Chapter 297 Start! Mental plague

Ye Jun looked at what the other party took out.

There was a slight surprise on his face, and he said with a pleasant expression:

“Not bad, you can still get this kind of good stuff.”

Chen Li didn’t expect that this thing would be taken out.

The man in front of him didn’t move, he even looked at his equipment enthusiastically.

He looked at Ye Jun’s expression, suspecting that he would come up and grab a gun to play in the next second.

He was confused by this man for a while.

At this time, I don’t care about my own life and death.

Still thinking about this equipment.

Who the hell is this?

But Chen Li didn’t dare to act rashly, after all, this person was too weird.

Instead, it was Ye Jun’s side, his eyes lingering on these shotguns.

This shape, a gun body, this barrel…

Good-looking and handsome!

So greedy, it seems to have!

Ye Jun is an out-and-out military fan. This is the first time I have seen such a standard weapon.

These people are holding the famous aa12 plus drum.

32 rounds of drums, super firepower.

There is also an extremely handsome appearance, which has captured the hearts of countless men!

Ye Jun looked around and reluctantly retracted his gaze.

Then he looked at Chen Li, cleared his throat and said, “If you have something to say, what are you doing so well?”

Chen Li was even more confused by Ye Jun.

This person was still clamoring for a decent death

Now I have to have a good talk with myself.

What a boneless thing.

Chen Li thought he was taking the initiative.

He raised his head arrogantly and said, “I have nothing to talk about with you. If you are acquainted, just roll aside and knock my head for my grandfather. I will save you a whole body later.”

“Oh? Don’t talk about it? Do I have some secrets to tell you?”

Ye Jun didn’t feel annoyed when he heard the man’s words, but spoke slowly.

Chen Li looked at Ye Jun’s look like a magic stick, as well as the strangeness of this person before, and he was suddenly appetized.

“Secret? What secret?”

Chen Li didn’t have any hope, what secret Ye Jun could tell his heart.

It’s just the subconscious question.

Ye Jun heard his answer with a weird smile on his face, and suddenly pointed his hand at a strong man next to Chen Li and said:

“This buddy put your little lover named Lianhua to sleep.”


“You fart!”

“What’s this? Lianhua slept with him?”

“How does this kid know?”,

As soon as these words came out, the gangsters here caused a commotion.

There was a lot of discussion.

The most ugly face is this Chen Li!

At this moment, his face was as deep as water, and his stern eyes patrolled between Ye Jun and the person that Ye Jun pointed out just now.

The big man who was pointed out by Ye Jun, sweating profusely, said to Chen Li repeatedly:

“Big brother, how could I be that kind of person, sister-in-law and I have never said anything, this kid is talking nonsense here!”

“Don’t believe him, I really! Really…”

Having said this, this big man is really sweating.

He is too aware of Chen Li’s temper, power and wealth are the lifeblood of Chen Li, who would dare to covet these things from him.

It’s definitely a dead end.

This is a taboo in their team.

The lotus flower in their mouth is a widow that Chen Li recently found in a village.

In her early thirties, that one looked like that eighteen-year-old girl.

But the flesh of the body is almost like white jade condensing fat.

There is the style that has been in love with men, and there is also the innocence of a girl.

In addition, he is a widow in his thirties, and his smiles and walks are full of styles, which make people want to stop.

Chen Li had left the lotus by his side and loved him for a few months.

The greedy gang of brothers drew a halazi.

But sometimes there is this thief heart but not this guilty courage.

However, this big man was an exception. He was Chen Li’s deputy and he was deeply trusted by Chen Li.

He is taciturn, but in essence it is still an honest thing,

Chen Li still trusted him, and heard his rebuttal at this time.

Looking at his expression again, the guess in his heart was also settled a bit.

He no longer looked at this big man, but at Ye Jun and asked:

“What evidence do you have?”

Ye Jun sneered. He was wearing a green hat and wanted to hear other people’s evidence.

This is not the reincarnation of a bull head.

But since he wanted to listen, Ye Jun would certainly satisfy him.

One Five One Ten said:

“Last month, you went to another place on a business trip, your deputy was with that lotus…”

“Lianhua also said, you can’t do it, you are too old, soft goods. This brother by your side makes her feel like a woman.”

“For evidence, you can see if there is a pair of black stockings in the inner bag on the right side of your deputy…”

Ye Jun said everything in detail.

Hearing Chen Li’s face turned green and white, he wanted to interrupt Ye Jun’s speech several times.

They all held back alive.

And the big man next to him was already pale!

This Nima, was this person watching the scene when he was cheating?

I know everything! Even the mistress who was talking in bed, remembered clearly.

It was him who had a vague memory of these words.

Even the pair of stockings was known to him!

what to do?

what to do?

The big man’s face is pale, is he going to explain here today?

He wants to resist, who doesn’t want to be a big brother? Who doesn’t want to play with beautiful women.

Why can Chen Li’s soft guy do it, but he can’t!

At this time, the thoughts in this big man’s heart were greatly magnified!

This is completely inconsistent with his consistent and honest image!

At this time, he only wanted to kill Chen Li, and kill all the people who interfered with him to the top of power.

The whole fell into a state of extreme madness.

His face changed from blue to red, and his eyes were bloody.

The teeth were clenched tightly, and saliva slowly ran down from his mouth.

Like a full mad dog.

Ye Jun said at this point, everyone present had already believed in the affair between this big man and Lianhua.

They were all looking forward to how Chen Li would deal with this person.

But to everyone’s expectations, Chen Li’s face changed drastically.

There was a little smile on his face and he said to Ye Jun: “You almost followed your boy’s way. If I guess right, you have the ability to read your mind.”

“You want to use this ability to divide us.”

“This kind of ability is really amazing, but I, Chen Li, can’t be fooled by you. But it’s just a mere woman, my brother just played it.”

“Brothers, do it, don’t listen to this demon’s nonsense, kill everyone, save a few good-looking ones for the brothers!”

Chen Li has been in the society for many years, and he can see through this layer.

At this time, the atmosphere’s speech was about to break Ye Jun’s provocative plan and launched the final general attack on Taoist Temple.

He smiled confidently, everything was under control.

But the next second, bang bang bang bang!

With continuous bursts of fire, this villain was only half of his body left.

His tattered head saw it, it was a group of brothers who had nothing to do with the matter, and five sprays shot at him.

He didn’t know what happened.

There is no chance to know anymore.

At last he seemed to hear a low male voice,

“Spiritual plague!”


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