Chapter 277 Persuade Chu Hongyu

Listening to the words of the agent, an inexplicable smile suddenly appeared on Chu Hongyu’s face.

Originally, Xiao Qiang and Ye Jun were eating melons by the side.

Hearing this agent’s rants, he was already planning to clean up him.

But curious as to what he would say.

Who knew that he could hear such a great news!

Why enter the entertainment circle? This is pimping for male stars!

It’s so explicit.

It seems that the rumors in the market can’t be taken seriously, they all say that this stone battle is based on selling dermatitis.

But people just play so wild.

After all, he has so many fans, and the female group is the majority.

Want to find a few high-quality female fans to engage in it, that’s not good news.

Look at the male anchors who live the game will have fans.

There is no shortage of women for such a big star!

This is to blame or Chu Hongyu’s beauty is indeed amazing.

Can make this big star directly pimp the economic man.

At this time, Xiao Qiang, who was already prepared to give this agent a social beating, changed his face and said to Ye Jun: “No! Stop my senior sister!”

Upon hearing Xiao Qiang’s words, Ye Jun’s leisurely expression of eating melon suddenly became serious!

The system is on!

【Emotional Perception】

As soon as he turned on the system, Ye Jun hadn’t locked the target yet!

The murderous aura on Chu Hongyu’s body was like a sea of ​​spirit directly rushing into Ye Jun.


Ye Jun cried secretly, he and this woman had a peaceful chat for a while, almost forgetting that this woman is not a good stubborn!

Xiao Qiang once told himself that this woman was bloodthirsty, and she was suppressing her own killing intent on weekdays.

It seems to have something to do with a family tradition she learned.

Xiao Qiang didn’t know the details, but Chu Hongyu was sick!

Sometimes it’s not that she can control it if she wants to.

According to Xiao Qiang, they had good luck yesterday, otherwise Ye Jun would dare to provoke Chu Hongyu. When she got sick, they would have been shot dead long ago.

But now, this Chu Hongyu is in a wrong mental state.

At this time, she had a smile on her face, innocent and innocent, she was a few years older than Ye Jun, but she looked like a ignorant girl!

She took a step forward slowly, looked at the agent with a smile and said, “What did you mean by that?”

The agent was fascinated by Chu Hongyu’s smile!

This girl is really fucking energizing, with the style of a mature woman, and the temptation of a girl!

It’s no wonder that Shi Zhan, the evil spirit in the color, can see such a superb woman!

If only I could get a share of the pie!

Inadvertently, the agent stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips!

Have to take this girl down sooner, it’s cool!

Wait, what does this girl want to do?

The agent looked at the woman’s slender hands and slowly thought about gently stroking his head.

It’s like a caress between lovers!

He forgot to move for a while!

The most difficult to accept the grace of beauty!

This woman is so proactive, how can I refuse her?


A deep boy rang!

Only then awakened the agent who was immersed in the dream!

It’s the handsome man who just took out his cell phone to eat melons for the two of you!

This stature, this face, I’ll go.

I didn’t look closely just now, this look is remarkable!

The agent is in the entertainment circle anyway.

In addition to loving female sex, she also has a good taste in male sex.

It’s not that his sexual orientation is like this, but that his aesthetics of men are based on occupation.

Now in the entertainment industry, male stars make more money than female stars.

Now it’s popular to shoot that kind of male and female TV dramas, at a low cost, as long as two well-behaved men are sold and sold on the screen to make love.

You will be able to reap countless demented fans and billowing money!

The premise is that the quality of this actor is excellent!

Many entertainment companies also tried to shoot, but the service couldn’t keep up!

And that actor is simply the scene of a horror movie.

Male sex is now the mainstay of consumption in the entertainment industry.

The agent looked at Ye Jun up close, and was immediately critically hit by his handsome appearance!

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, noses are dangling, mouths are verdant.

Handsome and extraordinary.

Especially those eyes, dark and deep, full of attractiveness!

And this whole body style is like a born nobleman.

Elegant temperament, out of dust.

Such a person doesn’t need any acting skills, as long as he stands here, he is a born star, and countless fame and fortune will come to him!

Thinking of this, this broker is like seeing a cash cow.

Slightly excited, he asked, “This handsome guy…”


Ye Jun grabbed Chu Hongyu’s slender wrist with one hand, and shouted sharply while looking at the agent.

The agent slumped all of a sudden, and suddenly became a little upset!

But if he does this job, how can he give up so easily?

He wants to get entangled again!


A crisp sound rang, and Ye Jun slapped it out.

Just take the agent a few meters away and lie down.

The agent was suddenly taken away and covered his mouth.

He spat out a bite of broken teeth and let out a cry of collapse.

“Ah, it’s a murder! It’s a murder!”

On this end, Ye Jun still held Chu Hongyu’s wrist tightly.

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun still smiling and said, “Ye Xiaozi, how long do you want to hold me like this?”

Ye Jun would not be fooled by her seemingly harmless appearance.

Instead, he stared at her pretty face and said seriously:

“No murder!”

Chu Hongyu smiled and looked at Ye Jun speechlessly.

Ye Jun suddenly felt that he was holding onto Chu Hongyu’s hand, and there was a burst of strength trying to shake him away.

But Ye Jun still held her tightly, and looked at Chu Hongyu seriously.

He said word by word: “I said, don’t do anything here!”

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun coldly and said, “Let go, do you want to die?”

With that, she increased the output of strength in her hands.

At this time, Ye Jun’s hand was completely numb. This is the internal force Xiao Qiang said.

It can hurt people invisibly, Xiao Qiang once only said that he hasn’t seen him use it.

But Xiao Qiang said that internal force must be combined with a special technique to be effective.

Even if it is him, he can’t just let it go, otherwise he will cause irreversible damage to himself.

And it can be like Chu Hongyu, the internal force is released at will.

He is simply a martial arts wizard.

In contemporary times, he is also a peerless master.

Wanting to take Ye Jun’s life is as simple as eating and drinking water!

But Ye Jun still held Chu Hongyu’s wrist tightly, and shouted sharply:

“I told you to stop, have you forgotten the first bet?”

“I wish to accept the bet, and say from the beginning that you must listen to me in this way! You will kill people here now, and you will only have extra troubles.”

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun’s firm eyes with a serious expression.

Slightly, this man who is so much weaker than himself dared to talk to himself like this?

Isn’t he afraid of death? Seeing the fire in this man’s eyes, Chu Hongyu finally compromised.

“Okay, I keep my promise not to kill.”

“But they have to pay the price!”

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