Chapter 272 Get out of me

Listening to Chu Hongyu’s murderous speech.

The audience below was startled.

This is not a joke, this base is under the influence of the Qi family.

Some rules are different from normal bases.

The two mentioned by Chu Hongyu modified the protection authority of the top secret place.

There are also assassinations of VIPs.

Two sins are punished together, and death is the greatest forgiveness.

There were a few major generals who had originally criticized Chu Hongyu.

At this time, they also rose to support Chu Hongyu.

“I support Major General Chu’s decision. This matter must be dealt with seriously!”

“Yes, this kind of thing happened at our base, it must be thoroughly investigated.”

“We don’t open this meeting either, and immediately issue a thorough investigation order!”

“Yes, yes, that’s a big deal! If it is known from above, our base will be shameless!”


There is also a major general who has been dumb-pointed is also trying to express his thoughts.

Although I can’t tell what this person is trying to say.

However, it can be seen from his excited look that he also supports Chu Hongyu’s decision.

The relationship between the heads of these bases is not harmonious.

Especially the relationship between Chu Hongyu and these people is extremely bad. ‘’

This person who had been dumb acupoint embarrassed Chu Hongyu when she entered the door.

But in the face of this kind of big righteousness. Did not dare to be vague.

Once this incident spreads, it’s not a problem with the base.

When the time comes, someone from the top will be sent down, so do you want the face of this base?

So they have abandoned their prejudices at this time and stand on a unified front.

Ye Jun looked slightly surprised at the reactions of these people.

I really didn’t expect these to be able to flexibly, but it also shows the strength of this base.

If Chu Hongyu was determined to investigate by himself, even though it would take a lot of effort, he would definitely be able to get a result in the end.

Chu Hongyu watched as several major generals who had always been at odds with him stood up and supported him at this time.

The smile on his face became a little real, and he continued: “Okay, I’m finished with the first thing. Now I will talk about the second thing!”

The next old man couldn’t bear it, he was too familiar with this mode of speaking!

The second thing is, wait for all three, four, five, six, seven, eight to come out!

He has to use this routine, and hurriedly interrupted: “Major General Chu, let’s investigate that first! The accident at the top secret base is the number one event, and you have already missed the opportunity to say it at this time!”

That’s right, this group of people reacted.

It’s been an hour since this incident, Chu Hongyu just said now.

Even if there are any clues left over, they may have been cleaned up.

But if they blame, they dare not say,

Just anxious to deal with this big event!

Chu Hongyu gave the talking old man a cold look.

Really scared the old man, what is this woman going crazy?

But to his surprise, Chu Hongyu didn’t clean him up.

Instead, he smiled and said, “I want to say it’s the same thing, and don’t give me any delays.”

“I found one and said it was someone with a clue, everyone might as well listen to it together.”

“What? Does anyone have a clue?”

“Great, please ask him out!”

At the scene, there was no expectation that Chu Hongyu would find such a person.

But this remark is somewhat intriguing.

It is said that there is a clue, but it is not said whether the clue is true or not.

Some keen people have already heard this word game.

The scene was very lively, and Chu Hongyu looked at Ye Jun in the audience and made a gesture of inviting.

Unspeakable mockery.

She just wanted to see how disgraced this young man who didn’t know what to do in front of so many people.

Let him be so ignorant and dare to make such bold demands!

Ye Jun smiled and shook his head, and slowly walked onto the stage.


“What, this is the insider?”

“Isn’t this Major General Chu’s concubine?”

“It seems to be the VIP in which video, isn’t this a victim?”

“What can he know? He doesn’t even have the power to take two more steps here!”

Saw Ye Jun appeared on the stage.

People underneath talked a lot,

Isn’t this Ye Jun the victim in the video they saw?

Some people still remember that he spotted the trap in time and keenly pulled his companions to avoid danger.

But this kind of consciousness is nothing more than that in front of a group of professional soldiers.

Plus, an hour has passed since this incident,

He is a victim, can he know the truth of the case?

This is not a place where you can investigate at will.

If Ye Jun’s authority went to some places, he would be killed on the spot.

What can he know?

The bottom was full of distrust, and he was uncomfortable with Chu Hongyu’s choice.

When is this, what does this woman want to do?

There is no overall view at all.

“Come on, Xiao Ye Zi, tell them. Who is the murderer you found?”

Chu Hongyu asked around Ye Jun, his tone full of frivolousness, like a female hooligan.

Ye Jun sweated slightly, his expression unchanged, and he looked at the audience and said, “Come on, Sun Ming, Brigadier General Sun.”

As soon as Ye Jun said this, the scene suddenly exploded!

“how is this possible?”

“This kid must be talking nonsense! How could Brigadier General Sun Ming attack him!”

“Who is he, he doesn’t have such a bloody mouth! What does a brigadier want, why do you harm you?”

“That is, Brigadier General Sun Ming is such a good person, I won’t believe it! This person is talking nonsense!”


The scene exploded.

Chu Hongyu on the stage looked at Ye Jun with a smile and said, “Little Ye Zi, it seems that everyone doesn’t believe you. What should I do?”

“I think you should come up with some evidence, so you can’t bear the responsibility of a respected figure!”

Ye Jun shook his head with a chuckle, and looked towards the audience.

Golden light flickered in his eyes, and he looked at Sun Ming’s position and shouted sharply, “I told you to come up, do I need to say a second time? Then you get me up!”


“Arrogant! Who is this kid!”

“I went, I found today’s visitor record.”

“I found it too. Everyone can take a look at the back office system. Hahaha, I’m so ridiculous!”

“This Nima is not afraid of flashing her waist when she says this. If this record doesn’t say that he is a freelancer, I would think he is an admiral!”

“Pretending to be too much, and there will be someone good-looking later. A flat-headed common man would dare to be crazy here!”

“Laughing to death, the strongest peasants challenged the brigadier general. Are you writing novels here?”

The person who checked Ye Jun’s information on the spot couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

In their opinion, this is simply a typical ignorance of the sky and the earth.

The officer sitting next to Sun Ming was also laughing wildly, and some acquaintances were still inquiring about Sun Ming.

“Lao Sun, is this something you invite to tease you? It’s too coke!”

“Laughing, Chu Hongyu’s lady is looking for some men.”

“Hahaha, he even told you to get out of here! Go ahead and smoke his two big mouths!”

And the protagonist of this scene, Sun Ming, started with Ye Jun calling him just now.

His face is extremely ugly! As if experiencing some huge struggle, his face was ugly to death.

When Ye Jun called him for the first time, everyone next to him saw that he was going to be stunned, and everyone thought he was angry.

But this time, Ye Jun asked him to roll up the second time. After struggling, his expression suddenly became relaxed and happy, and there was even an inexplicable smile on his face.

Stand up slowly!

Under the dull gaze of everyone, he slowly lay on the ground.

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