My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 514: Long fish to catch big fish

"It seems you are having a good time?" Zhu Lan smiled and welcomed Lan Tianxin and others to come back.

"Naturally, the moon is not as difficult as we imagined. Listening to the fun, we have also found a lot of minerals!"

Tang Xueli went to Zhu Lan's side and said, holding Zhu Lan's hand.

Zhu Lan smiled and nodded. "The moon is a virgin land without development, and resources are everywhere. This is a normal thing. The moon does not want the earth to have been developed for millions of years."

"I know, can't you please make me happy?"

"Okay!" Tang Xue couldn't stand it and pulled Tang Xueli away.

"BOSS, ladies, dinner is ready!"

Canglan Mountain, this is the main body of the base, Zhulan named it Canglan Mountain.

Canglan Mountain is located in the middle of the canyon, with a height of 3,437 meters. It is also regarded as a first-class mountain on the moon. Because the moon is under constant attack by cosmic meteorites, there are very few mountains that can exceed 1,000 kilometers. Existence. Here is the back of the moon. It will not be attacked as badly as the front, but it cannot be underestimated.

The important reason why Canglan Mountain can maintain such a height is that there is a huge iron vein east of Canglan Mountain. The magnetic force it generates combines with the gravity of the moon to guide the meteorite falling in this direction to the other side. The Blue Mountain has been preserved for countless years.

Mid-mountainside, there is a restaurant here, directly half-inlaid in the mountain, and made of special glass, so that it can sit here to eat while observing the moon scenery outside the blue mountain.

Of course, if it is dawn, it will fall down, after all, the sun's ultraviolet rays are very deadly.

You can still see the tip of the earth faintly at night in the Canglan Mountain, which can be said to be the best place to see the scenery.

Zhu Lan has always emphasized the combination of work and rest.

The base's research equipment is advanced, and it has never degraded in terms of life.

In the sky base, there are many villas in the botanical garden on the surface, and the existence of an underground hot spring has been discovered through excavation. Many recreational facilities have also been built to allow researchers and people working there to relax in their spare time.

The sea fog base is the same. There are a large number of polar vehicles. As long as it is within the controllable range, you can go to the depths of Antarctica to play.

The Blue Base and Mochizuki Base cannot enjoy such good effects because they are in the country.

The living facilities of the lunar base are currently difficult, but priority is given to eating, so this mid-level restaurant was built.

Sitting here to eat is a treat.

Looking at dozens of dishes on the table, Blue Sky Heart was very surprised.

"So rich?"

Ji Ruxiang said unbelievably.

Cheng Xue has eaten it. I know how much, although the lunar base was first built, it has always been very good in terms of material.

A few people in Blue Sky Heart are not so good.

"The first batch of living facilities has a vegetarian vegetable garden, and a large amount of meat is delivered to the lunar base every three transportations. Basic meat can be enjoyed at the lunar base, ensuring that the living index of all people is above 80!" Zhu Lan explained with a smile, took the fish head soup and drank a few sips of hot air.

"Yeah! You don't know, there is also a seafood breeding tank at the moon base, where a lot of fish are raised to ensure a sufficient balance in various nutrients, and some solidified food is also stored for fresh food. Emergency use in a destructive state! "Cheng Xue followed Zhulan's words and explained to Lanxinxin.

Last time Cheng Xue came to the moon base, I still know a little.

Several people in Zhulan played on the moon for a week, and the group sent new information. Zhulan and other talents were willing to leave the moon base.

Back to Earth.

Lan Tianxin and Cheng Xueji Ruxiang are engaged in work again. Tang Xueli took Tang Xuejian back to the Tang family. Now Tang Xuejian's status in the Tang family is very high.

In addition, Tang Xuejian also has a specially protected blue women's team to ensure absolute security. As long as it is not abroad, no one can touch Tang Xue to see a slight hair.

This is absolutely guaranteed.

Tang Xue sees the pregnancy of Zhu Lan. On this issue, the country will not sit idly by, and it also causes the protected blue women's team to do something extraordinary, and the country has not said anything.

"BOSS, I'm afraid there is something ..."

Zhu Lan, who was awakened, looked helplessly at Kong Yan. "Say anything directly!"

"We just lost contact with Qin Shi and others!"

Zhu Lan listened, and drowsiness was gone for an instant.


"Munich, Qin Shi and his party are attending an international aerospace conference two days later. They are invited to participate in the order of the country. Several high-level officials in the aerospace department are also passing by. People were isolated. After investigation, it was found that the hotel where Qin Shi and others lived was no longer alive. At present, even the local government does not know what happened! "

After listening, Zhu Lan was not surprised, but smiled. "Are you finally willing to do it? The global network is launched. When Qin Shi and his party are found, Long Wei stands by at any time!"

"Understand!" Kong Yan turned and left.

Zhu Lan had no drowsiness, so he got up and dressed.

Zhu Lan has always suspected that there are other aliens on the earth. The alien spaceships of various countries are the best proof, and Zhu Lan also feels that since the return of Tamron, there have been some secret hands reaching out. High-level nations, and also reached the fantasy group.

And the extension is related to the space sector.

Zhu Lan thought that behind this hand was the civilized man in the meteorite wreckage found by Tenglong.

With the events in Saturn's ring, Zhu Lan was even more convinced of this.

It has reached the solar system at least four thousand years ago, and no matter how it is destroyed, the rescue capsule will fly to the earth without any problem, just a matter of time.

Even if the rescue capsule made with Earth's current technology can still fly out of the solar system, it is only a matter of time.

Zhu Lan has been approximately sure that the hidden hands of the earth have begun to touch.

As early as when dealing with Qin Suming, the post-red intelligence network had already collected some traces.

From human records, many places have left some legends, and some legends are weird.

From the time of fantasy technology, Zhu Lan started the investigation. The first two years did not make much progress. After dealing with Atlantis, the progress suddenly appeared.

I did n’t make progress before because I was searching too blindly. After Atlantis appeared, I searched purposefully, and also found the existence of another civilization while searching, although the evidence was not sufficient. But it can also prove some.

Zhu Lan has never known how many civilizations are in it on the earth. All of them have remained silent and did not fight against the snake.

Although the news brought back by Tenglong this time has been extremely sealed up by the Three Kingdoms, if there are other civilizations, it must have penetrated into the highest power levels of various countries. It is not difficult to know these news.

Zhu Lan came to a long line to drop the big fish.

This is why, from the beginning, Zhu Lan had no opinion on the three countries from excluding themselves. Zhu Lan's needs are no longer in this position, but to find out the secret hands.

And Zhu Lan also told the Huaxia government that there was a problem with the analysis of the Tenglong, and the new Tenglong may need to be delayed for half a year.

And gave Qin Shi and others a long vacation, and Huaxia spent a lot of money to attract Qin Shi, and sent Qin Shi away from the Fantasy Group to communicate with countries around the world. First, to buy and create opportunities, second. It is the Tenglong incident that gives Huaxia and other countries a bargaining chip.

As Qin Shi as the captain of the Tenglong, this chip is very huge.

Huaxia thinks that it is very beautiful, but in fact, it is just a long line put out by Zhu Lan.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Lan, who had just dressed, asked Cheng Xue, who was awakened.

"It's okay, the bait is hooked. I'll see what big fish I catch!"

Cheng Xue reluctantly shook his head, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Down to the base's control center ~ ~ the global intelligence system is online.

After the red is already under investigation.

"How's it going?"

"Because of the gunfire, the Munich police have arrived, invaded the hotel system, and found that the hotel and the five-kilometer device were all destroyed by pulses. No useful data was obtained. It's blurry! "

With that said, a picture was released after the red.

The rapid movement in the picture quickly moved from the mountain to the city, and scanned the hotels where Qin Shi and others lived.

Several black shadows flew by, and the particles behind them were clearly seen, and many people were able to see fast movements and rely on certain devices to fly short distances.

The picture pauses, the black shadow zooms in quickly, and a strangely flat-shaped aircraft appears.

"Very few images were taken, but it can be seen that the attackers encountered resistance from Qin Shi and others, and that Qin Shi's terminal signal was not found by the current quantum satellite, indicating that Qin Shi had closed the terminal signal."

"Why not be isolated?" Zhu Lan smiled.

"BOSS, this is impossible. According to our current understanding, no one can isolate the signal of quantum transmission. Even if it is isolated, my early warning system can detect it in time. According to my analysis, Qin Shi is closed now. terminal."

"Expand the search, first send a blue team to Germany, find them, Long Wei is on standby at any time!"

"Yes, I'm going to let the blue army of the sky base start immediately!"

"Get in touch with the Huaxia government and tell them about Germany. This may be a bigger problem. Just ask the German government in the name of Fantasy Group and be tough!" Zhu Lan looked at the suspended mysterious aircraft. Come on! Let's play the fishing game! "(.)

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