My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 539 Mega Swamp

"So strong!"

Lucia looked at the three roaring evil dragons and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

She never thought that the Pokémon that usually hung around Kashiwagi with a clear and silly look in its eyes could be so powerful.

Is this really the three-headed evil dragon she knows?

Lucia suddenly guessed: "Could the reason for the exchange be to resist Gyarados climbing the waterfall?"

She knew very well that with Kashiwagi's fighting habits, he was unlikely to make meaningless moves.

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was.

Although Gyarados's Waterfall Climb is not a field-wide move, with its size, it only takes a few seconds for it to cycle through and cover the entire field.

Instead of letting the invisible dragon Baluto run around to dodge, it is better to use three evil dragons to block and then counterattack in one fell swoop!

It turns out.

Choosing three evil dragons is a very correct choice.

Gyarados' condition plummeted after being hit by the dragon arrow. As long as he seizes the opportunity to attack immediately after climbing the waterfall, his lightning fangs, which are extremely effective, are enough to defeat him.

"Awesome! So awesome!"

Lucia couldn't help but applaud the three evil dragons. How they said it and how they did it were two different things. Being able to successfully accomplish what they wanted to do was enough to surpass at least 95% of trainers.


Adam nodded, but didn't answer.

He just turned his attention to Mikri on the other side.

As the latter's teacher, Adam clearly knew that he had been affected by the wonderful performance of Kashiwagi and the Three Dragons, and his mood had changed.

That's right Mikri, that's no longer a challenger!

But the opponent!

There is no point in remaining reserved!

in the venue.

Mikri took the Gyarados back into the Poké Ball for a moment, then raised his head slightly and slowly exhaled the turbid air in his chest.


He narrowed his eyes.

How long?

How long has it been since the battle with Daigo again?

How long had it been since he had felt this real feeling that made his blood boil?

What a shame.

The established rules cannot be changed at will, and you can only fight within the framework of the basic rules of the gym battle.

Of course, even so, it’s worth trying your best!

"Go! Swampert!"

Miccoli raised his right hand as if lifting a champion's cloak, and shouted loudly with a raised tone: "Show your elegance!"


White light flashes.


The majestic dark blue salamander fell into the pool. The orange air sacs on its cheeks inflated slightly with its breathing, making it look particularly calm and powerful.

First glance.

Cypress seemed to see a dark rock standing in the majestic sea.

This guy……

Definitely the Pokémon in Mikri’s winning team!


The three evil dragons changed their previous arrogant posture and looked at the giant swamp monster opposite with a solemn expression, and their screams became heavy and hoarse.

Powerful Pokémon are completely different from ordinary ones in terms of physique and aura.

The giant swamp monster in front of it is probably the strongest opponent it has ever encountered in a formal battle so far. Just the sight of it makes its chest feel as hot as a furnace, and its sharp teeth are extremely itchy——

I can hardly hold myself back!


The moment Kashiwagi gave the order, the flat chests and abdomen of the three evil dragons swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, a huge pale white sound wave visible to the naked eye charged towards the Swampert!

When Mikri only had two Pokémon left, he used his roar to force a switch, exposing the remaining Pokémon.

This is definitely a sure-fire deal.


That must have the prerequisite for successful use of [Roar].

The water waves in the center of the venue stirred up due to the influence of the sound waves, forming a surging small wave that pressed against the giant swamp monster.

"turbid current."

Mikri ordered softly.

Swampert's powerful front arms slammed into the water, making a loud bang, and the turbid water waves swelled under the influence of a huge force, colliding with sound waves and waves.

and suppressed both with unusual ease.

"What a powerful turbid current."

Kashiwagi narrowed his eyes. Although the roar was not an attack move, it was enough to knock some small Pokémon away in the animation.

The Swampert's ability to suppress it so easily and comfortably further proved his suspicion.

Mikri may have bred another Swampert after becoming a gym leader.

But cultivating someone with this kind of strength is not as simple as in the game. There are no cheating devices or anything like that, so it must be a long-term process that takes years.

Want to test it again?


There is no need to continue to waste precious offensive opportunities...


Kashiwagi's eyes widened.


The trainer's call stopped the three evil dragons who couldn't wait to rush out.


It turned its largest head, its eyes full of confusion.

Shouldn't we attack first to take advantage of this kind of enemy?

What are you waiting for?

The doubts were quickly answered.

The two small heads of the three evil dragons, which were left open to guard against the opponent's attack, were suddenly seen. Mikri on the opposite side silently turned the brim of his hat.

A small, sparkling glass bead dangled under the brim of his hat.

Keystone! ?


The trainer's instructions rang in their ears, and the three evil dragons first widened their eyes in disbelief, and then responded with a low growl.


Now when I return to the Poké Ball, isn't it obvious that it can't defeat the Mega Evolved Swampert?

...Even if this is true, it still makes the three evil dragons feel extremely angry and humiliated.

After all, judging from its current strength.

You may not be able to win a battle with a Swampert, let alone a super-evolved opponent. You can beat him hard, but losing will outweigh the gain.

The three-headed evil dragon knew very well that the trainer's approach was correct, and it would not act coquettishly at this time, nor would it allow it to miss out on the final victory due to its own state.


Mega evolution is by no means invincible!

Kashiwagi also said that the gains of super evolution can be compensated by the abilities obtained through hard training!

In the remote Galar region, the strongest champion there has the ability to kill his super-evolved kind with his original form of Charizard!

"One day..."

When being absorbed by the red light, the three evil dragons felt a deep sense of unwillingness in their hearts.


Kashiwagi looked at the calm Poké Ball in his hand, and without saying anything, he just placed it gently on his heart.

How could a trainer who has raised it since childhood not feel the thoughts of his own Pokémon? Just hearing the roar is enough to feel the feelings of the three evil dragons.

‘One day. ’

‘I will give you strength that rivals or even surpasses the Alchemy Fire-breathing Dragon. ’

He opened and closed his lips silently, without self-examination as before, but only firmed up his determination to grow up and go on with the three evil dragons.

far away.

Mi Keli's voice came slowly.

"Kashiwagi-kun, as a citizen of Liuli, I am really looking forward to the strength you can show as a citizen of Meteor."

"It's a great honor...please wait and see!"

Kashiwagi didn't say much nonsense, took off the poke ball from his waist and threw it forward.



Boscodora landed on the ground, his thick silver armor shining dazzlingly under the light.

It stared calmly at Swampert.

All of a sudden.

The Swamp Monster's expression changed from the initial calmness to a deep and solemn expression.

The invisible momentum turned into a sense of oppression brewing between the two.

In the audience, Lucia's breathing slowed down unconsciously, and Adam's eyes were locked on the two Pokémon. Everyone knew that a violent storm had arisen in the seemingly quiet venue.

at the center of the storm.

It was Kashiwagi and Mikri who were looking at each other from afar.


What seemed like a long stagnation actually lasted only a few seconds.

"The elegance of water turns into a bond!"

Mikri held the shining keystone between his fingers, put it to his lips and kissed it, speaking words that resonated with the Pokémon with bright eyes.


Kashiwagi held the glowing pendant without saying a word.

But the blazing heartbeat was always tightly connected to him and Boscodora, and the chains of the soul were entangled and turned into transcendent power.

"Mega evolution!"

"Mega evolution!"

The dazzling colorful light instantly engulfed the two Pokémon, and astonishing changes occurred at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lucia looked at the field excitedly, she was really looking forward to the next battle.

The battle between Mega Evolution and Mega Evolution!

Great picture!

A strange but evolving song gradually sounded in her mind.

Compared with Lucia, who showed her excitement completely, Adam still maintained his composure on the surface, but the index finger of his right hand that he kept tapping with his left arm revealed that he was not as calm as he appeared.

This gym battle.

Both sides of the battle were nervous, and the spectators were equally nervous!

After a while, the astonishing brilliance faded away.

The behemoth like a silver fortress stands tall and straight, its watertight heavy armor becomes more and more dazzling, and its calm temperament is like a towering mountain at this moment, making people feel peaceful.

And the other end.

The giant swamp monster that was originally like a rock in the sea has now completely transformed into a monster with gnarled muscles. The air sacs on both cheeks are bright red and are inflated and stretched like spears. The high bulge in the back contains terrifying power.

Like an undersea volcano, it may erupt anytime and anywhere.


This guy's aura made Kashiwagi's hair stand on end.

The official gym battle is in progress.

As far as he knew, only Carlos's Fighting Gym Leader Kearney and the Ice-type Gym Leader could care for the Gym Leader who showed the Mega Evolved Pokémon to the challenger.

The former appeared for publicity, and the latter only appeared after seeing Ash's Koga Ninja Frog that hinders evolution.

Mi Keli took the initiative to take out the Swamp Monster. As he said before the game, he had no plans to show mercy.

Since Pokémon at the leader level can only be beaten.

Then take out the next level!

This unreasonable method of selecting Pokémon——

Just what I wanted!

"Let the former champion see our strength!"

Kashiwagi clenched his fists, hearing the roar of Super Boss Cordora in response, and Mikri on the opposite side also raised his eyes.

Both sides issued orders almost simultaneously.

"Iron wall!"

"Please rain!"

Silver light circulated on Super Boss Cordora's body surface, and then became thick and dark.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky.

The continuous drizzle, accompanied by the roar of the super giant swamp monster raising its head, once again descended on this battlefield that was not particularly large but complex enough.

The leisurely swimming characteristic is triggered, and the heavy body suddenly becomes lighter.

no doubt.

Both sides started with the best instructions and were fully prepared to resist and attack.

Mikri took a deep breath.


In the pool, the super swamp monster tightened its right fist backwards, like a huge crossbow bow string being stretched to the extreme.

The orange-red air sacs on its back and arms were all opened, and with a sharp hissing sound, the milky white air flow crazily merged in, causing it to swell abnormally!

The next moment.

"The water breaks!"



The water surface exploded and jumped several meters high.

The huge body of Super Swampert turned into an illusory afterimage, and in the blink of an eye it spanned an extremely long distance, rushing in front of Super Boss Cordora as if in a flash.

The right fist covered in bright blue light waves continued to magnify in front of the latter's eyes, as if in slow motion, but he was completely unable to dodge.

Heavy hammer - go straight! !


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the blue water burst!

The white fog condensed by water vapor is flying all over the sky!

In the audience.

Lucia's breathing was unavoidable. No matter how many times she watched it, no matter which angle she looked at, the ferocity of the Super Swampert in the rainy weather made her heart tremble and shocked.

What a terrifying blow!

She couldn't imagine what kind of Pokémon could withstand such a ferocious attack. If it were Xiao Qingqing——


Lucia's exclamation was locked in her throat, but it did not prevent her from looking at the field with trembling eyes, looking at the silver giant beast that was still there after the white mist dissipated.


A large cloud of white smoke spurted out from behind the air bag of the Super Swampert's right fist, as if to cool it down.

Fine raindrops dripped down its cheeks, but it couldn't cover its shocked expression.


The heavy punch that was enough to shatter the boulder after spraying air could not even make Super Boss Cordora move back half a meter.

The other party just turned his head slightly and stared at it with disdain.

This is impossible!

Faced with such an unusual scene, even the confident Mikri's expression froze for a moment.

You must know that even Dawu didn't dare to let Metagross take this punch head-on.

Who would have thought that Super Boss Cordora not only accepted it head-on, but was even completely unmoved!

"This is the naked reality, Miklisang."

Kashiwagi whispered quietly.

He didn't expect the other party to hear his unconscious and arrogant words. The fists of the super bog monster were indeed very terrifying, but there were more terrifying things in the world.

for example--

The strongest defense!


Super Boss Cordora blew out white air from its nostrils and silently swept over the huge fist close to his left face. His blue eyes fell on the Super Swampert in front of him, his eyes full of sarcasm and displeasure.

Is this your attack?

Is this the fist you throw out after you have been accumulating power for a long time and then sprayed water and air?

——Extremely boring!

"Goo ho!"

There was a trace of anger in Super Boss Cordora's eyes, and the silver light in his mouth quickly gathered and sprayed out at the Super Swamp Monster that was very close at hand!

"Cannon light cannon!"

The thick silver light beam penetrated the rain and air, fell into the pond and exploded into sky-high splashes!


Super Boss Cordora looked up at the sky and used the airbags on his arms and back to escape the Super Swampert, letting out a huge roar that resounded throughout the hall!


Look directly at me! Attack me!

Use all your strength - defeat me! !

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