My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4065: A generation of immortal kings, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

The Yunhai Immortal Mansion where Xiao Ling lived was originally his magical weapon, but this magical weapon had lost one very important thing, which was the Infinite Light Star. But even so, Xiao Ling later made additions to Yunhai Immortal Mansion. At this time, he knew something was wrong and his body shape changed rapidly. Then, the Yunhai Immortal Mansion came into his hands. And Fairy Qionghua is inside the Yunhai Immortal Mansion...

At this moment, Xiao Ling immediately discovered that great changes had taken place around him. Originally, even if the Yunhai Immortal Mansion was evacuated, it should still be in Qingmingque. But now there is an endless sea of ​​ghostly blood all around. The blood-colored sea is calm and deep...

The black corpse didn't say much, and struck Xiao Ling with one palm.

Behind him, a death vortex appeared, and the Heavenly Way of Death also became fierce.

Xiao Ling was taken aback and immediately activated the way of time.

Time particles appear and quickly form a storm, wrapping the opponent's death path!

The contest between the two sides instantly reached its most intense moment, with neither side giving in.

Xiao Ling used the Heavenly Law of Time to divide the Black Corpse's Heavenly Law of Death, and then split the Black Corpse's palm apart with a backhand palm.

"Pick the flower with one finger!" Xiao Ling shouted fiercely. At this time, Fairy Qionghua and Yunhai Immortal Palace came to their full aid and merged with his divine power. He then activated the Heavenly Way of Time and used the most powerful flower-twisting finger. The power of this finger is extremely ferocious, instantly cutting through all illusions and killing the black corpse.

Black Corpse then felt a sharp finger force coming towards him, and his death vortex went to block it, but the finger force directly penetrated the death vortex.


With one finger, he hit the black corpse between the eyebrows.

The body of the black corpse exploded instantly...

But soon, the countless death particles transformed by the black corpse quickly reunited, and then appeared intact again.

The core of his death is the Heavenly Law. As long as the power of the Heavenly Law does not dissipate, no one can kill him.

Xiao Ling was not prepared to kill the black corpse with one move. If he could kill the black corpse with one move, the black corpse would not be a threat. He originally just wanted to repel the black corpse with one finger of the flower, and then take the opportunity to join Taishang Daozu and the others. He knew that Black Corpse alone could not trap him here. Behind the black corpse, there must be Yuan Sheng.

Xiao Ling has been in the world for many years and has rich experience in dealing with enemies. After two moves with the black corpse, he had a clue about the current situation in his mind.

He also understood that the reason why the other party could carry out such a sneak attack was, firstly, based on Yuan Sheng's understanding of the Netherworld Blood Sea, and secondly, the Black Corpse's Heavenly Way of Death also complemented the Netherworld Blood Sea. So now, Yuan Sheng must be responsible for trapping the remaining saints... so that they can't find them for the time being.

Then the black corpse is responsible for killing him!

No one else will come...because if others come, they will definitely not be able to be so secretive in Qingming Tower.

Xiao Ling no longer knew where he was, but he believed that as long as he could hold on long enough, Taishang Daozu and his party would be able to come to the rescue in time.

At this time, Xiao Ling was not in a hurry to attack.

The black corpse came up to kill him again, his figure flickered, and the net of Senluo also fell from the sky and enveloped Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling retreated continuously, but still couldn't avoid Senluo's net.

Time particles surrounded Xiao Ling, and then a white horse passed by...

The moment the Senluo Net was about to cover him, he had already left the range of the Senluo Net. Then he came behind the black corpse, holding the Yunhai Immortal Palace in his hand, gathering all his power...

Kill with one punch!


Time particles surge like a tsunami from heaven to earth!

The power of heaven!

The world's divine power in the Yunhai Fairy Mansion also appeared, including the power of Fairy Qionghua.

The black corpse didn't look back, just ran forward.

As he ran, the death vortex behind him also unfolded.


The divine fist quickly defeated the death vortex...

Then, the black corpse suddenly turned around and also issued a powerful fist seal of the God of Death.


The two forces collided and killed each other.

This time, the black corpse took a few steps back.

On the surface, Xiao Ling has the upper hand.

But Black Corpse was not injured. Black Corpse quickly used his palm power to kill the general again. His Senluo Net has also condensed into black gloves... all kinds of magic, melted into one furnace...

Xiao Ling also punched quickly.

There are not many tricks in the battle between the two sides, because any tricks will not work.

Therefore, the most direct thing is to use all the divine power and then fight to the death!


The world shook, and the sea of ​​blood around them roared...

The black corpse stepped back again.

When Black Corpse acquired immortality, his own vigor was reduced a lot. So in a pure competition, Black Corpse was no match for Xiao Ling. In addition, Xiao Ling and Fairy Qionghua helped.

If you want to kill the black corpse, you must first suppress his death.

In other words, kill the black corpse countless times, weaken his energy, and finally decompose his body.

After Xiao Ling pushed back the black corpses one after another, his morale suddenly surged, and he wanted to defeat the black corpses in one go.

Then, he punched again!

The fist is like the eternal stars melting into a furnace, and the punch is shocking!

The black corpse can only parry quickly!


After one punch, Black Corpse's defense was directly defeated, and the whole person quickly retreated.

But at the moment when Xiao Ling's old power was used up and new power was not generated, a finger force suddenly came from behind him.

This finger force is invisible and appears suddenly in subtle ways. It is extremely terrifying!

The finger power contains the divine way of life!

Obviously, it was Yuan Sheng who took action.

Xiao Ling quickly activated the Heavenly Way of Time, the Time Particles, the Sea of ​​Clouds Immortal Mansion, and the Yin-Yang Avenue in conjunction with Fairy Qionghua... all the divine power gathered together to form numerous obstacles.

But Yuan Sheng's finger was like an indestructible existence, quickly breaking through all Xiao Ling's obstacles, including time...

This sharp finger force finally penetrated all the defenses and entered Xiao Ling's body.

The finger force seemed small, but after entering Xiao Ling's body, it exploded instantly...

It was a landslide and a tsunami...

The divine power of life and heaven erupted from the finger force instantly destroyed all Xiao Ling's defenses and world, destroying all his body systems...

"Roar!" Xiao Ling's eyes were blood red and he roared like a beast.

Then he knelt in the sea of ​​blood!

The black corpse was not willing to fight, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​blood.

Fairy Qionghua quickly ran out of the Yunhai Fairy Mansion and came to Xiao Ling's side. Then, she stretched out her hand to take Xiao Ling's pulse. After doing so, she couldn't help but be horrified. Because she sensed that the inside of Xiao Ling's body had been completely destroyed, and all the small worlds were in chaos, with mana surging... It was like a planet had been completely destroyed, and what appeared was the volcanic coke after the destruction, etc...

Xiao Ling looked at Fairy Qionghua...

Time and heaven were surrounding him. Fairy Qionghua stretched out her hand to catch him, but she immediately failed. The way of time and heaven has been completely disrupted...

Xiao Ling opened her mouth, but Fairy Qionghua could no longer hear what he said. Because time has blocked everything...

Although she couldn't hear it, Fairy Qionghai still understood what he wanted to say through her mouth movements. "Qionghua, I'm leaving..."

After Xiao Ling finished speaking, his body began to break apart, and finally turned into countless particles, which were then incorporated into the heavenly path of time.

At this time, Taishang Daozu and others finally rushed over.

Including Chen Yang also ran over.

Just before, Taishang Daozu and others discovered the changes in Qingmingque. Qingming Que was originally surrounded by the Netherworld Blood Sea, but the water from the Netherworld Blood Sea suddenly rushed in.

Then, they were blocked by a wall of seawater.

The wall of sea water surrounds the Yunhai Immortal Mansion!

Then, they felt the Heavenly Way of Time and the Heavenly Way of Death erupting in Yunhai Immortal Mansion.

Taishang Daozu and others naturally understood that Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse were coming, but it was a bit difficult to break through the blood sea wall for a while.

The Wall of Blood Sea was formed by Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse working together to activate the sea water of the entire Netherworld Blood Sea.

The Sea of ​​Blood itself is an extremely special existence. If you understand the reason, you can instantly travel... If you don't understand, even if you are close at hand, you will never be able to reach it.

Fortunately, the saints are all powerful people in this world... and they also have deep management of Qingmingque, so they chose the most brutal method and directly used various powerful methods. Mana, divine power of heaven rushes through the wall of blood sea.


They broke through the wall of blood sea in the shortest time, and when they broke through, they saw the scene of Xiao Ling dissipating...

The immortal body, a generation of saints, just...disappeared and died!

At this moment, all the saints, including Chen Yang, Bai Qing and others, gathered around Fairy Qionghua.

The power of time in the sky gradually dissipated... In the scene, there were only Yunhai Immortal Mansion and Qionghua Fairy.

Xiao Ling didn't even leave his body behind. He obtained the Heavenly Law of Time, and now his physical body also gave back to the Heavenly Law of Time.

Fairy Qionghua sat on the ground without saying a word, as if she was demented.

At this time, the saints did not know how to comfort Fairy Qionghua.

Chen Yang was equally sad and unspeakable. He respected and admired Xiao Ling very much. Moreover, Xiao Ling had a life-saving grace for him...

But now, what can he do?

He had expected that Yuan Sheng would be crazy in the next forty years, but he didn't expect that his madness would come so quickly.

Black Corpse should have returned before Chen Yang, but it would take time for Black Corpse and Yuan Sheng to come from Yuanjie. Yuan Sheng knew that the longer it took, the people in the sea of ​​blood might just evacuate. The Blood Sea was once the refuge of the Saints and Chen Yang... but after Ye Qingming's death, the Blood Sea became Yuan Sheng's best place to attack.

Yuan Sheng didn't want to miss the opportunity, so Thunder took action.

He couldn't bring Long Xiaofeng here, because he couldn't maintain absolute privacy if he brought others. Only he and Black Corpse can remain absolutely hidden.

Xiao Ling's sacrifice dealt a huge blow to the saints...

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