My Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 3286: Big brother appears, the fastest update of the latest chapter of my best beauty wife!

Chen Yang knew at this time that what he had thought before was still a bit immature.

It's not that he doesn't know the risks involved, he also knows that the success rate of this matter is not high. But he had no choice but to give it a try. As a result, Tian Qingge's response was more vicious and perfect than he thought.

At this time, Chen Yang knew that the other party said nothing would let him go.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "It seems that the one hundred thousand souls are in your heart and it is not important at all."

Tian Qingge looked at Chen Yang indifferently, and said: "We value the inheritance and incense of Lingzun. It is a pity that 100,000 people have died, but our inheritance will not be damaged. And if you live, our empire will Facing an unparalleled crisis. You should understand that as long as you are on our territory, in order to kill you, we are willing to pay no matter what the price is."

Hei Yi Suzhen has been listening. At this time, she said to Chen Yang: "Since this is the case, kill all the spirit elders, and then fight to death and death. We may not have the opportunity to rush out!"

Chen Yang stared at Tian Qingge, and he said word by word: "It's really a cruel heart. Even if you want me to slaughter your one hundred thousand spirits, you can't bear it. You can never blink your eyes...I I don't want to kill, but since you have the cruel heart to kill me, if I don't have the decision to kill them, wouldn't I make you underestimate it?"

Long Qianjue, Tian Qingge, Elder Bai Xian heard Chen Yang's words without blinking.

They looked at Chen Yang and waited for Chen Yang to slaughter...

Chen Yang snorted, and suddenly he grabbed the black hole spar in his hand.

The one hundred thousand spirits are inside the black hole spar...

In fact, Chen Yang would not kill like this.

Chen Yang had already let these people of the spirits hear the conversation just now.

Right now, he was planning to kill a large number of these spirits, throw a large number out, and then flee from the chaos.

He wants to lay down the flames of the undead among these spirits, forming a kind of mad cow effect, trampling and so on!

However, these effects are not great.

At that moment, the other party could completely seal all those people in the domain.

In short, after the other party didn't care about the life and death of his people, Chen Yang had no advantage here.

Long Qianjue, Elder Bai Xian is ready to do it.

At the same time, the doors of the void began to open everywhere in this sacred chamber.

There are four doors!

The first door came out... Fang Xieyang!

Out of the second door is the white robe elder, Lian Baotian.

The third door came out of Guishan San Lao.

There are a total of four elders in Guishan, but Chushan among them has been seriously injured along with Long Weigong and Lord Shenpao.

This is back to the middle of the mountain, the boss of Chu Zhongyu, the mid-ninth stage of the creation!

The second child Chu is famous for creating realm eight!

The third oldest Chuhe Creation Realm Seven!

Elder Yunkong came out of the fourth door.

Long Qianjue attracted all the elite masters of the empire, and they were absolute confidants.

As for those who were caught, as well as the city masters with lower cultivation bases, none were called.

The black cloud is overwhelming the city to destroy it!

With so many elite forces overwhelming the realm, it is the Nuwa Empress, Yuanshi Tianzun has come, and has to die here.

Chen Yang and Hei Suzhen were still determined to fight, but at this time, their hearts had completely cooled down.

Chen Yang bitterly said to Suzhen in black: "Susu, I'm sorry, after all, I hurt you. But don't despair. Later, I will use the magic of fate and set off the fire of fate, you must find a way to take the opportunity anyway. Get out!"

Hei Suzhen said: "Go away, don't think about these mess. If you die today, you will die together, if you want to live, you will live together."

Her will is very firm.

Chen Yang was helpless. He knew that he could not change her decision.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Chen Yang said, "It is also a beautiful thing for the two of us to die together today."

At this moment, his eyes burst into a breathtaking cold light!

Even if he was in the devil's cave with death on his side, he would not admit it.

It is to fight to the end!

In this place, there is no rescue.

Even if Xuan Zhenghao brought Zhang Daoling and Heavenly Concubine to kiss him, it was just a few more lives.

So at the moment, Chen Yang can only choose... a vigorous death!

As His Majesty the Emperor, Long Qianjue has put on a golden robe and a purple and gold crown at this moment!

He stood at the top, pointed at Chen Yang, and said, "Everyone, today, we have the best opportunity. This thief is the king of destiny left by the emperor of the universe. As long as he dies, it will represent the earth. The aura is exhausted. The success or failure of the empire is here today. The family of Zhuqing listened to the emperor's order and deployed!"

"Roar!" All the masters responded, and afterwards, they laid down the sky in various fields.

Chen Yang did not act rashly, because at this time many actions were futile.

The masters quickly shot, and for a while, countless heavy domains shrouded.

The world around him has changed into boundless, with countless brilliant colors.

Infinite space, the power of time floods in it.

This time, no matter how high Chen Yang's cultivation base is, he never wanted to rush out.

After breaking a hurdle, the barriers of the other masters will be formed instantly.

It is not easy to break through the realm of a nine-layer master of the creation realm. This time there are about ten realms covered, that is, there is no chance at all.

"Kill one, and you earn one." A Qingfeng Sword appeared in Chen Yang's hand.

Long Qianjue's eyes were cold.

Fang Xieyang's eyes were dull.

The war is about to start.

This will be the strongest battle Chen Yang has encountered in his life. With so many masters waiting so hard, Chen Yang can already be proud of it.

However, at this moment...

The accident happened suddenly.

That day, Qing Ge frowned suddenly and gave a cry.

At the same time, Fang Xieyang frowned.

"Huh?" Long Qianjue was surprised.

In the field, a figure suddenly flashed by.

The figure flew out of Fang Xieyang's sleeves.

In the next second, everyone saw the people in the field clearly.

To be precise, this is not a person, but a spiritual deity.

He is... the fourth of the four elders of Guishan, an eight-fold master of creation, Chushan!

The fake Tian Qingge in the field trembled, and he pointed to Chu Shan and said, "Chu, what are you doing? Why are you doing something to us?"

Chu Zhongyu, the eldest son of the four elders of Guishan, the second elder Chu Ming, and the eldest third Chuhe were all happy to see Chushan.

They felt the powerful aura in Chu Shan.

Chu Zhongyu said: "Fourth old, are you hurt?"

Chu Shan's face was cold, he didn't care about Chu Zhongyu at all, but came to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also felt inexplicable, but suddenly he had a feeling in his heart.

He stared at Chu Shan, and suddenly said inexplicably surprised, "Big Brother?"

Then Chu Shan smiled at Chen Yang, and then his body began to change.

The skin peeled off and the face began to change.

Soon, he recovered his body.

Luo Feng!

He is Luo Feng!

Luo Feng said lightly from the holiday, "You know the situation inside."

"What's the matter?" Long Qianjue asked Tian Qingge.

Tian Qingge was extremely bitter, and he said: "Return to your Majesty, just now, in Mr. Fang's five-pole sacred mountain, Luo Feng suddenly shot, my body, the old emperor and the **** robe have no power to fight back. Now , My body, the robes and the old emperor are all in his hands. If he wants us to die, it only takes a blink of an eye!"

Fang Xieyang's face was gloomy. He confirmed Luo Feng's statement and said to Long Qianjue: "Yes, it is true!"

"Where is my fourth child?" Chu Zhongyu was suddenly furious and glared at Luo Feng.

"Dead!" Luo Feng said lightly. He paused, continued to make up the knife, and said: "It can be said that I killed it myself."

"I killed you!" Chu Zhongyu, Chu He, and the three famous Chu brothers were in grief and indignation.

"Come on, everyone die together!" Luo Feng sneered. He looked around at the crowd and said: "You just need to do it, and you will be burned today."

Chen Yang laughed loudly. He said, "Long Qianjue, Tian Qingge, you don't regret the death of this commoner of the Spiritual Venerable. It's just that if you, the three masters of the creation realm, the nine-level masters, will die together, I don't know if you are reluctant. Are you willing? Tian Qingge, if you want to die, just say it. We can satisfy this wish."

At this moment, Chen Yang was very happy.

This is really nowhere to be found, there is nowhere to go, and there is another village in the dark!

It was absolutely unexpected that the eldest brother would give himself such a big surprise at this time.

Although the body is fake at this moment, but the will and thought are all from the real Tianqingge.

Long Qianjue went silent.

Tian Qingge smiled miserably, and said: "Your Majesty, to exchange Chen Yang, Luo Feng, and Chen Ling's life with the orders of his subordinates, the old emperor, and the orders of God's robe, this business is a good deal. Please also your Majesty Order, kill them all on the spot. I have already been seriously injured, and it would be hard for the Empire to serve the empire anymore. I would not regret waiting for death!"

"Strong!" Chen Yang gave a thumbs up.

He stared at that Long Qianjue and said: "Your Majesty, our life and death are between your thoughts. If you want to do it, let's do it. Brother, as long as they do it, you pinch them to death. I pinch those ten. Wanling respects the people. Today, we are dead enough."

Luo Feng smiled slightly, then shouted: "Okay!"

He followed and said: "The third brother, our brothers made an oath back then, we will share misfortunes and we will go with life and death. In these years, you have never lost your eldest brother. Your eldest brother has finally failed you! Today our brothers are together. It’s a good thing if you die. I’ve been waiting, and I knew you would come."

Chen Yang laughed loudly and said, "Happiness! It's just a pity that there is no wine here. If there is more wine, it will be even better."

Seeing this situation, the spiritual masters were extremely angry, but at this time, no one dared to shout to kill.

Because this is a good shout, but the consequences are really serious!

Who can afford this consequence?

This decision can only be made by His Majesty the Emperor.

Long Qianjue's expression was ugly to the extreme, his gaze fell on Fang Xieyang and Bai Xian elders.

"Elder, sir?" Long Qianjue said.

He really couldn't bear it.

Among them, especially Tianqingge.

He felt that the empire could not live without Tianqingge.

Fang Xieyang sighed and said, "People can kill again, but if they die, they will never have a chance to live."

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