Chapter 275 Buy, buy later!

In a blink of an eye, it was ten o’clock.

At this time, the sky in the southern capital was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.

Ye Jun stepped off the plane and looked at such good weather.

I feel in a good mood.

After all, the weather in the southern capital is notoriously good, with blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters.

Especially the landmark city in the southern capital where Ye Jun is now.


The country is also famous for being like spring all year round.

The climatic conditions are extremely favorable.

Unlike Shu, the summer here is simply a paradise on earth, and the entire Kundu is simply a constant temperature air conditioner.

“It’s a good day.”

Ye Jun sighed.

Xiao Qiang also echoed: “Yes, the weather here is famous and good.”

“I still have a holiday villa here, and I have to come and stay for a while every year when I have time!”

Chu Hongyu nodded his head with approval and said, “Yes, if I didn’t run around often, I would have settled in Kundu.”

“Speaking of Xiaoqiang, when did you buy the villa? I also bought two villas here, on the other side of Tianchi.”

Xiao Qiang said: “I bought it three or four years ago. I bought it at a cheaper price. My villa is on the side of Dianchi Lake, a Tiandi Yipin house.”

When Chu Hongyu heard Xiao Qiang’s words, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes and said, “Are you thinking about taking a shot? There is no new real estate on the Dianchi Lake. The house in Tiandi Yipin is good.”

Xiao Qiang heard what Chu Hongyu meant, and this senior sister’s virtue of wanting to take advantage has come again!

He shook his head repeatedly and said, “No, no. Your junior brother is a small householder, senior sister, please save me a place to live.”

Chu Hongyu looked at Xiao Qiang with a smile, but he was frightened by this big man in his 1.9-meter.

Xiao Qiang quickly stood beside Ye Jun!

Chu Hongyu’s gaze fell on Ye Jun with Xiao Qiang, and his gaze changed.

Instead, he brought a few smiles and asked Ye Jun: “By the way, where is your villa, Ye Jun? I’ll be a guest at your house in the future.”

There was a touch of natural kindness and familiarity in this tone.

It seems to be an old friend who has known each other for many years.

Who could have imagined that Ye Jun had actually known this woman for less than twenty-four hours.

Xiao Qiang listened to his senior sister’s words, he could feel the emotional changes of his senior sister no matter how shocked he was.

Looking at Ye Jun with a surprised look,

It seemed to be questioning: “Brother, when did you take my senior sister behind my back? This wave of extreme steals!”

Ye Jun did not respond to Xiao Qiang, but heard what Chu Hongyu said.

With a melancholy expression on his face, he said, “I haven’t bought it yet.”


It was Chu Hongyu’s voice that made the doubt.

In her mind, buying a house in Kundu is something China’s wealthy people will do.

After all, the real rich people are more concerned about the quality of life, rather than choosing some extremely bad living environment for transportation or school.

But she soon realized that her surprise was a bit out of date.

Naturally, he started to change the subject and said: “If you have money, you still have to buy a set. The experience of living here is really good.”

Ye Jun nodded and said, “Buy, buy it later.”

After listening to these two people showing off their wealth, I realized that I still paid too little attention to real estate.

There are only three or four villas in his current villa.

I bought a house for my first sum to live in, and Father Qi gave the house to my parents to live in.

Last time she helped Qi Ying, she gave away a building.

And to help Zhao Jingxuan, she gave a small villa with sea view.

When I was a social animal before, I couldn’t even save a down payment.

Squatting in a rented house in a dim and dilapidated urban village.

Looking at those newly built properties, I didn’t even have the confidence to go in and see when I passed by.

In the era of tens of thousands of housing prices in the capital city of Shu, a few thousand wages.

Buying a house has become a luxury.

I also thought about getting a promotion and a salary increase.

Collect money everywhere, take a loan for decades, and have a home of your own.

This is the lifetime of how many men provide a house, raise a child, and a wife while they are alive…

But now, Ye Jun was slightly in a trance.

Those real estates and high-rise buildings that I once looked at by myself are no longer in the scope of my own consideration for purchase.

I have even discussed buying villas everywhere.

Tianchi Lake and Dianchi Lake These are all famous scenic spots throughout the country.

The house prices inside are often tens of millions, and hundreds of millions are commonplace.

Discussing with a few people at this time is as casual as talking about what to eat at noon.

With the passage of time, the human situation is unimaginable after all.

Hearing that Ye Jun wanted to buy a house, the two began to recommend it to Ye Jun.

Ye Jun also listened carefully to the opinions of the two.

At this time, the three people were waiting for the car to pick up and drop off at the place where they disembarked.

After all, it is not a private airport. The airport here is quite a long way from the exit.

Many passengers in economy class are already staring at the sun head toward the airport exit.

The first-class passengers are waiting for the special car to pick up and drop off.

After all, what you pay for is what you pay for. The aviation industry is also highly competitive, and it must compete.

Ye Jun watched as the special cars came.

BMW, Big Ben…

The Yishui brand car is still far behind the luxury car, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this car is already quite good.

“Take the liberty to excuse me.”

At this time a voice sounded.

A middle-aged man in black clothes and sunglasses walked over and said to Ye Jun and others.

To be precise, he was speaking to Chu Hongyu.

The middle-aged man didn’t wait for a few people to respond, and said to Chu Hongyu: “Miss, is it convenient for you to have a chat?”

Chu Hongyu looked at the middle-aged man, his stature was still normal, he was not tall or fat, and it was rare that he was not fat.

But the whole has no characteristics. As far as appearance is concerned, it is the kind that can’t be found by a glance at the crowd.

For this kind of person, Chu Hongyu didn’t have any thoughts.

Without even looking at him with an extra look, he said, “Inconvenient.”

The middle-aged man choked suddenly and his face became a little ugly.

He rummaged through his suit pockets, as if looking for something.

After a while, he took out a business card and handed it to Chu Hongyu, and said in a nonstandard way:

“Miss, I took the liberty. Let me introduce myself. I am the agent of Century Entertainment. I want to talk to Miss…”

Chu Hongyu stopped, and ignored the so-called agent who handed over the business card, and said coldly, “I’m not interested.”

The agent was choked again, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, but there was a hint of urgency in his tone, and he even put on some accents and said: “Miss, I think your condition is very suitable for entering the entertainment industry. .”

“I am the agent of Shizhan, and our Shizhan is going to make a new movie recently. I think your condition is very suitable for playing with our Shizhan!”

“Do you think about it? This is a rare opportunity. It’s a pity that you don’t enter the circle on this condition, Miss.”

When Chu Hongyu heard a slight change in his face, there was a hint of surprise in his beautiful eyes and said:

“Who is Shit Fight? His parents are really lacking in virtue, so they named people this name.”

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