My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4076: The Wrath of Daozu, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

After the Dragon King finished speaking, the Fire King also said: "I also think it is very unwise! Besides, even if you go to the Yuan Realm, can your life be saved? Not necessarily!"

After the two of them finished speaking, the rest of the people started talking louder.

After that, the leading saint said: "Taoist, the poor monk thinks that the empress needs to be rescued, but she does not necessarily want to go to the Yuan Realm. We should work together to find other ways. Now we have sacrificed a lot to get this good situation. If So running to Yuanjie, wouldn’t all the sacrifices be in vain?”

Sage Zhunti also said: "The poor monk's opinion is the same as that of my senior brother. I hope Taoist ancestors will think twice!"

Afterwards, other people also expressed their opinions. Everyone's ideas were pretty much the same. They were all reluctant to go to the Yuan Realm.

When everyone's opinions were almost expressed, Taishang Taozu smiled slightly and said: "I think everyone's ideas are right, but I would like to ask you, if something happened to you, what would you do? Do you want us to put the overall situation first, or do you want us to put your lives first?"

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

"Nuwa has dedicated her life to the human race!" Taishang Daozu continued: "Now she has been ambushed and her life is at stake. Pindao just said that the overall situation is the most important and does not care about her life or death. That is impossible. If Pindao If Dao is such a person, he is not worthy of sitting here today and asking you to call him the ancestor of Dao! Pindao is dedicated to the human race and never hides selfishness in his heart. If the bed he is lying on today is anyone here, Pindao will do the same. We will do our best to rescue you. Pindao also believes that if you are in danger, you also hope that your compatriots will do whatever it takes to save you. What do you think?"

Everyone fell silent, not knowing how to refute for a moment.

But no matter how nice what Taishang Daozu said, they were unwilling to go to the Yuan Realm to take risks.

The saint said: "Taozu, the poor monk has no intention of not saving the empress. He just thought that there should be other ways to discuss. Can he save the empress if he goes to Yuanjie?"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "If my Taoist friend has other ways to save the empress, I will be happy to follow it!"

The saint who received the invitation was immediately speechless.

Taishang Daozu then said: "Pindao has decided to go to Yuanjie. After this meeting, he will start to turn back and change the course!"

Yuanshi Tianzun then said: "Pindao absolutely supports senior brother's decision. I, the Yuxu sect, and the Biyou sect will immediately turn back and head to the Yuanjie!"

In fact, Yuanshi Tianzun was also a little confused. Because Daozu has not discussed with him about going to Yuanjie. Faintly, he also felt that what everyone said was quite reasonable! However, when a father and his son go into battle, they are brothers fighting a tiger. Now that the eldest brother has made a decision, he will ignore everything else and wave the flag first.

Emperor Fuxi also said: "Our Heavenly Court and Wa Palace will immediately turn back and head to Yuanjie!"

The sage Jieyin and the sage Zhunti were both in a daze.

At this time, Fairy Qionghua also said: "We in the Sea of ​​Clouds Immortal Realm obey the decision of Tao Ancestor."

The saint Jieyin gave a bitter smile and said: "We in the Western Saint Sect do not agree with Dao Ancestor's idea, but we will absolutely abide by Dao Ancestor's decision. At this point in the human race, one will prosper and one will suffer, and one will suffer together. If we separate again, we will definitely die!"

Sage Zhunti said: "What the senior brother means is what the poor monk means."

Donghuang Taiyi thought for a while and said, "Everyone has gone, so I have no reason not to go!"

The Dragon King thought for a while and then said: "Dao Ancestor, I don't want to go. I want to continue to the land of nothingness and return to my old nest. I hope Dao Ancestor approves!"

The Fire Emperor also stood up and said, "Dao Ancestor, I have the same idea as the Dragon Emperor."

Taishang Taoist Ancestor smiled slightly and said: "Pindao has not had any delusional or murderous thoughts for more than two thousand years. I don't want to break the catastrophe today. But if someone goes against the decision of all of us, Pindao will have no choice but to let these hands be stained again." bloody!"

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon King and Fire King were stunned.

I never expected that Taishang Daozu, who was always gentle, elegant and compassionate, would say such murderous words.

The Dragon King saw the wind and quickly changed the direction, and immediately said: "I am willing to live and die with everyone!"

Naturally, the Fire Emperor did not dare to fart any more, and immediately said, "I am willing too!" and then sat down.

Taishang Daozu glanced at everyone and said: "We are all cultivators of Taoism. We should be free and natural. But now, the situation is different. Do Yuan Yunzhong's men dare to say no? Dare not! Then, we If people can leave when they want and come when they want, is it still necessary to fight this war? The human race has never been a human race of only one person. The human race is collectively called the human race because all of us are together. Now we are fighting for the human race. War, so I have a clear conscience!"

Then, he added: "The decision to go to Yuanjie may not be the right one! But this is the decision of little friend Chen Yang. Little friend Chen Yang has led us to defeat Yuan Yunzhong several times. This time, we did not disobey The reason for his command! Pindao also said this today. In the future, he will attack Yuanjie. Little friend Chen Yang asked Pindao to die. Pindao has no objection. Then, let you go. If you don't go, Pindao will I have no choice but to give you a ride."

This is the first time that all the saints and other masters have seen such a fierce side of Taishang Daozu. Daozu has always been gentle and gentle, and it seems that he will not get angry!

After the meeting, the course of the saints immediately changed. Their new direction was no longer the land of nothingness, but the Yuanjie!

Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun met Taishang Taozu alone in the Bajing Palace.

"Senior brother, is the trip to the Yuan Realm really feasible?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

Taishang Daozu said: "We must go to the Yuan Realm first, so that we can stabilize the ancestor of the undead. If we continue to go to the land of nothingness, the ancestor of the undead will not give up."

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes lit up and he said, "In this way, it doesn't mean that we have to go to the Yuan Realm?"

Taishang Daozu said: "As long as we can solve the problem of the undead ancestor, there is no need to go to the Yuan Realm. The current problem is that even if we go to the Yuan Realm, we may not be able to save the empress."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "That's right! In the Yuan Realm, the initiative is no longer in our hands. By then, aren't Yuan Yunzhong and the ancestor of the undead eager to kill more of our saints? Why should we give the empress a chance to live?"

Taishang Daozu said: "That's true! Fortunately, there is still time now. We have too many people to go to Yuanjie and can't go fast, so it will take at least a year."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "I really can't think of a way."

Taishang Daozu said: "We can't think of it, but it doesn't mean that Chen Yang can't think of it either!"

Chen Yang thought for a long time, but in the end he couldn't come up with a good solution, so he decided to negotiate with the ancestor of the undead.

Chen Yang found Taishang Taozu, who came to unlock the seal in Nuwa's brain.

Afterwards, Chen Yang asked Heiyi Suzhen and Taishang Daozu to go out.

He met the ancestor of the undead alone in the room.

The ancestor of the undead cannot appear at this time. Once he appears, it will be difficult to go back.

Therefore, if he wanted to communicate, Chen Yang had to put out a finger and point it between Empress Nuwa's eyebrows. Then comes the communication of ideas...

When communicating with his thoughts, Chen Yang felt that the ancestor of the undead in ice blue armor was sitting in the void.

He also closed his eyes.

The two of them were in a mental space at the same time.

The space of thought is surrounded by darkness.

The ancestor of the undead did not dare to attack Chen Yang, because to attack Chen Yang, he would have to attack with all his strength. Once he takes action with all his strength, he has to leave the body of Nuwa Empress. He doesn't dare to leave the talisman of Nuwa Empress easily now.

In the mind space, Chen Yang and the ancestor of the undead were sitting cross-legged face to face.

The ancestor of the undead smiled coldly and said: "It's surprising, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It's really surprising."

The ancestor of the undead said: "I said before that I would repay you well, what did you say?"

Chen Yang said: "I'm not afraid of Yuan Yunzhong, let alone you!"

"What about now?" the ancestor of the undead asked.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "You win!"

The ancestor of the undead said: "No, I haven't won yet. You are just pretending to obey now."

Chen Yang said: "We should have a good talk."

The ancestor of the undead said: "We really should have a good talk, but no matter what you say, I can no longer believe you."

Chen Yang said: "When we arrive at the Yuan Realm and we are annihilated by Yuan Sheng, what will you do?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "What do you want? Should I continue to cooperate with you now? After I leave Nuwa's mind, will you kill me again?"

Chen Yang said: "I can swear to you that I will never kill you again. Moreover, if I can't give you the Fog of Hongmeng in thirty years, I will blow up the Fire of Fate and smelt the Tears of Death for you."

The ancestor of the undead said: "These are all bullshit. Your oath can be true. But I estimate that in less than thirty years, those who care about you will kill me first. By then, will it be considered that you have violated your oath? It does not count. !”

Chen Yang said: "Otherwise, you can possess my brain. Is that okay?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I'm not sick, why should I take this risk? What if there is an accident when leaving Nuwa's brain? What if you are not strong enough and they are not threatened? What if you have something else? What should I do to survive? Don’t even think about relying on your sharp tongue to achieve your goals. I won’t be fooled a second time!”

Chen Yang said: "Then what do you want?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I want you to go to the Yuan Realm! Am I not clear enough?"

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