My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 4067: Rebellion of the Founding Fathers, the fastest update to the latest chapter of My Beautiful Wife!

While Yuan Sheng was recuperating, he felt the changes in Qingming Que. And they quickly determined that they were going to find the ancestor of the undead!

When Yuan Sheng saw this, he couldn't help but sneered. Now in this sea of ​​​​netherworld, he occupies the right time, place, and people. He can make it take a long time for the saints to find the world of the dead. But he can reach the world of the dead in an instant!

At the moment, he ignored the group of saints and continued his cultivation.

Three days later, after he and Black Corpse's body energy had recovered, they moved quickly and arrived in front of the world of the undead.

Yuan Sheng has a special sense of the aura of the undead, so no matter where the ancestor of the undead is hidden, he can accurately find it.

Of course, this premise is that he uses the law of life to find it.

The first time he came to the Netherworld Blood Sea, he never thought that the ancestor of the undead was still alive.

After Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse successfully entered the world of the dead, they saw a world of ice and snow around them. Yuan Sheng and Black Corpse were both familiar with this scene, and they quickly flew towards the Undead Star Palace.

Not long after, they arrived at the Palace of the Dead Star.

The ancestor of the undead did not avoid the meeting, but came out with four ice men to meet him.

At the same time, undead particles also appeared in the square of the Star Palace.

Black undead particles filled the sky.

In this world of the undead, the ancestor of the undead will not be afraid of Yuan Sheng.

"I don't mean any harm when I come here!" Yuan Sheng came to the ancestor of the undead and said with a faint smile.

The ancestor of the undead asked: "Why?"

Yuan Sheng was surprised and said: "Can you talk?" The ancestor of the undead was a little too lazy to pay attention to Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng was not worried and said: "I understand your matter to a certain extent. You should also understand my matter. My lifespan is limited and I can't live for too long. Therefore, you and I have absolutely no They must become enemies. As long as I destroy the human race, when the time comes, I won’t care at all about the Hongmeng Purple Qi and other things.”

The ancestor of the undead said: "So?"

Yuan Sheng said: "So, you cooperate with me. Now these saints of the human race are trapped in this sea of ​​blood. As long as you cooperate with me, I can easily kill them all. After killing them, I can Give what you want.”

The ancestor of the undead said: "Do you know what I want?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I am not too stupid after all, and later I understood what Chen Yang was going to Earth for. He was looking for the Chaos Spiritual Stone, right?"

The ancestor of the undead was surprised, but his face remained expressionless and said: "Really?"

Yuan Sheng said: "I have been thinking for a long time about why you want to cooperate with Chen Yang and so on. Finally, I summarized your intentions, found out your intentions, and it will be much easier to speculate on your behavior. You should now All we need is the Hongmeng Fog, and to get the Hongmeng Fog, we must first get rid of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. To get rid of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, we must have the Tears of Death. But what you don’t know is that as soon as I die, the Hongmeng Purple Qi will automatically dissipate."

"Impossible!" said the ancestor of the undead: "This is unreasonable."

Yuan Sheng said: "I can mobilize the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the world, why? Because in my body, the Life and Heavenly Way is a system and the main hub of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. As long as I reverse the main hub, I can make all the Hongmeng Purple Qi react. Turn and turn into the Qi of Hongmeng."

"Of course..." Yuan Sheng said: "The price is very high, even I will die because of it! But I am the one who is going to die, so what does it matter?"

The ancestor of the undead said: "I don't believe it!"

Yuan Sheng said: "If you don't believe it, I can let you feel the system composition of the way of life and heaven. If you understand the whole story, you will know that what I said is true."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand.

The ancestor of the undead was doubtful, but he still detected an undead beam. The undead beam quickly wrapped around Yuan Sheng's wrist, then invaded his body, and explored Yuan Sheng's life and heaven system along the way.

The inside of Yuan Sheng's body is like the grand Hongmeng world!

The Hongmeng Purple Qi and the Heavenly Way of Life merge together, it is the ultimate star and sea!

The ancestor of the undead knew that Yuan Sheng was very powerful, but after seeing his physical condition, he was still shocked and surprised.

At this moment, he understood that no one could kill Yuan Sheng!

"I didn't lie to you, right?" Yuan Sheng said with a smile.

The ancestor of the undead pondered for a while and then said: "The plan you mentioned is indeed possible! But now I doubt whether your life is really about to end."

Yuan Sheng said: "You just checked my body, and my vitality source is almost exhausted. You should understand that exhaustion of vitality source is irreversible."

The ancestor of the undead said: "There are no absolutes in the world. Once you have a way to survive, you will never destroy Hongmeng Ziqi."

Yuan Sheng said: "When I decided to consume the source of vitality, I never thought about continuing to live. This is the only sincerity I can do. If you still don't believe it, I can't do anything. Moreover, today I will show you There are only two roads in front of you. Either cooperate with me, or I will kill you! I know that you are difficult to kill, but you believe me, if I want to kill you, I will definitely be able to kill you. .It’s just a little troublesome!”

The ancestor of the undead was silent for a while and then said: "I need to think about it."

Yuan Sheng said: "Time is very urgent. Without your participation, I can still make those saints pay a heavy price. If you are willing to cooperate, we will reach an agreement. If you are not willing, I will take action."

The ancestor of the undead fell into silence again. After a long time, he said: "I will cooperate with you!"

Yuan Sheng said: "That's very good. You are welcome to join. However, it is difficult to have absolute trust between us at the beginning. In order to show your sincerity in joining, I need you to leave the world of the dead with us now. After that, you You will be responsible for the main attack, and Black Corpse and I will assist from the side. When you help us kill a saint, I will completely trust you!"

The ancestor of the undead nodded and said: "Okay!"

Yuan Sheng would not choose to place the battlefield in the world of the undead, because in the world of the undead, the initiative lies with the ancestor of the undead. At that time, if anything uncontrollable happens, it will be very dangerous.

But in the Netherworld Blood Sea, he and Black Corpse can absolutely control the initiative!

Later, Yuan Sheng gave a spiritual mark to the ancestor of the undead and said: "You swallow this spiritual mark into your belly. With your skill, you don't have to be afraid of my mark. This mark can play a certain surveillance role. If you want to block it, , and it’s very simple. But if you want to gain my absolute trust, don’t deliberately block this mark.”

The ancestor of the undead said: "I understand!" Then he swallowed the spiritual mark without hesitation.

Then, Yuan Sheng said again: "You go to meet Chen Yang and the others now, and I will contact you through the mark. When I say to do it, you do it."

"Okay!" The ancestor of the undead nodded.

Subsequently, the ancestor of the undead took the lead in leaving the world of the undead with four of his Icemen.

After they left the world of the undead, the entire world of the undead collapsed because of the departure of the undead star stone.

Chen Yang and his party have been flying for three days, and it usually only takes a few hours to reach the world of the dead. But now, it is difficult to reach. They also understood that it was Yuan Sheng who was causing trouble.

They didn't think the Netherworld Blood Sea was so scary before. Now that the Netherworld Blood Sea was controlled by Yuan Sheng, they realized the horror in it.

Originally, if Yuan Sheng had not comprehended the Netherworld Blood Sea, and they and Ye Qingming stayed in the Netherworld Blood Sea, Yuan Sheng could only do nothing.

But Yuan Sheng's way of life and heaven is really terrifying... He can actually penetrate even the Netherworld and Blood Sea.

From beginning to end, the Netherworld Blood Sea is a troublesome existence. Yuan Sheng did not dare to step into the blood sea for decades before he penetrated the Netherworld Blood Sea...

This is also evident.

After the saints felt something was wrong, they immediately began to renegotiate. They all entered the Eight Views Palace to discuss...

"It is impossible to find the ancestor of the undead now." Yuanshi Tianzun said first.

Taishang Taoist Ancestor said in a deep voice: "Pin Dao has also been comprehending the Netherworld Blood Sea these years, but there are some key points that he has never been able to understand. Only those who understand the way of death can completely master the Netherworld Blood Sea! However, , Pindao also did some more deductions, and it is still possible to forcefully leave the Netherworld Blood Sea. But it will also take at least a month! And it is difficult to find the ancestor of the undead. Because Pindao has limited energy and has no right Do more research on the route to the world of the dead!”

The saints discussed one after another, and finally all looked at Chen Yang.

After scanning the crowd, Chen Yang said: "The situation is developing in the worst direction again. We must leave the Netherworld Blood Sea, otherwise everything will come to an end! The ancestor of the undead has most likely betrayed us, and he will either be killed by Yuan Sheng Once he appears in front of us again, there is no doubt that he was sent by Yuan Sheng. It would be okay if he was killed, but once he comes, this is the most terrifying thing. Because he is an unkillable guy, It's perfect to use him to break up our formation."

All the saints felt frightened when they thought of the immortality of the ancestor of the undead!

After Chen Yang took a deep breath, he said: "If the ancestor of the undead comes, you seniors must try to give me a time, a time for me to talk to him. And you must also ensure that I will not be trapped alone by Yuan Sheng. Kill the ancestor of the undead!"

"This is difficult!" Taishang Taozu said: "But Pindao will definitely make it happen!"

Chen Yang was worried...

He himself was very depressed and didn't understand why a good situation suddenly turned into such a bad situation...

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