Chapter 271: The Shameful Ye Hongyu

Hearing Ye Jun’s condition, Chu Hongyu’s face changed rapidly.

A hint of shame appeared on the fair and pretty face.

Looking at Ye Jun angrily!

Damn, this kid!

Chu Hongyu suppressed the killing intent in his heart with extreme restraint, looked at Ye Jun coldly and said:

“You dare to think, let me serve you?”

She Chu Hongyu was born a martial arts genius and born a noble girl!

She is in a high position that many people can’t reach in their entire life, the youngest female major general under the influence of the Qi family.

There are countless murders and a boundless future.

Want to serve this little boy who is a few years younger than you?

If you say this idea, your jaw will be shocked!

How long has no one dared to talk to himself like this!

Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun with a smile. This kid was a bit interesting.

Ye Jun smiled and said, “What would I dare to think about? It’s about serving tea and water. Where did Major General Chu think about it?”

“What? Is Major General Chu scared?”

Ye Jun was slightly irritated, and Chu Hongyu finally bit the hook.

“Afraid? Haha, there is no such word in my Chu Hongyu’s life dictionary. I bet with you.”

“Wait if you lose, I can really wring your tongue and chop off your hand, so you can do it for yourself.”

Chu Hongyu returned to calm.

Ye Jun could find through his emotional perception that Chu Hongyu was not so calm on the surface.

It is an active volcano that can erupt at any time.

I was pissed off this woman.

It’s cool, but something is really going to happen.

Ye Jun had no doubt that this woman would act as agreed.

“You two have been whispering, endless, right?”

Finally the person sitting next to him couldn’t hold back.

Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu kept talking in front of them, and the scenes that were supposed to be serious before became a little weird.

Ye Jun looked at the speaker, who was a chubby old man in military uniform.

My eyes are almost out of sight, and he looks so naive and blessed.

Zhou Yuhan, one of the major generals in this base.

He was also an officer on the same level as Chu Hongyu.

Ye Jun looked at the old man’s anger, and stopped talking.

Leaving aside the rest, Ye Jun would not go to an old man to argue about anything.

What’s more, he was also taken astray by Chu Hongyu’s arrogance, and he was a little forgetful about chatting grandiosely on this occasion.

But obviously, not everyone is a normal person like Ye Jun.

for example……

Chu Hongyu glanced at Major General Zhou faintly, and said coldly, “Shut up!”

Major General Zhou choked, his face a little uncontrollable.

In front of so many people, this woman actually didn’t give him face.

It simply made him unable to get off the stage.

But thinking of this woman’s methods, he honestly shut up!

Sit in his seat full of anger.

Ye Jun looked at Chu Hongyu’s cold expression.

Secretly slander.

This lady has a really bad temper, and she doesn’t know what kind of master can control this kind of woman.

It is probably gone.

That man met a woman like Chu Hongyu, it was really blood mold for eight lifetimes!

Ye Jun secretly complained about the character of this Chu Hongyu.

Turning the topic to business matters: “Major General Chu, when do you want to identify? I have all the evidence ready!”


Chu Hongyu said lightly:

“It’s here. After all, your matter is also a major issue in the military area. If you don’t know anything about it later, I will execute the sentence in public.”

Ye Jun nodded, and said faintly: “Okay, but it seems we have to wait for a while!”

After that, Ye Jun looked at the major general who was still talking on stage.

“Next we are going to talk about the eight major points, the second minor point, and the first detail of the first minor issue on the theme of today’s meeting.”

“This detailed rule, you guys should be quite good, which is divided into three small questions.”

“The first outline of the first question…”

Although Ye Jun did not hear the content of this speech, it did not prevent him from knowing this stuff.

It will be over for a while!

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly, his face showing disgust.

Kuan Kuan got up and walked towards the stage.

The eyes of the people at the scene immediately focused on Chu Hongyu!

This woman moved!

Damn it, on stage.

What does she want to do? Do you want to walk for the sky?

Help them out of the sea of ​​suffering!

This babbling is simply annoying.

The eyes of the people at the scene were all watching Chu Hongyu’s actions.

When the old man on stage saw Chu Hongyu playing, he also paused slightly, his expression slightly changed and asked, “Major General Chu, what are you?”

Chu Hongyu didn’t tell him much, and went straight to his side.

The jade hand gently brushed behind the old man without a trace.

One took the microphone.

The old man was very angry, and just wanted to say something to criticize this behavior.

But I found myself unable to speak!

Dumb hole!

This Chu Hongyu has superb acupuncture skills!

As her colleague, the old man certainly knew Chu Hongyu’s methods.

Can only look at Chu Hongyu angrily.

Chu Hongyu looked at the old man with a smile and said softly: “Look at me like this again, so I dug out your eyes and let me go down!”

The old man was very angry, but when he heard the threat from Chu Hongyu, he believed that this crazy woman would definitely be able to do it!

Only angrily went away.

The movements on stage were not very big, even only Chu Hongyu and the old man knew what was going on.

But there is one exception now, that is Ye Jun.

The place where he was originally was not far from above, and coupled with the perception of the blessing of the system, he knew exactly what Chu Hongyu had said.

“This girl is really wild!”

Ye Jun was shocked by this woman again.

However, Chu Hongyu on the stage didn’t think so much, but picked up the microphone and said:

“Major General Ye will not say anything, let me tell you something.”

The voice was clear and sweet, and everyone present applauded.

How fresh, many people have only heard about this beautiful major general, but have never seen herself.

As soon as I saw him today, he looked so beautiful, and of course a bunch of big lords would join in.

Chu Hongyu’s expression faintly made a stop gesture.

The scene regained silence.

“The next thing I want to say relates to the reputation of our military base.”

“Don’t say too much, please see everyone!”

Chu Hongyu fiddled with the computer and released the video of Ye Jun and the others being smashed.

On the big screen, the laser light flashed, and a living person was cut to pieces.

The people present were silent, and none of them were eating dry food.

Of course knowing what it means?

Quietly listening to Chu Hongyu’s words.

“So, who would dare to change the permissions of the top secret area where I am?”

“Who would dare to attack VIPs in this base?”

“Today, this matter will be handled by me with full authority. If the black hand behind the scenes is caught by me, I will arrange capital punishment!”

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