Chapter 250: The Guest of the Stone Family

Seeing the sudden excitement of the old man.

The eldest son next to him was puzzled for a while, why he was always a wise and deep father.

Why are you so gaffe!

This Ye Jun’s condition was almost to let the Gu family and Qi family join forces.

This is about the survival of the ancient family, so I agreed?

It’s too childish!

As the next heir, Gu Da also had to stand up and stop his father from saying:

“Father, do we consider this matter in the long term? Isn’t it too abrupt to make a decision like this?”

Listening to his son’s words, the old man looked over with a cold look.

Gu Da was blinded by his father’s glance.

The old man didn’t have any emotion in this look, he even looked at a stranger.

The cold is so chilling.

I only heard the old man say coldly:

“I am not dead yet. When is it your turn to make the decision I made? Are you just waiting for me to die so that I can take my place? Get off!”

The repeated interrogations shocked the people present.

“No, father, I don’t!”

Gu is very anxious. The old man takes power very seriously. Even now he has advanced liver cancer, he still has no idea of ​​transferring power.

He did have the idea of ​​taking over his father’s position, but he had never dared to show it in front of outsiders.

You should know that people who had this idea in the ancient family have been resolved by his own iron-blooded father.

Even the old man even killed his second son with his own hands.

A very talented and talented person.

The reason is that this son wants to unite others to force the palace to let the old man surrender power.

But the father took the initiative and broke the plan of the second son.

Then all those who were preparing to rebel were put to death in public.

He even cut off his son’s head with his own hands and hung it above the ancestral hall to warn future generations that there is nothing wrong with him.

But he was holding the grown-up son since he was a child, and even the second son just forced the palace, and did not intend to take his father’s life.

But even so, he was executed by the old man.

This incident left an extremely influential influence on the family members. A man who even dared to cut his head with his own son could not do anything.

Therefore, the whole ancient family is one heart, only the old man’s head is looking forward.

Now that the old man is terminally ill, his suspicion is more serious, and the people under his hands are no longer at peace.

But after killing a few groups of people, these people became honest.

Gu Da looked at the old man Binghan’s eyes trembling again and again.

This is the look in the eyes of the old man about to kill, he doesn’t want to be a victim of his father’s butcher’s knife.

The old man shook the situation with a single word, looked around, nodded slightly and said:

“I declare that today our Gu family and Qi family have formed an alliance. The previous misunderstanding with Dr. Ye must not be mentioned by all the ancient family again. Offenders will die!”

Listening to the solemn words of the old man, the people of the ancient family nodded and said yes.

What did Ye Jun say to the old man?

Let his attitude have undergone such a big change.

Looking at the way the old man looked at Ye Jun, he was simply going to promote him as a guest of the ancient family.

“Come on, Doctor Ye, take a seat here.”

“Gu Er, let’s take out the Ming Dynasty purple sand tea set to entertain Dr. Ye.”

“Gu Da, go and soak the tip of my cherished cloud mist for Dr. Ye!”

The old man guided Ye Jun to the main seat of the tea just now, and accompanied him by himself.

Sent his two sons to make tea, took out the best tea set and tea leaves and began to entertain Ye Jun.

The ancient family members present were all dumbfounded.

When have they seen the old man entertain guests like this?

Even if the mayor of the capital of Shu came, he had to bow down to the old man for a lifetime, and bend over to say hello to the old man.

The entire Huaxia can be treated like this old man.

At least in the eyes of this group of ancient people, it is impossible to find out.

It was terrible, what kind of ecstasy did this young man put on the old man?

There is no shortage of power in the ancient family, and now he is begging Ye Jun for treatment.

But he was just a doctor, even if he could cure his terminal illness.

It wouldn’t be enough to let the old man treat that way.

The ancient family members had their own suspicions.

Now that the old man has made a statement, as some vassals, they naturally also behave honestly.

They all got up and vacated their positions for Ye Jun and the old man to sit.

The two of them became the only two sitting now.

Soon, the tea was ready.

The two sons of the Gu family, Gu Da and Gu Er.

Start to put tea sets and pour tea.

He looked extremely humble, not at all arrogant in front of Ye Jun just now.

Here to explain, this ancient two was originally ancient three.

The ancient second treason had already been executed by the ancient father himself.

Even the genealogy has been removed.

So he changed from Gu San to Gu Er.

This has no practical significance to him. If he can, he still wants to be the third child.

After all, the name of the second child is really bad, and this position is still left behind by a dead person.

Extremely bad luck.

But he was always on alert, and he had to obey his father in everything.

So today, he didn’t question his father’s conditions for agreeing to Ye Jun, and he has been honestly waiting next to him.

When it was his turn to pour tea, he habitually pours tea for the old man first.

Suddenly he had a pain in his hand, and now he knocked over the tea bowl.

At this time, an old Jin Jin hand held the teapot, and this hand was also hit on Gu Er’s hand just now.

The owner of this hand is the old man.

He stared at Gu Er coldly and said, “No rules, get out!”

Gu Er hasn’t figured out what happened, how dare he dispute this with the old man?

Back and forth again and again.

Immediately afterwards, he saw an incredible scene.

The old man amiably picked up the teapot, and carefully filled Ye Jun’s teacup with nine cents full of tea.

With a smile, he said, “Doctor Ye tried my tea, but it was delicious.”

The expression on Ye Jun’s face at this time was not bad, with a faint smile.

Since people are so acquainted, they have to know how to see them and accept them. After all, playing such a big family like a monkey, it is not easy to solve the problem.

He picked up the teacup, not busy drinking tea, and took a closer look at the teacup.

With a chuckle, he said: “The official kiln porcelain of the Ming Dynasty, unfortunately, was burned, and it hasn’t reached the level of tribute.”

Hearing Ye Jun’s words, the look of the old man paused slightly.

This porcelain does have some flaws, but it is also a fine product among the finest works.

If you are not an expert in porcelain, you can’t see the flaws at all.

He also discovered this defect after being instructed by a master.

This defect is that the set of porcelain is not burnt enough, and there is a slight deviation from the original molds.

But this tea set is also invaluable, so many masters now can’t see this problem at all.

Ye Jun didn’t notice the look of the old man, but shook the teacup lightly.

The tea fragrance is overflowing, and the tea soup is clear.

Ye Jun took a sip and frowned slightly and said:

“The tea is good, but the soaking water is too bad.”

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