My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 546 Flower of Eternity

"Dragon Arrow!"


The Doron Mecias screamed through the smoke, like high-speed fighter jets roaring in the clouds.

Where the smoke clears.

The huge catfish with the light of destruction in its mouth swung its tentacles and locked its eyes on the two small dragons. A terrifying energy column of jet black and deep purple spurted out!

boom--! !

The air vibrated crazily at a frequency visible to the naked eye, as if the entire venue was shaken by this slowly sweeping light wave.


Failed to hit the little dragons.

The two circled around the outermost periphery of the light beam, approaching the Catfish King as fast as a swimming dragon. The agility they displayed was enough to put them to shame a few weeks ago.


The Catfish King opened his mouth wide in surprise and subconsciously wanted to dive into the water.

However, the little dragons were so fast that it had no time to react and could only watch as they continued to approach, slamming into its pair of round dead fish eyes like time slowing down!

Bang bang!

The explosion was deafening and sparks burst!

Two small figures whirled out of the smoke, and their excited expressions could be vaguely seen.

Use the air wave generated by the explosion of the move to speed up your evacuation, preventing you from not retreating in time like last time and being counterattacked by your opponent.

Since the Duolong brothers recovered from their injuries, they have been practicing dodge and withdrawal almost every day.

Although they are only responsible for serving as tool dragons for launching [Dragon Arrows], from the battle with the Diya Sea Lion, it can be concluded that even tool dragons also need to possess a certain level of strength.

"Lu saliva!"

The dragon Baluto swam forward, and the two small dragons quickly returned to the launch hole.

Three pairs of eyes stared intently at the billowing smoke below until it dispersed...

in the pool.

The catfish king, who lost the ability to fight, had circles in his eyes, turned his beige belly toward the sky, and floated on the water.

The surroundings instantly became silent.

Doronbaruto stared blankly at the fainted Catfish King, his face full of disbelief.


Really won?

In the past three weeks, it had failed to win in sixteen games, and for the first time it defeated the powerful Pokémon sent by Mikri.


"Baa hee!"

The Doronmesia siblings cheered loudly above their heads and jumped back and forth, but they still made it feel like a dream.

Dorumbaruto turned around and looked at the cypress tree behind him.

He didn't say anything, just smiled silently and gave the confused guy a thumbs up.


Really won.

Doronbaruto suddenly felt that he had returned to reality, and an unprecedented complex emotion surged in his heart. The tip of his tail flicked unconsciously, and his consciousness was a little wandering.

Why is winning such a wonderful feeling?

Why have I defeated so many opponents before but never had this experience?


Doronbaruto doesn't know that there is something in the world called——

【Sense of achievement】.

No matter how many battles you have lost before, or how much frustration, loneliness and other emotions you have accumulated, they will all be swept away in the moment of victory.

"Well done!"

Kashiwagi applauded Doronbaruto who was filled with joy.

This guy raised his head and squinted his eyes with a sacred look on his face, as if what was shining on him was not the light from the ceiling, but the shining and warm sun.

As the saying goes, the more "autistic" a child is, the richer his inner drama will be.

He did not bother Doron Baruto, who was immersed in his own world. He looked at Mikri who was taking back the Catfish King and said, "Is this what you planned? You specifically wanted Doron Baruto to be cleared on the last day. The victory of the haze.”

"Calculation? How is that possible?"

Mikri shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't say it as if I'm letting the water go. I only set one standard from beginning to end. What surpassed this standard was the efforts of you and Doron Baruto, not me." Too big a connection.”

At most, it's just an estimate of Doronbaruto's growth rate.

"By the way, that rude attitude just now was great! I finally got the idea! Kashiwagi-kun!"

Mi Keli praised: "Boys really have to be tougher to be handsome!"

Kashiwagi suddenly fell into speechlessness.

After spending many days together, the true nature of both parties was completely exposed.

Who would have thought that Mi Keli, who is elegant, noble and polite in TV programs and in public, actually dislikes being "polite".

It’s hard to imagine how he formed a friendship with Daigo.

Everyone would give a thumbs up to Dawu-san’s etiquette.


Mikri’s explanation for this is——

Dawu looks polite, but is actually "rude". His strength, confidence and arrogance can be heard and seen in his every word and deed.

This is true...

"Anyway, thank you for taking care of me during this time! Thank you very much! Teacher Mikri!"

Kashiwagi lowered his head and bowed slightly.

Doronbaruto also buried his head towards Mikri as if he had just woken up from a dream.

It usually doesn't dare to face strangers, but after losing to Mikri and his Pokémon several times, it gradually accepted the other person's existence in its heart.

On top of its head, Sister Duolong forcibly pressed down Brother Duolong's head.

After living with cypress for a long time, they have gradually understood some of the etiquette established by humans, including holding paws to express friendship, bowing and bending to express gratitude and respect, etc.

"Kashiwagi-kun, it's true. Saying these words makes me so sad. My nose is starting to feel sore..."

As Mikri spoke, he raised his hand to cover his nose as if sobbing.

Putting aside the pretentious movements, he did have a strong feeling of being a class teacher sending off fresh graduates, similar to when he discovered that Lucia entered the rebellious period of youth.


Kashiwagi could only laugh.

Lucia hurried in from outside the door and asked breathlessly: "How is it? Has the fight started?"

"The fight is actually over, Miss Rukia."

The figure of the old housekeeper appeared next to him like a ghost and said softly.

"Ah - the fight is over -"

Lucia's whole face collapsed in an instant. She hurriedly hurriedly and slowly failed to arrive, but she still didn't arrive. Her heart was almost desperate.

She hasn't been in the gym these days.

Because we need to collect the remaining ribbons and coordinate with the announcement of the gorgeous large-scale celebration, we have to make some announcements of our own.

After much tossing, there were not many opportunities to watch Mikri and Kashiwagi fight.

Even the important last day was missed.

"If you don't mind, video recording..."

"How can video recordings be compared with watching a game live?"

Lucia said frustratedly to the old housekeeper who made the suggestion. Seeing Kashiwagi's gaze drifting over like a ghost, she complained in a low voice: "Why didn't you wait for me... the traitor..."

"Teacher Liu! Please wake up! Do you think I have the nerve to make your uncle wait?"

Kashiwagi also lowered his voice and said in surprise: "After all, you are so interested in fighting, are you planning to enter the fighting world?"

"I'm only interested in interesting battles!"

Lucia raised her index finger, "Interesting battles are just like gorgeous battles. They resonate with me and inspire me for new songs!"

She said triumphantly: "Just wait! The song inspired by Super Bosco Dora last time will soon become a reality!"

Boss Cordora...the inspiration?

Kashiwagi remembered Rukia's songs. Nine out of ten songs were about youthful love.

Fall in love with Bosco Dora?

How can it be!

Inexplicably, he began to look forward to Lucia's works, even though most of the latter's songs were not in his strike zone and would not be added to the playlist.

"Then I'll look forward to it."

Kashiwagi smiled at Rukia.

This afternoon.

One month of teaching has come to an end.

Although the many expressions of Adam and Mikri today proved that they very much hoped that they could say something like "continue for another month".

But Kashiwagi, who had other things to do, could only pretend not to see them.

He didn't give up either.

Not to mention how much he gained, his life with everyone at Liuli Gym was particularly relaxed and pleasant. Although the time was short, it did not prevent him from having a small sense of belonging to Liuli Gym.


The chicks always leave the nest, and time waits for no one.

In the past week.

Shanmin frequently sent more detailed information. The above content showed that Team Flare's research on the legendary boulder and Z2 core has come to an end, and team members scattered across Kalos have also gathered back.

It presents a scene with an arrow on the string that may be triggered at any time.

It’s just that the decisive evidence was not available——

Fradali's document of destruction against Carlos.

When a large organization plans an operation, it is impossible to rely solely on verbal instructions. Team Flare must have a detailed plan.

Perhaps the grassroots team members didn't know much and could only get a small part of the content of the actions against them.

But the elite and cadres must have seen it.

As long as this document is obtained, the conviction of Fradali and even many members of Team Flare will probably not be a problem.

Presumably Daigo is also looking for this secret document, right?

The delay in succeeding seems to prove that Vladali is very vigilant. It may not be a simple matter to use Porygon II to violently hack their system to obtain files.

As Kashiwagi previously learned through Dr. Akihabara, Porygon II can indeed do whatever he wants in the online world, as long as he does not encounter computer masters.

In the cyber realm, neither Porygon nor Rotom can be their opponent.


Not surprising.

There are so many amazing and talented people in the Pokémon world.

Creatures like geniuses are not divided into camps. Otherwise, how could the evil organizations in the Pokémon world reach the last step before being stopped by the "protagonists".

"Is the target a file..."

Kashiwagi thought that Daigo's actions to obtain documents did not conflict with his actions of liberating Z2 with the help of Z1, and could even be regarded as a powerful insurance.

After all, they don't know how powerful the rampaging boulder is, and the only one who can stop it is Zygarde Gundam, which is the combination of Z1Z2... ahem, in its complete form.

Let’s find a way to meet Daiwu first.

Kashiwagi failed to get Daigo's current considerations from Shijana. In order to prevent the flood from flooding the Dragon King Temple in the follow-up actions, it was necessary to talk to him secretly.

With Hupa's help, it shouldn't be difficult to find this opportunity.


A bright sunny morning.

Kashiwagi stood at the waterway entrance in front of the Liuli Gym, and the yacht to take him to the dock was ready.

Because the reason given is——

Before the grand and grand celebration can begin, there are still some issues that must be resolved, and I will come back when they are resolved.

So Adam didn't come to see him off, only Mikri and Lucia came.

"Don't miss the time for the gorgeous and large-scale celebration, otherwise I will be very troubled. I also plan to take revenge on that stage!"

Lucia said.

"Have a nice trip, remember to call back~"

Mikri smiled and waved his hand, "Don't be too adventurous when you encounter danger!"

He seemed to sense that Kashiwagi was going to do something dangerous, so he gave a special warning.

"I will."

Kashiwagi nodded, waved goodbye to the two of them, waved to a hazy figure in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the main building of the gym, and got on the yacht.

There are twenty days left until the grand and grand celebration.

In other words.

Within twenty days, if the matter of Team Flare cannot be resolved, this grand celebration will be abandoned or the matter will be completely entrusted to others.

According to Kashiwagi's idea, there is plenty of time, but he is worried that the plan will not keep up with the changes.

Starting in advance means that many situations will arise that he doesn't know about later, and the original plot has only a simple reference value.

But please don’t flap your butterfly wings too much and bring out some things that shouldn’t be there in the first place.

He held his chin and stared at the scorching sun above the sea level through the window of the yacht.

Fengyuan time——


It must still be midnight at this time for Carlos.

Theoretically, it is just right to contact Daigo, if the other party is not sleeping and is not under the surveillance of Team Flare.

Lift his quilt?

If it's safe, it's unexpectedly a good idea. I'm curious as to what kind of expression Daigo-san will have on his serious face.

Kashiwagi twitched the corners of his lips, feeling that he was being too naughty.

It's a pity that I can only think about it.

no way.

Hupa is sleeping at this hour.

Even if it didn't sleep, Balza and Mayali probably did too, and the message was sent to nothing.

Kashiwagi didn't call to disrupt their sweet dreams. He just waited for a while. During this period, he didn't have nothing to do.

"I have been in Liuli City for so long, but I have never visited the Awakening Temple."

He looked out over the huge temple in the northern section.

Different from the place used to conquer Kyogre or Groudon in the game, the Temple of Awakening in the background of the animation is a site that records the ancient past of the Glazed People.

It is a famous historical building and scenic spot.

What makes Kashiwagi more concerned is the big tree in front of the Awakening Temple. In the game, you can find an [Eternal Flower] under the tree.

It's not the [Flower of Flowers and Flowers of Eternity], just the one it holds in its hand, which is known as a special flower that can't be found anywhere and is extremely precious and rare.

Similar to the Graxitia flower that allows Semi to change his form.


He searched around under the tree, and sure enough he didn't see any flowers.

Go to the Temple of Awakening.

It is said to be a temple, but in fact its main body is located inside the mountain. There is only a gate built outside, and the walls on both sides are carved with patterns on Kyogre and Groudon.

The interior is illuminated and each mural is properly managed.

What is recorded above is not a secret, it is just the history of the development of the people of Liuli and Pokémon living here together.

From the battle between Kyogre and Groudon to Hoenn, to the step-by-step construction of the city, etc.

"Hey, the people of Meteor are also painted on it."

At a glance, Kashiwagi saw a group of cloaked monsters standing in front of the people of Meteor on the painting wall.

Is it still an ancient tradition for dragon tamers to wear capes?

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