Chapter 276 Funny Big Man

Hearing what Chu Hongyu said, the face of the agent who claimed to be Shi Zhan was blue and white.

In a serious tone, he said: “Miss, we Shi Zhan are new niches. We have hundreds of millions of fans on our necks.”

Bib is China’s largest social platform.

Many celebrities and celebrities have registered accounts on it to show off their wealth and promote them.

There is still a certain degree of influence, but the long-term platform does not do personnel affairs.

Basically, it’s about taking money to do things and doing publicity for various traffic stars.

There are also brain-dead fans of various celebrities, as well as organizations of unknown forces, such as female boxers and dog lovers.

A mixed bag.

But there can be hundreds of millions of fans on the bib, whether it is a zombie fan or a live fan.

All are enough to show that this person’s influence is really not low.

Xiao Qiang asked: “Brother, do you know this stone war?”

Seeing that Chu Hongyu was accosted by someone, the two of them didn’t have the idea of ​​going up to the siege. Instead, they started gossiping on the side.

“Stone War?”

Ye Jun frowned and thought for a while.

For him, he is a web surfer, but this kind of traffic exists.

Not in his area of ​​concern.

However, there is something about the bib called Hot Search.

With the existence of this hot search, Ye Jun can still see some things pushed by the collar sometimes.

“Oh oh oh, I remember!”

Ye Jun thought of something suddenly, and his face suddenly opened with joy.

Xiao Qiang asked with some doubts: “What are you laughing at? Is this man a comedian?”

The voices of the two people also attracted Chu Hongyu’s attention.

Chu Hongyu simply ignored the agent and participated in the conversation here.

With the indifference to the agent just now, she seemed to be more casual at this time.

“Ye Jun, do you still follow male stars? Who is he?”

Ye Jun smiled and shook his head, with a subtle expression. He took out his phone and flipped and said, “I got it by brushing my scarf some time ago. Let’s take a look.”

Chu Hongyu took the phone and looked at it for a while. There was a weird smile on her pretty face that had no expression.

Cover your mouth gently and let yourself hold back not to laugh.

Xiao Qiang was also very interested when he saw that Chu Hongyu was so happy.

“What the hell, let’s just say it, it’s so mysterious. Let me see.”

Chu Hongyu smiled and said, “It’s hard to say, you can see for yourself.”

With that, he handed the phone to Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang took the phone and saw the content on the phone.

The expression of excitement froze for three seconds.


The laughter was thunderous, and the tears almost burst out of laughter.

Xiao Qiang was born tall and loud, and his voice was extremely bold.

This laugh immediately caught the attention of people around.

Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu looked at each other when they saw Xiao Qiang smile like this.

“Is he smiling like that?”

“I’ve been like this since I was a child, and the smile is weird.”

“But it’s really funny.”

The two were discussing.

Xiao Qiang beside him laughed and spoke.

“I’m so ridiculous, how do I call Shi Zhan.”

“Emotions, this person still has diarrhea, this name is really amazing.”

Xiao Qiang shook his phone, and it was a hot search on Weibo.

It is said that Shi Zhan, a well-known traffic star, was participating in an event of a certain brand.

Did not hold back, diarrhea.

The thing about traffic stars is entertainment.

But this thing was too Coke, and it broke the circle in an instant.

Think about it, traffic stars, who have always been a male god, have diarrhea in public.

This can’t stir up waves with one stone.

What’s more, this traffic star called Shi Zhan is also a good thing.

The debut experience was not glorious.

Use your age to star in that kind of TV show.

In that TV series about men and men, he played the weaker side in this relationship.

As soon as the news came out, everyone suddenly had some bad guesses about the male star.

After all, this kind of thing can’t be caught, and his own experience is easily reminiscent.

Did he use too much somewhere in his body?

While netizens are eating melons, his fans are not a good thing, and they wash away.

Also, some male celebrities went into the water, saying that they also had diarrhea.

Finally, the fans came to the conclusion that there are no male stars who don’t have diarrhea!

But their cutting, even the diarrhea leaked so handsome.

Received unanimous praise from the fan community! This is the greatest support for them!

It is not so much amused by the celebrities themselves that they have diarrhea, it is better to say that the remarks of these stupid fans.

When this agent heard it, his face became even more ugly!

These people just don’t give him face at all!

You know, Shi Zhan has become the most famous traffic star in the country since it became popular.

Although this popularity is not his own strength.

All rely on the flow of piling up!

He sternly said: “Please stop your remarks, or I will send you a lawyer’s letter!”

Xiao Qiang’s face was slightly surprised, and the original smile disappeared.

Looking at the agent coldly, he said, “What does your grandpa need you to teach? Get out of here!”

The agent looked at this Xiao Qiang with a look of fear on his face.

After all, Xiao Qiang’s physique is placed here, and this agent is not a foolish character.

He sipped at Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang, and said fiercely, “I’m pooh, what’s the matter!”

After speaking, he turned his head and smiled at Chu Hongyu:

“Miss, what I said just now, your condition is really superior.”

“If you agree, you will not only get the qualification to enter the entertainment circle, but also get the opportunity to get close contact with Shizhan!”

Chu Hongyu had eaten a melon just now, and the look on his face was fairly normal.

As soon as I heard what the agent said, especially the last sentence.

With a smile on her face, she said, “Intimate contact? What intimate contact?”

The agent lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: “Miss, let’s not hide it. Of course it is the kind of contact. We Shi Zhan fell in love with the lady at first sight!”

“As long as the young lady agrees to our request from Shi Zhan, the next queen of the entertainment industry will be the young lady!”

As he spoke, his eyes motioned to the distance.

There stood a man over 1.8 meters tall.

Dressed in a trendy fashion, with a pair of sunglasses and a mask.

Several bodyguards stood beside him.

Although he wears sunglasses, he can’t see his expression clearly, but he can see from the direction he is standing.

He is watching this side closely!

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