My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 504 Fengyuan Dancer


Kashiwagi's eyes were full of surprise.

He went to see Xiaoyao again and found that the other person's outfit had turned into a replica of a gemstone, especially the scarf tied into rabbit ears, which looked quite cute.

"You fucking let go! Come on, little ones!"

Curses rang in his ears.

He turned his head sideways and suddenly tugged on the arm he grabbed. The other fist swung at the mohawk head was forced to hit empty due to the huge force, and his whole body lost his balance in horror.

With a little more force, the mohawk suddenly rotated 180 degrees quickly, turning its back to him, and its arms were bent against the back.

"It hurts! It hurts..."

The mohawk screamed in pain, and his younger brothers, who were stimulated, shouted and asked the coyote dogs who came out to attack Kashiwagi, but the invisible Doron Baruto was faster.

Suddenly, white light flashed across the front of the barking coyote dogs, and the terrifying speed left a clear energy trail in mid-air, like a dazzling white light.

All of a sudden.

There was a series of explosions like firecrackers, and the coyote dogs whimpered and flew back.

The Bosozokus were shocked. Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, who were holding Poke Balls in their hands, looked at each other. They hadn't even had time to release the Pokémon!

"Where did the attack come from?"

"This man is very strange - eh? Isn't he the man on the boat?"


All the bosozokus seemed to have remembered who Kashiwagi was at this moment, and they all screamed in surprise.

Just as Mohawk was about to shout something, he suddenly felt pain in his leg sockets, followed by a huge force coming from behind, forcing him to stagger, dance, and collide with his younger brothers, making all kinds of moans and groans. Voice.


Kashiwagi shouted harshly.

As if in response to his words, the red and blue lights of police lights suddenly flashed on the horizon, and the sirens sounded from far to near.

Mohawk climbed up in embarrassment with the help of his younger brothers. He turned around to look at Bai Mu, whose face was unclear in the dark night. He felt a chill running down his back. He hesitated for a few seconds and did not even dare to say a harsh word. He hurried away with a group of younger brothers and Pokémon.


Kashiwagi frowned.


These fly-like guys are really everywhere, but they only commit small crimes. Even Miss Junsha can only lock them up for a few months at most, and sometimes they even come out after two days.

I asked him to tell me that if he refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, it would be better to just plant trees in the desert instead of going down to mines to dig for ore.

It's obvious that Olei is so short of people...

"Brother Kashiwagi, you are so awesome!" Xiao Sheng's excited shout interrupted his thoughts.

Kashiwagi's expression quickly softened, and he turned to look at the siblings, especially Xiaoyao, one of the most famous female characters in the Pokémon series.

"Are you guys okay?"

he asked.

"Of course it's okay!"

Xiao Sheng chuckled and looked around curiously, as if he was looking for the Pokémon he had just attacked. Unfortunately, Doron Baruto couldn't hide, and Doron's younger brother was forced to cover his mouth by his sister to prevent him from making any noise.

A few months have passed since then, and the child's height does not seem to have increased much. He still wears black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, but his temperament has become much calmer.

It seems that he has accumulated a lot of precious experiences during his travels in Hezhong.

"Thank you very much for your help."

Xiaoyao noticed Kashiwagi's gaze and also thanked him.

Her changes are not limited to her clothing. After several years of adventures in several regions, she has also lost the immatureness of the super generation... She is just not as tall as expected.

Are you 1.5 meters tall?

There should be.

When watching the anime from Xiaozhi's perspective, I always felt that this kid was at least 1.61 meters tall.

"I feel relieved to see you so healthy."

He patted Xiao Sheng on the shoulder, then smiled and said to Xiao Yao: "I heard your name from Xiao Sheng a long time ago. Seeing it is better than hearing it a hundred times... Fengyuan Dancer?"

"Uh-huh, actually just call me Xiaoyao." Xiaoyao blushed in embarrassment at being called by a nickname, and unconsciously used her ambiguous catchphrase, "Maybe I don't have the same weight as this name. There’s a bit of a distance.”

[Maybe], [Maybe], [Probably]... the newborn Mana Fei in "The Prince of the Sea" was contaminated. "Maybe" is the same as calling her mother.

Kashiwagi replied: "How come? I often watch your gorgeous performances. You are definitely the winning seed in this Miccoli Cup."

"That's right, sister, you are a seed-level player! And Brother Kashiwagi is your most powerful rival!" Xiao Sheng nodded approvingly from the side.

Although he has never made a name for himself, he has been paying close attention to Kashiwagi's glamorous contest performances since he searched for them on the Internet, and often recommends them to his sister.


Xiaoyao is still a little embarrassed. She is confident in her own strength, but she is not yet at the level where she can easily accept praise from others.

at the same time.

Miss Junsha arrived on a motorcycle. She looked at the three people present and asked, "Who called the police?"

"I reported it." Kashiwagi raised his hand under Xiao Sheng's doubtful eyes, took out his mobile phone and walked to Miss Junsha, "Look at these people, they were looking for trouble when I was on the boat..."

In reality, it was Porygon II who called the police, but that didn't prevent him from explaining it.

He showed the photos taken by Porygon II with a public camera to Miss Junsha. After hearing the story, the latter went to Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng to confirm, received the relevant photos from Kashiwagi, and saluted again, saying that she would definitely do it. Keep an eye on them.

A verbal dispute can make these people squat for a night at most, but it will be different if Miss Junsha focuses on them.

Baimu watched Miss Junsha go away, then looked at the Xiaoyao siblings and said:

"It's too dark here and the wind is a bit cool. Can we find a place to sit down and have a good chat?"


Xiaosheng looked forward to chatting with his first friend after traveling.

Xiaoyao has also been curious about Kashiwagi, a person who always appears in the mouths of his family and on the screen of his mobile phone.


Yingbin Coffee.

This is a coffee shop that has become very popular in the past two years and has opened branches all over the world.

It is deeply loved by many young men and women and urban white-collar workers.

Kashiwagi doesn't come often because the Pokémon at home prefer restaurants that satisfy their tastes, and even Big Mouth prefers dessert shops with a variety of varieties.


Don’t even drink the money!

At this time, he was holding a glass of lemonade, and in front of him were Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng, who were fighting for a plate of spicy potatoes. The two were fighting for each other, but they showed a bit of intimacy in the quarrel.

He asked in surprise: "You didn't have dinner?"

"Yes, Brother Kashiwagi, I was just planning to find a place to eat, but accidentally got lost..." Xiao Sheng responded while chewing potatoes, and glanced at Xiao Yao without leaving any trace.

Obviously the reason for getting lost is the latter. The female characters in the previous films all seem to be road fools like Xiaozhi.


Xiaoyao smiled awkwardly and looked at Kashiwagi curiously.

At first, she actually thought the latter was a bit scary. It was indeed cool to deal with those gangsters cleanly, but it gave him an inexplicably fierce aura, like those dangerous Pokémon she encountered in the wild.

After gradually getting in touch with each other, she discovered that Kashiwagi was actually very kind. He always looked at her and Xiao Sheng with a smile, as if facing long-lost old friends, giving her a warm feeling, and she would become unconscious without realizing it. Become familiar with each other.

What a complicated person.

Xiaoyao thought to himself, and at the urging of his younger brother Xiaosheng, he went to buy other things to eat, but he unconsciously ordered five cheese pies in a row on the self-service ordering machine. When he realized what he was doing, he already had five more cheese pies in his hand. tickets and a few coins.


She screamed, and next to her was Xiao Sheng, who was both angry and helpless.

"Sister! Why are you so reckless!"

"I'm sorry!" Xiaoyao stuck out his tongue at his younger brother and didn't pay too much attention to it. A mere five cheese pies were not enough for the little Kirby's dessert.

The three of them continued chatting, and the main topic revolved around each other's experiences.

After hearing that Kashiwagi had already met Xiaogang and Xiaoguang, the siblings couldn't help but joke that when he met Xiaozhi again, he would probably have a whole circle of friends.

"I am looking forward."

Kashiwagi said with a smile.

After that, I went to the Carlos area to target Fradali, and I probably had the chance to meet this animated hero.


Pikachu must be ravaged by then. He has wanted to do that for too long.

"The cheese pie you ordered~"

The waiter approached with a huge tray, which contained five large plates of two-piece triangular pies. The cheese inside was so full that it overflowed. The red ham slices between them were really beautiful, and the aroma spread all over the place.

There is no doubt that ham in the animated world is composed of soy protein, flour and many spices, and is absolutely vegetarian.

"Wow! I may not even need little Kirby's help!"

Xiaoyao clasped his hands together in surprise and said with a smile: "I'm starting - eh?"

Before her hand could touch the cheese pie, the latter suddenly flew up.

Xiao Sheng looked surprised, and Kashiwagi's face turned darker than the bottom of the pot. He quickly reached forward and grabbed the little pie thief, and pinched him with a little force.


Brother Duolong screamed and revealed his figure.

Thinking that the food had been robbed, Xiaoyao, who habitually planned to transform into a ghost, instantly changed back to his original form and said in surprise: "Pokémon?"

"Is this Kashiwagi-san's Pokémon?"

Xiao Sheng quickly took out his cell phone and took a picture of his twisted and struggling brother Doron. He quickly searched for its name, "Mourning Pokémon Doron Mecia?"

"That's right, dragon and ghost attributes."

Kashiwagi and Sister Duolong, who also revealed her figure, tried to snatch the cheese pie back.

If you don't learn well at a young age, you still dare to steal things!

Beat to death, beat to death!

Xiao Sheng said excitedly: "There's another one!"


Xiaoyao waved his hand casually and persuaded: "It's okay, let it be eaten. There are so many portions anyway, right?"

"Thank you very much, but I still can't feed it. Feeding it the things you snatched from me will make it too spoiled. Besides, this guy will accumulate food if he eats too much. He'll be so uncomfortable at night that he won't sleep until he groans."

Kashiwagi explained.

Last time at Dawu's house, he ate too much and couldn't digest it. He grunted like a pig in the middle of the night, which made him have to do a massage to promote food digestion for a long time.

Unfortunately, this guy refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, and his naughty nature is a headache.

Snapped! Snapped!

The angry sister Duolong couldn't bear it any longer. She slapped brother Duolong with one slap to make him put down the pie, and slapped him with the other until he squatted in defense with his head in his arms.

Hearing the clear and powerful voice, Xiao Sheng and Xiao Yao showed strange expressions as if they were feeling the same.

"They are brother and sister, and the older sister has a bit of a bad temper."

Kashiwagi explained with a smile.

When Xiao Sheng heard the words "sister", he couldn't help but look at Xiaoyao, who snorted, "Have I ever done that to you?"

"Actually it's worse..."


"Why are you so loud? I'm just telling the truth!"

"There is no truth!"

The two quarreled again as usual.

This seemed to be the case with siblings who were close in age. They were noisy every day but had a great relationship, which made him somewhat envious.

After the cessation.

Xiaoyao looked at Kashiwagi who was always smiling, his neck turned shy pink, and silently ate the pie.

Xiaosheng also ate two big chunks angrily, but he couldn't hold it back after all, and asked: "Are the Pokémon that defeated Coyote Dog just now the same ones as Doronmecia?"

"No, it's another one."

Kashiwagi searched around, intending to call Doron Baruto out to see him, but he couldn't find him, "Doron Baruto?"

This guy seems to have slipped away somewhere else.

"It's rather shy." Kashiwagi said to the regretful Xiao Sheng.

In fact, when the Doronmesia siblings appeared, Doronbaruto had already hid far away, because it knew that the trainer would definitely introduce itself to the two strangers.

But it has no interest in showing up in public, and simply hides quietly in a place where the trainer cannot "see" it.

Xiaoyao ate the pie and asked, "Is Kashiwagi-san still a very strong trainer?"

"Just call me Kashiwagi."

Kashiwagi replied: "I have been collecting badges to prepare for participating in the competition, and the Liuli Gym is the eighth one I am preparing to challenge."


Xiaoyao finally found someone to praise, but he was always embarrassed by being praised.

Xiao Sheng said in surprise: "So Brother Kashiwagi has collected seven badges? Counting four ribbons... Wow! You have done so many things in such a short few months!"

"It's okay, what about you?" he asked.

When Xiao Sheng heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, "I-I only have four badges."

Four badges... The progress is indeed a bit slow. It seems that I will not be able to participate in this year's Higaki Conference. Switching to the simulation is the most guaranteed reward.

But Xiaosheng is still young, so there is really no need to be so anxious.

For example, Xiaozhi participated in the Quartz Conference for the first time. He felt that he had not prepared his Pokémon at all. He entered the competition when he felt that it was almost ready. In the end, he lost due to Charizard's laziness. That was natural.

"Come to fight?"

Kashiwagi saw Xiao Sheng's eager expression and asked proactively.

Xiao Sheng said in surprise: "Is it okay?"

"Of course, but you have to wait until all your Pokémon have eaten dinner and digested it for a while." He said with a smile, and then looked at Xiaoyao next to him, "Is Xiaoyao coming too?"

"Me? Me...I'll do it too?"

Xiaoyao originally didn't plan to consume too much of his Pokémon's energy in front of the Mikri Cup, but then he thought about it and not all Pokémon had a chance to appear, so he simply agreed.

"My pleasure."

Kashiwagi smiled expectantly.

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