My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 541 Victory Ace!

Jackets flying.

The super swamp monster that had finished storing water attacked again.

"The water breaks!"


After the weird squirting sound.

This guy disappeared like a phantom.

"Iron wall!"

Kashiwagi quickly issued an order, and Super Boss Cordora lowered his center of gravity and crawled to protect his slightly sunken abdomen.

Although it is still the same skill, unfortunately for Super Boss Cordora, who is not a Saint, it can still bring excellent effects even if the opponent uses it for the third time.

After all, their speed is too fast!


Super Swampert flashed to Super Boss Cordora's side, its heavy hammer-like left fist surrounded multiple rings of bright blue water, and its tail sprayed raging water!

The location it attacked this time was——

Knee joint!

Dang~! !

Just like the roar of a huge bell, the thick water mist explodes like fireworks, and a hazy silver light flows like the twinkling stars in the sky, which is particularly dazzling.

This is followed by a bright, down-keyed blue light.

The giant swamp monster jumped back immediately after hitting it with one blow, leaving no time to counterattack.

"Is it harder?"

Mikri accurately captured the silver light, maintaining a smile on the surface, but he was inevitably a little depressed in his heart.

The two Mega Evolved Pokémon had gone back and forth with so many moves. Under normal circumstances, the winner would have been decided, but Mega Swampert encountered Mega Boscodora, a Pokémon with extreme defense.

Maybe it's time to call it quits.

His eyes flickered.

the other side.

As the white mist dispersed, Super Boss Cordora's figure stood majestically, seemingly without any damage.


It spits billowing smoke.

"Be on guard!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, then secretly became nervous when his eyes fell to his knees.

Every Pokémon has weaknesses, and Mega Boss Cordora is no exception.

As a land-based fortress, its biggest weakness may be its knee joints.

As a heavy-duty Pokémon that stands on two legs, its entire body weight of more than 600 kilograms is basically borne by its stubby legs. Only its tail can share part of the weight when it touches the ground.

This is also a big reason why it continues to move slowly.

Fortunately, the steel-type Super Boss Cordora is made entirely of reinforced steel, so it can jump, run, etc. even if it wants to.

But what if it "breaks"?

The impact and penetration of the water rupture were enough to see its power from the depression in front of the abdomen. Two attacks and two defense drops were enough to make his jaw drop.

Kashiwagi never wants one or two more holes in Super Boscodora's knees.

That way the vital point becomes a fixed target!

At that time, because it ignores the increased defense power of moves when hitting vital points, that is, the silver halo flowing on the surface of Super Boss Cordora.

No matter how many times I use the iron wall, it won't help...


The thing he was worried about was held tightly by Mikri, who was full of fighting consciousness, and regarded it as the final breakthrough point.

"Bodybuilding! Water breaks!"


The super giant swamp monster let out a muffled roar, red smoke suddenly floated from its body, and its solid muscles swelled and bounced as if pumped up.

The next moment.

It pounces!

"So fast!"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but marvel at the opponent's smooth connection of moves, coupled with the speed bonus of the leisurely and free movement, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a two-in-one move.

The strength of a champion is often fully reflected in this aspect.

In comparison, Super Boss Cordora's attack speed is far from that fast. Flexible counterattack is the only way it can take, and it is also the only way to victory!


The super giant swamp monster suddenly appeared on its left side, spraying water and hitting its left knee with a high-speed punch as fast as lightning!

However, after being punched so many times, no matter how stupid Super Boss Cordora is, Kamu has experienced crazier actual combat and has already understood its punches.

It's one thing to be unable to block it, but another thing entirely to be unable to avoid it!


A muffled roar.


The water mist is like a goddess scattering flowers!

The Super Swampert retreated in shock. In just a short moment, Super Boscodora actually blocked its arm on its knee, blocking its punch that should have shattered its knee armor!


The trainer's voice suddenly reached his ears, and the stunned Super Swamp Monster's eyes widened, and a thick giant tail suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


The tail suddenly swung sideways, hitting its thick arm with a bang, and the pale white light attached to it spread instantly.

Why did this guy's attacks suddenly become so fast?


It was Super Boss Cordora who was used to its retreating tendency and had predicted its position in advance!

Super Swamp Monster realized that his retreat method was too monotonous, and was completely understood by Super Boscodora, as if he was hit in the arm when he was supposed to hit his legs.


The water gushing from the airbag made it fly backwards successfully, but a feeling of weakness came over him.


It fell uncontrollably into the mud pit created by the hell of quicksand and the earthquake, feeling a fatal sense of emptiness all over its arms and muscles.


The Super Swamp Monster floated on the turbid water and looked at the panting Super Boscodora not far away. He did not expect that all his attacks would be fed back so easily.


It also learned the remaining physical condition of Super Boss Cordora!

At this moment, the thoughts of Super Swampert and Mikri became completely consistent through the spiritual chain. They stared at Super Boscodora and Kashiwagi, their eyes becoming extremely sharp.

It's time to bring this battle to an end!

No matter how many attack paths and retreat paths have been explored, as long as the speed is increased, as long as the attack becomes faster——

It’s impossible to lose!


The super bog monster roared angrily and lowered its head. Completely ignoring how turbid the water on the surface of the mud pit was, it took big gulps and stored it in the air sacs on its cheeks.

This made Lucia in the audience exclaim and clutch the crossbar in front of her.

For Mikri, ensuring that Pokémon and water are clean at all times is his daily habit as a gorgeous master.

And once he puts down this habit temporarily...

It means that he has made up his mind!

Kashiwagi's heart trembled, and he shouted as if he was electrocuted: "Be careful! Its final attack is coming!"

The words fell.

"Water rupture·Combo attacks!"

Mikri gave the order.


Mud water splashes!

Kashiwagi and Super Boss Cordora only felt their eyes blurred. Super Swampert had already come closer, wielding a heavy fist that sprayed water at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

Bang bang bang——

Water mist rising into the sky one after another, and a continuous heavy muffled sound echoed on both sides of Super Boss Cordora's body.

Fight back?

What to fight back with?

Just concentrating on resisting the heavy rain of combos is enough to consume most of its energy, and it is unable to make any more moves!

too fast! too strong!

It's hard to imagine that such a huge Pokémon could have such exaggerated flexibility and mobility. The light and shadow illuminated the thin white mist, and there seemed to be several super giant swamp monsters attacking together!

Phantom of water, what an apt word!

Kashiwagi's nails almost pierced into his palms, but he didn't give any instructions, he just shouted in his heart:

"Hold it! You must hold it back!"

But this is really difficult.

Super Swampert stores a large amount of muddy water in its cheeks and filters out the gravel through circulation in the body, allowing the air bags of its fists to spray out more water for a long time, no longer just capable of one blow.

And even though a single shot in a row is not as powerful as a single blow with all your strength.

Such intensive blows also made Super Boss Cordora feel the pain from all over the body, as if being trampled by thousands of horses.

The blue light keeps flashing, proving that its physical defense is being rapidly lowered.


It roared, and its huge body suddenly collapsed.

Broken knee!

What Kashiwagi was most worried about finally happened.

The impact and infiltration force of the water rupture shattered Super Boscodora's steel knees, and its already low mobility was almost reduced to zero.

The situation has reached its most critical moment.


It was also the moment they were closest to victory!

In a trance.

Many familiar pictures suddenly flashed through their minds, one after another like a comic strip.

...a revolving door?


This is the memory of Super Boss Cordora.

Because only the existence of telekinesis earth puppets and Shanmin can be seen from the perspective, why would Super Boss Cordora think of——

Kashiwagi was stunned.

Why would you think of it.

Doesn't he know best?

That was the first game that they couldn't win no matter how hard they struggled, racked their brains, and fought with all their might, even after successfully evolving.

The opponent's strength far exceeded the limit of their efforts, which also made regret the final result.

That scene was deeply engraved in Boscodora's mind.

It has not been forgotten to this day.

How much impact does a battle have on a Pokémon?

Enough to remember for a lifetime!

"This time..."

"This time, I will bring victory to you!" 』

Familiar and unfamiliar voices echoed in my ears, so clear and so warm.

Kashiwagi's breathing became rapid unconsciously, and he stretched out his hand with throbbing eyes, as if to catch the Super Boss Cordora in front of him, which was trying its best to endure the heavy punch.

This is its awareness.

This is Boscodora’s realization that he doesn’t want to lose to any Pokémon again and only wants to win for him!

Kashiwagi took a deep breath and clenched his right fist tightly against his chest, as if he could feel the power of two hearts beating together.


Victory belongs to us! It belongs to me and to you!

My trump card——

Boss Cordora! !

He didn't make any sound, but his eyes were like the brightest stars in the sky, so bright that it was difficult for Mikri to look at him.

"This is troublesome..."

Mikri murmured in a low voice, he was frozen in place and full of uneasiness.

at the same time.

His emotions affected Mega Swampert, who was punching rapidly.

The latter looked at Super Boss Cordora, who was forced to lie on the ground and could only bear heavy blows, but there was no joy in his heart that he was about to win.

Uneasiness is like a cloud of doubt, shrouding its heart.

Something, something is happening that it doesn't realize!

"Swamp Monster! Get back quickly!!"

The trainer's voice suddenly rang out, and the Super Swamp Monster, who was about to throw his last punch, froze in place, because the voice rang out from his heart!

At the same time, it is full of panic-stricken tension and urgency.

It subconsciously prepared to retreat, but as soon as the direction of the air bag's injection was adjusted to the front, the silver light flowing on Super Boss Cordora's body, as if it had been accumulated to its limit, suddenly froze.


A complete explosion!

The unspeakable dazzling light swallowed up the super giant swamp monster in an instant, echoing with two roars.

"Metal explosion!!"


boom--! !

The whole venue was shaking crazily as if it was about to collapse!

The sound of thunderous explosions reverberated violently!

Lucia was forced to close her eyes because the bright silver light that suddenly erupted in the field was so dazzling that it could not be seen directly with the naked eye.

After a while.

The silver light is dim.

A terrifying smoke cloud that slowly rotated like a destructive storm enveloped a large area of ​​the field.

Thick smoke billowed into the sky and mixed with the rain clouds, completely blocking the lights on the dome, making the venue dark and gloomy, and making the scene in front of me even more shocking and terrifying.

The mighty shock wave swept away everything, the ground around the venue was in a mess, and the exposed venue looked more like it had been reclaimed, becoming devastated amidst the continuous tremors!

What a horrific scene!

Lucia felt speechless for a moment, her body and mind still immersed in the scene of destruction created by Pokémon.

But her eyes never moved away from the venue, eager to know what was going on inside.

Is there any result?

This powerful attack is the result of Super Boscodora fully absorbing the continuous damage of Super Swampert and then feeding it back with further increased power.

Thinking about it, it would be difficult for a super swamp monster to block such a powerful move, right?

Beside Lucia, Adam was silent. He never thought that Kashiwagi could fight with Mikri to such an extent, which was far beyond his expectation.

He had obviously overestimated the strength of this little guy many times, but who would have thought that his "overestimation" turned out to be an underestimate.

Such an exaggerated growth rate.

No matter whether the result of this gym battle is victory or defeat, Kashiwagi can no longer comment on it as a mere successor.

He has surpassed many trainers who are still hesitating halfway up the mountain!

Not long after.

The thick smoke gradually dissipated.

The patter of rain gradually became lighter and would probably stop soon.

within the venue.

Super Boss Cordora "stood" on the spot, breathing heavily, like an exhausted old cow.

A large part of its center of gravity has been transferred to the thick tail at the rear, otherwise it would never be able to stand on its broken feet alone.

Such a powerful metal explosion also places a considerable burden on it.

The many scorch marks and potholes all over the silver armor tell the story of how dangerous the situation just now was. It is not an exaggeration to say that it was like dancing on a tightrope.

But it's all worth it.

It looked condescendingly at the giant swamp monster that had turned back to its original shape and fainted in the broken mud pit at some point, and deep joy enveloped its heart.

"The Swampert has lost its ability to fight! Boscodora wins! There is only one Pokémon left in the possession of the owner!"

The old housekeeper did not wipe the dust off his shoulders, but just held up the flag in his hand.



Kashiwagi and Super Boss Cordora raised their right arms at the same time and roared throughout the venue.

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