My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3288: Father and daughter, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang saw that the children had grown up, and he was deeply moved.

Right now, it is actually not the time to sigh, because they have not yet won.

But looking at them, Chen Yang remembered when he went to Africa when he was less than fifteen years old. He remembered that when he returned to China, he knew Su Qing and had a grudge with Shaolin's outer door.

It is precisely because of this that he entered the realm of God. Finally, I came to know Lan Ziyi, and went to Tianzhou and so on.

The great wheel of destiny and history is rolling forward, like a torrent, irreversible!

In the blink of an eye, the children have grown up.

Yaluo was a little shy when she saw Chen Yang. She wanted to get close, but she was scared. Her feelings are very complicated!

After Chen Yang exchanged greetings with Chen Nianci and Mo Yu for a while, Mo Yu smiled and pulled Chen Nianci away.

So only Yaluo remained.

Chen Yang couldn't help but secretly praised Mo Yu that this kid really understood his mind and was considerate.

Chen Yang looked at Ya Luo.

She is eighteen this year.

The pale green shirt is about the same height as himself.

Her skin is fair, her eyes are bright, she is beautiful and dignified.

When Chen Yang saw her, he couldn't help thinking of Chen Yinuo, his daughter in the parallel world.

"If the earth is destroyed, I am afraid that the parallel world will also be annihilated." When he thought of the promise, he felt a little sad.

Seeing Chen Yang's sadness, Yaluo suddenly panicked. He stepped forward two steps and said, "Uncle Chen Yang, what are you doing?"

Chen Yang quickly isolated a light film to block Yaluo. He smiled bitterly and said, "I am now full of poison. Your cultivation is too shallow. Don't come close." He paused, and said, "I still refuse to call. My father?"

Yaluo shook his head and said, "No, no, I'm not used to it yet."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm joking with you. If you are not used to it, don't force yourself. I have never done anything to be a father to you in these years. I can't help you."

"Dad..." Yaluo was a little worried, and said quickly: "It's not like this."

Her little face flushed with anxiety.

Chen Yang hurriedly encouraged: "Don't worry, Dad understands it."

Yaluo said, "What you don't understand, I actually don't hate you at all." She seemed to have sorted out her thoughts at this moment, and then said: "I know all about you and my mother. This can't be done. Blame you, I believe if you know that there is me, you will not leave me alone."

Chen Yang said immediately: "Of course, how happy my father is to have an excellent daughter like you."

Yaluo dropped her head immediately and said, "Compared with Brother Nianci and Sister Moyu, I am stupid, not good."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Silly Nizi, no matter what you are, in my eyes, you are very good."

Yaluo immediately became happy when Chen Yang said so.

Chen Yang thought for a while, then said, "I have a gift for you."

Yaluo was startled slightly, she was still looking forward to her father's gift.

Chen Yang cautiously took out a battle armor, the rose armor!

This is a beautiful armor, the whole body is dark red, suitable for girls.

Yaluo was also very happy to see this armor.

At the same time, Chen Yang used the flames of the undead to refine the battle armor, and he was sure that it was non-toxic before Yaluo took it.

After Ya Luo put it on, she was majestic and heroic.

"Thank you Dad!" Yaluo was very happy.

Chen Yang was also very happy and said, "You like it."

At the end, Yaluo said, "Dad, can you meet my mother with me?"

Chen Yang felt embarrassed and said, "This..."

Yaluo looked forward to it and said, "I beg you."

When Chen Yang saw Yaluo's expression, he couldn't refuse anything. He nodded!

Ya Zhenyuan and Ya Luo live in their own house.

Ya Zhenyuan never asked about Yuqingmen. After Yuqingmen returned, Wang Zhan was dismissed from the position of supreme leader.

This was decided by several old people who were too sacred.

Wang Zhan also had no objection, and he felt ashamed of himself.

The house is very quiet.

The sky has darkened.

Ya Zhenyuan was meditating cross-legged in the room.

When Chen Yang and Yaluo came in, she felt it right away.

At this moment, Ya Zhenyuan's heart panicked inexplicably.

She did not expect that Chen Yang would come.

Chen Yang also felt the existence of Ya Zhenyuan, but he actually felt a little at a loss.

After entering the house, Ya Zhenyuan also came out.

Avoid it, that's not the answer.

There are lights in the house, bright lights.

The inside of the One Yuan Boat is energized, and it is not the kind of staid feudal era.

Chen Yang also saw Ya Zhenyuan clearly.

He rarely pays attention to the beauty of Ya Zhenyuan.

When I first met, it was a life and death fight.

Later, it was the hatred and hatred between each other. Even in these years, Chen Yang was unwilling to face Ya Zhenyuan.

Today, it was the first time Chen Yang noticed the beauty of Ya Zhenyuan.

There is no hatred and hatred between each other, but a bond that will never disappear.

This bond is the daughter Yaluo!

Under the light, Ya Zhenyuan was wearing a red shirt. She looked cold and proud with a hint of gorgeousness.

Yaluo and her are very similar, but their temperaments are worlds apart.

Yaluo's eyes are bright, bright, and she has a strong girlish temperament.

Ya Zhenyuan is mature, with a hint of richness in its stability.

To be more precise, the word Leng Yan is appropriate.

"Mother!" Ya Luo stepped forward and took Ya Zhenyuan's hand, and then said, "This is a gift from my father. Do you think it is beautiful?"

Only then did Ya Zhenyuan notice the changes in Yaluo's body, she was panicking just now.

She took a close look at the rose armor on Yaluo's body and immediately noticed the extraordinary features of the rose armor.

This is not surprising.

Ya Zhenyuan knew that Chen Yang was now at a very high cultivation level and had many treasures. He loves the children so much, how can his shots be ordinary.

"It's very beautiful, and it has a big effect." Ya Zhenyuan said with a smile: "But your cultivation level is too low to match this armor. So you have to practice more so that you can match the armor soon, you know?"

Yaluo stuck out her tongue, made a grimace, and said, "Okay, mother, don't you just hit someone as soon as you find a chance!"

Ya Zhenyuan seemed helpless, but he was more of a pet.

It was Yaluo who completely lit her life and made her feel that life is so interesting.

She then said to Yaluo: "Well, your father and I have something to say, which is not convenient for children. How about you go out first?"

Yaluo was overjoyed, and she hoped that her parents would be loving. Even if they say that they have no love for each other, Yaluo still has hope.

This is a wish and original intention of every child to their parents.

Yaluo left happily.

Ya Zhenyuan looked at Chen Yang, she was also a little embarrassed, stretched out her hand, retracted again, and said, "Sit down!"

Chen Yang took a seat in the hall.

Ya Zhenyuan made a cup of hot tea for Chen Yang, and she sat down beside Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was thinking about what to say.

This mutual embarrassment also needs to be broken.

How did you know that at this moment, Ya Zhenyuan spoke first and said: "I haven't told you thank you yet, thank you for saving me."

Chen Yang was startled slightly, he looked at Ya Zhenyuan. Ya Zhenyuan bowed his head, his cheeks flushed.

He thought for a moment, and said, "I should say thank you to you. At the beginning... I offended you. But you gave me such a precious gift." He paused, and then hurriedly explained, "But you Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to grab Yaluo with you. If you two can be happy and happy, I will be satisfied. Others, there are no extravagant expectations."

Ya Zhenyuan can feel Chen Yang's sincerity.

She didn't know Chen Yang before.

But after thinking about it carefully, I also feel that Chen Yang is a lover. He did not hesitate to get to Yuqingmen just to save his wife Qiao Ning. That time was a life of nine deaths!

Right now, he just made another risk again just to keep Yaluo from losing his mother.

Ya Zhenyuan felt that Chen Yang had a great personality.

Many, many years ago, she loved Bai Yulin!

But later, Bai Yulin pursued the realm of Dao, and then went crazy and died.

Bai Yulin has always been in her heart.

But since the birth of Yaluo, Bai Yulin in her mind gradually began to blur.

And since this period of time, what often floats in her mind is...Chen Yang.

At this moment, facing Chen Yang's cautiousness, she smiled slightly and said: "Yaluo is my daughter and your daughter. She has grown up and has her own thoughts. No one will rob her. I also know. What she hopes most is for her father to hurt her and her mother to hurt her. Now, she is very happy!"

Chen Yang also saw that Ya Zhenyuan really forgave herself.

The big stone in his heart was completely put down.

He then said: "I will do my best to protect your safety."

Yazhen Yuan was slightly startled when he heard this, and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Chen Yang's face sank, and said, "Not ideal, the power of Lingzun has become stronger and stronger. Tianzhou doesn't know how long it will last."

Ya Zhenyuan couldn't help but faded, and said, "Is it so serious?"

Chen Yang nodded, and he said with relief: "But don't worry too much, I believe that the earth will triumph eventually. I believe that there is hope. Right now, it is just the darkness before dawn. When all of us are united. , We will be unbeatable."

Ya Zhenyuan said, "But no matter what, I hope you can take care of your body. If you are gone, Xiao Luo will be very sad. You don't want her to be sad, do you?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I will take care of my body."

The two didn't talk much, and there were few topics.

But the atmosphere is very comfortable and harmonious. This is the first time they have such a harmonious chat.

Not long after, Yaluo returned.

She was very happy when she saw Chen Yang and Ya Zhenyuan talking happily.

After coming in, he happily called his father and mother.

Chen Yang also got up and left.

Ya Zhenyuan said, "How about having dinner together?"

Ya Luo said hurriedly.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I want to stay too, but Xiao Luo, did you forget? I am all poisoned now, and eating dinner is also very dangerous. After I find a way to eliminate the toxins from my body, I will come to eat with you again. ."

Ya Zhenyuan asked with concern: "Your poison is not in the way, right?"

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't get in the way, it's a great weapon for me. But for you, it's very poisonous!"

Ya Zhenyuan was only slightly relieved.

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