Chapter 249 I am not a devil

“Hey, Brother Qiang. The downstairs in the intensive care unit will have someone come over and take care of it.”

“What are you kid doing? Let me look at the surveillance!”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! my brother, you are so sick that your brother is not paying for his life, wait for me to deal with it right away.”

“Alright, hurry up. Let the nurse sisters watch, I guess they will resign.”

“Okay, okay. You can relax a little bit, don’t finish it. If the matter is too big, the Qi family can’t help it.”

“Okay, okay. I see, I am not a devil, I will talk to them well.”

Ye Jun Shi Shiran hung up the phone in his hand.

Looking at a group of ancient family members who were terrified, there was a faint smile.

Frightened this group of people collectively shrank a step back.

Especially the woman just now has passed out.

At this time, no ancient family dared to speak, including the ancient father who was accustomed to seeing the world.

The scene they saw just now was terrible.

Although every ancient family here has a few lives in his hands, no one has done it himself.

Still in full view, he threw a tall middle-aged man, like a puppet doll, from the eighteenth floor.

They only heard a heartbreaking scream.

That scream was too stern, desperate to the extreme.

It left an indelible impression on them.

Looking at Ye Jun’s gaze at this time, he almost wanted to see a demon.

Oh, that’s not right!

Yama! Like a Hades.

Full of fear and awe.

Ye Jun didn’t have the mind to ponder the thoughts of these people, and continued:

“Well, just now, the old man said, this man’s crime is worth death, and I will deal with it. What’s more, he is still the mastermind of this kidnapping, and I must personally liquidate him.”

Originally, Ye Jun just planned to remove this person’s legs or twist his tongue.

But who knows this person, always dare to threaten him with his family.

It was like touching his own scales. Anyone who threatened his family must be cut off.

He just watched these people’s minds, and was quite moved by the thoughts of this dead man.

Although their expressions hadn’t been shown yet, how could it be possible to hide Ye Jun from the full system?

Now they have to do the first year of junior high school.

Then make the fifteen first.

The life of such a house is only a moment when I want to take it.

A group of ants dare to be arrogant in front of oneself?

A sneer appeared on Ye Jun’s face.

The rest of the people were horrified to see it, for fear that it would be them the next turn.

The old man deserved to have seen the world, and he quickly recovered after being astonished.

The look was not so natural and said:

“It was the kid who offended Dr. Ye first. This is what he deserves. Our ancient family will definitely not trouble Dr. Ye.”

After all, he was just a nephew, not his own son.

For the old man, it was from the perspective of life safety or from the mysterious medical skills that Ye Jun mastered.

Offending Ye Jun must not be a sensible thing.

The rest of the ancient family quickly responded with the old man.

“That kid can’t be seen in our ancient house. He has done too many wicked things. He originally planned to deal with him. I didn’t expect to bother Dr. Ye to do it today.”

“That’s right, Dr. Ye has worked hard. We will definitely send a generous reward afterwards, and thank Dr. Ye for helping our ancient family.”

“Thank you Dr. Ye.”

“Thank you Dr. Ye,”

Li Changge looked inexplicably from the side, with a dazed expression on his face.

At this moment, she really felt that her mind was blank, and when Ye Jun threw the person down, she was stupid.

This is true Nima is a Hades.

But she didn’t think Ye Jun was cruel, on the contrary, she felt that it seemed like it should be.

After all, she is someone who knows that Ye Jun has a magical ability, and this dead man threatened to kill Dr. Ye’s family.

Isn’t this going to die? What is it?

It is even more funny now, this person is clearly a relative of these people.

Now that Ye Jun killed him, he was still grateful to Ye Jun.

That dead person might not be able to catch his eyes.

This group of people behaved like clowns, which was extremely ridiculous.

Ye Jun shouldn’t continue talking about his conditions with these people.

“The second point, I want you to deal with the Zhou, Wang, and Zhao families of the Treasure Management Bureau in the capital of Shu. No matter what method you use, I don’t want to see their existence in the realm of the capital of Shu.”

Ye Jun said casually, but he was shocked when he heard it.

Treasure Management Bureau, where is it?

In these weeks, the Wang and Zhao families are all big families in Kyoto.

Although the ancient family dominates in the capital of Shu, it is difficult to match these families.

Hearing Ye Jun’s words, the old man shook his head and said:

“Doctor Ye, I have also heard of the conflict between you and there, but it’s really not a little old man who refuses. Our ancient family will never die when confronting those few families. This will ruin our ancient family’s foundation!”

“I would rather not have this operation than defeat the legacy of the ancient family, or else my old bones will go underground and have no face to see my ancestors.”

The rest of the ancient family all looked serious, and they were commonplace in the death of a person just now.

After a while, it eased up. You must know that this person is in the ancient family, and it is just a brick of the ancient family.

Where to move, or even 10,000 steps, Ye Jun can really save the old man, and this death is also a glorious death.

His value is far from reaching the point where the ancient family made his mark for him.

But now it’s different. The second condition proposed by Ye Jun is simply outrageous.

The three big families, not to mention three together, even one family may make the ancient family hurt.

Three together will only lead to the defeat of the ancient family.

This is related to the foundation of the ancient family, and they looked at Ye Jun very seriously.

There was a look in his eyes, absolutely impossible!

Ye Jun observed the psychological activities of these people and sighed slightly.

Sure enough, it is not so simple to use the ancient family as cannon fodder.

I underestimated the influence of the families of the Treasure Management Bureau.

Immediately, he said with a helpless smile:

“Replace it over there. Within a month, your ancient family and Qi family will join forces to harass the forces of the three major families on a large scale, how about?”

When this condition came out, the old man’s brows frowned slightly, to be honest, he could distinguish the situation now.

The Qi family is now forced to take care of themselves by the three major families, and the addition of the ancient family to the Qi family will certainly change.

This young man said it was a one-month period, but how could this family’s struggle be time-limited.

Even if he pumps for a month, the three big families will remember the bad things the ancient family has done in it.

When the time comes, the three families are extremely affiliated, but if the upper ranks succeed, the first one will liquidate the ancient family.

This is different from the ancient family who has always been wisely protecting oneself. Could this be Ye Jun’s true thoughts.

Force them to stand in line!

The old man thought for a while, but couldn’t figure out the answer for a long time.

At this moment, Ye Jun had slowly come to his side, making him tremble with fright.

The ancient family was also shocked, for fear that the Hades would directly take the father’s life away.

But Ye Jun didn’t do anything, but leaned over and said a word gently beside the old man.

After hearing what Ye Jun said, the old man looked at Ye Jun with a burning expression on his face.

“What you said is true?”

Ye Jun sneered: “I have no reason to lie to you!”

The old man breathed quickly and took a few breaths before he calmed down and said to Ye Jun with an excited expression:

“Well, the old man made a vote with you!”

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