My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 513: Threat 300 million kilometers away

Zhu Lan nodded, and now Saturn is approaching the farthest ring, more than 300 million kilometers away from the moon.

300 million kilometers, which is already beyond the scope of human exploration. Don't look at human science and technology can explore Pluto, but what is the exploration time during this period? ten years? Twenty years?

The distance observed from time to time is only tens of millions of kilometers, and even Mars cannot reach it.

If you want to observe Mars, you need to use long-range satellites, and only have more than one hour of observation time each year.

Of course, if the situation is approximate, using Earth's technology, even if it is a million light years away, it is not a problem, but it is very difficult to see the situation around Saturn.

Mars is more than 100 million kilometers, and Saturn has now doubled.

"Do you confirm this diameter?"

After a while, he paused and shook his head. "I can't confirm. The distance is too far. The diameter I calculated is this number, but it will cause some deviation!"

Zhu Lan was silent.

Where the meteorite group came from before, this has been tracked down. After all, a new civilization has emerged, and this point must be found out.

About 1.4 million kilometers away from the moon, the meteorite was found, and there was a temporary space wormhole.

Later, the constellation put a detection device into it. It was originally hopeless, but one and a half months later, the quantum satellite actually received the signal from that detection device.

After locking, it was found that the detection device appeared on the ring of Saturn more than 300 million kilometers away.

After receiving the report of the constellation after the red, immediately mobilized all the technologies that could be used to remotely lock up the Saturn environment.

It took more than half a month to discover this wormhole in Saturn.

The wormhole is like a whirlpool of the ocean.

The universe is a huge ocean. Every time in some places, a small whirlpool is generated. Some whirlpools are unintentionally generated, while others are deliberately generated.

Small vortices can only absorb very small objects, while large vortices can be absorbed by even a fleet.

In the universe, there is another name for Super Vortex, which is black hole.

The vortex is equivalent to a wormhole.

All, in the universe, there are wormholes everywhere, some may only exist for a few seconds, and some may exist for millions of years. It is normal.

Quantum satellites deployed around the earth have detected several temporary wormholes that have been around for several hours.

But now, the wormhole found in Saturn belongs to that cyclic wormhole.

And another discovery only made Zhu Lan move.

A lot of man-made wreckage was found in the wormhole about 500,000 km away and 1.4 million km away. In simple terms, there is a wreckage that spans millions of kilometers. There are warships, planets, and some unknowns.

After the red observation, it was found that Saturn's ring has a large circular wormhole, and this wormhole may construct the existence of another civilization.

A cyclic wormhole is a channel that keeps circulating, just like a vortex in a place. Every year, there will be a huge vortex that absorbs everything around it, and this wormhole is a cyclic.

Traces of the solar system were found in the wreckage brought by the last wave of meteorites, and the time was about four thousand years ago. It can be said that the cycle of this wormhole was once every four thousand years, and now a new cycle has begun. Already.

This wormhole has been opened at least six times, that is to say, this wormhole has existed at least 24,000 years ago.

A large amount of wreckage was drawn from the civilization on the other side of the wormhole.

What's more alarming to the Red Queen is that it has been confirmed that these wreckages were destroyed by the cosmic race. Will that cosmic race reach the solar system across this wormhole? No one knows this. Even after the red, there is no way to calculate That probability, knowing nothing about the wormhole.

"What is the speed and time of diffusion?"

"According to my calculations, the spread of this wormhole can spread for a range of one kilometer in about a month!"

"Is it 12 kilometers a year?" Zhu Lan closed her eyes and got a headache.

"Connect to the remote satellite of Shangguan's house and see if you can get any data!"

After I heard it, I paused. "Yes, I'll do it right away!"

"Wait a minute, to speed up the transportation of factory equipment, I need to complete the construction of the lunar factory group before May. Before August of this year, I must see the completion of the moon warning network!"

Zhu Lan said, watching King Kong and Constellation "I will trouble you next!"

"BOSS, this is our business!"

"Zhenhai, accelerate the speed of your warship manufacturing, at least in March, and invest in the transportation of equipment. After red, accelerate the construction of Tenglong!"

Zhu Lan issued several orders in succession.

Several people stood up and saluted Zhulan "It's BOSS!"

Zhu Lan waved, and the consciousness dispersed.

Stay in the control center alone.

Look up and look at the wormhole in Saturn's ring shown in the image.

Now, after the red, two connected satellites have been launched, and the situation of Saturn is constantly monitored by the newly established super telescope.

Even so, it will take hours for Saturn's condition to be transmitted back.

The third, fourth, and even ten remote observation satellites are already being prepared after the red, to ensure that the data is always connected, and the situation of Saturn can be discovered in the first time.

Get up and walk to the console, a few operations, a hidden console rose.

The identification device starts and scans Zhulan's body.

Zhu Lan put his hands up.

"Identification is complete. BOSS is welcome to use the blue system!"

"BOSS, what can I do for you?"

"Open the fantasy project and start the remote control system!"

"Yes, starting!"

A very strange chair rose.

Zhu Lan sat down.

The fixing device was started to fix Zhu Lan.

The chair took Zhu Lan down, and the control center returned to normal.

One hundred and forty meters below the base, there is a huge room here.

It already existed before the base began construction.

Zhu Lan let the Red Queen secretly assemble engineering robots to start building here, and surrounded it with the strongest alloy.

Knowing that there are no more than five people including the Red Queen.

This is a refuge for the base, and it can be said to be a safe house.

"Welcome to your boss!"

The fixture was unlocked and Zhu Lan stood up from the chair.

Go to the middle of the hall.

Several sci-fi metal pillars rose.

There were dense green dots of light on each pillar.

Zhu Lan walked to a pillar, took out a green light spot, put it in front of the root, and checked "How is the cultivation?"

"At present, 16,000 are eliminated from 46,000, and those that have been eliminated have been disposed of. The remaining cultivation effect is very good. It takes about eight months to complete the cultivation!

Zhu Lan nodded.

Zhu Lan is holding spermatozoa in his hand. To put it simply, a gene culture tank for human cloning is placed here.

The training of the Blue Army is fast, but Zhu Lan will not really go all over the Blue Army.

Six hundred people's genes were selected from the Blue Army and cultured using cloning technology.

However, the cloning technology used by Zhulan is not the one used by the world, but the cloned and transplanted technology of new humans obtained from the Gundam world.

The transmission of the space concept of up to several protagonists comes from innate cultivation and mutation.

And Zhu Lan's goal is these.

Cloning looks evil, but it's not.

Kitchen knives can cook, peel, and kill people, but they only think of those who use knives.

The same goes for weapons.

There is no such thing as absolute evil in the world, but just how people use it.

The sperm in these culture tanks are specially treated and rearranged genetically, generating some mutations that make the gene chain stronger than ordinary people.

One of the most fatal flaws in the gene cloning technology obtained in Gundam is vitality.

The cloned people cultivated by that technology generally have a life span of only 20 or 30 years.

After research, Zhu Lan happened. All of them happened because they were too greedy.

Modify the gene chain to a very high level, and the body can't bear the development of the gene chain at all ~ ~ It is like an artificial lake. When you dig an artificial lake, you pour into an ocean of water. No wonder the lake broke down.

This problem is not a problem for Zhu Lan.

In terms of genetic research, Zhu Lan has surpassed the Gundam world.

Through innate genetic enhancement, the physical fitness of the cloned person will be very strong, and it can withstand the changes brought about by the gene chain, and Zhulan does not give the gene chain as much abnormality as in the world.

It just suffices to have a strong body and reaction speed, and the transmission of the space concept, until now, Zhu Lan has not figured it out.

Now in cultivation, once the cultivation is completed, it can be copied infinitely. At that time, as long as there are enough materials, millions of clones, even tens of billions, can be easily manufactured by Zhulan.

Cloning technology has always been resisted by humans, and this resistance is greater than that of robots.

All the cloning tests are absolutely confidential. Only three people are doing it, and one of them is Zhu Lan himself, and the rest is done by machines to achieve absolute confidentiality.

"Always observe. After Professor Yun arrives, put down the authority and tell her to observe these trainings, to ensure a survival rate of at least 30,000."

"It's BOSS. The order has been recorded. Professor Yun arrives. I will personally convey it!"

Zhu Lan nodded and looked around again, and found that there were no problems in the cultivation process, and nodded.

Turn around and leave here.

While on the earth, the cultivation has always been at the Mochizuki base, but Zhulan was worried about problems. Before the moon base was built, it was built here in advance, and it was secretly transferred here. Even the transported King Kong did not know it. What kind of existence is installed, cloning, that is a taboo word!


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