My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 521 Dragon Flame Reverses Scales

Is the play style of Heterose Menus barbaric?


It can convert the rising tide between huge waves and water walls, advance, attack, retreat and defend. Among them, the use of the [Surfing] move is enough to be called smart.

Not to mention that it also has its own beauty bonus, and any move it uses is pleasing to the eye.

Harry's defeat was not unjust at all, and his choices of Pokémon and tactics were not wrong either. The only thing wrong was that he was too weak.

Strong enough.

The seed machine gun will not be blocked by the water wall.

The Iai Slash can cut an iceberg frozen by surfing into ice shavings that won't hurt you.

This is also a big reason why Kashiwagi mainly studies the gorgeous battle between Mikri and Adam, rather than other equally excellent coordination trainers.

Return to the preparation room.

The defeated Harry finally couldn't help it anymore and complained fiercely, quite dissatisfied that he had lost so miserably and so quickly.

"I will definitely avenge this!"

he shouted angrily.

Revenge is okay, but you have to find an opportunity first.

Kashiwagi smiled silently and turned his gaze to Xiao Shun, who had a slightly serious expression on the other side.

If nothing else, the next opponent should be this one.

When she noticed the gaze he was looking at, the fear on Xiao Shun's face quickly disappeared and returned to her usual confident smile.

The so-called loser does not lose the formation.

Xiao Shun, who regards Kashiwagi as a "kindred spirit", will never allow himself to lose to his opponent in terms of momentum, not to mention that no one dares to conclude that he will definitely win until the last moment of the battle.

If the opponent is strong, is my own strength weak?

That doesn't make sense.

Xiao Shun gradually stabilized his wavering state of mind, and Kashiwagi also turned back to watch the game.

The first round of the gorgeous battle continues.

Xiaoguang and others took the stage one after another. It did not appear that they paid too much attention to the strong enemies around them, but instead ignored the fatal flaws of other players.

There were some twists and turns along the way but in the end, we successfully defeated our opponent, which is gratifying to us.

Unfortunately, as the competition became more intense, the harmonious scene of dining together yesterday was gone forever. Xiao Shun and Wu Lala each had their own plans and ideas and rejected Xiao Gang's invitation.

As for Harry... he disappeared without a trace after the first round in the morning. It seemed that the psychological gap was too great.

Xiaoguang and other girls could not hide their disappointment, but they could not interfere with other people's thoughts, so they had to finish their meal in silence and take the opportunity of lunch break to adjust themselves.

Although only the second round will be held in the afternoon, and the semi-finals and finals have been moved to tomorrow, there is no easy coordinator who can reach this point.

They don't want to fall in the quarterfinals.



The sun is no longer harsh.

The audience who had finished recuperating were very enthusiastic.

The game in the morning has verified the excitement of the Miccoli Cup, which makes them look forward to the gorgeous battle next.

"Without further ado, the next step is the first game of the second round of the gorgeous battle! Let's invite contestants Miss Xiaoyao and Miss Urala!"

Vivian shouted softly.

On both sides of the water field, Xiaoyao and Ulala walked onto the player seats and stared at each other from a distance.

It was inevitable for acquaintances to compete in the top eight, and they just happened to get together.

For Urala, as long as he wins this battle, he can successfully compete with Kashiwagi and turn the defeat of the Kanaz Conference into history.


She also knows that Xiaoyao, who can complete the fusion of water and fire skills, will definitely not be easy to defeat, and she must devote 100% of her energy to fight with him!

"Go! Bite the land shark!"

"Leave it to you! Ice Eevee!"

Colorful patterns of blue meteors and crystal bubbles form two Pokémon, either fierce or cute.

The huge difference in body shape made many viewers worried about Xiaoyao.

Although it is true that Ice Eevee is more dominant in terms of attributes, the Pokémon's size occasionally needs to be taken seriously, and it is definitely not as simple as the performance.

Prepare the interior.

Xiao Sheng was worried, "Sister..."

"Relax, Xiaoyao doesn't have a confident expression on his face." Kashiwagi patted his shoulder, his eyes resting on Biting Lu Shark.

As Urala's ace Pokémon, it has shown good attack and defense capabilities as early as in the animated Diamond Chapter. Unfortunately, Kashiwagi's last battle with Urala was Fire Eevee, and he did not have the experience to master actual combat.

No matter how complete the intelligence data is, it is only paper data. It will inevitably be mixed with some subjective feelings of the data writer. Somatosensory intensity is undoubtedly more accurate.

Since the Biting Land Shark in the first review was so amazing, there is no reason why there is no growth in combat...

I hope Xiaoyao's Ice Eevee can force out its trump card.

This will help him no matter whether he wins or loses in Biting the Land Shark in the end.


If he beats Xiao Shun and then fights Ulala, he will be more confident.


Ulala is also going to participate in a gorgeous large-scale celebration!

There is nothing wrong with gathering more intelligence.

on the TV screen.

Two Pokémon with very different sizes have already started a fierce duel.

Although the site is a pool environment, it has no impact on both.

On one side is the Biting Land Shark, who has both ground and dragon attributes but can travel at will, and on the other side is Ice Eevee, who creates a place to set foot on without having to set foot on it.

"It doesn't look like much has changed..."

Kashiwagi looked at the Biting Land Shark that was smashing the ice with its fin blades with great ferocity.

Other Pokémon are fine, but when the command bites the land shark, Ulala always seems to be affected by it and the command becomes rough.

He chooses to attack with all his heart, as if he wants to win the opponent in a battle, rather than trying to deduct the opponent's points.

That's not to say she made the wrong choice.

Kashiwagi himself has adopted similar tactics.

The key opponent's defense was airtight, and Ulala was not like him who could seize an opportunity and expand it in an instant.

Just a simple attack.

This was also a major reason why she eventually lost to Xiaoguang in the grand grand celebration of Sinnoh. The latter's Pokémon were too durable, and she always used the same attack move monotonously.

The judges couldn't deduct more points from Xiaoguang even if they wanted to.

I thought that after Ulala's character had grown, her style of commanding the land sharks to bite had also changed. Now it seems...


Kashiwagi frowned slightly, because when the screen panned to Mikri's side, the latter's face showed a faint emotion called "expectation."

Is Mikri looking forward to Ice Ibrahimovic?


Intuition told him that the object that the Master of the Gorgeous Competition was looking forward to was biting the land shark.

At this time, the camera turned back to the field, and Kashiwagi was shocked by what happened there. A layer of dark blue fireworks suddenly ignited on the body of Urala's bite land shark, and its double fins overlapped to resist the ice Eevee. The freezing beam shot.

Turn around.

There was a loud bang, and the frozen beam exploded into fragments of crystals all over the sky, but the biting land shark that received the attack from the front seemed to be intact!


The roar was loud.

It was so handsome that more than one-eighth of Xiaoyao's score was deducted.

"This is... reverse scale!?"

Kashiwagi's eyes widened slightly. It is a recognized fact that different Pokémon will have different expressions when using the same moves, and even Pokémon in different regions will have differences in using the same moves.

Take the destructive light as an example. There are as many as four or five colors depending on the region.

But it was indeed the first time for him to see reverse scales like Liebite Land Shark. The azure blue flame... was it the result of the highly condensed dragon attribute energy?

If you look carefully, it is indeed different from the azure blue energy wave of Dragon God swooping down.

The fireworks did not completely cover its body, but only stuck to parts of its skin, such as the two pairs of fin blades, the top of its head, its knees, and its back.

It looked like the embers of a flame that had been released by someone else and had not yet been extinguished.

However, when Biting Land Shark blocks a move, the flames will flow along the body surface, increasing the defense of the area where the move comes into contact.

Like a living thing.

Seeing it easily shatter the boulders launched by Ice Eevee again, this look of ease was very much like a Super Saiyan state.

Kashiwagi suddenly felt that maybe the three evil dragons could learn from this thing?

This guy will also turn against his scales.

But Urala may not be willing to teach this special skill, right?

On TV, the biting land shark showed a ferocious attitude, but also looked extremely handsome, which undoubtedly caused Xiaoyao's score to continue to decline.

Ice Eevee seems to have no choice but to take the former?

Take control of the situation with just one move.

The overall style of Ulala and Biting Land Shark has not changed, but it has obviously changed from a simple and reckless attack to a step-by-step approach that is thick and thin.

Not only did Xiaoyao's points get deducted, but Bing Yibu was also bitten by the land shark and forced to a place where he couldn't dodge.

"Sister, come on!" Xiao Sheng looked at the TV screen worriedly.

Kashiwagi also feels that Xiaoyao is a bit dangerous.

Urala clearly chose to reveal this trump card after testing the output of Ice Eevee, otherwise she would have probably used it from the beginning, right?


After all, he underestimated the accomplishments of these people who had hung out with Xiaozhi in terms of "mischief".

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Xiaoyao let Bingyibu dive directly into the pool next to him.

Do you think you are Water Eevee?

Naturally, Ulala would not let her go so easily, and quickly asked Liebite Land Shark to follow her into the water and chase her. No matter how agile Ice Eevee was in the water, she could only be beaten by a dog.

Is it better than the biting land shark that lives on land, sea and air?

But just as it pounced into the water, Ulala's expression changed.

"come out faster!"

Her voice came clearly from the TV's speakers.

Xiaosheng was still a little confused, but Xiaogang, who had been the owner of the museum for many years, immediately realized, "So that's it! Xiaoyao deliberately lured the biting land shark to take the bait!"

When the voice fell.

I saw the Ice Eevee underwater suddenly spinning and spewing out countless snow particles, instantly freezing the entire pool. Naturally, the land shark couldn't escape even if it bit hard.

"But didn't you freeze yourself?" Xiao Sheng said subconsciously, and saw the ice surface suddenly shattered, and Ice Eevee dug a hole out of the completely frozen pool.

Apparently when it freezes, it uses some method to leave some room for movement, so that it can successfully dig holes to escape.

Xiao Sheng looked at the points deducted from Urala on the big screen and shouted excitedly, "Reversed!"

"No, it's not over yet."

Kashiwagi shook his head, and the frozen water in the TV swayed violently.


There was a loud noise, and the biting land shark covered in blue flames broke through the ice, with a bit of violence in its eyes.

Xiao Sheng's smile froze on his face, "Ah..."

"It's over now."

Kashiwagi smiled, causing the former to look sad.

"Brother Kashiwagi, I won't take you like this~"

"Look carefully, whose points will be deducted now?" He held down Xiao Sheng's head and asked him to watch the live screen on the TV carefully.

Astonishingly, Ming Minglie could be seen biting the land shark to get out of trouble, but Ulala's score was deducted again.


Without waiting for Xiaosheng to ask questions, Xiaogang said bluntly: "After the move of Reverse Scale is over, the user will fall into chaos. Xiaoyao let Bingyibu enter the water to freeze, mainly to delay time."

Abnormal states are undoubtedly points deduction points in gorgeous battles.

On TV, Ulala tried to wake up Liebite Land Shark, but unfortunately, there was no time.


The whistle blows.

"It's game time!" Vivian's shout made Xiaoyao and Ulala startled at first, and then their faces quickly changed from nervous to relaxed.

And there are more points left on the big screen...

It's Xiaoyao.

Ulala's initial test deducted too many points from her. Even though she once equaled or even surpassed her during the counterattack, in order to create more chances of victory, she accidentally fell into Xiaoyao's "trap", resulting in being trapped and inverted. Points will be deducted again at the end of these two items.

"It's a pity."

Kashiwagi shook his head regretfully. The Ni Lin biting the land shark was indeed handsome and powerful. It was not difficult to tell from the feedback from the audience.


What she lacked was 'an idea' and luck.

Xiaoyao's luck has always been excellent. For example, Xiangweimiao's help has helped her countless times, enabling her to always defeat opponents that others think are impossible to defeat.

As for this special reverse scale... Kashiwagi decided to find a way to study it himself first.

"It's time to play."

He rubbed his neck and looked at Xiao Shun behind him, only to find that the latter had already put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the player tunnel.


Kashiwagi grinned and asked Xiaosheng to help congratulate Xiaoyao for him. He then interacted with Lucia and Xiaoguang who said nothing but clenched their fists in a cheering gesture, and rushed to the venue to compete.



The exciting performance of the first game of the second round satisfied the appetite of some people.

But a large portion of the audience began to look forward to the battle between Kashiwagi and Xiao Shun.

After all, the two of them are extremely good-looking. There are very few strong and excellent male coordination trainers, and even fewer good-looking ones.

No wonder they have more female fans.


A large number of girls on Kashiwagi's side, led by Kita Ayane, mainly like the gorgeous competition combination of Big Mouth Baby and him.

It can be seen from the fact that most of them like to cosplay big-mouthed babies, breed big-mouthed babies, and wear clothes with designs of big-mouthed babies.

In other words, pink people also love Pokémon, and even more pink Pokémon.

Kashiwagi is indifferent to this.

He and Da Zui Wa are an inseparable whole, partners who live and die together, no matter who is a fan of them.

Furthermore, he personally takes the battle route and participates in the gorgeous competition purely because of the latter's interest and yearning to perform on stage so that he can be admired by thousands of people.

Kitai Ayane and the others liked Big Mouth Baby but followed his original intention.

As for the replacement of performers, there is no way to go dark with it as the main core. This is also a choice made after careful consideration in order to win.

Dazuiwa himself has long recognized this and actively participated in training his peers.

In summary.

It just points out its firm determination to win the Miccoli Cup.



The whirling cherry blossom petals formed a cute big-mouthed baby, which fell lightly into the venue. He looked at the desert dragonfly composed of countless green leaves in the distance, and then looked at the big screen.

five minutes?

No, three minutes is enough.

It clenched its little fist slightly, and its smile bloomed like a flower, "嘁哚~"


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