My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 519 Gorgeous Idol!

Return to the preparation room.

Before Kashiwagi could see if the others had returned, a black shadow suddenly rushed in front of him.

——It's Hupa.

He stopped retreating.

"Xiao Bai - awesome! The performance is amazing!"

Hupa shouted excitedly, clinging to his head like a facehugger, "Menas is amazing!"


The heterochromatic Minas responded with a happy tail flick, thinking it was awesome too.

"Hupa! Come down quickly! There are so many people watching!"

Mayali shouted with anxiety, and then Kashiwagi felt a strong tug on his face, as if the former was pulling Hupa's body.

These two guys...

Don't just use other people's faces to start a tug of war!

Although he didn't feel any pain, considering that if he continued to make a fuss, he would attract the staff and there would be too many people paying attention to him, Kashiwagi quickly pinched his little tail.


Hoopa exclaimed and let go.

Mayali almost stumbled, but after he stood up he was still very angry, "Hupa! You are a bad guy who knows how to cause trouble to others! Now my brother will definitely scold us!"

"Hehehe, Mayali is making such a fuss~ Is Xiaobai startled?"

The shameless Hupa just turned a deaf ear and had the nerve to ask others if they were scared.

"I'm scared. I'm scared."

Kashiwagi's answer was a little perfunctory, and he pinched its face twice more as punishment.

This guy probably learned bad habits from the Duolong sisters. After all, there are only two facehuggers around him who get carried away when they are happy...

It's easy to learn bad Pokémon, but it's very difficult to correct it.

He looked around and saw no one else coming back. He was a little confused but didn't think too much about it and asked: "The preparation room where you rely on the ring?"

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for spectators to enter and exit the preparation room where the players are located.

Mayali nodded sheepishly, grabbing Hupa who was trying to wander around and not letting go, "Hupa was clamoring for water..."

Use drinking water as an excuse to avoid Balza and find an opportunity to open the door, right?

Kashiwagi looked at Hupa, who was laughing, and thought to himself that this naughty and mischievous guy was not his Pokémon and did not need his care.

Otherwise, just wiping its butt every day would be too busy.

For a while.

The eyes he looked at Mayali were full of pity. It was expected that the Balza brothers and sisters, who had grown up together, could tolerate this guy's itchy temper after three minutes of not doing anything.

"We, we won't disturb you for now."

Mayali didn't pay attention to Kashiwagi's eyes. She focused on the glances from around her, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Hupa! Let's go! Brother will be worried!"

She couldn't help but leave with Hupa.

The troublemaker couldn't leave, but Mayali hugged him too tightly, and in the punishment mode, he couldn't break away at all. He could only look at Kashiwagi and Heterose Menas helplessly, hoping that they would stand up and say something fair.


At the moment, the latter two are more focused on the progress of the game and don't have much desire to play with it.

"Ooooooo, Xiaobai and Menas are so heartless." Hupa sobbed and opened the circle in a blind spot where no one else could see, and returned to another area of ​​the venue with Mayali where no one was paying attention.

But to be honest, their behavior is quite conspicuous.

Kashiwagi shook his head. Fortunately, Hupa and Balza still had some strength, otherwise they would wander around in such a big way and think that they were concealed, which would inevitably attract the attention of bad people and cause unnecessary trouble.

Just like the Bosozoku and Team Rocket I saw not long ago.


The cry of the heterochromatic Menas called his attention.

Kashiwagi followed its line of sight and looked at the TV, and suddenly saw the camera pointed at the score board, and the total score added up to it was as high as 39.1!

He shares the same score with Ulala, and is tied for third according to the current ranking!

He narrowed his eyes. The strange-looking man on the TV was probably a coordinator trainer from other regions. He had used Porygon II to detect the famous and powerful people in the Hoenn region.


Kashiwagi took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera and pointed it at the screen. The Porygon II on the mobile phone screen had some evil intentions and gave him a thumbs up icon to indicate OK.

Ten seconds later.

The page of an encyclopedia website opened, and it clearly recorded the relevant information and general intelligence of the other party. As expected, this person was a well-known coordination trainer from Kanto.

"Want more detailed information?" 』

Porygon II appeared in the lower right corner of the screen, and a line of words appeared above its head.


Kashiwagi flipped through the encyclopedia twice, then looked at the heterochromatic Menas as if he suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise: "Can you understand numbers?"

If this guy hadn't reminded him just now, he wouldn't have discovered such a powerful coordination trainer.


The heterochromatic Menas tilted his head, with a question mark on his face, and an expression of incomprehension.

Porygon II suddenly interjected: "Minus must have roared again when he saw the pervert taking off his clothes, right? That guy always has a loud voice when he meets powerful people."

God strips off his clothes and becomes a pervert. This is called being in love with someone!

Yanase-san's reputation is bad.

He suppressed the desire to complain and carefully checked with the heterochromatic Menas, who indeed nodded in agreement with Porygon II's statement.

Kashiwagi: "..."

I shouldn't have such expectations for you idiot!

While continuing to check relevant information, Xiaoguang and others were chatting and laughing with each other, returning excitedly or calmly.

"I really want to watch a few more shows."

"Yeah, it would be nice if I wasn't recognized, Cannian."

"You came back just as you came back, why should I come back too! Let me go! Let me go back!"

"Sister and brother, of course, have to keep the same pace!"

"Ah~ Menas~"

The moment Xiaoguang saw the heterochromatic Menas, his eyes were as bright as a flashlight, and he couldn't wait to run up, "It's so beautiful up close! Can I touch you?"

"I also want!"

“Meinas is so beautiful~”

"I can't breathe!"

Xiaoyao, Ulala and Harry also showed expressions of wanting to stop. Although Lucia had been immune to Pokémon like Menas every day, she now joined in the fun.

Only the three boys remained calmer and stayed where they were.

But what Kashiwagi didn’t expect was——

Bogaman seems to be confused too!

He looked at the little penguin at Xiaoguang's feet who was faintly obsessed with the heterochromatic Menas, and began to suspect that this guy was just a pervert like Xiaozhi's little ball otter and Team Rocket's Meowth.

Licking anyone who looks good, the kind who falls in love more often than eating.


When I thought about it, my guilt suddenly became less.

Kashiwagi stroked the Poké Ball in his pocket, and suddenly wanted to know what Pogaman's expression would be like if he released the Big Mouth Baby at this time.

He is very aware of the charm of water-type Pokémon. During the previous Autumn Leaf Tournament, he fell in love with Gyarados and Gyarados as soon as they evolved.

Stage a Shura field?

...Forget it, who is wrong to toss when there is nothing wrong, tossing your own Pokémon?

Kashiwagi quietly gave up the idea.


Following the boys who scored 39.1 points.

Several people appeared one after another with a total score exceeding 38.5, but none exceeded 39.5.


Teacher Liu, is this possible?

Kashiwagi looked at Lucia, who was staring at the TV with interest. In terms of talent in the gorgeous competition, the latter could be said to be comparable to his uncle Mikri.

It's a pity that her acting career has delayed her too much time, otherwise she might have become a top coordination trainer long ago.

"Um, what's wrong, dear disciple?"

Lucia tilted her head curiously.

Kashiwagi replied: "It's your turn soon. Isn't it okay if you don't prepare?"

"Ah, ah!"

She blinked her light cyan eyes and asked as if she hadn't reacted yet: "Will you be here soon?"

Kashiwagi's eyes twitched, "You should have the sequence list on your phone, right? I saw you downloaded it, don't wait, go hurry up!"

" was my manager who reminded me before." Lucia said sheepishly, walking towards the contestant tunnel as if she had just woken up from a dream, "Then I'm leaving! My dear disciple, remember to go to the scene to cheer me on!"

As soon as she moved.

A few girls not far away who were sucking snakes until they were unconscious finally came to their senses, reluctantly let go, and caught up with Lucia who had not yet entered the passage to cheer her up.

"Thanks a lot."

Kashiwagi caressed the hair-like fins of the heterochromatic Menas, and the latter whined in grievance.

At first, it was really happy that someone liked it so much, but as time went by, it started to feel a bit strange. After discovering that those people seemed not satisfied with touching it, and even wanted to pounce on it and suck it, the only thing left in the mind of Heteromenus was Terrified.


Is popularity so terrible?

The heterochromatic Menas shivered, feeling like his hair was going to be touched bald.

"Okay, okay, let's go back to the elf ball and rest." Kashiwagi comforted him a few more words and put it back into the elf ball.

The performance of Xiao Guang and the others was actually not as exaggerated as Heterose Minus imagined, but the latter did not often interact with outsiders, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the excessive enthusiasm.

He followed Xiaogang and Xiaosheng to the venue to watch Lucia's performance.

And when the heterochromatic Menas disappeared, Bogaman's obsessed eyes immediately returned to their clear appearance.


It raised its little wings in confusion and thought, as if it had lost its memory.


Xiaoguang's voice reached its ears.

"Bogaman! We are going to the scene to cheer!"

When Bogaman heard this, he stopped thinking. His yellow and tender little paws swung and chirped to follow the trainer.

Auditorium at the venue.

When Kashiwagi and others were seated, the contestants were being reviewed on the other side of the stage, and it was Rukia's turn next.

Xiao Sheng suddenly pointed in a direction and asked, "Huh? What are they doing?"

Everyone looked around and saw that many spectators over there suddenly started wearing headbands, wearing coats of the same color, and holding colorful cheering sticks, looking serious and ready to go.

"That is……"

"That's Lucia's support suit." Kashiwagi relied on his good eyesight to see clearly the bust of Lucia on the large coat at a glance.

You are an idol in the glamor contest. How can you be called Ai Doulu if your fan base doesn’t order uniform equipment?

Everyone was stunned.

Xiao Guang said regretfully: "If I had known, I would have prepared a set! It looks very interesting~"

"Yeah, but the cheerleading uniforms are already very good!" Xiaoyao agreed, but he was also very satisfied with the cute cheerleading uniforms he wore.

"Boom! Boom!" Bogaman was already dancing on the metal horizontal bar.

The gorgeous competition helped him develop extraordinary balance. It is just a metal horizontal bar, but it can move freely even if it is given a steel wire!

And under the great expectations.

Vivian started the introduction session as usual.

"The next contestant, I think many viewers have been waiting for a long time... In this case, let's invite our cutest and most energetic glamor contest idol, Ryuji!"

Wow! !

A tsunami of cheers sounded.

Liuli City is the absolute home for Lucia. Whether it is out of love for Wu Jiwu or appreciation for her, many citizens of Liuli City love this energetic little girl.

And her fans affectionately call it——


"Ryuki! Ryuki!"

Shouting came from all directions. Xiaoguang and others looked around in shock, not believing their eyes and ears.

So popular!

It was like the whole audience was cheering for Rukia!

What surprised them even more was that music suddenly sounded from the radio above their heads, and people wearing the same outerwear stood up in several places in the audience and swung their support sticks neatly.

"so many people……"

"Look! There's smoke coming from the contestant's entrance! Ah! It's Rukia coming out!"

Kacchan pointed to the stage.

As soon as they saw the smoky entrance gate, Lucia rode a white horse with black and blue spiral horns, cream and light blue mane, and rushed towards the pool with a microphone in hand.

Before anyone else could wonder whether they would fall into the water, a sweet song came out.

"I can't contain my excitement for you."

"Conveying the radiant charm of love"

"Lower your head and look away."

"But it was noticed ~ sweet sigh..."

Everyone was stunned.

Kashiwagi was the only one who was very calm and took the initiative to say: "Rukia wrote and sang the theme song "Charm☆Love". As a glamor contest idol, her performance is different from others."

This is so different! And why are you so skilled!

For a moment, everyone didn't know whether to complain about him or Lucia below, but they soon became immersed in the latter's performance.

Even though a song part was added, the main part of the performance was still the heterochromatic Galarian flame horse.

At this time, it is like a Pegasus carrying a fairy. It steps on the water and splashes ripples and countless stars. It continues to create rounds of love flying into the sky, and then steps on the air and spins around like a meteor. .

Bang bang bang——

The hearts continued to explode but did not disappear. Instead, they turned into larger hollow hearts, passing through again as the Galarian flame horse of different colors whirled around.

Just when Lucia sang "I will definitely say [I love you] tomorrow", the bright tail flame turned into a white shadow, like Cupid's arrow of love, piercing through the shadows of two pink hearts, and They are connected together.

The entire audience was going crazy at this moment.

Compared with the silence when watching the performance of Heterose Menus, most of them stood up now, as if they were watching Lucia's solo concert, and kept shouting rhythmic "嘢嘢" sounds.

Even Xiaoguang and Xiaoyao were no exception. They were easily infected by the atmosphere at the scene and completely became part of the fans.


The performance ended with Lucia's single-eyed wink. The heterochromatic Galarian flame horse pierced the largest heart with the long horn on its forehead, turning it into hundreds of small hearts and flying towards the audience, attracting thousands of people. The scramble for people.

"My heart is beating ☆ A dream come true, hello everyone, I am your Ruki~"

The sound like silver bells spread throughout the entire venue, and the success was engraved in the hearts of many people.

Most of the audience were so unfinished that they had even forgotten what the judges said. They loudly discussed the scene just now, or shouted "encore" crazily.

Kashiwagi was so noisy that he couldn't hear clearly. He vaguely recognized that Patstein seemed to be saying that he was old and a little behind the times, as well as Yanase's undressing support and Miss Joy's unhesitating approval.

Miccoli seems to say that his personal style is very mature, but the stage environment of the Miccoli Cup is related to water, and he failed to make good use of the venue.

He rubbed his temples with a headache and could only look at the scoreboard.

Beep beep beep beep.


The total score was 39.4 points, which failed to break through 39.5, but the score was still ranked first!

Kashiwagi applauded with some regret. In his heart, Lucia actually deserved 39.5 points. Unfortunately, Patstein seemed unable to appreciate the charm of the idol...

How rigid, old man, who said you can’t chase stars when you’re older? As a judge, you have to stand up!

No matter how.

The first round of review on the first day of the Miccoli Cup is gradually coming to an end.

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