My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3287: Complete, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Long Qianjue felt very embarrassed right now.

Chen Yang and Luo Feng are the backbone of Tianzhou.

He also knew that Bai Suzhen must also be on Chen Yang.

Just kill them, and then take the opportunity to destroy Chen Ling. Then, Tianzhou will be their bag.

But, can he really ignore the light of the sky, the life and death of the old emperor's Long Wei Gong and the robe?

The life and death of those civilians can be ignored and fooled.

But there are so many colleagues watching.

They cannot be fooled.

But let these people go back. Tian Qingge's injuries still cannot be recovered, and their combat effectiveness still cannot be made up.

Long Qian could hardly decide.

Fang Xieyang showed his attitude and wanted to save people.

At this time, as the highest cultivator of this empire, his attitude is crucial. If he says he can't save, then he will lose the support of the masters below.

Fang Xieyang is smart, he only makes suggestions anyway.

You will still make the decision at that time. Your Majesty says you can't save, then I can't do anything.

Elder Baixian said to Long Qianjue: "Your Majesty, we rely on you to judge!"

Tian Qingge spoke again at this time, and he said: "Your Majesty, I have a law."

"Oh?" Long Qianjue looked at Tian Qingge, and he continued, "You, must not sacrifice."

Tian Qingge said: "We can let them return the blood drop and the cold dew of the heavenly soul. In return, we will let them go, including the other half of Chen Ling's body. Let everything go, let's make another move! "

Long Qianjue's eyes lit up.

This way, he felt acceptable.

Therefore, Long Qianjue said to Chen Yang and Luo Feng: "Our people, you want to let go. You, we can let go too. However, there is still blood falling, Fufeng, Ethan, Long forget you. It must be handed over. Otherwise, the emperor will have to choose to die. This is the emperor’s final bottom line!"

Chen Yang and Luo Feng looked at each other. Then, Chen Yang said to Long Qianjue: "The blood fall is not in my hands, nor is the Heavenly Soul Cold Dew in my hands. I can't make this decision, but I can go back and talk to the emperor. ."

"You go back?" Long Qianjue said.

Tian Qingge said: "You can let him go back, but Bai Suzhen must stay."

He knew very well that Chen Yang would never care about his elder brother and Bai Suzhen's life and death.

Long Qianjue pondered for a moment, and then said: "Okay, Chen Yang, this emperor can let you go back."

Chen Yang thought for a moment, and then said: "One hundred thousand souls can be released, Heaven Soul Cold Dew, Blood Fall, Dragon Forgotten, Ethan can be released. But I still have one request, that is, half of Chen Ling's body can be given to me . And the remaining people of the undead clan, they will also be taken away by me."

Long Qianjue did not hesitate more, but said: "Yes!"

Chen Yang left Suzhen in black immediately.

At the same time, the one hundred thousand souls were also left by Chen Yang to Suzhen in black.

They want to stay in the enemy camp, and naturally all the killers will be given to them.

Chen Yang successfully left the chalk world, and then returned directly to Tianzhou.

Tianzhou is as calm as ever.

But the turbulent waves were hidden in the calm.

The sky is blue.

Chen Yang went directly to the Imperial City of Dakang, and then entered the boat of one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao's injuries had long since healed, and he quickly received Chen Yang.

"What?" Xuan Zhenghao asked Chen Yang in the crystal wall room.

Chen Yang immediately brought out all the current situation.

Xuan Zhenghao was happy, and said, "Since this is the case, there is nothing to say. Get ready to make a deal. You can give it to Tianpu Hanlu, but you can't give it all. Just enough for a few of them to recover from their injuries."

Chen Yang quickly thanked him.

Xuan Zhenghao said displeased: "Thank me for this. Isn't that too far-fetched? Besides, our intention was to save the master. Those people like Po Han Dew and Blood Fall were just pleasant surprises."

This time, Chen Yang made a deal with Lingzun.

Both parties are very sincere.

Even the transactions made on the periphery of Tianzhou were really due to the fact that the spirits were too strong. Xuan Zhenghao didn't dare to trade in the chalk world.

Fang Xieyang personally inspected Tianpo Hanlu, and took the hostages such as Xueluo, Fufeng, Ethan, and Longwang.

Then Luo Feng and Suzhen in black returned.

Luo Feng released Long Wei Gong, the robe.

Lingzun finally released Chen Ling's half body lightning particles back.

Finally, Luo Feng released Tian Qingge.

Both sides did not use any tricks, each got what they wanted, and then quickly turned and left.

Everything finally returned to peace.

The credit for all of this actually came mainly from Luo Feng's final universe.

In the Boat of One Yuan, Xuan Zhenghao began to restore Chen Ling.

Chen Yang asked his eldest brother Luo Feng, how did he become Chushan, and what happened to the real Chushan?

Luo Feng told Chen Yang that after Ya Zhenyuan was arrested, he blamed himself very much. He wanted to go to the chalk world to save people.

He lurked in another world first, waiting for Lingzun to catch it.

After that, he smoothly sneaked into the world of the spirits.

Following that, Luo Feng captured another city owner. He first hid in the city master's brain, and after getting acquainted with the city master, he began to swallow and purify. In this way, he became that city lord.

In order to curb his cultivation, he has always used the Great Heaven Destruction Technique to damage his body meridians, so that his own rules and breath are all weakened.

The city lord he became was called Bai Feng.

After that, he pretended to care about Mount Chu.

You know, Tian Qingge hasn't come back to life before. So Long Qianjue and the others are still in a mess.

This gave Luo Feng a lot of opportunities.

Luo Feng already knew that Ya Zhenyuan was okay, so he didn't try to rescue Ya Zhenyuan anymore. He wanted to hide in this place, and then find the most suitable time to give the enemy a heavy blow.

At that time, Chu Shan had been healing his wounds in the small room. He pretended to have a good elixir to find Chu Shan.

The other brothers in the four elders of Guishan also gave him a good meal and thanked him.

After getting acquainted with Chu Shan, Luo Feng got a chance to sneak directly into Chu Shan's brain, threatening his life and death. Chu Shan was seriously injured, and Luo Feng's hand was there to fight back.

As for City Lord Baifeng, he had already found an excuse and told his men to retreat and attack the hallway, and no one should bother.

Anyway, retreat is common to the city owners.

After becoming Chushan, Luo Feng has been looking for opportunities. Although he is not afraid of death, he will not deliberately seek death. I also know that Tian Qingge is resurrected, and Tian Qingge is still trying to calculate.

Luo Feng also knew that Chen Ling had fallen in. He knew that Chen Ling had special feelings for his third brother.

So he wanted to save Chen Ling.

Luo Feng had to find a way to escape while killing.

Coincidentally, Tian Qingge finally let Long Wei Gong, his robes and him hide in the Five Extreme Sacred Mountain.

Fang Xieyang controls the five-pole holy mountain.

After that, Tian Qingge also came in.

Luo Feng got a lot of information through small talk with each other. Also know that the third brother sneaked in.

When Chen Yang was most dangerous, Luo Feng was watching from behind Tian Qingge's body. Tian Qingge's body still said happily to them at the time: "This time, Chen Yang is hard to fly!"

So, when Tian Qingge was most proud of it, Luo Feng started.

Tian Qingge was stunned at the time and forced to the extreme.

No one has ever doubted Chu Shan!

Tianqingge's wisdom is unparalleled in the world, but he really doesn't know the changes in Chu Shan. After he was resurrected, no one had ever talked to him about Luo Feng!

Did he know that a small bomb was buried in the front?

He felt that he was defeated inexplicably!

In this round of battle, Heaven Continent and Chalk World seemed to be successful respectively.

But in fact, Tianzhou lost this round.

Because the Chalk World received the Heavenly Soul Cold Dew and rescued the Blood Fall.

Moreover, they also got the master of the bronze ring in the Guiyuan world.

On the other hand, what about Tianzhou? Rescued Chen Ling...

The only gain is the allegiance of the old mother of the mountain and the world of the sea, as well as the help of the blood jade and the undead.

Comparing the two, Tianzhou is greatly at a disadvantage.

With the help of Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Ling quickly recovered.

He didn't have any serious problems, and coupled with the warmth of Tian Po Han Lu, he was back to his strongest state in a day.

For him, this catastrophe was finally shocking!

Chen Yang finally got some free time.

Suzhen in black felt good, because Chen Yang came alive.

Moreover, Chen Ling was also successfully rescued.

Although she didn't care about Chen Ling's life or death, after all, that was what Chen Yang cared about.

Suzhen in black ran to accompany Ling'er.

Chen Yang also followed to see Ling'er.

This time the three people met, there was a sense of warmth.

In the past, although everyone had good feelings, they always felt a little embarrassed.

The three of them rarely appear at the same time.

But now, it seems that they are all together, and they will not feel embarrassed, but warm and happy.

Hei Suzhen said to Ling'er: "Chen Yang and I will protect you and your child."

Ling'er smiled slightly, and she took the hands of Suzhen and Chen Yang in black.

Putting each other's hands together.

Chen Yang stayed in Ling'er for about an hour, and then left.

Suzhen in black continued to accompany Ling'er.

Chen Yang followed and met with Mo Nong. In that town's government office, Shen Mo Nong cried with joy when he saw Chen Yang.

When she wanted to hug Chen Yang, Chen Yang quickly stopped.

In Zhen Guohou's mansion, Shen Mo Nong knew that Chen Yang had wandered between life and death.

No one else knows.

Chen Yang told Shen Mo Nong in the room that his body was full of toxins, and your cultivation level was too low to be touched.

Shen Mo Nong didn't mind, anyway, as long as Chen Yang was still alive, everything else was not important.

After meeting Shen Mo Nong, Chen Yang returned to the One Yuan Zhou to see Chen Nianci and Mo Yu.

Yaluo is also with them.

They have a good relationship with each other.

Although Mo Yu is one year younger than Chen Nianci, she seems to be the big sister among the three.

Her cultivation has reached the heavenly realm!

She is a true genius, extremely dazzling, unparalleled!

It is conceivable that in the future, her achievements may reach the level of Empress Nuwa.

On Zuwangfeng Peak, Chen Yang talked with the three children together.

They wanted to come and get close, and Chen Yang immediately told them to step back.

As the sun sets, the colorful clouds on the side are magnificent, like a layer of blood.

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