obstruction and a surprise attack, and there’s basically no solution.”

"How is this power of life and heaven transmitted?" Chen Yang was puzzled.

Taishang Daozu said: "It is not passed on, it is the seed of life and heaven itself. Finally, it uses the Hongmeng purple energy in the ice blue particles as nutrients, and finally explodes!" Hei Yi Suzhen said: "What will happen to my mother next? ?Will it be occupied by the ancestor of the undead?"

Taishang Daozu said: "That's not the case. The ancestor of the undead cannot be compatible with the body of the empress. If you continue, your mother will most likely become..."

Emperor Fuxi said in a deep voice: "He will become an undead puppet!"

"This is absolutely not possible!" Heiyi Suzhen stood up suddenly and said angrily.

Chen Yang couldn't help but shudder when he thought of those undead puppets, and asked Taishang Daozu: "The undead ancestor must have made a condition, right?"

Taishang Daozu said: "He wants us to go to Yuanjie and return all his bodies together in front of Yuan Yunzhong. At that time, he will leave your mother's body. If we don't comply, he will Slowly erode the Queen’s brain until she turns into an undead puppet!”

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Then let's go to the Yuan Realm. In short, no matter what, we can't let my mother become an undead puppet!"

Chen Yang was about to speak when he glanced at Nuwa Empress on the bed, but he was a little worried that the conversation would be overheard by the ancestor of the undead.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "Little friends, don't worry, Pindao and Fuxi Taoist friends have sealed the ancestor of the undead in the empress's mind. But this time can only last three days... Now he can't hear our conversation!"

Chen Yang felt a little relieved and said, "Can you find a way to seal it forever?"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "The ancestor of the undead itself is a kind of poison. It has been sealed in the brain of the empress. It will also cause great damage to the brain of the empress. Over time, it will still become an undead puppet. Fortunately, it is The empress has a high level of cultivation, otherwise anyone else would have turned into a puppet long ago."

Emperor Fuxi added: "We can't always seal the ancestor of the undead!"

Chen Yang said: "Going to the Yuan Realm is not a solution to the problem. When the time comes to the Yuan Realm, the ancestors of the undead will gather together, and they will definitely not mind killing the empress. He hates us now. And once we go After leaving the Yuan Realm, we can't kill his body, so Yuan Yunzhong can deal with us with all his strength without any scruples, and save the ancestor of the undead at the same time."

Taishang Daozu said: "As long as we get to the Yuan Realm, Yuan Yunzhong himself will not care about the life and death of the ancestor of the undead. What he wants is for us to go to the Yuan Realm!"

Heiyi Suzhen said: "No matter how many truths you have, I don't want to hear it. No matter what the price is, I will definitely save my mother!"

Her attitude was extremely determined.

Chen Yang patted Hei Yi Suzhen on the shoulder and said, "I will definitely save your mother, believe me!" Hei Yi Suzhen knew that Chen Yang was good at creating miracles, and when he heard what he said, he felt a little relieved. install.

Chen Yang added: "Taozu, Great Emperor, let's go outside and talk. This matter has reached this point, and we must discuss it carefully!"

Taishang Daozu nodded.

The group of people left the palace and discussed in a quiet room.

Hei Yi Suzhen was concerned about her mother's safety and wanted to get involved, but Chen Yang asked her to wait for the result.

Although Heiyi Suzhen was unwilling, she still listened to Chen Yang's words.

In the quiet room, the three of them sat cross-legged.

Taishang Daozu first said: "My little friend has warned me many times before, and Pindao paid special attention to it at that time. I didn't expect that Yuan Yunzhong would actually make such a move. It's really hard to guard against!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "If we don't take action against the ancestor of the undead, Yuan Yunzhong will probably activate the seed to cause trouble. The seed suddenly explodes and can explode the ancestor of the undead into pieces. If the time is chosen at the right time, The power of this explosion cannot be underestimated.”

Taishang Daozu said: "This is a doom after all."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Daozu, what are your current plans?"

Taishang Daozu looked at Chen Yang and said, "Pindao knows that little friend has a lot of uncertainties in his heart. You don't know whether Pindao will put people first or the overall situation first, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't seem that there is much danger in going to Yuanjie. There are so many of us together, not to mention conquering Yuanjie, but to escape unscathed, it is not a big problem. But this only looks like it. Now that I think about it, Yuanjie Since Yunzhong asked us to go there, he must be fully prepared. Therefore, going to Yuanjie must be extremely dangerous."

Taishang Daozu said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang added: "What's more, even in the Yuan Realm, it will be difficult to save the empress."

Emperor Fuxi suddenly felt dissatisfied and said: "Chen Yang, what do you mean? No more saving?"

Chen Yang said: "Of course we have to save, we must save! But how to save, you have to think carefully. My own strength is definitely not enough, I still have to rely on the saints for this matter. But now I want to know what you mean, Daozu …”

Taishang Daozu said: "Little friend, there is no need to test Pindao's intentions. Pindao can tell you that the survival of the human race, as well as us saints and all the resources, are at your disposal from now on. What you want us to do Whatever, we will do whatever we want. If you say go to the Yuan Realm, we will go to the Yuan Realm. If anyone is unwilling, we will kill them without mercy!"

At this time, Daozu didn't say anything to let those who didn't want to leave just leave.

At this time, without some ruthless tactics, the game will be completely broken up.

Chen Yang stood up, bowed deeply and said, "With your promise from Daozu, this junior will feel relieved."

Taishang Daozu said: "My little friend, do you have any ideas?"

Chen Yang said: "Now, go to Yuanjie immediately! I haven't figured out the specific method yet, but fortunately it's still a long way there. I still have time to plan!"

Taishang Daozu nodded and said: "Okay, Pindao, let's go and call everyone for a meeting and set the rules!"

Chen Yang said: "Juniors will not participate in this meeting."

Taishang Daozu said: "Yeah!"

After that, Chen Yang went to accompany Heiyi Suzhen.

Taishang Daozu and Emperor Fuxi went to summon all the saints and half-sages to the Eight Views Palace for a meeting.

In the Bajing Palace, Taishang Daozu told the current situation of Nuwa and decided to go to Yuanjie immediately.

As soon as this decision came out, there was a lot of discussion below.

Fairy Qionghua also attended the meeting, but she had no reaction.

The Dragon Emperor couldn't help but said: "Nuwa was ambushed, and now her life is at stake. We are also grieving in our hearts. However, this Yuan Sheng deliberately wants us to go to Yuanjie. If we go now, isn't it like falling into a trap?" That Yuan Yunzhong practices the Heavenly Way of Life. The Yuan Realm is the place where the Heavenly Way of Life is most prosperous. If he sets up a strange formation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to go there. You should not forget that the Hongmeng confusion almost killed us before. Right? Now, Yuan Sheng’s destiny is not long, and we go to the land of nothingness to take the absolute initiative. The fate of the entire human race is in our hands, and we take such a big risk of life and death just because of the empress. I think This is unwise!"

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