Chapter 299 Analysis of Pros and Cons

Hear what Chu Hongyu said.

Ye Jun was taken aback for a moment, is his skill really so terrifying?

Slaughter the city, this is not a joke.

Even he himself hadn’t figured out the specific power of this skill.

By simply saying this, Chu Hongyu could grasp the point.

But looking at Chu Hongyu’s expression, it didn’t seem to be fake.

Ye Jun asked curiously.

“What do you say?”

Chu Hongyu furrowed his brows deeply and fixedly looked at Ye Jun and said:

“Listen to what you just said about the effect of this skill, it consumes very little for you.”

“But it can achieve such an effect, this is more than 30 people.”

“You can achieve this effect with so little power, don’t you think there is something wrong?”

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Jun frowned slightly and asked.

“Strength always has a price, what do you think is the price of a skill that can cause such a wide range of attacks?”

Chu Hongyu’s expression gradually began to become solemn.

Ye Jun had just acquired this skill, but he still had a little knowledge.

Asked: “Talk about it!”

Ye Jun just used this skill for a while, and didn’t have a deep understanding of the impact of this skill.

If Chu Hongyu said that others might be laymen, but he said that power still has power to use.

No one is more professional than her.

Ye Jun told her about this skill, he didn’t want to hear her comment on this skill.

After all, the name of this skill.

【Spiritual Plague】

The word plague is a bit heavy for people.

Chu Hongyu heard the words and said, “I’ll just ask you, just now the mental plague broke out, can you still control these people?”

“Can people infected by the mental plague become a point of infection again?”

“Do you know the time and duration of this mental plague’s infection?”

Hear a series of questions from Chu Hongyu.

After a period of contemplation, Ye Jun showed a suddenly realized expression on his face.

That’s why Chu Hongyu meant it.

As the name of this skill says.

【Spiritual Plague】

This skill is not strong in its own manipulation of people.

But its infectiousness.

Ye Jun pondered carefully.

Just now, I just chose the scope for the spread of the plague.

Try to avoid those kidnapped hostages, and people from Qingxuguan’s side.

But after the real outbreak, Ye Jun couldn’t control the direction of things.

Fortunately, these people who were infected with the mental plague were all within his designated scope. ,

Did not affect the innocent.

But specifying the range is not a consumption for Ye Jun.

This is to specify the range of a piece of space.

With Ye Jun’s current mental power, it is more than enough to specify a distance of one kilometer from the square garden to become the [mental plague] range.

But what happened after that was that Ye Jun couldn’t control it.

This skill is completely impossible to specify the range of skills.

Ye Junguang was shuddering just thinking about the consequences.

In the bloody scene just now, Ye Junguang was a little afraid to think about it.

If you didn’t specify the skill range just now, there might not be a single living person left on the scene.

Seeing Chu Hongyu’s deep eyes.

Ye Jun only discovered the terrifying ability of his own.

There is also the uncontrollability of this skill.

If Ye Jun merely detonated the plague, he would not control it.

Don’t say it’s such a small place.

Even a city will be destroyed by him instantly.

After Ye Jun discovered the horror of this skill.

Just started thinking.

The skills of these two upgrades have already begun to be too abnormal.

A [Spiritual Invisibility] that can erase its own existence

There is also a group attack skill with no limit on the number of people [mental plague]

When Ye Jun first acquired these two skills, they hadn’t found them terrifying.

But once they were discovered, they discovered the terrifying aspects of these two skills.

This power has surpassed the person in the world now. ,

What is the personality of the world.

Simply put, in the world.

Some personal world.

Can use magic, grudge.

And some personal worlds.

You can cultivate immortality, and cultivate true self-cultivation.

As for the Blue Star where China is located, this personality is undoubtedly the lowest.

It is almost impossible for people to have special functions.

They are all simple people.

Before Ye Jun got the system. I always think so.

Think that all ghostly legends are fake.

But since I got this system.

Ye Jun’s outlook on life, values ​​and world outlook.

These three views have begun to gradually change.

It’s just that my current abilities are completely inconsistent with scientific principles.

But looking at Chu Hongyu thoughtfully.

Ye Jun was not only a little puzzled, why is this woman so calm.

Isn’t the average person shocked when they see this?

But when I think about it, this woman is not a simple person.

Even if Ye Jun was in front of her.

If you don’t use the system, you will only have to die.

But with the upgrade of the system.

In front of her, Ye Jun at least had the ability to save his life.

【Spiritual Invisibility】

This skill is also effective for the master Chu Hongyu.

In addition to hiding yourself, you can also forcibly strip other people’s memories of yourself.

For example, if Chu Hongyu wanted to kill himself.

He only needs to be mentally invisible, and then Chu Hongyu will completely forget what he was doing just now.

They will forget who the person they want to kill is.

This is really a magical skill. Although the attack effect is average, the escape is absolutely top-notch.

Ye Jun thought for a while, and he was quite satisfied.

He said a few more words briefly with Chu Hongyu.

She did not ask the source of her ability, but frowned and reminded,

“Your strength is against the sky. A little carelessness will lead to a big mistake.”

Hearing Chu Hongyu’s warning, Ye Jun nodded cautiously.

The conversation between the two ended here.

Now is not a good time to talk.

There are so many things waiting for them to deal with.

Now this Taoist temple has become a mess.

The solemn and quaint hall is full of broken limbs and stumps.

The fragmented body.

A strong smell of blood filled the hall.

Fortunately, in this farce, the pure and empty people are still unharmed.

Except for a few kidnapped people who had some skin injuries.

Ye Jun also saved his life for the old Taoist who was kicked just now.

And the little Dao Tong who had one arm chopped off in the first place was also rescued by Ye Jun.

It can be said that this incident is entirely the credit of Ye Jun alone.

Many people at the scene gave Ye Jun grateful eyes.

It’s just that Ye Jun didn’t know them, so they couldn’t express their gratitude.

But a representative is always needed to express gratitude.

And this representative is naturally the subject.

Yu Rui.

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