Chapter 251: The Gap Between the Families

Hearing Ye Jun’s comments, the old man’s face blushed.

Although Ye Jun didn’t criticize too much, just a few words made him have no place.

The top tea sets are flawed.

It is said that the water for making tea is not good for the best tea.

He recognized the former, but he didn’t quite agree with the latter.

This is not water boiled from tap water, but spring water from a famous mountain in Shudu, which is well-known in the local area.

It was packaged by their ancient family for special protection and development. The water used for making tea is really sweet and wonderful.

Even before the leaders of Kyoto drank this tea, they asked their ancient family for water.

The old man asked a little bit unwillingly: “Unexpectedly, Dr. Ye still knows the tea ceremony. I wonder what is wrong with the water for making tea? Please enlighten me.”

After all, the old man, an old tea guest who has been for decades, was said by Ye Jun that he would definitely ask for advice.

Ye Jun glanced at the old man indifferently, the look in his eyes was just like that of a hillbilly.

Although this ancient family is also a big family, it started too badly.

Before the ancient family started, they were bandits who occupied the mountain as their king.

The Qi family was the prince of the previous dynasty.

Although the forces of the ancient family are only slightly worse than those of the same family, these details are really far behind.

It is simply the difference between nouveau riche and nobleman.

I don’t even know the water for making tea, so I am embarrassed to show it to the guests.

Ye Jun controlled this kind of emotion very delicately. After all, publicly ridiculing others for being a hillbilly, maybe the old man who had just been comforted by him would violently in public.

Now that he asked, Ye Jun was not afraid to tell the truth.

Slowly said:

“You Yunwu Maojian tea is okay. It’s this water. When I drank this water, I only felt that the aftertaste was slightly sweet, and there was nothing special about it.”

“This kind of cloud and misty hairy tip, drinking is an artistic conception, the cloud is not knowing where it is, and the fog is hidden in the world, you use this kind of water as an accompaniment is simply a waste.”

The old man listened to Ye Jun’s words very well, thinking about the tea tasting experience for many years, and thinking about it, I think it should be so!

At this time, the dissatisfaction in my heart has been reduced a lot, but a little more curious and asked: “Then based on Dr. Ye’s advice, what kind of water is suitable for making this tea?”

Ye Jun smiled and continued: “Soaking the clouds and mist, the best thing is Sudu’s Mengxi Spring. The spring water there is refreshing and refreshing, with a faint bitter taste. It seems like a great dream of life and Yunwu tea are a perfect match. .”

“Then there is the tiger running spring in Zhongdu, where the spring water is filled with cloud-mist tea, it is the tiger sumo wrestling in the clouds, don’t have a new idea.”

Ye Jun said all these people were stupid.

Who knows, there is so much attention to drinking tea, just such a cloud tea, Ye Jun cited the taste of seven or eight famous spring tea.

It sounded extremely real, as if he had tasted everything.

As the saying goes, the layman listens to the excitement and the insider listens to the doorway.

Hearing this, the old man was stupid, as if he had been opened to a new world.

At this time, he also figured out why the aristocratic families in Kyoto despised the style of this local family.

Just now, Ye Jun said that these spring waters were brought by air from the Qi family every day, and the tea he drank was made with these spring waters.

The old man thought that he was living like an emperor, so contrasted.

He is a native peasant who imagines that he is the emperor.

As mentioned in a joke, a peasant woman imagined that if she became a queen, she would eat two flatbreads, two tablespoons of sauce, and a few scallions.

Therefore, if there is no real rich person, it is impossible to imagine how the real rich person lives.

The nouveau riche will not know the life of the nobility.

Take the people at the lowest level, the living gaps for those with a monthly salary of several thousand and tens of thousands are also completely different.

This is a gap that comes from class status.

Many times people cross these gaps.

Just like the old man, he thought he was exquisite enough.

But in this comparison, he is like a hillbilly.

The dissatisfaction in Cai’s heart immediately turned into respect, and he respected Ye Jun even more.

Ye Jun looked at the appearance of these people, but smiled slightly.

In fact, he doesn’t mean to despise these things. Without this system, these people are the existences that they need to look up to.

However, people will always change.

At the beginning, Ye Jun knew that the Qi family father gave him hundreds of thousands of a catty of tea, and his heart was broken.

I also know that this different tea needs to be matched with different famous springs, and I still mock these rich people so much.

But gradually, he got used to it.

Hundreds of thousands of tea leaves can be drunk as ordinary tea.

It became a habit to make tea with various famous springs.

Anyway, An Ran is taking care of the house, and he doesn’t need to do it himself.

He didn’t want to get used to anyone after drinking such unsatisfactory tea today.

Speak straight in person, when the old man questioned.

Ye Jun also unceremoniously stated his own experience.

This is not to show off, but simply to share.

In fact, many times what other people think of showing off is really just their daily routine.

After discussing the tea, after a few brief chats, Ye Jun moved on to the topic.

“I have one last condition, old man, listen to it.”

The old man was relieved from Ye Jun’s tea ceremony teaching. He looked at Ye Jun solemnly and said:

“Doctor Ye, just speak up.”

He said this sentence with considerable determination.

But it does not necessarily mean that he will definitely agree to it, after all, the first two conditions.

A person who asked to deal with the ancient family greatly hurt the majesty of the ancient family.

Ye Jun also personally killed an ancient family to kill the chicken and the monkey.

For the second requirement, Ye Jun stepped back and asked the Qi family and the Gu family to unite against the three major families of the Treasure Management Bureau.

But this is also an extremely risky decision for a family.

If it hadn’t been for Ye Jun to say something to the old man, I am afraid that today’s situation would not be able to be discussed.

What will be the third condition?

The ancient family members are all in awe now, for fear that Ye Jun will put forward some frenzied conditions.

Under the gaze of the ancient family, Ye Jun finally said:

“My last condition, I ask your ancient family to be silent about this treatment and clear the information of the old man who was kidnapped before. Everyone must sign a confidentiality agreement with us.”

“That’s it, there is no problem, you can prepare for treatment.”

Hearing the last condition, the ancient family were a little confused.

This is too simple, even a little bit incomprehensible.

Why does Tianyi Hospital keep this science and technology destined to shock the world a secret?

With this technology, money is rolling in.

Even family members who are as wealthy as the ancients do not know what they are thinking about.

Hearing this request, the old man finally took a breath and said:

“Yes, I agree. The old man will take care of the matter personally, and will never leak a word.”

“If my ancient family dares to divulge a word, I will execute them personally!”

Hearing the words of the ancient father, the expressions of the ancient family present changed drastically, and they could see that the ancient father was not lying.

This matter must be handled confidentially!

Ye Jun nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction.

“Well, after you have handled these things, you are ready to receive treatment.”

Hearing Ye Jun’s words, the Gu family’s heart finally relaxed.

Although the attempt to snatch the treatment plan failed, the most important thing was solved anyway.

Unexpectedly, this young man would use such a strong posture to counter the persecution of the entire ancient family.

Now that the matter has been settled, someone took the opportunity to come up with Ye Jun’s relationship, which is called a diligent one.

A middle-aged beautiful woman was also the woman who made the round when the second class Gu Dagu threatened Ye Jun just now.

With a smile, he asked, “Doctor Ye, I have a problem. Why is your Tianyi Hospital unwilling to publicize this?”

Ye Jun just smiled and didn’t say much, the beautiful women didn’t ask anymore.

After a brief explanation, Ye Jun took Li Changge away.

Thinking of the woman’s question just now on the road, she muttered to herself:

“People are really afraid of being famous, pigs are strong!”

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