My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 505 Outrageous [Texture]

The cheese pie is indeed delicious.

It’s not surprising that Yingbin Coffee has opened so many chains.

Brother Duolong was holding his stomach contentedly, and next to him was sister Duolong who was also holding her stomach. Kashiwagi recalled the taste and tried to ask Duolong Baruto's evaluation of this thing, but the latter disappeared again.

Damn it!

Why does my head appear when I eat?

Kashiwagi may have nothing to do with this store.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting food and Xiaoyao's subsequent persuasion, Brother Duolong finally got the cheese he dreamed of——

That's right, this guy has no interest in cake.

Kashiwagi had to share the remaining portion with Sister Duolong and Duolong Baruto.

Of course, Brother Duolong's wish was fulfilled not without any effort. He will have no snacks to eat for the next three days, and he will also be responsible for cleaning the toilet and keeping the latter clean.

But even if he gave out a punishment, he did not forget to give a verbal warning to Brother Duolong.

On the one hand, it warned it to steal things at will, and next time it pressed it into the corner until it started to smoke. On the other hand, it warned it that it was dangerous to grab food from Xiaoyao.

You must know that Xiaoyao once became so angry over lunch that he almost turned into a fire-type Pokémon. When the time comes that he will not recognize his relatives, it may not be impossible to change from a dead dragon to a dead dragon.

Brother Duolong was frightened by his serious expression. After leaving the cafe, he looked at Xiaoyao with a bit of fear.

How could Xiaoyao know so much?

I just thought that this child always turned to look at me as a sign of liking, so I couldn't help but smile happily.

no doubt.

Brother Duolong became more frightened.


Walked around a bit.

There was no free battle field to be found.

Night is synonymous with the start of entertainment for those in the Pokémon world.

Battles are as common as jogging, dancing, walking and other sports. Even office workers after a hard day hope to relieve their stress through battles.

Observing a match is so common that it is no different from watching a football match.

If it weren't for the fact that Liuli City didn't have a drinking culture and drinking in public places was prohibited in the urban area, there must have been a lot of people watching the battle with beers in hand.

I have to say, the fight was quite intense.

There were a few scenes that made Kashiwagi want to stop and take a second look.

The Mikri Cup has attracted too many coordinated trainers from other regions. The Pokémon they own often have special abilities of one kind or another. Not only do they have moves to attack each other, but the specificities they occasionally show are very insightful.

I really can't find the place.

Kashiwagi and the Xiaoyao siblings simply found a lawn that was illuminated by lights and was wide enough. They made sure there were no signs prohibiting fighting nearby, and then put some distance between themselves.

"Sister! Let me do it first!"

Xiaosheng couldn't wait to take the lead, holding the elf ball and said: "Three against three! Is Brother Kashiwagi okay?"

“If it’s okay with you, it’ll be okay with me.”

Kashiwagi responded casually.

Even in the animation world, six-on-six all-member battles only appear in the later stages of various major events and league conferences, and most ordinary games and roadside battles do not take place like that.

The relatively compromise three-on-three is more common. After the World Championship, the mainstream battle rules from Poke Ball level to Advanced Ball level are also three-on-three.

Xiaoyao stood aside, looking forward to the next battle.

She had heard her father Qianli praise him, and believed that from the latter's perspective, Kashiwagi must be a very powerful trainer.

"Come on! My partner! Let Brother Kashiwagi witness my growth in Hezhong!"

Kacchan shouted and threw the Poke Ball.


White light flashes.

A Pokémon that looked like a four-legged sea lion, with a spear-like spiked beige shell on its head, long white whiskers on its nose and lower jaw, and beige segmented wrist guards attached to the back of its limbs landed on the ground.


"Is the Great Sword Demon starting the game?"

Kashiwagi's expression was as usual. He had already seen what Pokémon Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng had when they had dinner.

Furthermore, although the wild Gosanjia in various areas in the animation are not commonly seen, as long as you are willing to search hard, you can find them nine out of ten times, without even having to go deep into the jungle.

What deserves more attention than those is the overall appearance and spirit of the Great Sword Demon.

For experienced trainers with sharp eyesight, whether a Pokémon is strong or not can be seen from the above elements.

Xiaosheng obviously didn't help his father Qianli take care of the Pokémon for so many years in vain.

This big sword ghost's size, shell armor, and abnormally long beard all show that he has been well cultivated.

Well, my mental state is also very full.


Kashiwagi didn't take out the Poke Ball, but instead took out his cell phone.


The phone screen shines.

Porygon II flew out in front of the shocked gazes of the two Pokémon, and fell to the ground with a thud.


It stared at the Great Sword Demon opposite, the download feature was triggered, and the orange light with improved status rose crazily from around it.


Xiao Sheng asked curiously: "Is this also a Pokémon?"

Kashiwagi nodded: "It's obvious."

"A Pokémon that can come out of a mobile phone! It's so amazing! It looks like the electronic ghost Rotom!" Xiaoyao took out the illustrated book and actually scanned Porygon II.

The announcement of the illustrated book reached their ears.

When Porygon II heard Xiaoyao say that it was just like Rotom, its innocent expression quickly turned gloomy.

"Is it angry?"

Kacchan was keenly aware of Porygon II's unhappiness.

Kashiwagi didn't answer, and quickly shouted: "Triple attack!"


Porygon II lowered its front body to reveal a fluorescent tail, and three red, blue, and yellow energy balls flew out from it, turning into three bright rays of light like floating cannons and shooting towards the Great Sword Demon!


The energy pierces the air and screams, and the colorful lights in the dark night are quite dazzling.

What Kashiwagi didn't expect was that at some point the Great Sword Demon raised his upper body and pulled out the two pieces of armor on the top of his forelimbs. He swung the sword flowers as if wielding two swords and overlapped them to form an X shape, quickly resisting the attack. Flying light!


The smoke exploded, and the figure of the Great Sword Demon was looming in it.

But soon the smoke was dispersed as it danced its two carapace daggers, and its bright eyes were still shining brightly at night, seemingly not much damaged.

Passers-by who were wandering around were attracted and gathered here to stop and watch.


Kashiwagi looked at Xiao Sheng, who was laughing in the distance, and understood that this Great Sword Demon, like his Pokémon, was a being with a certain degree of autonomy, and would never stand still without hearing the trainer's instructions. beat.

And just looking at the skills to resist the moves, it is really not easy to accept it so easily even if Porygon II only launched a tentative attack.

Xiaoyao looked at her younger brother. Although the two often communicated through mobile phones, she really didn't expect that Xiaosheng's strength had become so strong.

"Maybe my brother is very powerful?"

After being praised repeatedly, Xiao Sheng's face was full of pride, his nose almost turned up to the sky, and he said smugly:

"How about Brother Kashiwagi? There's nothing you can do against me with the old tricks! Even though I only got four badges, my strength is more than just four badges!"

"Huh, angular."

Kashiwagi chuckled, and the surface of Porygon II in front of him emitted white light.


After a short breath, it had turned its leg ornaments into complex pseudo-circles on the edges, and then rotated at high speed, making it speed towards the Great Sword Demon like a car.

"Huh? Can you still transform!?"

Xiaosheng was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to sit back and watch Porygon II launch an attack, shouting: "Water jet!"


Blue water splashed out of thin air, surrounding the Great Sword Demon's body and turning it into a long stream of water that lifted off the ground and rushed straight towards Porygon II at extremely fast speeds.

At the same time, the great sword ghost in the water flow had already taken a slashing stance.

In an instant.

The two will collide head-on.

But a second before the contact, Porygon II suddenly twisted its body, and the wheels suddenly drew a strange arc as if they were drifting, just in time to pass by the Great Sword Demon who was swinging his sword forward.



Xiao Sheng and Big Sword Demon's faces were filled with disbelief, and Xiao Yao who was watching also covered his mouth.

Why is there such a way to hide?

Just like racing!


Kashiwagi looked at each other and smiled at Porygon II, which rotated 180 degrees. The "wheel" created by the latter may not be a perfect circle, but the carefully constructed finished product has a grip that a perfect circle does not have.

What's a little thing like drifting?

Xiao Sheng shouted: "Turn around and rush back!"


The Great Sword Demon responded loudly, and forcefully reversed the direction of the overflowing water column in mid-air, and quickly rushed towards Porygon Beast II again.

It's just that the latter's appearance suddenly changed slightly.

I saw that the color of Porygon II's body surface changed from red and blue to shining bright yellow, and there were faint blue and white thunder and lightning patterns emerging, and its eyes also changed from the round whites to lightning. shape.

"Why has it changed again?"

Xiao Sheng was completely confused.

But his intuition told him that the current Porygon II was very dangerous and must be avoided.

But it was too late.


The Great Sword Demon's water jet sprint was so fast that he had already arrived not far away from Porygon II. The two carapace daggers were also positioned ready to strike, ready to strike with thunder!


What greeted it was True Thunder.


Boom——! !

The wildly dancing thunder and lightning formed a huge ring, instantly engulfing everything around it.

The explosion of electricity evaporated the water on the Great Sword Demon's body in the blink of an eye, and seemed to change the magnetic force, causing its body to freeze and be baptized by the violent lightning.

The sound of explosions continued to shake the ears of everyone around.

"The Great Sword Demon seems to be in trouble..."

Xiaoyao looked solemn. After hanging out with Xiaozhi for a long time, she had a rough idea of ​​the power of electric-type moves.

It would be difficult for the Great Sword Demon to sustain the electric power displayed by Porygon II.


When the current was exhausted, the great sword ghost with scorched marks all over his body fell to the grass with a pop, white smoke slowly rose from the surface of his body, and wisps of electric current flickered.

It stood up and struggled for a while, then rolled its eyes and fainted completely, and the carapace dagger held by its claws also loosened.

The crowd of onlookers saw this and began to applaud.

"Great Sword Demon!"

Xiao Sheng screamed, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose almost fell off.

He didn't even have time to let the Great Sword Demon show off his special skills. He had been preparing the [Shell Blade] that could cut even rocks into pieces instantly... He originally wanted to use it to deal with the rock blockade of Boss Cordora.

As a result, they were defeated so quickly.

Xiaoyao looked solemnly at Porygon II who returned to his trainer, clenching her pink fists and worrying about her brother.

"Well done."

Kashiwagi softly praised Porygon II, whose cool lightning eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Pa bang lili..."

After this guy turned into an electric attribute, his screams had a strange electronic sound. The texture was really a wonderful move.

There is no doubt about the defeat of the Great Sword Demon. This system uses restraint to face the defenseless Great Sword Demon. If it fails to kill it instantly with one blow, it will be a problem.

Not to mention the bonus of first sight kill.

Intelligence is extremely important in Pokémon battles. You must at least know the opponent's characteristics, attributes, and whether he has exclusive moves.

If you cannot meet even these three basic points, you will most likely be killed by your opponent's Pokémon on first sight.

not far away.

Xiao Sheng muttered and took back the Great Sword Demon.

Although he wouldn't lose confidence after a Pokémon was defeated, he could not help but feel depressed when a Pokémon he was so proud of could go down so easily.

"I won't let Brother Kashiwagi get another chance this time! Come on!"

He threw the Poké Ball very hard into the sky.


White light flashes.

A Pokémon with a sucker-like mouthpart and a pair of gray-blue arms, shaped like an eel, was slowly flying in the air.


The King Eel screamed sharply.

This guy is a Pokémon that theoretically has no weakness attribute. The reason is that it is an electric-type Pokémon, but its attribute is [Levitating].

The relevant information flashed through Kashiwagi's mind, and he looked at Xiao Sheng who was eager to try and sighed secretly.

It's too easy to take the bait.

He asked Porygon II to use Discharge. In addition to killing the Great Sword Demon, he also wanted to seduce the Eel King. The damage caused by the electric attribute was halved.

Xiao Sheng's theory is correct, the problem is that Chu Jian Kill...

It never ends!

"Acid bomb!"

Xiao Sheng opened his mouth and shouted, and the upper body of the numb eel king flying in the sky was slightly raised, and then it rushed forward as if it was increasing the speed of the dark purple acid!

Puff puff puff puff!

The acid that seemed to corrode the air flew towards Porygon II at an extremely fast speed and with an extremely wide range. The latter might not be able to completely dodge it.

But there is no need to hide.

Kashiwagi said: "Texture 2."

"Pap bang!"

Porygon II made a trembling electric sound while changing its attributes.

Under the gaze of Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, the color of its surface turned into a light silver like an alloy, including its eyes, which also changed into a metallic appearance. The whole thing looked like an iron duck made of steel.

The acid bomb was poured on Porygon II's body, and flowed directly into the lawn smoothly, corroding the slightly yellow weeds and ground.

"It has no effect? ​​Why? It has become a steel property?"

Kacchan is not an idiot after all, not to mention that Porygon II's outward appearance is so obvious.

He frowned, knowing that he had discovered the other person's little secret.

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