Chapter 252 Husband! All

Two days later, Tianyi Hospital.

The 18th floor of the outpatient building.

This is the floor exclusively owned by Ye Jun.

It is also the most mysterious place in the hospital.

At this time, the nurse at the front desk of the outpatient building was drowsy.

It’s so boring, and there is too little traffic here.

If it weren’t for the stipulation that she can’t sleep at work, she would like to go to the lounge to sleep for a while.

Don’t think she is a lazy woman.

Her name is Han Lei.

She was an elite backbone in the previous hospital. As the front desk of the hospital, she had to provide consultation and pre-division.

Han Lei’s professional knowledge is extremely strong, and the person looks good.

A round face with exquisite features makes a happy smile.

I was named a smiling angel in the previous hospital!

But a few months ago, he was dug here with a treatment he could not refuse.

Started a real old-age life.

From 10 to 5, weekends, and regular holidays on statutory holidays.

Give back rationed housing and various welfare facilities.

There are not many patients a day here, and the leaders don’t care much about things.

As long as you don’t do anything too outrageous, you will never see it when you feel the fish.

After all, the leader is also fishing…

But the only thing I remember is that the eighteenth floor of this building must not be messed up.

There are some places where you can’t go without permission.

Contrary to the tolerant management system, the jurisdiction of this area is almost impersonal.

Someone had strayed into the eighteenth floor before, but was hit by the Hades and was directly expelled.

As for the Hades, he is really good-looking.

Like a male celebrity, Little Fresh Meat.

But when the little nurse was fired in public last time, the look in the eyes and the domineering.

It makes people shudder!

No one thought that this handsome and harmless Ye Jun would have such a tough side to Ye Yan Wang.

I don’t know who came up with the nickname Cold Noodle Yama, anyway, it’s popular in the whole hospital now.

They are all discussing secretly, this eighteenth floor is the eighteenth hell.

Only if King Ye Yan sits there can he suppress those evil spirits.

Everyone was terribly curious about the eighteenth floor, but no one had the courage to go up.

Currently the hospital has permission to go up to the 18th floor, only Ye Yan Wang, his special assistant Li Changge, the head nurse, and his personal assistant, who is beautiful, but very aura, like a little girl named An Ran. .

The only one left is the nominal dean of this hospital, Xiao Qiang, who is five big, three rough, and fierce.

Some people discussed that Xiao Qiang didn’t get along with the hospital director at all. What he got along with the hospital’s was that he had sent many people to the hospital at first sight.

It’s such a weird group of four who has the authority of the 18th floor.

All the other people have to make appointments or call them.

While Han Lei was thinking about it, a clear female voice rang.

“Hello, we need to find Dr. Ye, what is the number?”

Han Lei raised her head in a panic. After all, she was wandering just now, and suddenly someone was shocked.

And there are still so many people.

A bunch of men and women dressed up as rich and expensive, but they all followed closely behind a solemn old man.

And the one who spoke was a middle-aged beautiful woman next to the old man.

She quickly entered the state and said with a sweet smile on her face: “Hello, you need to make an appointment in advance to find Dr. Ye. Do you have an appointment with Dr. Ye in advance?”

The middle-aged beautiful woman had a look, and this group of people looked subtle.

Who are they? They are all from the ancient clan of the capital of Shu.

After dealing with Ye Jun’s request these days, he came to see the doctor as agreed.

If you ask, you need to make an appointment in advance.

In particular, there were a few people who were not there last time, and people who hadn’t seen Ye Jun’s methods.

It was even more angry at this time. When did their ancient family wait for someone to make an appointment?

The place where Shu is going is not for people to come out honestly to welcome guests.

When they were about to have a seizure, they were held down by the person next to them, and they used their eyes to signal that they should not act rashly.

The old man standing in front was not annoyed.

His eyes motioned to the middle-aged beautiful woman to continue.

The beautiful woman continued to politely said to Han Lei: “We had an agreement with Dr. Ye before, so let me make it easy for us and let me see Dr. Ye.”

Han Lei looked at the crowded people, some of them looked extremely ugly.

She slandered in her heart, the old lady put the bunch of people on Ye Yan Wang, and there is no need to wait for him to drive me away, I can get rid of myself.

No, for this excellent job, you must stick to the principles.

The smile on Han Lei’s face faded slightly: “Sister, no. I checked the appointment record. Dr. Ye didn’t make an appointment today. Please come back when you make an appointment.”

The middle-aged beautiful woman is a little anxious, why is Ye Jun so big!

You have to make an appointment in advance to see a doctor. This hospital is deserted.

Occasionally, a person walked past, either in a white coat or a white nurse’s uniform.

It’s as leisurely as a walk! You come here at night, as if you are haunted.

At this time, a young man who followed began to clamor:

“What a broken hospital, call out your doctor Ye, or I’ll hit this place right away!”

Han Lei’s face tightened, but there was not much fear, and she was secretly preparing to press the alarm button.

The security guards here are not vegetarians, and Han Lei chats with the little brother of the security guard when he is free.

Although the other party’s words were vague, it could be vaguely revealed that some unspeakable troops had retreated.

Even if you don’t say this, it is the dozens of security guards who run exercises every morning.

That momentum is not something the security can have.

Han Lei already thought that this group of people had come to pick things up, and immediately called for security through the alarm device.

At this time, an old voice rang.

“Ancient three links, go back to lead the family law fifty sticks, whoever brought him today will be punished for the same crime.”

When the old man spoke, the young man who was clamoring just now became stupid, and a middle-aged man next to him looked like he had eaten shit.

Originally came up with a show to get the old man’s attention, but did not expect to be self-defeating.

Fifty clubs will go down and people may not be better if they lie in bed for a few months.

But when the old man said something like this, someone in the crowd immediately came to take these two men away.

Han Lei was shocked by the old man’s domineering, and the hand leaf that wanted to press the alarm for a while paused.

At this moment, the old man, whose voice was still as cold as iron, said softly to Han Lei at this time:

“Little girl, I made you laugh. We really have something important to ask Dr. Ye, or you can give us an internal call.”

Listening to the kind words of the old man, Han Lei let go of a lot of anxiety, but this request was reasonable.

He agreed, and soon the internal call was made.

“Xiao Han, what’s the matter?”

Ye Jun’s voice was very noisy, rustling.

Han Lei furrowed her brows and couldn’t hear her clearly. She bit her scalp and said, “Doctor Ye, it’s so noisy over there, I can’t hear you clearly! You are not in the office.”

“Oh, yes, I can’t hear that you are using the speakerphone, you are really stupid.”

Delek, Han Lei turned on the hands-free phone, and Ye Jun’s voice became much clearer.

“Say, what’s the matter? I’m busy!”

The ancient family members who were present could also hear this voice clearly. Hearing Ye Jun said that he was busy at this time, the ancient family members felt nervous. They came to seek medical treatment today, and the old man’s illness delayed one day by one day.

“Oh, that’s it. The front desk here said that I had an appointment with you before. I want to see you. Is it convenient for you now?”

Han Lei conveyed truthfully.

“Oh? Who? Wait, Xiaoan, don’t touch the cards first, I’ll touch one, Yaoji!”

When this voice came out, the faces of everyone present turned blue.

Han Lei also felt a little ashamed, feeling that you are busy playing cards.

But after all, she is the boss, and it is not her turn to be beaked.

“By the way, how do you call the old man?”

“Gu Shi! The patriarch of the ancient clan of the capital of Shu.”

The old man answered Han Lei’s words with a weird look.

Han Lei faithfully acted as a ruthless voice transmission tool and said, “He said his name is Gu Shi, the head of the Gu family, do you want to see Dr. Ye?”

There was a slight pause on the other end of the phone, and there was no answer for a while.

Everyone thought that Ye Jun had to listen to this name, and maybe they would come down to meet him in person.

But soon the voice rang.

“Fuck it, I’m all the same, give money to money!”

“What’s it called? Gu Shi?”

“Oh, remembering, I know. Let him come up!”

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