My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4074: fatal crisis, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

Before the ancestor of the undead was solved, the ancestor of the undead was a thorn in Chen Yang's heart. Now after a head-on battle with the ancestor of the undead, he successfully captured the ancestor of the undead. Chen Yang still felt uncomfortable... everything seemed to be a little too smooth.

It's so smooth that it makes people feel uneasy!

And he couldn't tell what was wrong, but his intuition was telling him that something was wrong!

Chen Yang guessed that those ice blue particles were probably ghosts, so he reminded Taishang Daozu. Taishang Daozu said: "Pin Dao has also told all the saints to be careful in refining. It is impossible that some clones of his undead ancestors can harm our saints, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It is indeed unlikely. The power of the ancestor of the undead lies in his immortality. If he fights alone and abandons his immortality, the ability of any saint will not be inferior to him. Therefore, these ice blue particles are unlikely It’s climate change.”

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "That's true!"

Chen Yang said: "But this junior always feels uneasy, but he can't find the reason!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pin Dao actually feels that it is a little too smooth."

Chen Yang said: "There is another variable in this, that is Yuan Yunzhong. What did Yuan Yunzhong do to the ancestor of the undead? Or what agreement was reached? After thinking about it, all the speculations are wrong!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Now we have divided the ancestors of the undead into fourteen parts and suppressed them separately. It seems that even if Yuan Yunzhong had any arrangements, we should have broken them. To say that it went smoothly is actually normal. After all, we With seven saints, plus a quasi-saint, a semi-saint, and your help, it will be a matter of course to kill the ancestor of the undead!"

Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, the pain of explaining everything is just my intuition!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Pindao also believes that my friend, your intuition is not wrong, but we have already done things to the extreme. Whatever will happen next, we can only welcome it and deal with it! Naturally, follow the way of heaven and follow the laws of heaven. !”

Daozu's meaning is very simple. Everything that needs to be done has been done. Next, it depends on God's will!

Chen Yang had nothing to say. He really didn't know what to say.

The migration to the north continues.

The saints march north into the land of nothingness and never stop.

Chen Yang was idle again.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past ten days, Chen Yang, Hei Yi Suzhen, and Bai Qing all talked about his fatal intuition.

And said: "I now understand why he always doubted me when I was undercover under Yuan Sheng. And no matter how perfect I did, he would still doubt me. It was because of this **** intuition! It was later confirmed His intuition was correct, but unfortunately, although he had intuition, he did not act decisively enough to kill me. And now, I also have this intuition, and I have already attacked the ancestor of the undead. Why? What about the lingering feeling? It can’t be that I’m too nervous or nervous, right?”

Hei Yi Suzhen and Bai Qing also knew that Chen Yang couldn't be too nervous. Chen Yang will be nervous at the moment, but he will not be suspicious. The more dangerous he is, the calmer he becomes!

The tranquility was finally broken one night...

It seemed to be confirming Chen Yang's intuition. That night, at midnight...the Dragon King and the Fire King finally left the Netherworld Blood Sea carrying the saints and palaces on their backs.

But at this moment, a terrifying energy wave was transmitted from the Wa Palace.

The Wa Palace instantly exploded into countless fragments. Emperor Fuxi sensed the change and quickly took action, using his supreme magic power to suppress all the energy fragments and the fragments of the Wa Palace. In this way, the explosion did not affect the Heavenly Palace and Chen Yang's Lingxiu Palace.

But the original site of the Nawa Palace has become a ruin!

Among the ruins, Nuwa Empress' disciples Xuan Yi and Cai Yi ran out in embarrassment.

Xuan Yi also hugged someone, and that person was none other than... Empress Nuwa!

The commotion in the Wa Palace was really too loud, and it quickly alerted everyone.

Princess Longji and others had been living in the Heavenly Palace and heard the news at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Taishang Daozu and other saints also came over, and they all gathered in the square in the middle...

Suzhen Heiyi ran to Xuanyi immediately. She looked at the unconscious Nuwa Empress, horrified, and said: "What's going on?" As she spoke, Xuanyi asked Nuwa Empress to put her on the On the ground, follow him to check for his pulse.

Emperor Fuxi and Taishang Daozu also gathered around.

The place was packed to the brim...all the saints looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

Chen Yang half-crouched beside Suzhen in black clothes, observing the situation of Nuwa Empress attentively. At this moment, he finally understood what was wrong with his intuition.

Xuan Yi told everyone that just now, she was meditating in her room. Suddenly, the energy in Nuwa's palace fluctuated violently...

Then, it exploded. Xuanyi and Caiyi quickly protected themselves, and then scanned the situation of Nuwa Empress's palace with their spiritual consciousness. Xuanyi found that Nuwa was in a coma, so he quickly went to protect Nuwa and brought her out. Cai Yi quickly joined Xuan Yi and came out together.

Taishang Taozu also came to check on the situation of Nuwa.

The whole story soon became clear.

Empress Nuwa’s life is not in danger at present, but the ice blue particles have penetrated into the depths of her brain. It can be said that she will live and die with Empress Nuwa...

As for why the ice blue particles suppressed by other saints were fine, but it was the ice blue particles suppressed by Nuwa that had problems?

Taishang Daozu said to everyone: "I feel that there is Hongmeng purple energy in the ice blue particles deep in the brain of the empress... and in the energy explosion just now, there is life and heaven. This trace of life and heaven is invisible, but But it really happened.”

Suzhen Heiyi was extremely anxious and said: "Then how can I save my mother now? There must be a way, right?" She looked at Taishang Daozu as if pleading.

Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice: "There is Hongmeng Purple Qi in the ice blue particles. After these Hongmeng Purple Qi and ice blue particles are fused, they cling to the nerves of the empress's brain like an octopus. I can't think of anything for the moment." Is there any way to get rid of the ice blue particles without harming the empress?"

"What happened to the explosion just now?" Saint Jieyin couldn't help but ask.

Saint Zhunti asked Emperor Fuxi, "Fellow Taoist Fuxi, you are the first to come into contact with energy explosions. How strong is the energy explosion?"

Everyone then looked at Emperor Fuxi again.

Emperor Fuxi looked gloomy because something happened to his sister. When he saw everyone asking him, he said in a deep voice: "The energy of the explosion is not too scary. It burst out from my sister. It should have conflicted with the ice blue particles." , most of the energy has been digested internally. If my estimate is correct, when the girl was refining the ice blue particles, the ice blue particles mutated. After that, the girl tried to suppress it, but she failed to suppress it after all. "

"It's incredible!" Donghuang Taiyi said: "This ice blue particle is just a clone of the ancestor of the undead, but it can actually break through the suppression of the empress."

Taishang Daozu said: "The Queen has no independent power of heaven, and the ice blue particles suddenly burst out with the Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Heavenly Way of Life. It is normal for the Queen to be hit without noticing for a moment. However, this Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Heavenly Way of Life Pindao still can’t figure out what’s going on!”

Chen Yang pondered and said: "I had previously suspected that Yuan Yunzhong had done something to the ancestor of the undead. Now it seems that he did something. I just don't know if this was a conspiracy with the two of them or something else. "

Hei Yi Suzhen hugged her mother and cried sadly.

Chen Yang hugged Heiyi Suzhen and tried his best to give her the greatest comfort, but obviously, these were of no avail.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "The poor Taoist needs to work out this matter with Taoist Fuxi, and at the same time, the empress must be placed in the middle of the Tai Chi Bagua diagram. Susu, don't be too sad, no matter what we pay, we will put the empress Please save everyone. The enemy’s goal is definitely not your mother’s life!”

Heiyi Suzhen's eyes were red and swollen, and she said, "Everything depends on Daozu!"

After that, Taishang Daozu asked all the saints to pay close attention to the ice blue particles in their hands, and then asked the saints to disperse. He and Emperor Fuxi took Nuwa back to the Bajing Palace.

The saints also knew in their hearts that there would be no problem with the remaining ice blue particles. Because the main threat has already erupted from Nuwa Empress...

Chen Yang also returned to Lingxiu Palace with Suzhen in black clothes...

Hei Yi Suzhen said nothing, but worry was written on her face. Chen Yang hugged her tightly and comforted her constantly. He analyzed and said: "Before, I was thinking that if we fled to the land of nothingness, Yuan Yunzhong would be unable to do anything. Now that he has injured your mother, he just wants to lure us to the Yuanjie. I think the way to save your mother is in the Yuanjie. ...Susu, no matter what dragnet the Yuan Realm is, I will accompany you there. I know you have already lost your sister, and I absolutely cannot let you lose your mother again!"

Heiyi Suzhen suddenly burst into tears.

She used to be resolute and withdrawn, but over the years, she has a son, a husband, and a mother, and her heart has softened a lot. If it were before, she wouldn't care about anything. Now that I can sit here and cry, that's a huge change.

Chen Yang comforted him softly again...

Thunder finally exploded...

At this time, Chen Yang was no longer as worried as before. He always couldn't figure out what the problem was before, but now, everything is clear!

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