Chapter 270: Gambling Upgrade

“Oh? Did you find it?”

Chu Hongyu’s beautiful eyes moved slightly and looked at Ye Jun with interest.

From the beginning, Ye Jun has been by her side and never left.

Until just now, Ye Jun has been by her side.

Where will there be time to investigate the incident?

But Chu Hongyu said nothing about these possible facts.

As if to know something.

Ye Jun also felt a little weird. There were too many secrets in this woman.

But for his own system, Ye Jun didn’t intend to suffocate him.

This action must be achieved by using the system.

If you keep covering up, you will not be able to use your hands and feet in many cases.

Sometimes don’t think about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, you will become a real pig by pretending to be a pig.

For a woman like Chu Hongyu, if she didn’t have any means, she would definitely not be recognized by her.

Ye Jun will not take the initiative to tell her about the system.

But it will not obscure the capabilities of the system.

“Yes, I found it! Major General Chu, what are you going to do with it?”

Ye Jun asked Chu Hongyu with a faint smile.

After all, this place is still less than Ye Jun’s turn to be here at home.

Chu Hongyu’s eyes moved slightly, and he chuckled and said, “The little leaf tells me who did it?”

Ye Jun was speechless when he heard Chu Hongyu’s name.

“Here, it’s there.”

Ye Jun raised his chin slightly, and looked at the Sun Ming just now.

That is the person who wanted to harm him before.

Chu Hongyu looked over as Ye Jun showed, and found the person that Ye Jun had identified.

At the moment, the smile on his face disappeared!

His complexion became cold, and he said with a cold voice: “Boy, don’t you want to point out indiscriminately here, do you know who that person is? He is definitely not the one to harm you.”

Seeing the change of Chu Hongyu’s face, Ye Jun’s heart was shocked.

This is not easy, Chu Hongyu’s emotions are in a situation that will explode at any time.

Mixed with distrust of himself, and anger at identifying Sun Ming by himself.

I’m going to be so excited, could I have a leg with this man?

Ye Jun slandered, after all, this Chu Hongyu’s own detection didn’t work.

However, his face didn’t show up.

Just said coldly: “I have identified the prisoner. According to the agreement at the beginning, you must join my team and follow my command!”

Chu Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, with a sneer on his face, and said, “Boy, don’t be funny here. You want to beat me by just identifying someone indiscriminately?”

“If you can’t show evidence today, leave your life here today!”

Speaking of this, Chu Hongyu was already killing.

Ye Jun’s emotional perception was still open at this time.

For this woman, more insurance can be obtained with more control.

The last moment I was still talking to myself and laughing at Yan Yan, this moment was full of murderous intent.

Ye Jun can perceive through the system that this Chu Hongyu is in a state of emotional out-of-control.

The killing intent was high.

It seems that this is her nature, but she has been suppressing her own killing intent.

It seemed contradictory and strange.

But right now, Ye Jun did not pursue these problems deeply, but continued to say:

“Chu commanded you to raise this?”

“If I have identified someone, you should go with me. You still threaten me at this time. It’s not kind!”

Ye Jun robbed him and confused Chu Hongyu.

Chu Hongyu suppressed his murderous aura, and after thinking about the logical relationship, he said:

“If you can’t produce evidence, how can it be regarded as a successful identification?”

“But you only asked me to find someone, and you didn’t ask me to show evidence.”

Ye Jun said in a slightly innocent tone,

Chu Hongyu was speechless, and said angrily, “Is your kid playing word games with me? Of course you have to show evidence to be recognized. What’s the truth?”

“Hehe, Major General Chu didn’t give me a chance to speak just now, but he directly refuted me.”

Ye Jun pointed out Chu Hongyu’s attitude just now, and identified that Sun Ming himself.

This old lady couldn’t wait to turn his face with herself.

It was slapped in the face.

If you don’t find the place back, this matter will be difficult to end.

Chu Hongyu snorted coldly and said, “As long as you identify someone else, I still believe a little bit. Do you know who this person is?”

Does Ye Jun know?

Of course I know that Old Man Qi’s confidant.

A brigadier general!

This is a talent that is destined to provoke the Qi family’s leading role in the military.

Moreover, listening to this Chu Hongyu’s tone, the relationship between this person and her is quite close.

It can be seen how successful this spy has been, and he has gained the trust of the people of Mr. Qi’s faction.

However, it’s a pity.

Today, he is destined to not end well.

“I don’t need to know who he is, I just need to know that he is the one who wants to harm me today. Major General Chu wants to cheat for personal gains!”

Ye Jun questioned Chu Hongyu.

Chu Hongyu was so angry that Ye Jun laughed, and said with a weird expression:

“This man is called Sun Ming. He is an orphan. He was adopted as a godson by Mr. Qi. He was raised by Mr. Qi when he was a few years old.”

“The position in the Qi family is detached, he is sleek, does not fight for mundane matters, and concentrates on his political career!”

“Even the old man once admired his character and thought he was a man who can make great things. Now he is less than fifty years old, at most he will be promoted to major general next year!”

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that there is a dragon and a phoenix in a person! Will you come to harm you?”

Chu Hongyu seldom said so much, but he highly praised Sun Ming in these words.

Although there is no explanation between her words.

But the meaning is already very obvious.

Who are you Ye Jun?

Worthy of being a proud son of heaven, a dragon and a phoenix among the human beings, and honour and dignity to harm you?

In her opinion, this Sun Ming could not find a reason to harm Ye Jun.

In addition to the high status of Sun Ming, there is also a good reputation in the Qi family for a long time.

Chu Hongyu couldn’t help speaking for Sun Ming.

Ye Jun sneered when listening to Chu Hongyu’s words:

“Since Major General Chu said so and believes in the character of Brigadier General Sun, we might as well take another gamble.”

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly, not very happy.

I thought to myself, this person really can’t get in the fumes, and I have already given him a step down by saying that.

I still don’t know what to do here.

If it weren’t for the operation he organized, it was profitable, and she was a person who was addicted to money like life, she would not have the mind to deal with this kid here.

But since you want to bet?

A sneer hung on the corner of Chu Hongyu’s mouth and said, “Okay, I’ll bet with you! If you can’t show evidence, I’ll hang your tongue.”

Too lazy and refreshing, without the usual grind of bargaining before.

Ye Jun said indifferently, “Then what price can Major General Chu give if I show evidence?”

“Please mention the conditions, I can give you the money or the right!”

Chu Hongyu raised her head slightly, she had the confidence to say this!

Ye Jun chuckled and shook his head and said, “I am not interested in Qian Quan,”

Chu Hongyu frowned slightly and asked, “Then what do you want?”

“If I win, you will serve me as my servant for a month!”

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