My Fantasy Technology

Chapter 515: Qin Shi's Dilemma

"Woohoo ~~~" Qin Shi was lying on the stone, and his body couldn't bear it.

With his hands on his shoulders, his clothes were red.

"Captain, are you all right?" Ren Qian asked anxiously when he stepped forward to support Qin.

"It's okay, I was bitten!" Although Qin Shi was very relaxed, the paleness on his face had completely betrayed him.

"Asshole, dare to attack us!"

"Okay, don't say it, it's important to save your life now!" Zhang Yong said.

"How are you doing?" Zhang Yong said to several middle-aged people.

Several people heard it, and their faces were very bad.

"Okay, I didn't ask!"

When Zhang Yong saw the faces of several people, he understood it.

"Captain, what shall we do now?"

Qin Shi dignified.

Raised my hand, looked at my terminal, and struggled, but it didn't open.

"Captain!" Zhang Yong whispered.

Qin Shi shook his head. "No, I can't take that risk? How long is it?"

Zhang Yong sighed and watched the time.

"It's been two hours since we left!"

"No, they found us!" The soldiers on alert saw the sound in the distance, turned and ran to Qin Shi and others.

"Go, get rid of it!"

Qin Shi took up his rifle and greeted everyone to walk towards the mountain.

The others didn't say anything and kept up to leave here quickly.

A few minutes later, a group of soldiers in black armor arrived at the place where Qin Shi waited.

Found the blood in the crack of the stone, a person like a leader squatted down, felt the blood, and sneered, "They are in front, chase me!"

"Captain, the German side has responded, a rapid reaction force is coming here!"

Hearing this, the leader paused "How much time is left?"

"Less than ten minutes to repeat

!! "

After that, he looked nervously at his captain.

"Tell the air squadron to destroy this unit and fight for us for half an hour!"

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

This meeting was in the suburban area of ​​Munich, which belongs to the new district of Munich. After the attack, Qin Shi and others killed some enemies and ran to the mountains instead of to the city because the roads in the city were blocked. Now, the only way is to the mountains. Although we know that this is the enemy's drive, there is only such a way.

Da Da Da ~~~

Several people were wounded in Qin Shi, and the enemies were equipped with powerful single-armed mechs, which could not escape at all.

Zhang Yong fought back, trying to stop the enemy from coming up.

"Xiao Wang, how are you doing!"

"Team ... Captain ... I ... no ... help ..." In addition to Qin Shi, there were also leaders of the space agency and several soldiers.

"damn it!"

"What do you want to do!" Zhang Yong hugged the man immediately when he wanted to go out.

"Boom ~"

An artillery shell attacked and enveloped Zhang Yong and the captain in an instant.

Qin Shi gritted his teeth and looked at his terminal, but did not know whether to open or not.

"Captain Qin, open! Open, we still have a way of life, if not open ~~~"

A deputy director of the space agency said helplessly.

Qin Shi's terminal was closed because Qin Shi found that his terminal was passive, and if it was opened, it would be directly locked by the enemy.

If it wasn't for Zhu Xiao's desperate protection, Qin Shi might not have been as simple as a shot.

When Qin Shi heard his words, he was silent, restarted the terminal, put his thumb up, and started the terminal!

Once the terminal was opened, Qin Shi quickly sent his position to the quantum network.

Six hundred kilometers away, a nightingale was flying.

"Captain, I have received the position of Captain Qin, 647 kilometers away from us!"

Xie Long opened his eyes. "Go forward at full speed, all the personnel are ready to fight!"

Qin Shi terminal opened.

The quantum satellite received it instantly.

The quantum satellite, which had been prepared for a short time, locked Qin Shi's target in just ten seconds and sent it to the supporting blue team.

Inside the blue base, watching the images transmitted by the quantum satellites, Zhu Lan sneered "send a second team!"

"Boss, does Dragon Guard need to dispatch?"

Zhu Lan shook his head, vetoing the proposal "No need, now it seems that this hand is only a temptation, and we don't need such a big response!"

After listening to the red, he paused, nodded, and sent an order.

Keeping back, Qin Shi anxiously looked at the sky.

Fewer and fewer people around adventure city


"Be careful!" Ren Pei pulled Qin Shi over, and several bullets flew over. Although he didn't hit himself, the friction caused by the bullet flight still made Qin Shi feel pain.

Bang ~~~

Everyone's face changed, and their bodies were taken back.

"Damn it, anti-equipment sniper rifle, bastard!"

Qin Shi is no stranger to this voice.

After the blue changed to energy weapons, metal bullet weapons have been gradually eliminated, but powerful offensive weapons such as anti-equipment sniper rifles are still retained. At least for some targets, pure energy weapons cannot penetrate of.

Da Da Da ~~

At the sound of getting closer, several people in Qin Shi were anxious.

But secretly I don't know how many sniper rifles are locked, there is no way to resist, the two corpses on the side have clearly told Qin Shi several people secretly the crisis.

"Ren Qian, immediately took the leader and left. After we stayed, the signal has now been sent out. Within ten minutes, the support will definitely arrive!" Qin Shi said seriously to Ren Pei.

Ren Pei said nothing, and the cat came to the leaders of several space agencies. "Head, please follow me, you must go first!"

Although a few people were in high positions, they also understood the current situation and said nothing, and nodded silently.

Ren Qian lowered his rifle, took out a pistol, groped to the side, several space agency personnel quickly followed, and there was a soldier behind.

"Zhang Yong, are there any grenades?" Qin Shi whispered.

"Captain, there is a magnetic bomb, but it has no effect!"

"Enough. When I came up, I looked at the surrounding environment. There is a low-lying rocky area about 400 meters to the east. Although it cannot be used as a shelter, we only need to get there and use it The environment is a thousand meters away, and we can wait for support! "

Several of Zhang Yong heard and nodded silently.

Several of Zhang Yong were directly selected from the army and have rich experience. Although they were converted into astronauts, their skills did not drop.

Quickly formulating an escape plan, Zhang Yong opened the magnetic storm bomb and threw it to a crowded place.

Instantly, a huge magnetic force exploded, producing an explosive force that was not weaker than a missile.

Da Da Da Da Da ~ ~ ~ Qin Shi quickly took advantage of this good opportunity, came out of the bunker, directly shot at possible enemy areas, and quickly moved to the east.

Fortunately, the mountain conditions here are good and there are enough shelters.

Bang ~~

A huge bullet penetrated a soldier, the expression of the soldier freezes instantly, and then his body was shot directly, while his lower body was still in a state of rush, and it took a few steps to slow down.

Several people saw this and started running in a zigzag shape, using this dumbest way to avoid secret snipers.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Qin Shi, who was more than ten to the beam pair, fired in the direction of the person.

"Hidden!" Qin Shi shouted when he saw this.

The rest included Qin Shi and Zhang Yong, who didn't think about it. They lie down and roll behind a stone. Xia Lan


The roar was sounding.

The beam does not listen to the burst.

"Asshole, come so fast!" Watching the enemy's aircraft arrive.

Qin Shi cursed directly.

"Captain, we can't stay here. The light beam is too penetrating, and the rock can't resist it!" Zhang Yong said anxiously.

"I know ~" Qin Shi naturally knew this.

Qin Shigang wanted to give an order to continue to break out to the east. Suddenly, his terminal moved.

When Qin Shi was happy, he opened the terminal.

"Captain Qin, we're here, ready, about 12 seconds left!"

"Understand!" Close the terminal. "Everyone, get down, find a shelter, and support the attack!"

After hearing Qin Shi's words, Zhang Yong immediately cancelled his thought of preparing to rush out, and immediately found a place he thought was safe to hide.

Seeing this, the other four people also learned to hide.

The sky was bright.

As if a meteor shower is falling.

Boom boom ~~~

It wasn't meteor shower ~ ~ but energy attack.

Hundreds of light beams fell from the sky, and the light carried by the beam directly illuminated a large area.

The light beam penetrated the two aircraft, and the aircraft exploded instantly.

Several huge figures fell from the sky.

Boom! As if the earth was shaking.

Da Da Da Da Da ~ ~ ~ The metal storm formed by countless bullets harvested enemies, even if they were hiding behind the rocks and protected by the mech, they could not resist the attack of the metal storm. 15 mm bullets could easily penetrate them Bunker and body.

Pale-equipped war mech fell from the sky.

However, if you take a closer look, you will find that these war mechs are a bit different, not so big, only three meters high.

This is the individual form of the war mech, which combines the equipment evolved from the original single mech and is the conventional equipment of the blue army.

The combat backpack can be replaced at any time to adapt to a new generation of single-armor mech for combat in any environment.

Several beams of light passed through the distance, targeting the blue mech.

The alarm sounded loudly for everyone in the Pale Squad, but the light beam hit the mech directly.

The huge beam of light did not penetrate the blue mech, but only struck the mech with people.

The blue team that was not attacked quickly searched for the target.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a huge firelight lit up in the sky.

The Nightingale Transporter was destroyed by a mysterious attack and it burst into flames.

The blue squad paused for a while, and at this time, there were attacks from various places on the blue squad.

The blue mech cracked outside. Although it failed to penetrate the mech, such an intensive attack would sooner or later cause "covering, retreat!" Xie Long saw this situation and gave a solemn order! (To be continued.)

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