My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 520 The Key Road

In the preparation room.

All the contestants gathered together and looked nervously at the TV screen.

The list of those who will advance to the next round of gorgeous battles will be announced above. Regardless of the score of the gorgeous performance, as long as you can advance to the next round, you will have a chance to get the ribbon.

Under normal circumstances, the competition will adjust the number of people who advance based on the number of participants and scores, ranging from sixteen to thirty-two.

In a serious atmosphere.

Kashiwagi and a handful of other people looked quite happy.

Their average scores are all above 38.5. No matter which promotion plan they choose, they are unlikely to be eliminated. They belong to the wave of stable promotion.

"The scoring system is good..."

Xiao Guang was filled with emotion.

She still remembers that the Sinnoh Beauty Contest she participated in the year she debuted did not give any points at all, which made her frightened every time after the first review.

Afraid of losing the election.

Although the scoring system is also very unsettling, at least after everyone finishes their performance, they can basically be sure whether they have hope or not.

The only regret is the score of 39 points.


The many cards wandering on the screen are divided into sixteen, and everyone's portraits appear one after another as the cards are flipped, and no one is missing.

"Everyone has advanced!"

Xiao Sheng raised his arms in the air and cheered, immediately attracting jealous or envious looks from the other contestants around him.


There are also a small number of people who look at Kashiwagi and Rukia with admiration. They regard the latter two as the leaders of the younger generation of the Hoenn Gorgeous Competition.

Xiaoyao was originally the same, otherwise she wouldn't have the title "Fengyuan Dancer". Unfortunately, in the past two years, it has been mixed up in other regions, and no one has carried out secondary packaging and promotion, so its reputation has naturally weakened a lot.

Xiaogang looked at everyone who was more or less happy and said with a smile: "Now everyone's competition will become more intense!"

"I won't lose to you!"

Xiao Guang couldn't wait to put down his harsh words, and Pogaman at his feet flapped his little wings in agreement.


This time, I must defeat the goddess with dignity and show my strength to Big Mouth Baby!

"Oh! Xiaoguang's fighting spirit seems to be very strong!"

Xiaoyao smiled and said: "But this time I am not as lucky as last time~"

She still remembers the scene where she lost the previous Miccoli Cup final and missed the trophy and ribbon.


Xiao Shun chuckled lightly and did not comment. He had always been very confident in gorgeous battles.

Harry rolled his eyes as if thinking about something.

Urala looked at Kashiwagi. Everyone has an opponent that everyone hopes to defeat, and she is no exception.

"I can finally compete with you!"

Lucia was quite excited. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. From the day she guided the other party to try out the gorgeous competition, she had fantasized about having a showdown with her in a certain competition.

"Hey, I hope you can still laugh when the time comes."

Kashiwagi made a joke.


With the help of Lucia's agency, everyone was able to leave the venue safely and have dinner together.

And after hearing that Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang had a tradition of holding "girlfriends' night chats", Lucia stayed with them until almost ten o'clock before returning to the gym. If it weren't for her habit of sleeping in bed, she probably wouldn't have come back.

no way.

The allure of friends of the same age and gender.

No matter how mature Lucia's character is, she will still long for a few female friends of similar age groups, but unfortunately she usually has no chance to make contact with them.

Even if they come into contact, the other party will be wary of their identity and unable to open up to the relationship.

The dilemma she faced every day made her cherish the opportunity to get along with Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao.

But what surprised Kashiwagi.

Lucia, who came back, said that Urala also participated in this "girlfriends' night talk". He thought that with this girl's character, she would never join in the fun.

It seemed that today's two meals had effectively eased her relationship with Xiaoguang.


The next day.

The Sun Also Rises.

The eager audience in the venue took their seats one after another, and host Vivian's voice came from the radio.

"Friends from the audience! Welcome back to the Gorgeous Contest·Mikri Cup! Today we will start the second review - the Gorgeous Battle! Now we invite Master Mikri to give a speech to the coordinating trainers!"

Center stage.

Mikri, still wearing a white hat and cape, smiled brightly and said loudly: "You beautiful coordination trainers, move forward to the world with great emotion and excitement!"


Cheers and applause sounded like an explosion.

After briefly introducing the rules of the gorgeous battle, Vivian raised her right hand, and the sixteen avatars on the big screen shuffled around like cards.


With a slightly panicked sound, a pair of paired tree diagrams appeared in front of everyone.

The audience was in an uproar as people discussed the computer's random combinations and argued about who was more likely to advance all the way to the final round.

Prepare the interior.

The sixteen contestants present each looked at their opponents.

"Hey, I didn't expect that."

Kashiwagi nodded slightly to Harry, who returned to the Mengsong Cactus costume. The latter looked stern but quickly returned to his normal smile, raising his hand and shaking it as a greeting.

Unexpectedly, he was given a "heavyweight" opponent in the first round.

Others were relatively normal there, there was no civil war between acquaintances, they were all paired up with strangers.

The first game of the first round.

The players are Xiaoyao and a female coordination trainer with a score of 38.7.

Xiaogang wanted to rush over to show his courtesy, but Xiaosheng, who had foreseen it in advance, grabbed his ear. He had to take out a small notebook and seriously presented the other party's information - personality, preferences and good cooking.

"When do you do this again?"

Xiao Sheng gritted his teeth in anger, wishing he could hit him on the head with a hell knife.

Since his companion was so unreliable, he had no choice but to fend for himself. He searched the Internet and found something related to the gorgeous battle, "Sister, your opponent is very strong, so don't be careless."

"Don't worry! Your sister and I seem to be in great shape today!"

Xiaoyao smiled and said ok.

In a blink of an eye.

She and her opponent came to the venue and stood on opposite sides of the stage.

The venue follows the tradition of the Miccoli Cup. It is still a huge square pool, with at most a semicircle protruding on both sides for players to stand.

"here we go!"

Xiao Sheng's expression was tense, and he might not have been like this even when he was on the field.

Xiaogang said confidently: "Don't worry, as long as Xiaoyao's strength is fully utilized, there won't be any suspense in this game."

Just as he said.

On the stage, Xiaoyao's Water Arrow Turtle easily mastered the rhythm of the battle, using high-speed rotation to play with the opponent's Gotha Duck while applauding, causing a huge deduction in the opponent's score in a short period of time.

"As expected, it's still skill-based..."

Kashiwagi rubbed his chin. From the battle with the Flame Chicken a few days ago, it was not difficult to see that Xiaoyao's combat strength was actually not as good as Xiaoguang's.

But Xiaoyao's advantage is that she pays more attention to the skills of gorgeous battles, that is, she spends a lot of effort on using gorgeous moves to suppress her opponents, so she is still exceptionally powerful.

Just like this gyro-like water arrow turtle, its offensive ability is terrifyingly low. If the rocket head hammer hits the Gotha Duck's chest, it will make it roar.

It didn't hurt at all, which made me happy at first glance.

What about points?

The points are gone, all deducted.

In the end, you lose everything in the gorgeous battle.

Kashiwagi looked at it with a smile on his face, remembering that Xiaoyao's three royal families in the animation were all very cute, whether it was Bulbasaur with heart-shaped patches on its body, or Squirtle who loved to act coquettishly and cry.

It's just that unlike Xiaozhi, Xiaoyao's three Yu family generally have the opportunity to evolve to their final form, whether it is Bulbasaur or Blastoise.

On the other hand, Meowth and Kirbymon haven't evolved yet for some reason. The former needs to use the Moon Stone, but the latter's evolution based on intimacy is stuck.

The "opportunity" of evolution is really an unsolved mystery.

in the stage.

The results of the first round of the first round are in.

Xiaoyao and Blastoise successfully advanced to the next round by deducting all their opponents' points.

"Sister wins!" Xiao Sheng cheered.

"Xiaoyao is really good at it!"

Xiaoguang began to look forward to the gorgeous battle with Xiaoyao. The tree diagram showed that if they both advanced successfully, they would meet in the finals.

It's simply fate.

Of course, it could also be cypress.

The memory of the defeat at the Karnaz Conference was still fresh in her mind, and both she and Bogaman were eager to have a chance to win back.

"Come on, Brother Kashiwagi!"

Xiao Sheng's voice interrupted her thoughts. Kashiwagi waved his hand and walked towards the player channel without looking back. The latter happened to be in the second game with Harry.

So Xiaoguang also shouted to cheer for him.

Fork in the road.

Kashiwagi stopped and turned to glance at Harry who was walking away. Although this man should "return to his evil ways", he might not be able to give him any work.

To be on the safe side, let's take it down as quickly as possible.

He thought to himself as he slowly walked out of the passage that radiated dazzling white light. When his eyes narrowed slightly to adapt to the light, a sound like a roaring mountain and a tsunami flooded into his mind.

"Kashiwagi! Kashiwagi!"

"Come on! It's up to you!"

"Don't lose to your opponent! Win five consecutive victories!"

Various words converged into a thread and penetrated into Kashiwagi's ears. He squinted his eyes and looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky, feeling a little enlightened for a moment.

That's right, as long as you win the Miccoli Cup, you will have won five consecutive championships and you will be qualified to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration.

A crucial step towards reaching the top...?

He rubbed his sore neck. Harry in the distance came into his sight, and an elf ball rolled into his palm.

The host's voice sounded.

"The second round of the first round of the second review! Begin!"


Crisp beep.

The countdown on the big screen at the venue began to change.

Both sides quickly threw elf balls forward!

Bang bang!

The water ripples gurgling, rising up like a living creature to outline the outline of the heterochromatic Menas. Then the bright blue light recedes, revealing its stunning beauty.

It has a gorgeous rainbow-like long tail, soft light blue long fins, and eyes as crystal clear as pomegranate seeds.


The heterochromatic Menas crooned softly, and screams of excitement kept coming from the audience, not even noticing the Dreamsong Cactus that Harry released on the other side.

The latter stood on a raised circular plate prepared for trainers, with a terrifying aura about him.

However, the appearance of the heterochromatic Menas stole almost everyone's attention. No one noticed this guy at all, so naturally it didn't affect anyone.


It still has an impact——

Heterochromic Menas.

Seeing how fierce it was, the idiot thought it had intimidating characteristics. Not only was he not frightened, but he became extremely excited. He glared back arrogantly and almost shouted, "How dare you intimidate me?"

It's a pity that his own ability value has not been reduced, how could his competitive characteristics be triggered.

As for the partial increase in status caused by high emotional excitement...this has nothing to do with changes in various abilities, and is a bonus in other aspects.


Heterose Menus, who had not felt the improvement in his condition for a long time, was a little confused.

And on the big screen.

The points below Harry's face were deducted.

"How could such a thing happen!"

He gritted his teeth. Mengsong Cactus was a Pokémon he chose specifically to deal with the different-colored Menas. On the one hand, he wanted to overwhelm the different-colored Menas in terms of momentum, and on the other hand, he wanted to have an attribute advantage.

Who would have thought that instead of being scared, the heterochromatic Menas would look excited!

Such a self-defeating scene would certainly not have been missed by the vicious eyes of the four judges, who unanimously decided to deduct his points.

Harry was so angry that his face turned green!

What are you excited about?


He felt extremely sorry for the points he had deducted, and ordered: "Mengge-chan! Use the seed machine gun!"


Mengge Cactus took a deep breath, and a large number of emerald-green light bombs were sprayed out from the large and small holes in its face like shotguns, and the air continued to scream as it was being rubbed.

Its attack is quite swift and its power looks very impressive.

Unfortunately it's not enough.



A huge wave was seen rising up like a high wall, and the bright green light bullets hitting it were like hitting strong satin, and there was no way to penetrate it.

The heterochromatic Menas behind the huge wave suddenly raised its tail fin and slapped the wave, and immediately it rumbled and rolled towards the Mengge Cactus!

Since you decided to capture Harry quickly, you should reveal your trump cards appropriately.

Just right.

Let’s use Mengge Cactus to verify the results learned from Adam in the past two days!

Harry, who couldn't see the Kashiwagi opposite him at all, was a little nervous and shouted:

"Mengge-chan uses Iai Slash! Cut the water wave open!"

Facing the surging waves, Mengge Cactus immediately raised its arms, causing the dark green spikes on its surface to glow white and extend, and as it danced, it looked like sharp sword blades.

But before the light thorn came into contact with the wave, the heterochromatic Menas in the pool suddenly took a deep breath.



Countless white snow particles flew forward, and with the help of the wind, they caught up with the rolling waves in an instant, and quickly froze the upper part of it into a huge ice block!


When Mengge Cactus saw the towering ice floe turning into a black shadow and falling down, it was almost scared out of its wits. It danced with all its strength and tried to cut it into pieces.

Swish, swish, swish!

The white light kept flashing, making people's eyes sore.

Unfortunately, even though it tried so hard, it still couldn't completely chop the ice floe into pieces, breaking into pieces of ice the size of a football and smashing all over it.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

The ice shattered all over the ground and completely submerged it.

"Mengge-chan!" Harry covered his cheeks and screamed. He didn't care that half of his points were about to be deducted, and he kept shouting in the hope that he would break away from the ice and snow.

at the same time.

The heterochromatic Menas quickly swam forward under the guidance of Kashiwagi, "Freezing beam!"


It opened its mouth, and ice-blue lightning surged out, then shot out to forcibly strengthen the surrounding ice and snow for the Mengge Cactus trying to get up.

The Mengge cactus, unable to dodge, suddenly turned into a huge ice sculpture.

"The final blow, water cannon!"

Kashiwagi waved.

The bright blue water flow gathered from all directions, and sprayed out as the light blue hair-like fins of the heterochromatic Menas violently swung, and a thick water column crashed into the Mengsong cactus in the ice!


The latter directly connected with the ice and flew backwards, hitting the wall of the auditorium hard.

When the ice shattered, it also revealed a pair of black circle-like eyes.


The heterochromatic Menas raised its chin proudly, and its heroic appearance attracted cheers and applause from many spectators who loved it.


As soon as the whistle sounded, nearly half of the remaining points under Harry's head were completely deducted.

And there are more than two minutes left in the countdown.

competition is over.

Kashiwagi calmly bowed his thanks.

Many people in the preparation room looked at this scene with great emotion.


too strong!

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