My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 547 Planet Arteries

Kashiwagi stopped in front of a mural.

"Huh? Mega evolved Pokémon?"

I saw Mega Pokémon of different sizes on the rock wall, all of them including Mega Pokémon among them. Only the two evolutions of Mewtwo were not among them.

Of course, it was normal not to be inside, but inside he would be frightened.

Look left and right to get an overview.

Kashiwagi, who was lucky, sighed.

Has the super evolution system been completely abandoned...

It stands to reason that when XY is re-engraved, several new megas should be released, and these and other settings should be added. You may not be able to find them online, and the walls passed down from ancient times are not fully preserved to have new megas.

If you can't see it, it can only prove that either the Pokémon world he traveled through is wrong, or the XY replica is probably the same as the Diamond replica, an outsourced "high-definition reset" version.

Focusing on an original flavor.

He was a little sorry.

Who makes super evolution unbalanced and unbalanced, but handsome is really handsome.

Perhaps he was tired of seeing their original forms, but from a personal aesthetic point of view, almost every mega had something that struck him.

On the other hand, the design elements of Pokémon in the following generations of XY and Gemstone Reproduction are interesting, but there are not many Pokémon that fit his aesthetic.

Especially the "stitch monsters" designed to ridicule museums for randomly piecing together fossils.

The cuter they appear in the animation, the more pitiful they feel after watching them.

But being able to accompany Xiaozhi to reach the Eighth Master or even the championship, his combat effectiveness is somewhat guaranteed... To use some words he saw in his previous life -

How could there be such a handsome Pokémon!

"Is this the end?"

Kashiwagi glanced at the wall in front of him, and after tapping a few times and not finding any special mechanism, he turned around and left.

As expected, it was not his turn to discover such things as the secret room.

Return to the temple entrance.

The blue sky and white clouds came into view, and the gentle breeze blowing on his face made him feel particularly comfortable.


"Little brother is from Meteor Falls?"

"you are?"

When Kashiwagi heard the sound, he looked over and saw that he was a short, skinny, but kind-faced old man holding a stick in strange clothes.

His gaze shifted to the top of the cane, where a small keystone that reflected sunlight was embedded.

"I, Gangzang, am the manager of this Awakening Temple."

The old man smiled and said: "It has been too long since the people of Meteor have been here. I called you out of excitement and disturbed my little brother."

"You're do you know that I am a citizen of the Meteor?"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but ask.

He's not wearing a cape, and there's no dragon-type Pokémon around him. Can he recognize this?

Even the group of dragon trainers called by Awu mostly dared to look for the characteristics of the Meteor People after observing the sign.

"Hahaha, to tell you the truth, I used this pair of eyes to travel around the world when I was young. Your temperament and characteristics are all proof of your identity." The old man Gangzang shook his head, looking quite contented.

temperament? feature?

Kashiwagi couldn't help but look down at his own attire, wondering what features he had that could instantly identify him as a member of the Meteor People.

"Seeing that you pay special attention to this key stone, you must also be the inheritor, right?"

The old man Gangzang raised his cane and said regretfully: "It's a pity that my body is useless. Even if I want to fight, I can't fight."


"Speaking of which, since you are a citizen of Meteor, there is no reason not to visit the real Temple of Awakening."

"The real temple of awakening?"

"That's right, in the deepest part of this island, it's the beginning of everything."

Old Man Gangzang showed a mysterious smile, "You must also know the origin of Liuli City..."

As he spoke, he walked forward. Seeing that Kashiwagi was still there, he quickly waved his stick, "Don't be stunned, follow quickly!"


The latter looked at his phone and followed after seeing no reply.

Old Man Gangzang led him into the Temple of Awakening again. It was still a familiar route at first, but when he reached the end, he suddenly turned a corner, and there was a downward passage somewhere in the dark side.

Kashiwagi rubbed his eyes.

Is he sure that there was nothing here just illusion?


Countless sensor lights lit up all the way.

When Kashiwagi looked around, he felt that the tunnel ahead was thousands of meters long.

"Thousands of years ago, the meteorite smashed out the Liuli City, but it also broke open the earth's veins. The natural energy of the planet surged out from underneath, causing Groudon and Kyogre to return to their original form and come to Liuli City to fight for each other. Meteorites and the natural energy here..."

The old man Gangzang recounted the history that made him familiar, and suddenly his style changed, "But do you know the story after Rayquaza suppressed the ultra-ancient Pokémon? Regarding the torn earth and the traces of meteorites, your clan Have you heard it from the elders?"

"...I heard that the boulder disappeared mysteriously."

Kashiwagi told the news that Daigo got from the elders.

"Mysterious disappearance..."

The old man Gangzang whispered, "Hehehe, it seems that the people of Meteor don't want future generations to chase its traces, but it's a pity that it still appears in this world.

"You must have heard about the battle between Kyogre, Groudon, and two Rayquas a month ago in the sea near Karnaz City, right?"

Of course I have heard of it, I was still shouting 666 to the Rayquaza I was blackmailing at the scene.

Kashiwagi complained in his heart, and then continued: "What do you mean?"

"You should have guessed it, yes, they are fighting for the mysterious meteorite that once smashed up Liuli City."

The old man Gangzang said: "In the distant past, the people of Meteor realized that this meteorite would bring endless disasters, so they entrusted the people of Liuli to hide it and bury this piece of history. I didn't expect that in my lifetime, it would still be a disaster. Can see it."

The ruins were built by the people of Liuli.

Kashiwagi thought to himself that the ancestors of the Liuli people worked really hard. They not only had to build Liuli City, hide meteorites, but also protect the Pillars of the Sky. It was impossible to say that they even participated in the establishment of the Pillars of the Sky.

While complaining, he asked as if he finally remembered: "You said that the meteorite was finally hidden, but what about the cracked earth?"

"What the cracked earth looks like, you will know if you see it with your own eyes."

Old Man Gangzang chuckled, pointed to the deep and dark cave entrance at the front, and said: "That is the real Temple of Awakening, the place where every citizen of the Meteor should come."

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was just an octogenarian, couldn't feel the slightest hostility, and had a mobile phone with Internet access, Kashiwagi would never dare to enter such an unknown realm rashly.

The unknown represents danger.

You can vaguely hear a rumble coming from inside, like water flowing through.

Underground river?

Woo, it should be the sea?

He took a deep breath and walked in slowly.

All of a sudden.

His eyes were completely dark, as if he were covered by a cloth.

The ground underfoot was muddy, and the sound of rushing water could be heard when you moved slightly. The sound of running water in the distance became clearer and clearer, as if there were more streams surging.

Kashiwagi didn't panic too much. He blinked slightly and completely adapted to this place that was only illuminated by hazy light.

The surrounding scenes gradually came into view.

"...Water Curtain Cave?"

He looked at this strange place in surprise, with sea water flowing down from the top of the rock wall all around, and a large deep blue pool directly opposite.

"This is not a water curtain cave. This is the cave where life originated, a leak in the planet's arteries."

Old Man Gangzang followed behind and said softly: "You can see the surrounding environment clearly because the deep pool in front of you emits light, and this light is the natural energy that overflows."


Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, turned around in disbelief and said, "Is it still leaking?"

"Once the gap is opened, it is not easy to close it. Even if we exhaust the wisdom and strength of our ancestors, in the end we will just close the gap to the point where it is innocuous."

The old man Gangzang shook his head and said: "Not only will this level of leakage not attract Kyogre and Groudon, it will also be beneficial to the health of the ancestors and Pokémon living here, which is considered a small gain. "

No wonder a big pit was chosen to build a city.

The origin of the development of Gem Version Liuli City is that a submarine volcano erupted a long time ago, and the main body extended out of the water. People found that the climate here was pleasant, so they chose to live inside the crater.

After the gem replica version was changed to a meteor falling from the sky, the reason for living became a bit confusing.

Until now I get the answer.

Kashiwagi suddenly understood, and couldn't help but feel moved to reveal the buried history, and said: "Is it really okay if you just bring me here? After all, you haven't verified my identity yet, you just rely on my words..."

"Don't worry, I'm getting old now, but I'm not yet blind."

The old man Gangzang smiled and said: "Your name is Kashiwagi, right?"

"...Did Miklisang tell you?"

"Hahaha! It's as smart as that kid said! Yes, that's right, it was Mikri who told me."

Old Man Gangzang laughed and admitted, and then said awkwardly: "I didn't deliberately deceive you before, I just forgot your appearance for a moment, and then I recognized you after careful identification. Don't be angry, I will apologize to you."

"I'm rude. I should introduce myself first, Mr. Gangzang."

Kashiwagi shook his head, completely focusing on the deep pool in front of him.

The arteries of the planet...

Everything in the Pokémon world is alive. The original tree of the world Mew lives in is still a living creature. How can the planet not have the will of the planet?

It's just that humans can't communicate with it.

If some bad guys find out about the source of ancient disasters, something might really happen.

The seals of the ancients are indeed strong.

But with the current level of black technology in the Pokémon world and the necessity of the story progressing, if someone has ideas about it, the seal will definitely not be preserved.

For a while.

Kashiwagi shuddered a little.

He knew that the people of Liuli mostly wanted to deal with this place in a low-key manner, but if they were not safe, someone would break in one day and cause a big incident...

"Don't worry, it's impossible for non-Liu Li people and Meteor people to come in here."

As if he could see through his thoughts, the old man Gangzang suddenly spoke out.

"That's it."

After hearing this, Kashiwagi felt relieved a little, and then heard the old man say, "You might as well go to that pool to get a pot of water. Drinking it on a daily basis can ensure good health and no pain. It can also be used when someone or a Pokémon is injured. Taking it will help the injury heal.”


Is it water with this effect again?

Kashiwagi thanked the old man, took out the kettle and walked towards the deep pool.

There are many waters with similar effects in the animation world.

The Clear Cliff where Chaomeng once lived, the Okoya Forest where the Salud tribe lived, etc., he knew of several places, and they were quite suspected of being "bad streets".

Seeing his normal expression, the old man Gangzang thought he didn't believe it, so he said, "Kashiwagi-kun, how old do you think I am?"

"Your age...seventy?"

Kashiwagi turned his head slightly. In terms of spirit, it was not difficult to see that the old man's body was quite strong. It was only the dark and thin skin and the slightly stooped back that gave him the impression of age.

"Seventy? Hahahahaha! I have three out of 120 this year!"

The old man Gangzang laughed with great satisfaction.

"Three out of one hundred and two!?"

He looked at Old Man Gangzang in astonishment and stopped pouring water. He really couldn't see that this old man was already 123 years old.

Lived for two centuries!

"So, Kashiwagi-kun, don't underestimate this water! It's so precious that you can't imagine!" Old Man Gozang said sincerely.


Kashiwagi replied respectfully.

Apart from anything else, given his age, he has to weigh his words carefully.

Just finished getting water.

The mobile phone on his waist suddenly vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was a reply from Balza. This person seemed to have read his message when he got up at night.

Here comes the business.

Kashiwagi quickly put the kettle away, told the old man Gozo that he had something urgent to deal with, and apologized while saying that he had to leave as soon as possible.

The old man Gangzang waved his hand casually and led him out of the cave connected to the main artery of the planet.


The moment before Kashiwagi stepped out of the cave, starlight seemed to appear in the air and quietly disappeared into his body.

The deep pool suddenly darkened for a moment.

It took a few seconds for the initial thin light to return to its original state.


Back outside for the second time.

Kashiwagi didn't have much time to appreciate the blue sky and white clouds. After saying goodbye to the old man Gangzang, he found a deserted place to wait for Balza to wake up Hupa and take him to the Carlos area.

After a while.

A round golden ring appeared out of thin air, and a yawning and sleepy Hupa emerged from it.

"Ah~ Good evening, Xiaobai, eh? Why is it daytime here?"

It looked at the blue sky in confusion.

"Because there is something called jet lag... I'm sorry, Hupa, for waking you up so late at night." Kashiwagi clasped his hands together and said apologetically: "I will buy you donuts to make up for it."


The sleepy Hupa's eyes flashed instantly, and he suddenly became energetic. He smiled and said: "Xiaobai! I like you the most! Come here!"

It enlarges the circle.

Kashiwagi lifted his leg through the golden ring and suddenly appeared in a brightly lit living room.

Balza sat on a chair and pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed it gently. When he saw him, he smiled and said, "Long time no see, Kashiwagi."

"It's only less than a month."

He responded with a smile, and on the other side of his eyes, Mayali, who was fully dressed, came out.

"Ah~ Good evening Kashiwagi-san, but it will bother me a lot if you always spoil Hupa."

She yawned too.

Kashiwagi replied: "Be careful next time, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, this time I..."

He gave the general situation.

The Balza brothers and sisters are trustworthy and good people. They have been helping Lugia escape from the shackles of dark transformation recently. Moreover, they are very strict and will not spread the news casually.

In addition, he also needed to rely on Hupa's power, so he told the two of them.

After hearing this, both of them were shocked by Fradali's crazy behavior.

As natives of the Kalos region, they all naturally recognized this man of the times, and there were even people in the Valley of Creation who spread the word about his good deeds of helping the poor and disaster-stricken people.

If Kashiwagi hadn't told them, how could they have believed that Fradali would do such a thing.

py a new Pokémon book

Bai Feng had been living in a state of confusion for several years. One day, he accidentally hit his head and suddenly remembered the memories of his previous life, and his thinking suddenly became clear.

At this time, a Gardevoir came over and said, "Baby, mommy is back."

Wait...why is my mother a Gardevoir? Also, why can I understand what a Gardevoir is saying? Is there really nothing wrong with my head?

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