My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 548 Night Attack on Dawu(?)

"Is there anything we can do?"

Balza said the expected words.

Mayali poured three cups of strong coffee over and listened quietly and seriously.

After all, this matter is closely related to their future lives, and even if they are not born in the Valley of Creation, they cannot ignore it.

"This... depends on the specific arrangements of the operation."

Kashiwagi said that the person in charge of the operation was one of his former bosses named "Liu Ge".

To see if there was any room for them to help, we had to ask the other party's opinion... Carlos had already been scolded by Liuge when he wanted to come over.

"Don't you have anything to do?" 』

The voice of singing songs on the phone is full of the smell of hatred, which makes people feel inexplicably guilty.

Anyway, he didn't dare to provoke this guy again for a while.

Balza didn't force himself upon hearing this. He was quite convinced that professional matters should be left to professionals, so he said, "Okay, but if there is anything we can do to help, please feel free to ask!"

Mayali nodded.

"I will... huh?"

Kashiwagi turned his head to look for Hupa, only to find that he was lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly. He didn't know how much he had listened to what he had just said.

It was less than three o'clock in the morning in the Carlos area, and the night was getting thick outside the window.

If you go to see Dawu at this time, you probably won't have to worry about other eyes besides the surveillance cameras.

And in principle.

Kashiwagi didn't want Fradali to know that he was coming to Kalos, which would help him catch the opponent by surprise when he, Z1, and Rayquaza rushed into the Fradali Research Institute to rescue Z2.


If you want to do it, make it bigger. I have entrusted the heterochromatic Rayquaza to help before, so there is no reason to abandon it at the critical moment.

"I didn't mean to spy on you sleeping, Daigo-san..."

He muttered in a low voice and didn't know who he was talking to. After waking Hupa up, he told the situation in detail. He even waited for a while when he saw that it was half asleep and half awake.

Hupa's golden ring has a very fatal "flaw"——

This guy must understand the object or location in order to open the door accurately.

Otherwise, it will be like in the short film of Laolao Little Demon God, where he obviously wanted a stone for pressing dough, but ended up summoning a rumble stone.

What he wanted was rain, but the ears turned into candy, and a candy rain occurred.

It's true that it's reliable at critical moments, but the occasional episode really makes people want to pull their hair out.

Mayali once said with a sneer that Hupa is not good at anything else. He is absolutely unique in opening the door to find donuts. He has never made a mistake since he was a child.

In the past, when Kashiwagi asked it for help, he broke things apart, crushed them into pieces, and talked about it over and over again before he managed to achieve his goal.

The bitterness in the middle is not enough for outsiders to understand.


Now, in order to allow Hoopa to open the door accurately, Kashiwagi had to answer its curiosity that could be called a hundred thousand reasons.

"Why do you have to open the door under the bed?"

"Because I want Porygon II to go in and see if there are any surveillance cameras. Do you understand surveillance cameras? Things that can take pictures of you, like this..." (Taking out his cell phone)

"Oh~ Then why can't you be photographed?"

"You'll be discovered once you're photographed. It's like hide-and-seek..."

It took a lot of effort.

Kashiwagi finally solved Hu Pa's questions. To be honest, he once suspected that Hu Pa actually understood some things, but deliberately pretended not to understand to tease him.

Otherwise, why would it say that it understood when Mayali glared?

"Open sesame~"

Hupa moved the golden ring in the left corner.

Its previous verbal habits when using the golden ring were "Hupa Laolao" and "Come out quickly". Last time Kashiwagi told it the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, there was an additional "Open Sesame".

Needless to say, it’s quite touching.

The golden ring opens, and blue light waves flow within it.

Kashiwagi took out his backup phone and turned on the camera, and slowly stretched the upper part into the golden ring. The screen suddenly showed a dark appearance.

environment safety.

He turned slowly in a circle and saw some narrow light from the other side, and could vaguely make out...

It was indeed the scene under the bed.

"how is it going?"

Hupa squeezed over to see.

He hurriedly shushed him, took out another mobile phone and whispered softly: "Leave it to you."

Porygon II on the screen nodded, moved to the backup machine, and reappeared opposite the golden ring.

Its mission is twofold.

1. Determine whether there is a camera in the room.

Second, if there is a camera, find a way to tamper with the surveillance footage to a certain extent without alerting the other party's system.

There is no doubt that the second item is dangerous, so Kashiwagi lets it be done within its capabilities.


After Porygon II's information reconnaissance, there were no surveillance cameras in the room.

But unfortunately, their secret actions seemed to be discovered.

I saw a familiar voice coming from the golden ring.

"My friends under the bed, what are they secretly whispering about in the middle of the night... what are they discussing?"

Kashiwagi and others subconsciously looked at Hupa. Hupa covered his mouth and shook his head desperately, firmly denying that he was exposed because of his words.

The frightened Porygon II quickly got into his cell phone and returned, and there was a soft cry from the other side.


The screen of the backup phone is bright.

It was actually Dawu who asked Metagross to move the entire bed into the air.

"Daigo-san! It's me! Kashiwagi!" Kashiwagi said quickly. He didn't even dare to show his head, for fear of being blown off his head by Metagross' meteor fist... although the possibility was unlikely.

There was silence for a moment after hearing his voice.


Daigo in pajamas flashed across the screen, leaving only his chest, "...Kashiwagi?"

"Well, I'm sorry Daigo-san, but I have no choice but to do this..."

Kashiwagi turned his head and whispered to Hupa to open another big golden ring in the room. Balza and Mayali both stepped back and gave way, fulfilling their responsibilities to the people who eat melons.

The golden ring opens.

He was able to walk into the room from another direction.

In that position just now, he had to drill his head through it and then crawl out with difficulty... The main position was too awkward, and he wasn't that thick-skinned.

"Good evening, Daigo-san."

With a flash in front of his eyes, Kashiwagi awkwardly greeted Daigo, who was angry and helpless not far away, "Listen to my quibbles... I don't understand why."

"It's time to explain everything - from why you came to Kalos to what that thing behind you is." Daigo sat on the bed that was put down.

Metagross was on the other side of the bed, and when he saw him looking over, he raised his paw to say hello in a friendly way.

Like Boss Cordora, this guy has a pure big brother character. He likes to take care of young Pokémon. He is very responsible and is deeply admired by Manon's Harry.

"Um, is it convenient for communication here?"

Kashiwagi looked around and saw that the decoration of the room was quite luxurious.

Is this the Fradali Institute?

Daigo seemed to be able to see through what he was thinking, and said bluntly: "It's okay, no one will hear the content of our exchange."


He pondered the language for a while.

Although I am not sure why Daigo is so confident, the other party is at least the prince of a technology company, and in terms of various inventions, he is worse than the Fradali Research Institute.

It's just that it's not used for evil.

It took nearly ten minutes for Kashiwagi to tell Daigo his thoughts, Hupa's existence, and the secret actions of Ruka and others.

"It turns out you were the one who called the international police. They had quietly conveyed the news to me before."

After thinking for a few seconds, Dawu nodded and said.

"Did they convey the news to you?" Kashiwagi was quite surprised and turned around to think, isn't this a normal operation?

Liuge and Daigo had fought together during the liberation of Ole, and there was a natural foundation of trust between the two parties. Moreover, the latter was still the champion, so he should be informed of his actions.

The problem is that……

Liu Ge never told him about this move.

When Kashiwagi's mouth twitched, Daigo looked at Hupa not far away who was touching this and that like a curious baby.

He suddenly sighed: "Hupa... I specifically didn't reply to your message, and I also asked Miss Shijana not to disturb you.

"Just so that you can concentrate on preparing for the gorgeous large-scale celebration and alliance conference, you still came here, together with the key to breaking through the current predicament."

Just as previously guessed.

The reason why Daigo, Liuge and others have not taken action is that they failed to collect Team Flare's anti-humanity plan.

Even if some of the evidence collected so far is quite substantial, if you want to completely bring down Fradali and other high-level officials and make Team Flare unable to recover, it alone is not enough.

Until now.

Everyone involved in the operation knows that Team Flare is not a scabies disease, but a terrorist organization that may cause major disasters!

Since it is a terrorist organization, we must come up with strategies to deal with terrorist organizations.

Team Flare cannot be allowed to rebuild again and again like Team Galaxy and Team Shadow, causing riots.

"Uh... Dago-san, I don't mean to pour cold water on you, but your idea may not be realized..." Kashiwagi raised his hand and stated the prerequisites for Hupa to open the door.

Let's not talk about what form Team Flare's plan exists...on paper? Computer data? Just how to make Hupa understand the concept of this thing is very difficult.

And if it is an electronic file, then it must exist in the Flare Team's internal network. How to log in and download it covertly is a very important issue.

"I understand, but there is no better way in a short time."

Daigo looked calmly and shook his head slowly.

Team Flare is fully prepared, and it's even harder for an undercover agent to get to the level of the complete plan.

The only way is to steal from the cadres or even Fradali's computers.

Fortunately, the plan does not need to be submitted to the top management of the international police for further procedures. The manpower can be prepared in advance and ready to go.

As for the problem of Hupa opening the door, he believed it could be solved.

"I got the documents, take action immediately!"

Daigo said decisively.


This matter needs to be discussed with Liu Ge and Shijana to formulate a detailed action plan.

It is impossible to carry out an operation against a large organization like the original animation, where just a few of them send their Pokémon to rush in.

The situation will only get more complicated.

Kashiwagi nodded, "Understood."

Let’s get down to business.

Daigo's expression quickly softened, "Kashiwagi-kun, although I have never wanted you to get involved in Team Flare's affairs, but... you are still the same you."

Ouray region period.

He had witnessed the Pokémon such as Kashiwagi, Boscordora, and others bravely charging at the Dark Pokémon to protect the people behind.

That scene still makes him particularly moved.

The bond between people and Pokémon, the protective heart between people and Pokémon.

At that moment, it was like a gem hidden in the rock wall. As the sand and soil on the surface fell off, it bloomed with unparalleled brilliance inside.

Daigo thinks that he will never forget it in this life.

What makes him even more happy is that despite traveling for so long, he has met more people and Pokémon, gained a new identity, and seen bustling cities and lush wilderness.

Kashiwagi remained unchanged.

That golden heart was always beating hotly in his chest.

"Let's get this over with."

Daigo stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and held the hand of the silver-haired young man in front of him, "Okay! Daigo-san!"

"What's wrong? What are you doing?"

Hoopa leaned over curiously.

"It's okay. Speaking of which, Hupa, I might be in trouble for you next time." He waved his hand and said seriously: "Do you know about electronic files?"

"Electronic files? Xiamidongdong?"

Hupa covered his mouth with his right hand and tilted his head in confusion, "Is it some kind of new donut?"

Kashiwagi twitched his lips, "Of course not, electronic files..."

in the next period of time.

Until dawn, Hupa was receiving detailed knowledge about electronic files, computers and other things from Kashiwagi and the other four people, and his little head was almost dizzy.

Dawu also took the opportunity to meet the Barza brothers and sisters, and they were both a little surprised when they introduced themselves.

The former feels that the latter two come from a mysterious nation that lives in seclusion, and the Valley of Creation where they live must have precious stones that can drive him crazy.

The latter admired Daiwu's identity.

There are also many righteous deeds that he can be called a fire captain, from going to the Ourai region to help the people there, to coming to the Kalos region to investigate Team Flare.

How can Daigo be the Hoenn Champion? He is simply busier than the World Champion!

The three of them talked happily.

After dawn.

The group of people used Hupa's power to contact Liuge, who did not join Team Flare as an undercover agent, but mixed into Kalos's upper class society to investigate who Fradali was involved with.

When they met, Liuge didn't look good on Kashiwagi.

After all, a certain person was marketed by Shanmin in Ourei as a role similar to "the hope of the whole village", and Liuge also deeply believed that he should be preparing for the gorgeous large-scale celebration and alliance conference.

If it doesn’t come together, then Shanmin’s marketing expenses will be wasted! ?

Figure out what you should do most!

Liuge really hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. Even after learning that Kashiwagi brought Hupa here as a breakthrough point, he still felt that he should return to Hoenn immediately.

Someone just pretended not to see it.

After contacting Shijana, Liuge and Daigo began to discuss detailed plans as the two leaders respectively. In order not to make Fradali suspicious, the communication time between the two parties could not be too long.

Kashiwagi originally wanted to participate, but thought about it carefully.


He still had someone to, the dragon.

So he asked Hupa to send him to a safe location a hundred meters away from Rayquaza.


There is no safe place in the ozone layer.

"haven't seen you for a long time--"

As soon as he stepped out of the golden circle, Kashiwagi's voice was forcibly suppressed by a turbulence that made him suffocate.

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