My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 506 A small victory of despair

"Finally noticed?"

Kashiwagi saw Xiaosheng frowning silently, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and guessed that the other party might have discovered the [texture] of Porygon II.

That being the case.

He waved his hand: "Weird radio wave!"


Porygon II's voice at this moment was like metal vibrating, and the electric light flashed in his eyes. Circles of crackling lightning rings overlapped in a long cage shape and shot towards the numb eel king in mid-air!


The moment the trembling sound reached the ears of others, the dazzling lightning ring had already arrived in front of the Mama Eel King.

The unique swiftness effect of the long-range electric attribute moves is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Xiao Sheng came to his senses and said urgently: "Get out of the way!"


However, as an electric Pokémon with the ability to fly, King Eel's dexterity was surprisingly slow. It was only able to dodge a small part of the lightning ring, leaving most of it submerged in its body.

The numb eel king groaned, and a blue descending light flow appeared around his body.

Its special attack has been significantly reduced.

"Cheer up! One hundred thousand volts!"

Xiaosheng shouted loudly under Xiaoyao's worried eyes. He wanted to verify whether his guess was correct.


Kashiwagi didn't give it a chance.

"come back."

He quickly put Porygon II back into his phone, took out a Poké Ball with his backhand and threw it out, "Leave it to you."


White light flashes.

A milky-white boulder as smooth as jade fell into the lawn, and its blood-red eyes lit up like torches, followed by illusory smoke-like coral tentacles protruding from the black holes on all sides.

The corners of its mouth drooped, and displeasure was written on its face.



The numb eel king in mid-air was electrified, and with a roar, he suddenly blasted a thunderous thunder towards the sun coral!


Thunder boomed, and the electric current accurately hit the difficult-to-move Galar Sun Coral. The sudden dazzling light far surpassed the surrounding street lights, and many onlookers subconsciously avoided their sight.

Those with better eyesight found that Sun Coral still had a sad expression and was completely unmoved.

Xiaoyao opened his mouth slightly and quickly took out the illustrated book and scanned it.

"It's really..."

She looked at the introduction in the illustrated book, and the scanned results told her that this Pokémon, which looked very similar to Sun Coral but was very weird, was indeed Sun Coral.

It's just that it comes from the Galar region and has become a ghost.


Smoke and dust rose into the sky, and then were blown away by the night wind.

The sun coral levitated slightly, and its surface flashed with a small electric current that had not dissipated, but that was all.

"It's Sun Coral!"

Xiao Sheng's heart was filled with disappointment and excitement.

He still remembered everything that happened when they first met. Sun Coral was a Pokémon that happened to be captured by Kashiwagi after he accidentally fell into the sea and was rescued by Kashiwagi. He has always been deeply impressed by it.

And the scene just now made Xiao Sheng understand that Kashiwagi had cultivated him to be extremely powerful.

Although he felt a bit regretful that he could not completely uncover the secret of Porygon II, he was extremely happy to be able to fight Sun Coral.

"Crush it!"

Kacchan quickly pointed to Sun Coral.

Although King Eel's special attack was lowered by the strange electric wave, his physical attack is also outstanding. It is a rare Pokémon that is naturally suitable for dual swords.

Of course, the weaknesses are also obvious——



The numb eel king swam forward and rushed towards the sun coral. A gray-black energy gathered in front of its red ring-like mouthparts and turned into a pair of vicious energy teeth!


Kashiwagi's face was calm.

I saw the numb eel king flying in front of Sun Coral. The latter faced the vicious energy teeth and calmly held up a spherical honeycomb light shield.


The evil energy collided with the guard, and the smoke of the explosion covered both.

After the attack, the Mama Eel King prepared to retreat, but how could such a good thing happen in the world? He could come and leave as he pleased.

Kashiwagi ordered: "Wisp!"

All of a sudden.

The smoke and dust dispersed among the many ignited purple fire balls, which rotated around the head of Sun Coral, so fast that they almost formed a wheel of fire.


Sun Coral pours out all its overtime anger!

"Crush them with the water tail!"

Xiao Sheng quickly took the order.

The tail of the retreating King Eel was quickly entangled with bright blue water, and as it swung, it whipped the flying purple fireball like a whip!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Every time a will-o'-the-wisp hit, a cloud of steam-like white mist exploded in mid-air, and they quickly gathered into a whole mass, completely covering up the figure of the Ma Ma Eel King.

Xiao Sheng was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw a flash of orange-red firelight in the white mist.

"Mama eel king!"

He felt something was wrong and called out to his Pokémon.


The white mist drifted away, and the numb eel king wrapped in flames turned painfully in mid-air. Apparently its water tail failed to smash all nine will-o'-wisps, and it was still hit.

But now it has been reduced to special attack by the strange radio wave, and physical attack has been reduced by the burnt state, and it is no different from a useless eel.

Unless it suddenly becomes a big deal to heal abnormal conditions without relying on moves, attacking Sun Coral is no different from scraping.

——Xiao Sheng wants to exchange.

Kashiwagi didn't want him to exchange.

"Tidal wave!"

"Come back, Mama Eel King!"

Sun Coral took the lead, and the bright blue water on the smoke-shaped tentacles on its forehead rotated and magnified, and instantly turned into a huge tidal vortex, rushing towards the Eel King with a terrifying rumbling sound!


Amidst the dull sound of the wind, the red light emitted by the elf ball in Xiao Sheng's hand was actually blocked by the tidal whirlpool, and the Mamo Eel King who tried to dodge could not avoid it, and was trapped in it and suffered from the pain of the tide.

"It's time to end. Misfortunes never come singly."

Kashiwagi raised his hand.

Sun Coral's blood-red eyes were covered by a layer of purple-red light, and a strange eyeball shrouded in black mist suddenly appeared on its head. It continued to release faint purple light waves forward.

"Get out of here!" Xiao Sheng raised his head and shouted.

However, the power of the tide was not something that the burned Eel King could withstand. No matter how it struggled, the huge suction and torsion inside still kept it firmly trapped.

Strange light waves are approaching.


The water splash was stirred up by the energy and separated, revealing the numb eel king trapped in it. The strange purple light quickly began to erode its body.


It groaned in pain.

"Huh? Didn't you kill him? This special resistance can do it."

Kashiwagi was a little surprised. The tide, burns and misfortunes were a combination of three, but he failed to take it down. "Is there--"

The words are not finished yet.

The tidal whirlpool suddenly exploded with a loud bang, and in the water splashing all over the sky, the numb eel king fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

It was wet and its eyes were replaced by circles.

Okay, that's too early to praise.

Kashiwagi looked at the Sun Coral who turned around on the lawn, pretending not to see its strong request to get off work, and thought that indeed this guy should take the route of stacking damage instead of explosive output.

The power is not enough, so special effects are needed.

far away.

Xiao Sheng took the Mommy Eel King back with a frustrated look on his face, "Thank you for your hard work, Mommy Eel King."

He originally wanted Kashiwagi to see what he had gained from traveling in the Hezhu area, but so far, it was almost the same as the battle on the Love Goddess Menas!

There remains a bottomless gulf between the two.


Kashiwagi's voice came from far away.

Xiaosheng took a deep breath, glanced at his sister Xiaoyao who was cheering him on, and said loudly: "Of course, continue! I haven't lost yet! Go, my partner!"

Poke ball thrown.


There was a flash of light.

A clam-like Pokémon with a short, flat appearance and a body covered with spikes, with three vines and metal spiked ball appendages sprouting from its head landed on the ground.


The roar of the urn reached the ears of Cypress and Sun Coral.

Actually selected all "new" Pokémon?

He looked at Xiaosheng with a little surprise. He thought the latter would send out the evolved Cursed Doll and Gardevoir. Unexpectedly, he only chose Pokémon captured in the Hezhu area from beginning to end...

Did you learn this habit from that guy Xiaozhi?

"Okay, okay, let's get off work. Thank you for your hard work."

Kashiwagi reluctantly took out the elf ball. He originally wanted to use this guy's restraint attribute to beat Gardevoir and the cursed doll.


Sun Coral perked up, and the corners of its mouth turned from bottom to top, and the entire Pokémon glowed!

Get off work, get off work!

It’s so painful to work overtime and all that~

Sun Coral in the red light of the Poké Ball couldn't hide its good mood, and when he saw the corner of the trainer's mouth twitching, he just pretended not to notice.

And after recovering the Sun Coral.

Kashiwagi thought for a second and threw the elf ball.



White light appeared together with a high-pitched roar. When the light faded away, the three extremely arrogant evil dragons also appeared in front of Xiao Sheng and all the onlookers.

As the three pairs of wings flapped slowly, the dark figure looked a bit scary in the dark night.

"Three-headed evil dragon! The one-headed dragon has evolved!"

Xiaosheng even remembered Sun Coral, so naturally he didn't forget the one-headed dragon that was running behind Kashiwagi.

It's just that the little guy's temperament seems to have changed drastically. If he encountered such a ferocious Pokémon in the wild, he would probably turn around and run away without even thinking.

It seems that my small achievements are not enough in front of Brother Kashiwagi.

Fortunately, he was so complacent that he thought that the newly trained Pokémon would definitely surprise Brother Kashiwagi.

Now it seems.

The one who was shocked was himself.

Xiao Sheng thought to himself, looking at the three evil dragons with a fighting spirit in his eyes.

Failure in the battle is not important, what is important is that you still have the courage to continue the challenge after defeat!

This is one of the trainers he admires - Xiaozhi, who taught him the principles of life with practical actions!

"Nut dumbbells! Missile needles!"

he shouted.

The Nut Dumbbell in front of him then raised its vine-shaped claws, aimed at the three evil dragons and fired long emerald green needles like light arrows!

Puff puff puff——

The light arrows actually locked onto most of the space around the three evil dragons, causing them to be hit by at least one no matter which way they dodge.

Such targeting techniques have obviously been carefully practiced.


Kashiwagi raised his hand.

The moment the words fell, a spherical honeycomb light shield was propped up in front of the three evil dragons.

Recently, this guy has rarely been allowed to participate in formal battles of sufficient importance, but the tacit understanding between the two has been cultivated hard and has not been given up with the birth of the Heart of God.

Although the three-headed evil dragons did not have mega evolution, they had already reached the point where he was about to speak his words, and the three-headed evil dragons knew his thoughts faster than telepathy.

There is no doubt that this is an intuitive manifestation of the bond.

Bang bang bang——

The light arrows landed on the light shield one after another, and the energy of the explosion shook it slightly.

"The power is okay, the performance of non-special moves is so good."

Kashiwagi looked at the nut dumbbells with admiration, glanced at the growing number of onlookers around him, and said regretfully: "But let's stop here first.

"Deceit, the wave of evil."


The three evil dragons suddenly raised their heads, staring at the sky under the moonlight as if praying.

Dark light circulates.

Immediately, the orange-red updraft with increased ability value continuously washed over its body surface, making its already extremely terrifying aura rise again.

Nut Dumbbell on the opposite side started to panic, and Xiao Sheng also knew that something was wrong and shouted.

"Gyro ball! Hit it!"


Nut Dumbbell mustered up the courage to spin on the spot, turning into a huge bright silver projectile in his breath, and rushed towards the three motionless evil dragons opposite.

Its speed was originally extremely slow, but with the blessing of the rotation speed of the gyro ball, it actually exploded with a speed that cannot be underestimated!


Just when it had advanced halfway, the three evil dragons, which looked like evil dragons in the dark night, lowered their heads, and their lungs suddenly swelled, as if they had taken enough breath in an instant.

The next moment.

Three storm-like waves of terrifying dark air scraped against the lawn, shaking the air and picking up a large amount of grass clippings and dust. They rushed towards the nut dumbbells that turned into metal projectiles with destructive force!

Boom——! ! !

The deafening explosion continued to echo in the ears of the surrounding onlookers. Xiaoyao watched this scene blankly, and Xiaosheng, who faced the dark air wave, was even more trembling!

What a terrifying power!

Their minds flashed through the trainers they had experienced and met while traveling with Xiaozhi, and they found that only five of them could bring the same destructive power!

It turns out that this is the strength that Kashiwagi showed after he became serious!

Xiao Sheng looked at the Nut Dumbbell that was engulfed by the air waves, and kept shouting in the hope that it could persevere, but he himself knew that the probability was low.

The Nut Dumbbell's durability is strong, but its strength has its limits. The attacks launched by the three evil dragons are obviously beyond its endurance.

Lean less.

The three heads of the three evil dragons no longer spewed out waves of air. They slowly closed their mouths, and their scarlet eyes stared at the smoky grass that had been plowed by a typhoon. Two streams of white smoke surged out of their nostrils.


no doubt.

Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng's guesses were correct.

Porygon II has many changes and occupies the powerful force of First Met Killer, but in essence it has not yet fully reached the "first echelon" level.

As a Pokémon that dares to challenge Boss Cordora and compete for the ace position.

The three evil dragons are the most powerful beings under Kashiwagi.

In terms of output, before Big Mouth Baby mastered the power of mega evolution, it was the most terrifyingly destructive one. After understanding [Trick], its destructive power increased to a level that would make ordinary people despair.

The smoke slowly dispersed.

Nut Dumbbell stopped in front of a shallow pit, his eyes covered by black circles, and behind him was a piece of intact grass.

Obviously, the evil energy did not pass through its body and fall behind it.

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