Chapter 298 Bloody Feast

“Are you he? Zhang Hu, do you want to be the boss too? I killed you!”

“I’ve seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, go to hell!”

“I want to be the boss, I want to fuck lotus, you all go to die!”

At this time, the gangster’s scene was out of control.

All of them have red eyes, cracked teeth, and saliva dripping from the corners of their mouths.

Full of madness.

With a machete, shot to death with a club.

Everyone looked at each other as if they had seen an enemy.

One by one the gangsters, or be chopped to flesh and blood.

Or was shot headshot.

Or be knocked to death by steel pipes.

Everyone is clamoring to be the boss, everyone is their stumbling block, and they are all to be eliminated.

In a short while, most of these people’s fight with each other was over.

There are still a few people who lack arms and legs panting and staring at each other.

Can’t wait to devour each other.

The scene was full of blood plasma, residual limbs, and the smell was extremely pungent.

At this time, the people on the side of Taoist temple can no longer care about this.

They are the bystanders from beginning to end, seeing everything happen from the beginning.

Cong Ye Jun had a conversation with Chen Li who had been torn apart.

When he said his mistress was fucked.

Taoist people felt a little weird, and felt that it was a bit nonsense to say this at this time.

Ye Jun really knew this kind of thing, but putting it here at this time would definitely not work.

This Chen Li was also a smart person, and he directly broke Ye Jun’s attempt.

When everyone feels desperate.

Things took a turning point, a group of people first used sprays to rush Chen Li.

Then a group of people left the hostages and began to kill each other.

In this scene, these people are cultivators.

Looking at it, I only feel cruel and bloody.

Some compassionate Taoists have already begun to read scriptures in place to save these dead souls.

The monks just can’t see this.

But Ye Jun didn’t care at all, reaching out to greet Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang.

“Brother Qiang, go save the hostages.”

“Chu Hongyu, go and kill the rest for me.”

Ye Jun’s command was so natural that he called Chu Hongyu by his name.

But at this time, the two men did not challenge him.

They were also stunned by the scene before them.

It’s incredible.

This trick is definitely not the mind control Ye Jun had used before.

Because when Ye Jun explained the tactics just now, he made it clear that he can control only a few people.

Ye Jun’s character does not lie about this kind of thing.

The three are now a team, and there is still trust in this.

Just when Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang thought that Ye Jun had nothing to do.

Ye Jun actually showed them a bloody feast at this time.

At this time, neither of them went to question Ye Jun.

But each is busy doing things.

Xiao Qiang hurried to the hostage who was randomly discarded.

In addition to being overly frightened, these hostages were covered with bloodstains that did not belong to them.

There is not even a trace of extra scars.

What Xiao Qiang did was to untie them, and some of them were able to move by themselves.

The people on the Taoist temple also hurried up to help.

And Chu Hongyu, wearing a flaming bathrobe, stepped on a pair of wooden clogs with her white and tender feet, three thousand green silks scattered randomly.

Just looking at it, I thought it was a beauty taking a leisurely walk after going out of the bath.

She casually carried a machete that was seriously inconsistent with her temperament.

The shuttle is between the corpses.

There were still a few lingering people on the scene.

Their flushing eyes suddenly showed fear at the moment they saw Chu Hongyu.

They didn’t realize that this woman was so terrible just now.

At this moment, this Chu Hongyu, just by looking at his appearance, had a slightly bored look on his face.

But it was still shining brightly. The exquisite figure under this bathrobe made many men want to strip her naked and ravage her severely.

It was just such a pitiful beauty that I saw, but gave them a chilling temperament.

“Oh, it’s really boring, this is the only thing left for me.”

“Next time I have to let that kid save me a few more lives.”

Chu Hongyu’s face was full of unhappiness and boredom, and she muttered silently.

“Sao girls…”

A surviving gangster plucked up the courage to scold the woman, but it was a pity that he hadn’t finished speaking.

He opened his eyes in horror.

In the last second of his life, he could still see his body that had lost his head and was still shaking with blood.

He didn’t even see the woman’s movements, only smelled a faint fragrance.

Saw a flaming figure.

It was dead.

Is this the Mansha Zhuhua blooming on the bones of Sansheng Road?

After a while, Chu Hongyu stuck a knife on a person’s corpse randomly.

The swaying posture walked towards Ye Jun.

But at this time, Ye Jun didn’t know where to get a piece of cloth, and enthusiastically put away the shotguns.

Ye Jun touched the gun body with his hand, and it was still thick with blood.

But Ye Jun didn’t care, his face showed a happy smile as if the child got the lollipop he liked.

At this time, a clear and cold voice rang in Ye Jun’s ears.

“This is a mushroom material, I want to confiscate it!”

Ye Jun looked at Chu Hongyu warily, wrapped the cloth tightly, and gathered these big darlings into his arms.

He muttered: “For shit fungus, it’s mine if I find it! Don’t even want to take it away!”

What did Chu Hongyu say when he saw Ye Jun’s expression?

I originally thought that this man was old and cunning, mature and stable.

And now this look is like a child guarding his lollipop carefully.

Inexplicably cute!

Thinking of this, Chu Hongyu said with a smile on his face:

“It’s okay if I don’t confiscate, you have to tell me, what exactly did you just do?”

“Otherwise, as a major general of China, I have the right to impose criminal penalties on your possession of guns!”

Ye Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Chu Hongyu’s words.

After all, hiding this thing privately, things can be big or small.

If Chu Hongyu really took this seriously with himself, it would be hard for him to say.

But just to inquire about his skills just now, Ye Jun had no intention of concealing it.

After all, the tricks that have been revealed, even if you don’t say it, you can guess it with the wisdom of this woman.

It’s better to say it openly.

【Spiritual Plague】

This is Ye Jun’s second new skill.

This skill is different from Ye Jun’s other skills, other skills can be released directly.

But the mental plague is not good, he needs foreplay.

As the name suggests, the plague first needs an outbreak point, when a certain mood of a person reaches a peak.

Ye Jun can treat him as a plague outbreak point, spread this emotion to the crowd in his designated range,

For example, Ye Jun just said that the affair was not to sow discord. It wasn’t for Chen Li to kill the big man.

Chen Li was never the focus, the big man was Ye Jun’s focus.

Taking advantage of this incident aroused the desire for power in the big man’s heart, the crazy mood of wanting to kill all those who competed with him.

Coupled with the inspiration of the spiritual plague, let his emotions reach the top, and then spread to all the gangsters.

Just completed a spiritual plague infection, and then this group of people will have this same emotion.

It is worth mentioning that under the catalysis of the spiritual plague, this emotion will reach a terrible peak, occupying all people’s thinking.

Let all of them just want to kill each other and become the boss of the organization.

Then there was this bloody feast.

Among them, Ye Jun only did two things. The first thing was to stir up the desire of the big man through his mistress.

The second thing is to catalyze the desire of the big man through the mental plague and infect it on the rest of the members.

Make them crazy! This effect is equivalent to a collective mind control.

However, with Ye Jun’s current mental power, he couldn’t achieve such a scale of mental control.

Instead, he used various abilities to assist and achieved his goal through the mental plague.

Ye Jun briefly explained this principle, and Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun’s words carefully.

With an extremely heavy expression on his face, he said:

“Your ability is enough to slaughter the city!”

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