Chapter 274 Recognition

Ye Jun looked at Chu Hongyu with extremely serious eyes and took a sip of orange juice.

The first-class orange juice is freshly squeezed, and there are even unbroken plump fruit pieces in the juice.

The taste is passable.

Ye Jun finished taking a sip of orange juice, looked at Chu Hongyu and said:

“Major General Chu, you have to ask Sun Ming, who was chopped up by your own hands, what do I, a common people, know about this?”

Ye Jun thought of Chu Hongyu’s execution yesterday.

Seeing that my orange juice is not fragrant, affecting appetite.

Chu Hongyu’s beautiful eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Ye Jun’s eyes and smiled: “Boy, don’t you say this has nothing to do with you.”

Ye Jun didn’t shy away from his eyes, but instead looked at Chu Hongyu generously and smiled, “Of course it doesn’t matter.”

“I do not believe!”

“If you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me.”


Chu Hongyu asked, but Ye Jun didn’t give her any idea.

When would anyone dare to talk to him like this?

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun’s handsome face with a good smile, and couldn’t wait to blow his head with a punch.

But this person couldn’t move by himself.

This trip, although she was agreed that Chu Hongyu would listen to Ye Jun’s arrangements throughout the trip.

But the conditions that Ye Jun and Qi Jia talked about before have not expired.

Ye Jun will pay for Chu Hongyu’s operation costs, as well as the share when the time comes.

Counting these two things down is not a small fortune!

Chu Hongyu loves money as life as his life, thinking of the money, gently stroked his towering Weifeng.

Don’t be angry, don’t be angry!

Chu Hongyu calmed down again and said to Ye Jun:

“Little Ye Zi, we are going to act together next. You are hiding like this, how will we cooperate afterwards?”

Ye Jun frowned slightly while listening to her, but said nothing.

Chu Hongyu observed his performance. Thought Ye Jun was loose.

Continue to say: “I turned over the two videos of you at the base before and took a look.”

“From the officer who led the way to the tragic death, and Sun Ming who took the initiative to plead guilty.”

“I found that they all have one thing in common, that is, they seem to be controlled by others and generally perform this kind of abnormal behavior.”

“And for both, you are present.”

Having said this, Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun with a trace of heat in his eyes.

Looking forward to some responses from him.

But Ye Jun still didn’t say a word, very tangled.

Chu Hongyu retracted his gaze, and didn’t care about his discovery at all:

“My last speculation, I found that you should have a way to control people’s minds.”

“I don’t know how you did it. When you entered the base, the inspections you went through were absolutely impossible for you to bring in related drugs.”

“In this way, there are only physical means.”

“But this kind of physical means cannot exist in the current society, it is only recorded in ancient books.”

“I once saw in my family secret book that there were experts in ancient times who could practice a technique called “Ecstasy”. Once this technique is practiced, it can manipulate the mind, confound the mind, and be extremely mysterious.”

“But this skill has long been lost, and it’s just a legendary faculty, and now in the age of human end, some martial arts can no longer be practiced.”

“Could it be that you are the heir of this peerless magic?”

Chu Hongyu got more excited as he spoke, looking at Ye Jun with a burning light in his eyes!

As a master of martial arts, her obsession with martial arts is hard for ordinary people to imagine.

Chu Hongyu continued excitedly: “Tell me, Xiao Ye Zi!”

Ye Jun’s brows tightened, Chu Hongyu was taken aback, looking at Ye Jun with doubts in her beautiful eyes, and said: “What’s the matter? But what’s the problem, don’t worry, I, Chu Hongyu, said nothing, I I will keep it secret for you.”

“Or what conditions do you have? You can say that I can pay a certain price in exchange for this secret.”

Chu Hongyu analyzed Ye Jun’s character. This man who likes to bargain like her would certainly not be in vain without the temptation of profit.

However, if this person has really mastered this ancient exercise technique, and has practiced magical techniques in this age of the last law, it is not impossible for him to pay a certain price.

Ye Jun finally spoke at this time. He said in a weird tone: “There are conditions.”

“Just say, I’m willing to give everything I can.”

Chu Hongyu’s character who loves money and likes bargaining completely subverted her own image at this time.

Like a girl who chased stars, she worked hard for her own parting.

Ready for a big bloodletting.

Ye Jun glanced at her lightly and said, “Then you can change my name.”


Chu Hongyu didn’t react for a while?

Ye Jun said slightly annoyed: “I said you, when you are in a good mood, you will call me Xiaoyezi. When you are in a bad mood, you will call me the kid.”

“I have a name, Ye Jun, the leaf with fallen leaves, Jun who weighs more than a thousand miles.”

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun’s words, he was slightly stunned. Suddenly, an extremely brilliant smile bloomed on his face and said:

“I didn’t expect Xiao Ye Zi to still care about this.”

Seeing Ye Jun’s dark face, Chu Hongyu squashed slightly and said:

“Okay, okay. I remember your name, Ye Jun.”

“I, Chu Hongyu. Nice to meet you!”

Speaking, Chu Hongyu handed his slender white jade hand to Ye Jun.

Ye Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized.

Gently held Chu Hongyu’s fingertips.

He and Chu Hongyu met yesterday, and it was Xiao Qiang who introduced them.

Chu Hongyu didn’t say a word of self-introduction, and went straight to the subject and started targeting himself.

After going through a series of things, Ye Jun just remembered now.

She didn’t introduce herself at first, but simply felt that it was meaningless.

At this moment, Chu Hongyu’s behavior clearly recognized himself.

I have to say that this woman is really attentive, as well as knowledgeable.

Able to discover two clues of mind control of his own.

Chu Hongyu was not the only person who saw the two videos yesterday.

But no one dared to make such bold guesses.

“Ecstasy”? mind control?

If you change this to a normal person, others will suspect that he is mad.

This is also the reason why Chu Hongyu did not report to his superiors yesterday.

After all, as a family of ancient martial arts, Chu Hongyu certainly knew that this kind of thing was not enough to win people’s trust.

But it’s a pity that Ye Jun could see that Chu Hongyu was eager for the exercises in this “Ecstasy”, as well as the means of cultivation.

But those who know these bells and whistles.

I have used the power of the system to get such a magical skill.

But this system definitely couldn’t tell Chu Hongyu.

Seeing Chu Hongyu’s expectant eyes, Ye Jun suspected that if he didn’t say anything, she would hack her on the spot.

In an instant, Ye Jun suddenly thought about it.

To Chu Hongyu, he said, “Come here!”


Chu Hongyu was puzzled, but still approached Ye Jun honestly.

Suddenly, a breath of male hormones came.

Chu Hongyu felt a warm breeze coming from her delicate earlobe.

Immediately, a low-pitched male voice rang softly in her ears…

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