My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 540 I am elegance

in the venue.

Super Boss Cordora's roar of war makes people's blood boil.

But as a trainer, Kashiwagi is very calm.

He knew very well that the Mega Swampert in the rain was a Pokémon that could only be described as terrifying.

Not only does its high attack, high speed, dual defense and even endurance far exceed the level of ordinary Pokémon, but its weak point is that it is immune to one attribute and resists four attributes. Only the grass attribute can have an outstanding effect on it.

It can be said that apart from its dependence on rainy weather, Super Swampert does not have many fatal flaws, and its fairly good special attack makes it particularly powerful even when using moves such as water cannon and turbid current.

Let’s just talk about the water rupture just now.

Calculating carefully, there are the water attribute power increase bonus on rainy days, the leisurely swimming characteristic bonus, and the jet acceleration bonus when punching.

The special structure of the airbag makes it known as "nature's magical warrior".

Despite the ease with which Super Boss Cordora can catch it, it is actually the only one in Kashiwagi's team that can catch it.

If it were any other Pokémon, it would most likely be killed as soon as they met!

no doubt.

This is [Meet to Kill]! Or [high-speed meet and kill]!

It can be said that Mikri’s championship strength is most vividly reflected in Super Swampert, and the aesthetics of violence have created another kind of elegance.


He must have felt very helpless at this time, right?

Because the super giant swamp monster encountered the most unfavorable opponent in his life-"the absolute iron wall".


Kashiwagi inhaled the cool air from his mouth, stabilizing the fluctuations of consciousness through the ethereal spiritual chain, and together controlled the vast abyss of energy in Super Boss Cordora's body.


Their mastery of Mega Evolution has reached a whole new level.

From the initial suppression of energy to prevent rampage, it has become the proper control, guidance and utilization of energy.

This achievement greatly enhances the multi-faceted strength of Super Boss Cordora, and also makes defeating opponents like Super Swampert possible from impossible.

Kashiwagi looked up at the Super Swampert flashing the Super Boss Cordora Cannon in the sky, and had a countermeasure in mind.

At the same time, Mikri sent an order.

"The power of the earth!"

The super swamp monster, which used multiple airbags to move in mid-air, suddenly changed its direction, and its bulging right fist slammed into the ground as its body fell.


Amid the heavy sound, a crack spread rapidly forward.

When Super Swampert raised its head, Super Boss Cordora was enveloped in multiple silver rings at some point, and rushed towards it like a meteor with unrivaled momentum!

Explosive leap forward——

"Heavy impact!"


The power of the earth shattered the ground and rose up like the radiance of a volcanic eruption, but it could only brush the tail of Super Boss Cordora.

At first glance, the latter's body, which seemed as heavy as a mountain, could actually show such exaggerated speed, which really surprised people and Pokémon both inside and outside the field.

In an instant.

"Catch it!"

Mikri's voice was like thunder, causing Super Swampert to quickly come to his senses. He raised his fists and used his strong arms to withstand the impact of Super Boss Cordora's silver light!


It's like a huge bell trembling.

The silver light exploded into smoke, but was quickly washed away by the rain.


The Super Swampert clung to Super Boss Cordora's sharp horns. As he roared, criss-crossing veins erupted from his forehead, and a deep long mark was forced to be drawn under his feet!

The two giant beasts seemed to have entered the purest stage of wrestling.

A show of strength!

"What audacious, wonderful timing!"

Mikri couldn't help but praise.

Compared with close-range moves that have acceleration and are so fast that they are blurry, long-range moves require a certain amount of time to reach the attack point, thus creating a "gap".

Originally, the long-range moves must be faster, but considering the ease of swimming and jet acceleration, this may not be the case.


Kashiwagi frowned.

He deliberately waited for Super Swampert to attack before allowing Super Boscodora to attack. Otherwise, due to the former's mobility, it would be difficult for the attack to hit normally without grabbing it.

This approach is quite dangerous and is tantamount to handing over the initiative to the opponent.

But what surprised him was that a head-on collision of more than 600 kilograms was so easily blocked by the super bog monster, even though this guy weighed far more than his peers...

"Push it out!"

"Turn it over!"

He and Mikri shouted at the same time, but their intentions were almost the same.

After all, when two giant Pokémon enter the wrestling stage, who will fly up and overturn will affect the momentum of the subsequent battle, and momentum is enough to determine how much strength the Pokémon can use and whether it can stand to the last moment. The key factor!


The moment he finished speaking, Super Boss Cordora suddenly lowered his body and blew out a large amount of white smoke from his nostrils, like a rhinoceros preparing to charge.


This action caused the Super Swampert's skewed force to be defeated, and when it was about to exert force for the second time, Super Boscodora let out a roar and violently slid sideways along the opponent's force trajectory!


The super giant swamp monster was pushed out instantly!

The wrestling was won!

"Goo ho!"

Super Boss Cordora raised its head and let out a roar of victory, its momentum was greatly improved, and its condition was so good that Kashiwagi was happy.

Lucia in the audience was also very excited. If Adam hadn't been by her side, she would have cheered loudly for him.

"Quicksand hell!"

He waved his hand and ordered, and Super Boss Cordora suddenly took a step forward.


In an instant.

The ground cracked open with countless ferocious deep marks, followed by a sudden collapse and turned into a terrifying sand pit. Immediately, a large amount of yellow sand swarmed out from the holes on its surface.

As its control rotates at high speed in the rain, it stirs up gravel in the sand pit, forming a terrifying yellow sand storm!


[Quicksand Hell in Heaven and Earth]!

This move that Kashiwagi relies on for survival in Yellow Iron Town has become quite mature with subsequent training. Both the spread range and the storm torque are no longer trivial.

The key is.

It should affect the mobility of the super swamp monster!

He looked up at the giant swamp monster that was using its jets to dodge the sand storm in mid-air. He saw the giant swamp monster suddenly falling mid-flight, and he clenched his fists in excitement.


In order for the Swampert's air bladder to function properly, it must absorb air and compress it.

The sand in the quicksand hell can effectively "dirty" the air bags and mix into them when inhaling, causing the jet to be affected when inhaling!

Of course, the airbag, which already has a sediment filtering effect, will not be scrapped just because of this small problem.

During the Swampert era, this thing was simply a "filter" that allowed it to breathe smoothly in dirty water. Kashiwagi just wanted it to return to its original purpose.

Instead of flying around like a fly.

Isn't it good for a ground-type Pokémon to move obediently on the ground?


Mi Keli praised again. His many years of experience as a judge and gym leader in the gorgeous competition have made him always react subconsciously when he sees wonderful performances.

He also had to admit that Kashiwagi's move was very powerful.

Among them are Kashiwagi's on-the-spot coping methods and his understanding of Pokémon like Swampert.

When trainers and Pokémon become stronger together.

An intoxicating chemical change was born, and Mikri was deeply moved by it, and this emotion was also conveyed to the heart of the super giant swamp monster that fell into the pool along the spiritual chain.


The opponent is a strong opponent worthy of their all-out effort!

The water splashed, but it couldn't cover its extremely calm and smiling eyes.

Kashiwagi and Super Boss Cordora, who saw this scene vaguely through the wind, sand and slanting rain, were shocked.

What qualities will the champion’s Pokémon have?

The most intuitive point.

No matter what kind of crisis we are in, we can remain calm enough and strictly follow the trainer’s instructions——

Then reverse the situation in one fell swoop!



Boom——! !

The deafening explosion!

As the super giant swamp monster hit the water with both fists, the earth-yellow shock wave instantly rolled up all the remaining water and turned it into a huge wave, rushing toward the quicksand hell!


The huge waves collided with the quicksand hell, and the latter was immediately defeated as if it was melted, while the constantly rotating sand pits on the ground were buried by a large amount of muddy water and turned into mud pits.

The air in the venue became fresh again.

The dark clouds poured rain tirelessly, and the original pool had become no different than a puddle. The super bog monster stood in it and bathed in the rain. The air bags on its back and arms were slightly inflated, and strands of muddy water flowed out of it.


Very important and very simple.



Kashiwagi's expression was very serious, and the mobility of the Super Swampert was an important factor that could affect the changes in the battle situation.

Even though Super Boss Cordora possesses explosive leaping skills, if the former focuses on dodging, it will be quite difficult to hit it normally.

There is undoubtedly only one choice for him at the moment.

Before the rainy day ends, counterattack as usual, and when the rainy day ends, launch a counterattack again.

Kashiwagi must be lucky that Mega Boss Cordora is a durable Pokémon, otherwise even delaying time would be just a luxury. How many moves can an average Pokémon take down from Mega Swampert?

Apparently Mikri also saw through his thoughts.

The former champion asked loudly:

"Kashiwagi, what do you think is elegance?"

"...Calm and generous, confident."

Kashiwagi was silent for a few seconds before responding to the other party's question.

Although it's not clear why Mikri didn't seize the opportunity to attack, anyway, the rainy day will not stop when the conversation starts, and talking more is also good.


Mikri clapped lightly, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, this answer is too general. Do you know my answer?"

"...I don't know."

"I am elegance!"

In the stunned expression of Kashiwagi, he tapped his chest and smiled peacefully: "Beauty and wisdom are painted by me, and the phantom of water matches my elegance. And the most important thing is——

“Everything I say and do is elegant!!”

Mikri raised his hands as if praying, his voice was as high as singing, and his handsome face was full of narcissism.

Under his influence, the super giant swamp monster also raised its head high.



This is Mikri's self-realization after looking at his life.


Kashiwagi's brows furrowed, and he didn't feel happy because the time was delayed. Instead, he felt a sense of crisis that the boss was about to enter the second stage.

Soon his hunch was fulfilled.

"The water breaks."

Mikri gave the order as he did at the beginning.


Something is different.



boom! !

Like being stabbed in the eardrum by a needle, the sudden explosion made Kashiwagi's vision shake violently.

The bright blue water exploded like light particles and disappeared into the air.

"Goo ho!"

The low roar of Super Boss Cordora reached his ears, hiding a little pain.

His eyes were fixed, and he suddenly saw the Super Swampert coming to Super Boscodora again, still in the same fist-pumping posture.

Blue's ability to downdraft appears.


Kashiwagi's shout made Super Boss Cordora recover from the pain, suddenly stretched out its claws towards Super Swampert and raised its head and roared.

All of a sudden.

A small dark cloud gathered above the latter's head.

Super Swamp Monster retreated, but Super Boscodora grabbed his forearm. When he broke free, countless huge ice blocks fell down like a torrential rain.

Dong dong dong——

There were constant explosions.

However, in the middle of the impact, the Super Swampert had already broken free of Super Boscodora's claws and dodged back under its unwilling eyes.

[Avalanche], the damage will be doubled when used after being attacked.

It's just that even if the damage of non-this type, non-effect group-breaking moves is doubled, it is still a drop in the bucket to kill the super giant swamp monster.

Unfortunately, the Super Swampert's attack was very effective and successfully reduced the defense improvement brought by the iron wall.

Not only that.

The location of the Super Swampert's attack this time was the abdomen of Super Boscodora. The irregular pits on the steel armor also proved that its attack was unusual.

"What should we do if we want the water to be more penetrating and destructive? It's very simple, just increase the water pressure."

Mikri said with a smile.

His words made Kashiwagi look at Mega Swampert's right fist, and he suddenly saw a trickle of water flowing from the bottom of the three air bags on his right arm.

"Air isn't the only thing a Swampert can use to accelerate its eruptions."

Have you replaced air with water?

No wonder the puffing sound just now was so strange.

As long as it is slower, I might be able to react. Unfortunately, the attack speed of Super Swamp Monster is difficult to catch up with the naked eye!

As for what Mikri said...

Anyway, Kashiwagi didn't understand the connection between turning jets into water jets and increasing the water pressure. After reincarnation, he was semi-literate. Before reincarnation, he had given back his knowledge to the teacher in college.

The key point is that the water in the giant swamp monster's air bag was mostly collected by Mikri when he declared himself.

Sure enough, the champion is no fool.

Occasionally, some special tricks are used.

So just when he thought he could delay the rainy day, the other party was actually delaying the rain and preparing to launch a fierce attack.

"Do you feel it? Big monster."

Kashiwagi slowly unbuttoned his chest.


Super Boss Cordora gasped in response.

I haven’t experienced this feeling for a long time since I started traveling.

It feels like there is a huge boulder pressing down on your head, and you have to rack your brains and use all means to fight. Every step is like walking on a tightrope!

"Let's win together!"

He waved his hand, and his coat was thrown behind him like a cloak.

Super Boss Cordora clenched his fists with both claws and collided hard with his chest as his tail fell to the ground.


"Goo ho!"

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