Chapter 296 Essential Skills for Escape

“Are you a fucking human or a ghost, how did you come here!”

Chen Li questioned Ye Jun loudly.

But there is not much confidence in the voice.

But the loudness of this sound made him more confident.

But it still couldn’t hide the fear and timidity in his voice.

The rest of the subordinates suddenly became nervous when they heard what the boss said.

what happened?

Some people haven’t reacted yet.

Although they are all figures who lick blood with the tip of a knife, some people still have a gap in consciousness.

Otherwise, why can Chen Li be the boss?

These unknown people are discussing.

“Boss, what did he ask? Isn’t this kid always here?”

“Yeah, it was he who held her next to this girl just now.”

“By the way, it seems he was behind that just now, right?”

“Really? No impression~”

The discussion of the subordinates seemed to be right for Ye Jun to appear here.

There was no doubt that Ye Jun disappeared within a period of time.

This disappearance is not because people disappeared out of thin air.

But the whole person is like being erased from this world.

No one had the impression of Ye Jun just now, and there was a blank and a missing piece in their minds about Ye Jun’s whereabouts during that time.

If you are not for an extremely sensitive person, you will never find this blank space in your mind.

And even if they find this gap.

I can’t even remember what Ye Jun was doing at that time!

That’s why this two-level differentiation occurs. One is Chu Hongyu and Chen Li. These people have found a blank in their memory.

The remaining one is the situation of most people, they can’t find Ye Jun’s missing time at all.

It is right for him to be in that position.

Ye Jun looked at everyone’s reaction, with a secret smile on his face.

This is how he experimented with his new skills.

The system prompts to upgrade.

Ye Jun sighed that he encountered a pillow when he fell asleep. Who knows, where did he meet the pillow?

The system moved the emperor’s palace to himself!

【Mentality Level A+】

[Unlock new skills]

【Spiritual Plague】

【Spiritual Invisibility】

There are two new skills.

Compared to what Ye Jun had mastered before

【mind control】

【Spirit Detection】

These two skills.

The two new skills are significantly taller.

Compared with the previous two skills.

Whether it was [Mind Control]

Think of it as [Spirit Detection]

Both of these are skills released to them.

And this time, one of the skills is an active skill that he can use.

Compared with the [emotional perception] that was included with the system before

That kind of little skill.

This skill is even more practical and tall!

【Spiritual Invisibility】

【Exercise spiritual power to oneself, erase one’s own existence within a period of time, and form a secret state! 】

The magic of this skill is that it is released to oneself.

Wipe out your own existence.

This kind of erasure is not a bloody erasure method.

But when the spiritual power envelopes oneself, oneself seems to have disappeared from this world.

Everything about myself has disappeared in this world.

In fact, Ye Jun’s people were still in place at that time.

He can even see his figure in the mirror in the hall.

It’s just that once you cast this spiritual invisibility on yourself, it is equivalent to erasing yourself from this world.

Everyone will lose their impression of themselves!

It seems that Ye Jun has never existed before!

So I just used [Spiritual Invisibility]

Disappeared from the two masters, Xiao Qiang and Chu Hongyu.

They were not surprised, they even started doing their own!

It seems that the last second of the battle plan was that the two of them were talking.

Ye Jun has never appeared before!

Ye Jun was frightened at the time, this skill was a bit too bad.

Some are ridiculously powerful.

The cost of this skill is not too much.

Even mental power just shrouded himself.

But it can erase the memories of everyone present about themselves.

The price paid is not directly proportional to the return received.

This seems to involve more advanced rules.

Ye Jun was slightly worried.

All gifts of destiny are secretly marked with prices.

The power of intemperance will only make people go to extinction.

If you proceed according to the system and your power is infinitely close to the god-man, will you still be yourself?

This was Ye Jun’s brief thinking during the invisibility phase, and he appeared again at this time.

Naturally, there is no time to consider some of these.

At this time, he was the only one facing the other thirty-odd people in front.

But he didn’t panic at all. With this mental invisibility, life-saving was no problem.

If you are a little more afraid of things, just leave them invisible.

No one will remember that they have been here.

The only drawback of this spiritual invisibility is that it cannot be in contact with the human body, and once contacted, it will be exposed.

Moreover, this is invisible, not transparent.

So if he fired in Ye Jun’s direction, Ye Jun would definitely die.

So except for the forced removal of the memories of people around this skill, the rest is still a normal range of skills.

Ye Jun was still very satisfied, and he couldn’t beat him by the time, and escape was not a problem.

He is not someone who wants to become a master of martial arts, he can do things by relying on the system.

With a contemptuous smile on Ye Jun’s face, he looked at the gang boss, Chen Li with an eye-catching nose.

Said coldly: “Let people go, I will make you a little decent.”

The murderous intent revealed by Ye Jun’s mouth made Chen Li, a demon with countless murders, also shudder.

Who would have thought that this person who looked like a male star could have such a terrible momentum.

Chen Li was so surprised by Ye Jun, and soon calmed down.

After all, being able to take a group of people to commit the crime for so long, without such a psychological quality.

Then there is no need to mix.

Chen Li said coldly: “Boy, even if you know some strange ways, today you are alone, it is impossible to stop us!”,

“Even if you want to die so much, I will fulfill you!”

As he said, with a gesture, the cronies around him instantly pulled out a few shotguns and aimed them at the crowd on Ye Jun’s side.

Xiao Qiang took a look and exclaimed: “Fuck him, is he a sprayer, something from the bacteria team, how can these guys use it?”

When Chu Hongyu looked at it, his brows suddenly lowered.

As a major general, she certainly understands this thing better than Xiao Qiang.

After a round of fire from this spray, there are not many people alive here. This is also a controlled item in the bacteria.

It seems that the origin of this group of people is not so simple.

This is really dangerous!

Even Chu Hongyu, there is no way to completely embrace itself in this situation.

Not to mention saving people.

What should we do now?

Does Ye Jun have a solution?

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