My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4066: The way forward, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

A generation of Immortal King, who also possessed the divine power of time and heaven, was killed by Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse under the eyes of all the saints. This is simply incredible and unbelievable!

At the same time, it also makes all the saints feel insecure and frightened! Not only was he afraid of Yuan Sheng's sneak attack again, but more importantly, his faith was broken.

After all these years, no saint has ever been killed. Saints like them have always claimed to be immortal.

The death of Lord Tongtian had previously given them a psychological blow, but after so many years, they finally built up their confidence again. But now, the other party actually killed Immortal King Xiao Ling under their noses!

They don't know who will die next!

The saints had no time to hold a memorial ceremony for Xiao Ling, so they quickly gathered together to discuss the following matters.

Chen Yang asked Bai Qing and Hei Yi Suzhen to accompany Fairy Qionghua because he was afraid that Fairy Qionghai would do something stupid. The reason why he brought Bai Qing with him was because Chen Yang also knew that his wife was not very good at comforting others.

Chen Yang and his party did not dare to leave Fairy Qionghua, so they moved their palace around Fairy Qionghua.

Taishang Daozu moved the Bajing Palace over and covered Fairy Qionghua.

The other saints quickly moved their palaces and built a new base with the Bajing Palace as the center!

They can no longer give Yuan Sheng an opportunity to take advantage of him.

It wasn't until dawn that the new Qingming Palace was rebuilt. This time, it is impossible for Yuan Sheng to repeat his old tricks.

After that, in the palace of Bajing Palace, Taishang Daozu sat at the top and said sadly: "We had thought about Yuan Yunzhong's understanding of the sea of ​​blood before, but Pindao did not advocate leaving and making new protections. Measures, this is all Pindao's fault. Fellow Taoist Xiao Ling died tragically, and Pindao cannot absolve himself of the blame!"

However, the saints did not comfort Taishang Daozu. They felt uncomfortable in their hearts and remained silent.

After a while, Empress Nuwa said first: "It has happened, and there is no use regretting it. Yuan Yunzhong only has forty years left to live, and he will be crazier than we imagined. The sea of ​​blood has now become our biggest It is not easy to leave due to the restrictions. He can create a blood sea space, making it take us more time to leave. And in the process of leaving, he can also find opportunities to deal with us."

Emperor Fuxi said: "My sister's and my space heavenly powers can help everyone leave, but we can't completely break the shackles of the blood sea!"

The saints regained their grief. In fact, they were not necessarily so sad about Xiao Ling's death. Most of them were sad because they were afraid that they would end up with the same fate.

Yuanshi Tianzun said in a deep voice: "Leaving this place is already an urgent matter, but how to leave really requires long-term planning!"

The saint said: "There is something that the poor monk finds a little strange. Yuan Yunzhong should hate little friend Chen Yang the most. If he comes to kill little friend Chen Yang this time, wouldn't it be terrifying?"

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said: "It can only be said that fortunately, little friend Chen Yang's Lingxiu Palace, Empress and Taoist Fuxi are all in the same heavenly palace. Yuan Yunzhong probably cannot combine Lingxiu Palace, Wa Palace and the Heavenly Court Palace. They separated without knowing it. So, he couldn't attack little friend Chen Yang."

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

He felt as if he was walking on the edge of life and death again...

When all the saints came to Qingming Palace, they built their own palaces.

Empress Nuwa invited Hei Yi Suzhen to live in the Wa Palace, but Hei Yi Suzhen wanted to be with Chen Yang. Chen Yang thought for a while and simply joined the Heavenly Palace. In this way, he and Susu have their own independent space. At the same time, she and Nuwa Empress were also very close, and they felt like mother and daughter.

How could he have thought that such an unexpected arrangement would actually save his life!

You can imagine what it would be like to live alone in the palace outside today. With Yuan Yunzhong's hatred for him, he would definitely be the first to kill him. Although I have many tricks and methods, facing the execution of Black Corpse and Yuan Sheng, it is definitely a dead end!

The saints discussed how to leave, and after much thought, they all agreed that they should all come together and never give Yuan Yunzhong an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Chen Yang said: "I'm afraid that Yuan Yunzhong will take the opportunity to attack. Once he attacks, we can't do it alone. All the saints must attack together. During the fight, once he finds an opportunity, he will use the Netherworld Blood Sea to attack If one of them is isolated, it will be a dead end."

All the saints were frightened when they heard this.

Who is not afraid of death?

The higher the achievement, the more afraid of death?

Why did ancient emperors want immortality so much? It’s because power is so fascinating that I can’t bear to die!

If a person lives too hard, he will wish to die early!

Let's say that at this time, Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse were cultivating in a secluded place in the Netherworld Blood Sea.

Although the battle just now didn't last long, it consumed a lot of their energy. If you want to carry out the next attack, you must rest for three days.

"It's a pity that that boy Chen Yang actually lives with Nuwa and Fuxi. Otherwise, he can be killed smoothly this time!" Black Corpse said with gloomy eyes. He also hated Chen Yang deeply.

Yuan Sheng said: "This boy's luck is extremely strong. I hope God will help him! It's too difficult to kill him!"

Black Corpse said: "He seems to represent the destiny of the human race. Unless he dies, it will be difficult for us to defeat him!"

Yuan Sheng said: "He and the human race's luck complement each other. If we kill enough saints, his luck will also decline. If we kill him, the human race's luck will also decline. Now it seems that if we want to kill him, we can't It’s too realistic. We still have to weaken the destiny of the human race first.”

Black Corpse said: "Master, what should we do next?"

Yuan Sheng sneered and said: "This group of people seems to have no idea if they are away from Chen Yang. I was worried that they would leave the Netherworld Blood Sea one step ahead of time, but I didn't expect that they would actually stay where they are. "After a pause, he added: "I think they are still waiting for Chen Yang to come back. They are also worried about the ancestor of the undead... So, our next step is to find the ancestor of the undead. If they are ready to leave, we will intercept them on the road. This Netherworld Blood Sea is an excellent opportunity for us. We must use this opportunity to gain an absolute advantage! Black Corpse, my time is indeed running out..."

Black Corpse said: "Whatever the master wants me to do, I will do it."

Yuan Sheng nodded and said: "Okay, very good!"

In Qingming Palace, the saints discussed and left. Chen Yang thought of the ancestor of the undead, and he was worried that Yuan Sheng would win over the ancestor of the undead.

At the meeting, Chen Yang said: "Now that we are together, Yuan Yunzhong does not dare to deal with us. If we leave Qingmingque, we will be attacked by him! But we have been stuck in the snail's nest, and he will definitely Go find the ancestor of the undead. If the ancestor of the undead doesn't want to die, he may have to cooperate with Yuan Yunzhong. Once they cooperate, it will be impossible for us to escape from the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld."

Thinking of the seriousness, Chen Yang couldn't help but stood up and said: "Seniors, now we have reached the point of life and death. If we are not careful, the Netherworld Blood Sea will become our burial place!"

"The situation is indeed more serious than we imagined!" Emperor Fuxi said: "So now, we must find a way as soon as possible. If the ancestor of the undead favors Yuan Yunzhong, we will be very disadvantageous. So now, we must rescue the ancestor of the undead. "

"How to rescue? Once we leave Qingmingque, Yuan Yunzhong will attack and kill us!" Donghuang Taiyi said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said: "Please be patient, there must be a way. I have a suggestion!" He was already an extremely smart person, but he was eclipsed only when compared with Xuan Zhenghao. Now in this fairy world, it's time for him to control the overall situation again.

His mind was clear and calm, and he continued: "The Netherworld Blood Sea is not as scary as we imagined. We are working in groups of two. These two people must not let Yuan Sheng attack us under any circumstances. In this way, even if Yuan Yun Zhong trapped one of the groups, and this group also had time to wait for our rescue. As long as Yuan Yunzhong can't kill our people, then there is nothing he can do! After deciding on the two groups, we immediately set off to rescue the ancestor of the undead! "

Chen Yang's plan was approved by all the saints.

Soon, they decided to move en masse! Take all the disciples and the palace, leave Qingmingque and rush to the world of the dead.

Sage Jieyin and Sage Zhunti are in one group... Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun are in one group, and Emperor Fuxi and Nuwa are in one group.

Donghuang Taiyi was responsible for bringing all the palaces and disciples.

All the saints set out with Donghuang Taiyi as the center...

Once an accident occurs, Taishang Taozu will take Donghuang Taiyi into the magic weapon Bajing Palace.

Then the six heavenly saints challenged Yuan Yunzhong together. They did not pursue each other and did not deviate from the course.

Be sure to hold hands and escape from the Netherworld Blood Sea first!

The saints were also very capable of action. After making a decision, they took action immediately. Two hours later, they had everything sorted and maintained a perfect formation.

Following that, the saints defended Donghuang Taiyi and quickly left Qingmingque!

When leaving Qingmingque, Chen Yang felt a little sad. This place was originally very safe because of Ye Qingming's presence... Now, so many of them can only leave in a hurry, how sad... And Ye Qingming has also died...

After the battle with Yuan Sheng, it seemed that he was not losing. But the human race has already lost the old man Hongchen, Ye Qingming, Xiao Ling, and the four heavenly saints from Tongtian Cult Leader!

And he also betrayed a real person created by creation!

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